RUSSIAN LAW JOURNAL Volume XI (2023) Issue 2s
1Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú 2Universidad Nacional de Moquegua, Perú 3Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Perú 4Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Perú josel. medi 5Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Perú 6Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
Peru has one of the rates of entrepreneurship, early-largest in Latin America; however, they fail more than 50% of them by important factors, such as education. The research established strategies of high complexity in the management of projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic high school students. The research responded to a typology descriptive of the mixed approach. The results of the research reflected the high interest of undertaking on the part of the students, as well as the relevant aspects to consider when fostering entrepreneurship on the part of institutions, for it arose complex strategies in order to maintain the development of the same. Through the reinforcement of the education in the perspectives related to: project management, entrepreneurship, socio-economic, diverting an exchange of information, created through the research, arrangement of spaces, the innovation and the constant aid, promotes the awakening and dynamism of the era of interdisciplinarity but, above all, the innovative effort, The last option is a crucial component of the progress, it is important to consider the weather on a large scale is a component to take into account the light of the fact that you can advance or to delimit a venture.
Keywords: Development, entrepreneurship, strategy, promotion, regular high school
Table of Contents
1.1 Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur
1.2 Entrepreneurship in the Peru
2.1 Study population and sample
2.2 Schema procedural study
3.1 Situational analysis
3.2 Expertizaje and mining of the data
3.3 Strategies of high complexity for the promotion of the project management
entrepreneurship socio-economic.
3.4 Academic preparation
3.5 Infrastructure
3.6 Research (exploration)
3.7 Inspiration and motivational
3.8 Diffusion
3.9 Strategic alliances
Socio-economic changes at the global level because of government decisions, curative and social, have exposed the weakness of the economic systems, educational, among others, producing emergency level of compensation and work, remains vital to look for options to balance the economy and development of individuals, one of them being the venture, In this sense, Mendoza, Pinto & Gálvez (2021), they claim that in Peru recently, the rise of young entrepreneurs has been created for the individual needs of the people and the development of the market, being an emerging portfolio in the field of entrepreneurship and education (Hernandez & Sanchez, 2017; Mejía, 2018).
Similarly, in Peru in 2019, 31.2% of the population in the range of 18 to 45 years to solidify its enterprises, being this the rhythm most notable of action, a pioneering early (TEA) on the town (Peña Garcés & Serafim, 2020). Regardless of the peruvian population follow in the air to produce their own springs of work through the business, there really is a situation that difference what happens, since most of the projects created neglect their support after some time and are forced to stop their exercises by various variables, such as monetary issues, preparation, specialized help, among others (James & Gina, 2021).
The lack of planning and knowledge can negatively affect the improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises, as they are in a natural way, without a premise specialized, making them more powerless in the face of unfavorable circumstances that may arise (Sepulveda & Queen, 2016). In this way, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Peru 2017 stipulates that education in entrepreneurship is perhaps the variable most applicable as it advances and promotes entrepreneurship in Peru, particularly at the secondary level, either through the preparation of third level or the production interactive options that complement the preparation entrepreneurial (Polo, Ramos, Rebolledo, Rodríguez, & Moreno,2020).
From the statement above, it tends to clarify that it is vital that the educational institutions to engage with the progress of the development of entrepreneurship in an integrated way, not only since the foundation, since it is not enough to equip the students with information, but it is also important to produce methodologies that raise the commitments more prominent with the development of the business venture, which allows you to articulate the academic world, exploration, business and new advances (Argudo, Erazo, & Narvaez, 2019).
In this sense, being relevant to the promotion of the development of project management, entrepreneurship socio-economic high school students by means of complex strategies in the field of culture of entrepreneurship and technological innovation, promoting it necessary conditions for the satisfaction of social needs and economic mentioned in the subsection, it is necessary to approach the question of research What are the strategies for complex keys that allow the
development of the project management entrepreneurship socio-economic high school students? And how encouraging the development of entrepreneurship on the part of educational institutions of power in the students the generation of entrepreneurial projects?
Based on the expressed and the question of research, the present article will contribute to the development of mentalities entrepreneurs in the construct educational secondary school in Peru in order to boost growth strategies and academic entrepreneur of the students. Therefore, this research aims to establish Strategies of high complexity in the management of projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic high school students.
1.1 Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur
For entrepreneurship is understood as the ability of people to translate ideas into action. Means to be creative, make the decision, to innovate, to take dangers and handle the particular purposes and professionals to achieve specific objectives" (Oliver, Galiana & Gutierrez, 2016, p. 183). To Zamora (2018) undertake is incurred in the generation of value through the conception or the expansion of an economic activity through new products, processes or markets. From a broader point of view Flower (2017) conceptualize the capital entrepreneur as the faculty of a particular population or production sector in order to result in new organizations or activities of entrepreneurs, Marshall (2013) even came to consider the capital entrepreneur as one of the factors of production.
1.2 Entrepreneurship in the Peru
Entrepreneurship can be a factor transcendental in economic development, as has already happened in the major economies and world powers. To take an example, the United States, managed to get ahead and overcome a great depression thanks to the encouragement of entrepreneurship. In Latin America, the economies conceive of entrepreneurship as a structural element within the same, caused by the high rates of unemployment, which arises entrepreneurship as an option to earn an income, being the self-the main alternative within the economically active population (León, 2018).
The rates of unemployment and lack of job opportunities in Peru, in addition to the rapid scientific and technological advancement, they forge the need for a priori of a sustained growth of the economy and to do so requires you to professional profiles that have the characteristics of entrepreneurs (Acuña, 2021).
In Peru, the 99% of non-financial organisations are "small businesses", and if to this is added that Peru has one of the highest rates in the region in terms of the development of enterprises, however, there are other indices that allow you to monitor the project, is the case of those that allow you to measure factors of efficiency as it is the Global index of innovation, while other indicators allow us to monitor the environment in which they operate ventures, the for the case we will quote the Index for systemic conditions of entrepreneurship and dynamic, and the index Doing business (Escobedo, Veliz, Ballón & Midolo, 2020).
Taking into consideration the dilemma between the types of quantitative and qualitative research is rooted in the triangulation of these past years has brought an endless number of limitations to their use; however, such limitations have been presented methods enriching and complementary generated by the use of both (Sanchez, 2019). Based on this premise, this research was based on a mixed approach, with relevance to qualitative level, for the reason that was based on the uprising of statistical information which is sought to describe the intention of finding strategies of high-scale
for the project management of entrepreneurship, socio-economic among the population of high school students and in turn issue such strategies to promote this type of entrepreneurship.
Consequently, he responded to a typology of non-experimental, because the development is not managed directly the variables of the study, incurring to the deepening of the phenomenon under investigation for their understanding and explanation (Diaz & Calzadilla, 2018). Moreover, the research responded to a transversal descriptive study, since they sought to establish the characteristics and properties of the phenomenon of study, and the release of information and collection of the data was presented in a timely interval of time. In addition, in accordance with the scope descriptive sought in the development, characterization and understanding of the intent of entrepreneurial projects of socio-economic, its implementation and the limitations within the study population (Cvetkovic, Maguiña, Soto, Lama, & Correa, 2021; Ochoa & Yunkor, 2021).
2.1 Study population and sample
The study population consisted of high school student's regular public and private institutes of the various territories district of Lima, Peru. For the collection of the data was made necessary the employment of a survey among this population. Also, with this information we finalized the sample size for populations finite, in addition, it became called to the employment of criteria for the approach of stratification for each of the districts included in the study (Otzen & Manterola, 2017; Barros, Gallegos & Pavón, 2018). In this sense the size of the sample set of the form expressed in table 1.
Table 1. Distribution of the population and sample of study
District Number of students Percentage Sample
San Miguel 8765 51.78% 230
San Borja 2345 13.85%
Magdalena del Mar 213 1.25%
Miraflores 864 5.10%
San Juan de 132 0.77%
Window 0.31%
St. Martin de Porras 1342 7.92%
Pueblo Libre 3212 18.97%
Total 16 927 100% 572
Source: author's own e aboration, 2022.
The stratified sample was based on the following inclusion criteria: 1) mixed character of the population (men and women), 2) between the ages of 15-18 years old, 3) socio-economic situation intermediate (middle-class), 4), indices academic consistently high, 4) cores complete family (father and mother). It should be stressed that the research was based on the receipt of the data obtained in the collection of information, responding to what is established in the declaration of Helsinki and the Law of protection of personal data N 29733, giving the analysis of research excellence in the field of protection and ethics regulation of the private information of individuals (Cross, Pérez, River, Flowers & Towers, 2020).
2.2 Schema procedural study
Within the development of the research it was established four main bases in response to the objective of the study, in the first instance was started with an analysis of the context in which we evaluated the characteristics related to the environment, to which it is addressed a survey to the sample set of each district population, consequently, and for reasons of the vast amount of information collected was applied to the mining of the data which promoted the filtering
parameters sufficient and relevant in the field of perception and student interest in the use of complex strategies for the management of entrepreneurial projects. Finally, this information was submitted to the expertise under the intersection of professionals in the field of entrepreneurship socio-economic which promoted the establishment of strategies of scale that allowed us to encourage the management of entrepreneurial projects socioeconomic among high school students in Lima, being these strategies of high complexity and marker of guidelines for human development.
3.1 Situational analysis
As a context, the main within the diagnostic scan is set as the first milestone intended to address the management of entrepreneurial projects of socio-economic part of the high school students of the different districts of Lima, Peru, as well as the different levels of secondary selected, for which, addressed a survey of a sample of 1000 students, where within the results is evidence that at least 71% of the students of the third, fourth and fifth year of high school, shows interest in the beginning of the management of entrepreneurial projects, for its part, the percentage of intention to address the management of entrepreneurial projects socio-economic school students is considerably higher, as set forth in 94.5%.
Consequently, for the establishment of the student population that is interested in giving the beginning to the management of entrepreneurial projects socioeconomic feel this percentage, 71% (figure 1), 69% of them say that there are likely to consolidate in the medium and long term projects, a scenario that looks relevant in the study, since in the period of time of collection and analysis of data are presented several facts to political, economic, and educational within the country, in addition to the consequences produced by the times peak of the Covid-19, which has hit significantly charging severe economic situations, however, the students of secondary participants of the study are optimistic to the approach of a venture, a parameter that could mean laying a substantial economic recovery and education.
Figure 1. Opening the project management of projects of students per district. Source: own
elaboration of the author, 2022.
Given that the high school students selected for participation belong to three different levels of secondary school (the third year, fourth and fifth), it is important to raise an analysis of the
opening to the management of projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic basis of these levels, which are important as for the strategies taking into consideration diversity of culture, maturity, aptitudinal and parameters of each stage of education. Within this opening highlight the students of fourth and fifth year of high school because they present a greater knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and have the need for independence of youth.
Figure 2. Opening the project management of projects of students by year of study. Source: own
elaboration of the author, 2022.
In support of the first results, it should be mentioned that during the process are able to observe that the institutions where they belong the students are provided with areas of quality, innovative and entrepreneurship in development, which are founded within the present-day education with the aim of strengthening relations between the business and the students, encouraging entrepreneurship and management of income to formalize the value of responsibility and equity for students in the future; in addition, this development encourages the acquisition of discipline that allows the generation of ventures socio-economic driving the economy of individual students.
For their part, in terms of tools and infrastructure, the students established that have the resources for the management of enterprises, within these you can see the technological resources, pedagogical support for the innovation and market research, computer labs, digital marketing, and support of the representatives of the family (fathers and mothers). However, students are clarifying that at the institutional level, a large part of these infrastructures are restricted to the same, since they are doomed to the scientific research itself, the managers and academic resources institutional, and are usually covered the innovative search these alternative complexes of entrepreneurship in the students.
Also, within the situational analysis, showed negative aspects such as the lack of pedagogical processes that stimulate the development of effective lectures aimed at the development of entrepreneurial projects socioeconomic within the student population, while, the students clarifying that there are vague approaches in the field of innovation and development, these activities are processes ephemeral outside their curriculum of study, which leads to the search of the efforts, resources and regulations necessary for the use of strategies of entrepreneurship. In addition, there is evidence within the educational institutions formations cross in the field of entrepreneurship, that is to say, inquiry vocational within the last few years of high school for the
promotion of addressing careers related to the management, innovation and entrepreneurship, the picture that is not evidence for other races outside to the subject of the academic filed.
Another parameter in evidence is that within the educational centers participated indirectly administrative staff, teachers and directors, as that caused them to interest the process, they pointed out explicitly the following:
It is expected to implement long-term projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic which shall aim to promote (incubate) habits in our students in the field of entrepreneurship and the required interaction within this category, in addition to being able to provide follow-up and specialized accompaniment to the projects that they wish to address
However, almost 100% of the student population analyzed is unaware of proposals, conferences and round table discussions about the projects that clarifies the administrative staff, teaching and management. Added to this was the feeling student did not have the tools already established for the promotion of strategies of entrepreneurship demonstrates a compelling need to implement strategies that connect the largest number of students and resources in terms of dissemination and communication with the aim of encouraging the promotion of the project management entrepreneurship socio-economic.
All of the above in the analysis of the students considered for the study can be viewed in a SWOT matrix, where it is clarified the position of the students of educational institutions of secondary in terms of the approach to the management of projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic. For the structuring of the matrix is considered established in the surveys and interviews, in this sense, table 2 is presented.
Table 2. SWOT matrix situational
SWOT Matrix
Strengths Weaknesses
High receptivity to entrepreneurship on the part of students Lack of training in entrepreneurship project management.
Interaction between students and teachers Lack of regulations and project management projects for entrepreneurship projects.
Support material and tools Lack of spaces at the institutional level with access for the promulgation of student innovation.
Future socioeconomic entrepreneurship projects Poor and scarce communication
Diversity of entrepreneurial ideas Entrepreneurship activities and professorships scarce
Lack of entrepreneurship knowledge and strategies
Opportunities Threats
Opportunities due to the environment in which the country is located Low legal and economic spectrum
High percentage of openness to entrepreneurship on the part of students Lack of access to financing and support from educational institutions to promote the management of socioeconomic entrepreneurship projects.
Access to new technologies Economic crisis in the country
Latent opportunity for the establishment of entrepreneurship professorships Lack of interest
Source: author's own elaboration, 2022.
Consequently, it deals with matrices EFE to quantify shape, weight, strengths and weaknesses, and the matrix EFI to the opportunities and threats, in this sense, there is the table 3 and 4.
Table 3. Matrix EFE for strengths and weaknesses
Strengths Weighting Rating Weight rating
High receptivity to entrepreneurship on the 0.09 0.4
part of students
Interaction between students and teachers 0.02 0.1
Support material and tools 0.03 0.1
Future socioeconomic entrepreneurship 0.07 0.3
Diversity of entrepreneurial ideas 0.05 0.2
Weaknesses Weighting Rating Weight rating
Lack of training in entrepreneurship 0.10 1 0.1
project management.
Lack of regulations and project 0.11 1 0.11
management projects for entrepreneurship
Lack of spaces at the institutional level 0.12 0.2
with access for the promulgation of
student innovation.
Poor and scarce communication 0.03 0.1
Entrepreneurship activities and 0.02 1 0.02
professorships scarce
Lack of entrepreneurship knowledge and 0.08 0.2
Total 1.83
Source: author's own elaboration, 2022.
Can be seen in the results of the matrix EFE whose collision refers to the evaluation of internal factors, the result is 1.83 what makes it clear that the situation of high school students in the educational advancement of the project management endeavors socio-economic is low to the items mentioned above.
Table 4. Matrix EFI to opportunities and threats
Opportunities Weighting Qualification Weight rating
Opportunities due to the environment in 0.21 2 0.42
which the country is located
High percentage of openness to 0.05 2 0.1
entrepreneurship on the part of students
Access to new technologies 0.16 3 0.48
Latent opportunity for the establishment of 0.21 4 0.84
entrepreneurship professorships
Threats Weighting Qualification Weight rating
Low legal and economic spectrum 0.11 2 0.22
Lack of access to financing and support 0.11 4 0.44
from educational institutions to promote
the management of socioeconomic
entrepreneurship projects
Economic crisis in the country 0.11 4 0.44
Lack of interest 0.11 4 0.44
Total 3.38
Source: author's own elaboration, 2022.
In accordance with the analysis of opportunities and threats (external factors), it is evident that the position of the secondary school students is strong where you can take advantage of the opportunities, as well as the effective management of the established threats. Also, in accordance with the valuation EFE and EFI of the different elements of the SWOT matrix in this first stage, we can infer the position of the secondary school students of the educational institutions of the 8 districts established for the study in accordance with the approach of project management, entrepreneurship, socio-economic, which shows an average within the ratings, which have strengths substantial to mention, it is also evidence of substantive weaknesses that will lead to the search of strategies, in terms of the opportunities and threats are external factors of equal size. You should take into account the position of the institutions in terms of the approach to entrepreneurship.
3.2 Expertizaje and mining of the data
At this stage it is considered the application of the philosophy Delphi, where it was collected criteria of 9 experts in the field of entrepreneurship, these experts belong to the areas of research, innovation and development, academia, development entrepreneur and economist, and business managers in the public and private sector. The same state that in line with the economic situation that crosses the Peru today, project management, entrepreneurship socioeconomic represents an alternative ideal of economic recovery in the country (Cross & Rua, 2018; Barrutia, Silva, & Sanchez, 2021). In addition, they promulgated the favorable support that promotes the generation of start-ups by means of policies, governmental supports, regulations, and finally what is the funding. It should be noted that these features of the environment are not directly established in the country, so that a projection of generation of entrepreneurial projects looks dull if you do not implement these measures (Baque, Viterio, Alvarez & Izquierdo, 2020).
Also, experts say that in order for the enterprises to be a marker that mobilize and improve the current economy should be built ideally, in such a way that it allows to generate projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic stable, referring to under the premise of innovation, supported by the new technologies and contributions necessary for the satisfaction of the society. It should be noted that this premise focuses not only new projects, but also covers the management of projects already existing; therefore, the 60% of the experts considered for the study agree that the educational institutions play a key role at the time of enacting the generation of strategies are highly complex and sufficient for the structuring of the management entrepreneurship socioeconomic.
On the other hand, within the data collection, are highlighted in the same way the most significant trends of the secondary student population, some have been analyzed as the opening of entrepreneurship at a general level and by quality district in Lima, Peru, another aspect to consider within the data collected is the professional vocation of the students within the institutions in general, collecting approximately 50 vocations professionals grouped into 6 academic centers or areas of knowledge, where within these vocations are lifted an analysis to detail what vocation within this population has more intentions to undertake. Within this analysis predominates the area of arts and humanities, followed by management, industry, construction, health, wellness, informatics, social sciences and education, within all the students who have this inclination vocational present the opening to the management of entrepreneurial projects in at least 75% of the selected sample. It should be noted that 30% of third-year students and 49% of fourth and fifth year have already addressed the enterprises own or a joint tenancy to the family level in an informal manner.
Another necessary factor to note are the academic years older (fourth and fifth) of the student population, since in these cycles is evidence of greater openness and interest to dabble in the world of projects, socio-economic level of management and health, this interest promotes the incentive of activities of relevance to the peruvian economy since in the not too distant future this training will raise professionals who contribute to the economic sustainability and education in the country. In addition, these levels of interest could dabble in the same way in the provision of the services of the future professionals feel another activity shelter within the venture because it is an area of constant innovation that could lead to educational areas sufficient to safeguard the quality of entrepreneurship of the young students.
Consequently, this analysis resulting from the data collection and condensation of the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities and their respective tabulation weight stimulated the search for strategies of high complexity to dabble in a good manner within the context of this study and to be able to assist in a constructive manner the training of high school students whose academic mentality is in full swing of training.
3.3 Strategies of high complexity for the promotion of the project management entrepreneurship socio-economic.
The strategies set forth in the present research are based on the need of the high school students to venture into project management, entrepreneurship, and are established based on the assessment of situational and the contribution of the experts, who have joined the basis of the procedures and have agreed that they are of extraordinary importance for the advancement of entrepreneurship among the student population. These strategies are sorted in various limits, including the preparation, infrastructure, exploration, inspiration, and the motivators, the coordinated operations, the specialized help, dispersion, support, and partnerships vital, you mean to address the deficiencies distinguished within the students of institutions of secondary school in Lima, Peru.
3.4 Academic preparation
One of the perspectives communicated by the students is the need to build the academic side, to address this need, we propose the procedures of accompaniment, which are found to enhance the preparation and give you the information and tools that enable students to produce projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic and practical, the light of knowledge and science.
1. To establish chairs of cross-cutting nature on entrepreneurship, integrated to the synthesis of the curriculum high school.
2. Establishment of congresses and conferences on the management of entrepreneurial projects.
3. Generate interaction with entrepreneurs' external professionals where you can make tools.
4. Structure the training to the students in skills that allow them to interact in an open manner in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship human.
3.5 Infrastructure
Count with the establishment of geographic areas at the time of establishing a venture is of great importance, as well as have the tools of communication and technology it is necessary for the ideal development of the management of the projects, with the basis of this, set the following strategies that not only meet this deficiency of study but also conducive to the interrelation and work in teams with the purpose of generating endeavors, multidisciplinary and innovative in tune with the new technologies.
1. Exploitation of the installed capacities of the institutes, laboratories, open areas, tools, technology, among others.
2. Classroom Coworking available to students of the last years of secondary school.
3.6 Research (exploration)
In Peru, as well as in most countries of the world, research is an approach to elementary within the chores educational, and within this activity are established efforts, mechanisms, and important resources, these promulgated the development of novel technologies and expertise within the educational institutions. By the middle of the strategies below described are looking for concrete tools to provide knowledge to the students in the field of management of new projects of entrepreneurship for the generation of two elementary basis within him, innovation and competitiveness.
1. Spur applied research in the market, administration and local socio-economic development.
2. Establish data centers to perform theoretical studies of trends in entrepreneurship, current oriented to the satisfaction socio-economic students and society in general, this promotes the implementation of business opportunities.
3.7 Inspiration and motivational
It is suitable within the process the process of raising awareness about the relevance of the project management entrepreneurship socio-economic within the student community. To promote the approach to entrepreneurship through education and the motivation to consider entrepreneurship as an alternative win-win for educational institutions and society.
1. Incentive Plan for the motivation of the development of a competitive start.
2. Develop the entrepreneurial innovator within the institutions of high school and in harmony with the chairs of training required in the area of management of entrepreneurial projects.
3. To raise awareness among the guild's administrative and academic institutions about the importance of entrepreneurship in students.
3.8 Diffusion
Within the study, more than 55% of the student population is unaware of the activities of entrepreneurship, as well as the very limited support by the institutions, therefore, improve the processes of communication contributes in aspects of attention, it is for this reason that it raises.
1. Plan communication that allows for the dissemination and promotion of the activities of development of entrepreneurship
2. Establish spaces and mechanisms of diffusion of the enterprise innovative
3.9 Strategic alliances
This last is reconciled in tune with what is established by the experts and this is the development of relationships with sectors that contribute to the incursion of entrepreneurship and innovation through the provision of knowledge and tools.
1. Conventions inter educational and strategic agreements that encourage the enterprises to be innovative for their development.
2. Build strong partnerships internally within the educational institutions in accordance with the associations of entrepreneurs in the country to develop new managers of socioeconomic projects.
Despite the emergency financial and educational in Peru, the expectation of the management of entrepreneurial projects socioeconomic among the student population of secondary school is considerably high, in addition, the projects of entrepreneurship are considered by specialists as a successful option for the recovery of the nation, and cognitive development of students, in any case, it is vital to the advancement of the same on the part of educational institutions, through the
age of a biological system to cultivate good circumstances for the advancement of entrepreneurship.
Through the reinforcement of the education in the perspectives related to the management of projects of entrepreneurship, socio-economic, but above all diverting an exchange of information, created through research, as well as the arrangement of spaces, the innovation and the constant help, so that awaken and energize the era of interdisciplinarity but, above all, the innovative effort, The last option is a crucial component of the progress, it is important to consider the weather on a large scale is a component to take into account the light of the fact that you can advance or to delimit a venture, have a climate reasonable, an administrative structure with positive and strategies of governance that drive the movement pioneer, are of importance within the construct of education for the establishment of the project management entrepreneurship socio-economic high school students.
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