HAZARDS CONSTRUCTION OF NEW RAILWAYS IN MONGOLIA AND SOME PROTECTION PROPOSALS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Erdenebat Gantumur

The government of Mongolia has adopted a large program to increase the railway network. New railway sections will be located in dangerous places. A greater threat are dangerous natural factors. Relief and climate can contribute to accidents and disasters. A new disaster protection system needs to be planned. Technical equipment should have the necessary number of recovery and fire trains. It is necessary to justify scientifically the place of dislocation of recovery and fire trains.

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3. Бесекерский В.А. Теория систем автоматического регулирования. В.А.Бесекерский, Е.П.Попов // М., Наука, Гл. ред. ф.-м. литер. / 1975. -768 с.

4. Dorf, Richard C. Modern control systems / Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop. // - 12th ed. - 2011. - 1082 p.

5. Патент Укра!ни на винахвд UA114179. МПК (B66B1/32) Споаб гальмування шахтно! т-дшмально! установки (Method of braking the mining hoist). /В.1. Васильев, £.В. Васильев; Заявл. № a201314784, 17.12.13., опубл. 10.05.2017, бюл. № 9.

6. Патент Укра!ни на винахвд UA117229. МПК (G05B13/00) Споаб оптимального керування астатичними системами (Method for optimal control of astatic systems). / В.1. Васильев, £.В. Васильев; Заявл. № a201503914, 24.04.15., опубл. 10.07.2018, бюл. № 13.

7. Васильев В.И. Пути снижения динамических нагрузок в канатах шахтных подъемных установок системами автоматически регулируемого предохранительного торможения / В.И. Васильев // Стальные канаты: Сб. науч. тр. МАИСК. - Одесса: "Астропринт", 2010, №8. - С. 18-29.

8. Васильев В.И. Оптимизация управления сложной электромеханической системой с распределенными параметрами [Текст] // Адаптивш сис-теми автоматичного управлшня. Мiжвiдомчий нау-ково-техшчний збiрник - 2013. - 1(22). - С. 95-101 - Режим доступу: http://asac.kpi.ua/article/view/29085 .

9. Подчукаев В.А. Квантово-волновой дуализм описания динамических систем // Мехатро-ника, автоматизация, управление. 2016. Т. 17. № 7. С. 453-457. Б01 10.17587^^ 17453-457. Режим доступа: https://mech. поУех. т/1 our/arti-cle/view/326/187https://mech. novtex.rU/j our/arti-cle/view/326/187 .

10. Васильев В.И. Формирование рациональных воздействий для управления предохранительным торможением шахтных подъемных установок / В.И. Васильев // Грнича електромехашка та автоматика: Наук.-техн. зб. - 2002. - Вип. 68. - С. 96100.

11. Кузовков Н.Г. Системы стабилизации летательных аппаратов. М.: Высш. шк., 1976. 304 с.

Erdenebat Gantumur

Senior state inspector ofprotection from the scourge of the Department for emergency situations in the

Tuv aimag of Mongolia



Annotation. The government of Mongolia has adopted a large program to increase the railway network. New railway sections will be located in dangerous places. A greater threat are dangerous natural factors. Relief and climate can contribute to accidents and disasters. A new disaster protection system needs to be planned. Technical equipment should have the necessary number of recovery and fire trains. It is necessary to justify scientifically the place of dislocation of recovery and fire trains.

Keyword. Mongolia, railway, construction, natural disasters, emergencies, disasters, danger, protection, recovery trains, fire trains, locations.

Introduction. The Mongolian Government has approved plans for the new construction of Railways till 2030 [1; 14]. By 2020, two new railway lines should be built [3; 4] in the North and East of Mongolia (see figure):

1) the Erdenet-Ovoot, with subsequent continuation at the site Ovoot-Artsour;

2) the Choibalsan - Saynshand, with the continuation of the plot Zuunbayan-Tavan Tolgoi.

Railway transport has always been an object of great danger. The construction of new Railways should


take this into account. The problem is the creation of a system of protection against man-made accidents and catastrophes, ensuring safety in natural disasters.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. In the media and scientific publications discusses the economic and technical challenges: increasing volume

The purpose of the article is to study natural and man-made emergencies, which are necessary for the scientific justification of railway construction.

Results and discussions. The analysis revealed the following main geographical and climatic characteristics and hazards in the developed area.

Initial. Geographical and climatic characteristics of the territory [3; 14]:

1) the Erdenet-Ovoot and Boot-Artsour in Bulgan aimags Khovsgol, Uvs and Zavkhan:

the relief has a gradual transition (from East to West) from the low mountains to the high Khangai mountains, which have the highest point of more than four thousand meters.;

the Khangai mountains are covered with larch taiga and mountain tundra with permafrost;

in the Khangai mountains, the line of the new railway will be crossed by rivers: Selenga, Delger-Muren, Orkhon, Hanui-Gol, Chulutyn-Gol, etc. Selenga-the largest river, has a depth of at least 2 m, freezes for six months, has an ice thickness of up to 1.5 m, two annual floods - spring (snow) and summer (rain);

in the area of the new railroad many permanent and temporary lakes in the Great lakes basin - Ubsu-Nur, Khara-Us-Nur, Hirgis-Nur, and the Hobsugol lake has a depth of 238 m;

2) the Choibalsan - Saynshand and Zuunbayan-Tavan Tolgoi in the aimags of Dornod, Sukhbaatar, Omnogovi and Dornogovi:

railway and infrastructure upgrade of locomotives and wagons, plans for electrification [2; 13]. But the construction of new railway sections should provide for science-based planning of the development in this place of the fire safety and emergency protection system, referred to in Mongolia as the disaster protection system.

from the center of Mongolia, the height of the mountains gradually decreases and they turn into a desert plateau height of 1000-1200 meters above sea level (in the East) or hilly steppe (in the South), turning into a semi-desert;

the climate is arid of cold deserts, with hot summers and very cold winters, constant droughts and sand storms;

during the year, more than half of cloudless clear days (about 250); in the area of the volcanic plateau of Dariganga there are up to 220 extinct volcanoes, the highest of Shiliin-Bogd-Uul (1778 m);

the territory has a desert and dry, grassy steppes, gently sloping ridges (altitude up to 200 metres), with elongated surface of hills and low mountains (at a height of from 50 to 100 metres) with scattered holmium and groups of hills of various shapes;

few water sources in the upland areas are typical of small lakes with salt water;

heavy flooding began to occur due to heavy rains, especially in 1966, 1982, 2003 and 2009, there were deaths and extensive material damage;

in most of the territory there is no continuous woody vegetation.

Second. The areas of new sections of the Erdenet-Ovoot and Ovoot-Artsuur railway in Northern Mongolia, due to the sharply continental climate, large areas of coniferous forests in the mountains and anthropogenic load, are characterized by a high fire hazard of the forest. In the forests of this territory annually there

of freight and the speed of the trains, the creation of the These tasks are not analysed in the current publication.

Figure. Two new sections of the Mongolian railway

are up to one and a half thousand forest fires and fire season is divided into two periods:

a) spring fire season (March-June);

b) autumn fire-dangerous period (August-November).

Basically, there are ground fires (96%).

Areas of new railway sections Choibalsan -Saynshand and Zuunbayan-Tavan Tolgoi in South-East Mongolia have a greater risk of fires. For half of 2014 in this area recorded 2 640 fires at sites, 28 cases of earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 3.5 points and 132 forest-steppe fire.

Every year in Mongolia there are up to 300 large natural forest and steppe fires with signs of a large natural disaster.

Third. In the area of the new railway network may occur natural disasters due to the dangers of the railway process [1; 4; 14]:

1) from danger of fires on railway transport, first of all - on a rolling stock:

due to careless handling of fire, sparks of the locomotives and the furnaces of the wagons of the supply trucks, boilers for heating of passenger cars, as well as technical faults;

due to violation of loading rules (causing spontaneous combustion, friction of the packing wire, etc.));

due to the ingress of unidentified ignition sources into wagons and containers or on open rolling stock;

because of malfunction of electric equipment, oversight of devices of heating and their malfunction, accidents and crashes, sparks of electric welding and other reasons;

2) from the danger of influence of toxic substances-gases, vapors and dust released during technological processes:

works painting, polymer processing, charging of batteries, electroplating, welding and other;

air pollution by vapors of oil aerosol, benzene, toluene, xylene in engine rooms of locomotives, in stall parts of depot, offices of repair of the fuel equipment and in other rooms;

air pollution in forge and forge and spring offices carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, aerosol of metals, and in mechanical offices-carbon monoxide, aerosol of oxides of iron and lubricating coolant and others;

3) from the danger of the influence of thermal radiation on the hot production of the enterprises of a railway transportation of Mongolia - casting and forging parts, bebitanalgona, impregnating, heat and welding departments, and to individual welding stations and sections of diesel locomotives;

4) from failures of electric equipment of locomotives in the route when the probability of erroneous actions of locomotive crews increases;

5) from hazardous situations during depot repair of locomotives and wagons, when the work is done on machine tools, using jacks, mechanized devices, power tools, etc.

Fourth. Man-made causes of possible natural disasters:

1) accidents at industrial objects in the territory: meat-packing plant «Selenge Makh Market», «Spirt Bal Buram», «Altan, Tarea» (flour production), «Khu-tul» (cement), «Bold tomor. Iroo gol» (iron ore) processing plants and timber and mining of gold and other objects;

2) aviation accidents in the implementation of domestic flights to the airport of Bulgan.

Fifth. An additional problem is that the road network of Mongolia in the area of the new railway is un-paved and underdeveloped, there are many hard-to-reach mountain areas and, basically, does not coincide with the line of the planned railway track [4].

Technical equipment of fire protection in the North of Mongolia for fire control includes the following technical means:

in Sukhebator -10 fire engines, 4 rescue vehicle and rescue boat 4;

in the city of Mandal - 8 fire fighting vehicles; in Hutul -5 fire engines; in sumon Bayangol - 4 fire trucks; in the fire Department of the metallurgical plant «Erdenet» - 6 fire engines.

Sixth. The analyzed statistics of accidents on the existing railway network of Mongolia showed the following facts.

October 13, 2001, due to an accident on the Ulaanbaatar railway connecting Russia with China. The movement of all trains was suspended. At 175 km of the road, on the Erhat - Baroun-Haraa stretch, one of the tanks of the train with 58 tanks of crude oil derailed because of the breakdown of the axle of the wheel pair. Arrived at the place of more than 300 road workers on a hard-to-reach single-track section of the road, where on one side of the railroad tracks overhanging mountains, on the other river flows, liquidated the consequences of the accident. After 12 hours, all trains were restored. The President of Mongolia Natsagiin Baga-bandi, who was traveling on a liter train on this line from Ulaanbaatar to Erdenet, to continue the trip, was forced to transfer to a car.

On the night of 23-24 July 2016, Russian freight cars carrying timber from Russia to China derailed near the Mongolian city of Darkhan. The accident occurred on the road № 14 near the depot «Darkhan-2», without casualties. As a result, about 40 meters of the road were destroyed, the damage was estimated at 7.8 million tu-griks. The cause of the accident was the softening of the soil due to heavy rain. One of the cars derailed, followed by three more.

At night, from 11 to 12 August 2018, on 747 km of the Trans-Mongolian highway, a passenger train №. 286 «Ulan Bator - Sainshand" crashed [6; 9; 15]. The main cause of the emergency are heavy rains in southern Mongolia, washed away the roadbed of the railway track. The locomotive and cars derailed, some of them turned over and fell into the accumulated accumulations of water [9]. Of the 328 passengers for more than a hundred people needed first aid in the hospital Choir (the administrative center of the aimag Govi-Sumber the Sumber and soums) and hospitalization part of the passengers in the neighboring hospital Airag soums


[15]. About 500 people and 100 pieces of equipment from the operational groups from the state emergency Agency of Mongolia arrived in the crash area quickly, under the leadership of the Director of the Department of operational management Colonel B. Mandahgarel, medical services, fire protection, the armed forces of Mongolia and the police [6]. The large scale of man-made emergencies required a large amount of emergency recovery work. After the management of the Ulaanbaatar railway appealed to the Russian railway-men. From the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, the recovery train «VP-7» departed to the crash site. His arrival was expected by 22.00 on the day of the emergency, but he arrived four hours later - by 2 am on August 13, 2018.the duration of the arrival time is due to the fact that the recovery train from Ulan-Ude station to the Russian border station Naushki had to overcome the distance of 252 km, and then - almost 800 km in Mongolia to the place of work.

Seventh. The analysis of the first two new sections of the Mongolian Railways is an example for the analysis of other new sections to be built [2; 3]:

1) un to 2025:

Hout-Mated-Tamsagbulag-Numrug (380 km), through the aimag of Dornod to the Chinese station Rashaan;

Hout-Bichigt (200 km), through the aimags of Dornod and sühbaatar to the Chinese border station Soon, Hataw;

Tavantolgoi - Geshuusuheit (267 km) to the Chinese border station Handmad;

Nariinshoohayt -Seviyorum (153 km) to the Chinese border station Shehe;

2) up to 2030.:

Nariinshoohayt - Shinejinst - Altai - Tsagaanbaa-tar (1210 km) through aimags Bayanhongor, Govi-Al-tai and UVS to the planned construction of the Russian border railway station Caran Tolgoi;

Tsagaanbaatar - Ulaangom -Tsagaannuur (400 km), through the aimags of Uvs and Bayan olgii;

Altai - Housout - Bulgan (about 400 km) to the border crossing in the Chinese point of Taikiken;

Altai - Zeel - Burgastai (287 km) to the border crossing in the Chinese point of Lahemaa.

The planned increase in rail transport in Mongolia will be achieved by:

1) increasing the weight of freight trains;

2) increasing the capacity of railway lines.

This should be achieved by:

construction of solid second tracks on single-track lines; electrification of railway lines.

The first object in carrying out these activities is the main transit route Naushki-Hoyt-Ulan Bator-Zamyn-Uud. In the future, the industrial development of new territories will be carried out consistently:

the construction of railway sections on diesel traction, as less expensive;

the construction of new railway sidings stacked priemootpravochnye paths of increased length;

the construction of the second ways in the industrial development of new areas;

electrification of the most actively exploited sections of the railway.

The maximum program provides for the possibility of organizing high-speed passenger and freight rail traffic.

Conclusions and suggestions.

1. There is a great threat to the operation of the new railway from natural disasters, so:

the composition of measures to protect against internal threats of accidents and emergencies in new railway sections should be determined in advance, in accordance with regulatory legal and technical documents, including scientifically-based adjustment in respect of unresolved issues;

it is necessary to reveal the most fire-dangerous sites of a railway track out of stations and to carry out planning of special entrances (drives) to them motor vehicles.

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2. The development of a new railway network in Mongolia will be inseparably accompanied by a simultaneous increase in the risk of accidents and catastrophes:

trains during movement (descents of the rolling stock from rails, collisions of trains, arrivals on obstacles on crossings or out of them, fires, explosions, etc. ) and accidents on production objects of the railroads (stations, depot, workshops, plants, etc.);

due to the occurrence of a malfunction of paths for geographical and climatic reasons (earthquakes, landslides, talus, landslides, mudflows, floods, floods, ice drifts, congestion, snow drifts and avalanches, ice, fog, etc.);

due to the poor technical condition of the rolling stock (malfunctions, wear and tear, violation of the requirements for operation and repair);

because of the heavy load of Railways, including exceeding regulatory requirements;

due to errors in the work of dispatchers, drivers and other specialists (lack of professionalism, lack of technical equipment of workplaces, negligence, fatigue, inattention, etc.);

due to faulty alarm means, centralization, blocking, power supply;

due to violation of the rules of transportation of dangerous goods (toxic and explosive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, etc.) that makes possible explosions and fires of tanks and wagons;

due to non-compliance of passengers with the rules of safe behavior, etc.

3. It is necessary to plan the effective use of fire and air trains:

places of their dislocation (to ensure the minimum arrival on the sections of several directions of roads) -near the junction stations and on the tracks, allowing to decrease without maneuvers in any direction;

each recovery train should be ready for cleaning of oversized rolling stock and cargo, track repair, restoration of the contact network, communication facilities, performing crane works up to 80 tons, have Autonomous diesel-electric generators, hydraulic track jacks, illuminating the diameter of not less than 50 meters

portable lighting towers, bulldozers, should be ready to move and operate in tunnels, etc.;

to the crash sites usually arrive two or three recovery trains-from different sides of the site on which the incident occurred;

in addition to recovery and fire trains on the Railways to restore normal traffic and eliminate the consequences of collisions and derailment of rolling stock can be used special railcars, railcars and cars to restore the path and power supply devices, cars and cars repair and restoration of communication, emergency field teams;

be prepared, at the request of the heads of administrations of aimags and somons, to participate in emergency situations, for example, to eliminate the consequences of snow drifts or landslides in mountainous areas;

it is forbidden to occupy Parking of fire and recovery trains with other structures;

recovery and fire trains are extraordinary trains, not provided for in the regulatory schedule.

4. Based on the General analysis, the author developed specific proposals to justify the required number of fire and recovery trains for the entire railway network of Mongolia in the new form, namely:

1) places of placement of recovery trains, total number of 8 units, to define already functioning and planned to construction railway stations [2; 14]:

in the first stage - Hout, Sainshand, Salhit; at the second stage - Tavantolgoi, Bagakhangai; in the third stage - Nariin Suhait, Altayev, Naga-


2) places of the constant Parking of fire trains, total number of 13 units, to define railway stations:

at the first stage - Hout, Saynshand, Salhit, Erdenet, Ulaanbaatar;

at the second stage - Tavantolgoi, Bagakhangai, Choibalsan;

in the third stage - Nariin Suhait, Altayev, Naga-hara, Boot, Artsour.

The creation of a group of fire and recovery trains should be carried out in stages, that is, simultaneously, without lag, with the stages of construction of new railway lines. In addition it is necessary to consider:

construction of the route anchorage firefighters and emergency trains [4];

the state of the organization of fire and rescue services in garrisons of passing of the railroads as it is investigated by Brushlinsky N. N., Sokolov S. V. and Grigorieva M. P. [5];

organizational support of works on liquidation of large-scale disasters analyzed Sednev V. A. [10] and Fedotov S. B. [12];

actions of fire and recovery trains in the conditions of accidents during transportation of emergency chemically dangerous substances by rail, considered by Silnikov M. V. [11];

suggestions on definition of a rational list and the number of samples of military and special equipment, equipment and property, considered by Mazanik A.I. and Sulima G. T. [7];

ensuring anti-terrorist protection of objects of railway transport, investigated Pystov N. N. and Chepunoy A. Y. [8]..


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Dragomirov S. G.

doctor of engineering, professor, Vladimir State University, Russia Dragomirov M.S. candidate of technical Sciences "STC "AutoSphere" at Vladimir State University", Russia

Eydel P.Ig.


L.L.C. "STC "AutoSphere" at Vladimir State University", Russia

Gamayunov A. Y.


LLC "STC "AutoSphere" at Vladimir State University", Russia



Драгомиров Сергей Григорьевич

доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры двигателей Владимирского государственного университета им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых, Россия Драгомиров Михаил Сергеевич кандидат технических наук,

ООО «НТЦ «АвтоСфера» при ВлГУ», Россия Эйдель Павел Игоревич инженер

ООО «НТЦ «АвтоСфера» при ВлГУ», Россия Гамаюнов Антон Юрьевич


ООО «НТЦ «АвтоСфера» при ВлГУ», Россия


Summary. The article discusses the sources and nature of contamination of coolant and engine cooling systems in General. 3 essentially possible ways of formation/receipt of impurity in the cooling system are analyzed. The estimation of each of these ways is given. The nature of contamination and the mechanism of formation of individual contaminants in the cavity of the cooling system are described. The data on the chemical and fractional composition of contaminants are presented. The conclusion is made about the dangerous influence of impurity on the operation of engines.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются источники и характеристики загрязнения охлаждающей жидкости и систем охлаждения двигателей в целом. Проанализированы 3 принципиально возможных пути образования/поступления загрязнений в систему охлаждения. Дана оценка каждого из этих путей. Описана природа загрязнений и механизм образования отдельных загрязнений в полости системы охлаждения. Приведены данные по химическому и фракционному составу загрязнений. Сделан вывод об опасном влиянии загрязнений на работу двигателей.

Keywords: motor autotransport engines, coolant, impurity, nature of impurity, chemical composition, fractional composition.

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