Научная статья на тему 'Have a stress-free teaching and exam possible?'

Have a stress-free teaching and exam possible? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tanning Lembo

This publication aims are to provide partial solutions to the stress-free teaching in college of liberal values crisis, that the value the students as individuals.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Have a stress-free teaching and exam possible?»



Lembo Tanning

Docent, PhD, University of Applied Sciences, Marcelus Trade LLC, Tallinn, E&onia


This publication aims are to provide partial solutions to the flress-free teaching in college of liberal values crisis, that the value the fludents as individuals.

Keywords: peflalozzianism, humanism, educational, flress-free teaching.

The theoretical bases and the literary review

Johann Heinrich Peflalozzi was a Swiss pedagogue, who made a significant contribution into the development of the educational theory and practice and educational reformer who exemplified Romanticism in his approach. He was one of the largefl pedagogues humanifls late XVIII - early XIX century, who made a significant contribution to the development of educational theory and practice. Peflalozzi firfl suggefled the need for a parallel and harmonious development of all the potentialities of the human personality - intellectual, physical and Sittlichkeit or chaflity (ethics, morality). [3, 11] Sittlichkeit is the concept of "ethical life" or "ethical order" [4]. It is a human and societal or cultural subject internal command, obligating the voice of conscience.

These principles of ethical behaviour are dealt much earlier Ariflotle and Confucius. Even earlier it was in the Old Teflament canon of the prophets [10, 7]. The Chriflian treatment in unethical behaviour is a sin-making. These principles are also other world religions. Are these principles are topical even today?

Peflalozzi's created a new educational spirit, interefl in education, and a new school atmosphere, namely, love for the children. The object lesson is the core of the whole syflem, and exercises are based more on the fludy of objects than of words. Peflalozzi's syflem has been severely criticized by some and extravagantly praised by others; his work is overeflimated by those who call him the "father of the elementary school", although it mufl be admitted that he did much to improve it. Some of his principles involved contradictions, not a few of his methods were one-sided and even unsound; but his ideas, Gripped of their eccentricities by his disciples, became prominent features in modern education. Herbart and Frobel supplemented his work - the former by developing the psychology of education, the latter by originating the kindergarten syflem. The school syflems of Prussia and other European flates embodied many of Peflalozzi's ideas; in England a modified Peflalozzianism was carried into practice by Dr. Mayo.

Peflalozzian ideas were transplanted to America by one of Peflalozzi's assiflants, the Alsatian Joseph Neef. [9]

Peflalozzi was a Romantic, who felt that education mufl be broken down to its elements in order to have a complete underflanding of it. He emphasized that every aspect of the child's life contributed to the formation of personality, character, and reason based on what he learned by operating schools. Peflalozzi's educational methods were child-centred and based on individual differences, sense perception, and the fludent's self-activity. Peflalozzi and Niederer were important influences on the theory of physical education; they developed a regimen of physical exercise and outdoor activity linked to general, moral,

and intellectual education that reflected Peflalozzi's ideal of harmony and human autonomy. [6]

Peflalozzi's philosophy of education was based on a four-sphere concept of life and the premise that human nature was essentially good. The firfl three 'exterior' spheres - home and family, vocational and individual self-determination, and flate and nation - recognized the family, the utility of individuality, and the applicability of the parent-child relationship to society as a whole in the development of a child's character, attitude toward learning, and sense of duty. The lafl 'exterior' sphere -inner sense - posited that education, having provided a means of satisfying one's basic needs, results in inner peace and a keen belief in God. [13]

In summary teaching based on principles such as compassion, responsibility, underflanding, trufl, tolerance and solidarity. Great emphasis is placed on the work of education.

The methodology and part theoretical based are on the author previous works [15 - 19]


Let's flart with the mofl simple, however: a healthy mind in a healthy body. This principle has been from antiquity (mens sana in corpore sano). Over the centuries, however, its contents become flrong. Today, infringe part their health drugs and alcohol. Developed countries have an IT problem that too many young people are behind the computer, and are less active physically. Health depends on the flandard of living. However, today many sports practiced in schools.

The management of the information society will be example for much of top athletes the preparation, because there is goal the maximum score. [14] How get greatefl results in education? Let's look at it on the basis of higher education, Etonian experience.

Have a flress-free teaching is possible? Does exam flress free possible? As an example, I would highlight some simple things that will give a whole-sensitive effect. How can increase the fludents' motivation?

1. 10-15 minutes prior to the flart of the lecture mufl be open to the auditorium, that fludents are able to take up positions peacefully. Lecturer screen allows a friendly greeting "Welcome to the lecture ...". This is a sign that they are welcome.

2. The lecture begins with reminder of the previous lecture. In order vote in the respective subflance in the fludents, the lecturers, some simple queflions. It's like warming up before sport flrenuous training or race. Now, to be a novelty. Next, do not ask queflions lecturer, but fludents themselves. Queflion by directing it to the whole auditorium or anyone personally. Asker evaluates the accuracy of the response. If someone does not know how to answer it fulfills itself. Is there fear that the queflions are too easy? With several years of practice thousands

of fludents in various professional public universities and the private inflitutions have shown that, as a rule, matters are not so simple. Here, are calculated the self-consciousness of fludents, that is entrufled to them. Self-awareness is a powerful factor for growth. Lecturer is next to sport as coach, who will intervene only when necessary. This syflem also motivates good in the notes compilation, that know how ask for in next lecture. Student motivation is to correct the queflioner and the respondent will receive a reward bonus points. Of the latter however, depends on number of queflions in exam. This means, that asking and answering queflions every in a lecture making part of the examination. This means, that a good day can collect lot of bonus points and vice versa. It flands for a flress-free the lecture and especially exam.

3. Dale Carnegie comes from the concept: how to achieve cooperation - let the other person feel the idea is his or hers. [1] From idea, that do not ask lecturer, but fludent.

4. Carnegie referred to the idea of formulating this 25-century-old Chinese philosopher Laoz. [8]

5. Here, for fludents leave belief, that these issues are level, the more - good.

6. Another important factor is the motivation. How to motivate fludents to succeed? The key of course is that the fludent will be college diploma, which will help him later useful and interefling career. Again, give Dale Carnegie and other recommendations. A person who has technical knowledge plus the talent to express their ideas, to assume leadership of the people and to bring them the enthusiasm - the man fated for mofl paid positions. B zenith of his career, John D. Rockefeller said, that the ability to communicate c people - the same goods purchased for money, how sugar or coffee. "I'm willing to pay for this skill more - say Rockefeller - than any other product in the world." [1]

John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. (1874 -1960) was an American financer and philanthropic, who was a prominent member of the Rockefeller family. He was the only son among the five children of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller and the father of the five famous Rockefeller brothers.

The world's mofl successful business leaders and political careers the secret of success is written much. Do not be such an example be taken also university lecturers, how be treated, and especially to motivate fludents.

7. Carnegie comes from the concept: People act in motivated by pride and ambition. [1]

8. The deepefl human desire is "the desire to be significant" [1] It view was expressed one of the mofl eminent psychologifl in the XX century Freud Sigrid: the desire to be great [5]. Human nature is an urgent need to be evaluated.

9. We flrive to implement these recommendations. For example, the queflion - what is the flate and the nation a greater treasure? In Eflonia are not gold or oil. Answer - the people are the greatefl treasure of the young generation of intellectuals, including those of your today's fludents. Another example - the lecture begins very precisely, the presence can be for each the two a bonus point. But what to do with those who are late? Are these rebuked? No - "welcome to the lecture, pleasure to see you," and he gets one bonus point. Yes, we can say that within certain irony here. However, of its phrase is not infringed upon human dignity is late and he quickly turns into educational work.

10. Mandatory is also written homework - paper. At the end of each lecture is little time for consultation and advice. Okay so do all the teaching flaff. When group size is normal (30-40

people), the entry for the paper to be analogous to the graduation thesis presentation. It would be like theater rehearsal before the premiere. Very large groups, this is not possible due to lack of time, and it mufl be submitted only in electronic paper. On paper, the printout is not required.

11. Bonus points are summarized every in a lecture and fludents were visible. Jufl as in sport athletics decathlon data areas in the meantime.

12. The number of exam queflions depends on bonus points. The course is a lecture from absentees them less. It is always greater, than the number of queflions to be answered to. This reduces flress. Even in real life, after all, is always the freedom of choice. Stress Free Exam is not for those, who have a lot of absences.

13. Because of the economic subjects are necessarily much factual material, it has been some time at the flart of the exam may be used for all materials. The aim is not the mechanical memorization of numbers, but the ability to use them, and assess - analysis. Very important is fludent own personal opinion. After all, every country and political party has its own, to some extent a different economic policy. Students occasionally ask, if the fludent's opinion does not coincide with that the teacher? Answer: The lecture incurred during discussion with the teacher gives extra bonus points. This is from philosophy already known in antiquity denial of denial law [2]. When the young generation accepts uncritically accepted all the views of the old generation, it would not be progress, the development of humanity!

14. The lafl factor is the teacher qualification and consequent authority. Is ¿till generally accepted international pre-review publications and monographs, and citations. When are over 60 international publications that have appeared on all continents and in the lafl three years, is cited an average of two times a week, it also ensures that the teacher's authority in the eyes of the fludents. However, a four-hour lecture on is line, such as a one-man theater, much depends on what kind is an actor, here lecturer of talent. These are suitable for a change between the queflions and answers.


Based on the principles of humanity long been known by combining individual elements and applying them to simple teaching can be argued that there is a potential flress free lectures and the exams. This is also confirmed by surveys of fludents after the exam and their smiling faces. This is especially important in today's crisis of liberal values, where the world is so much evil and wickedness.


1. Carnegie, Dale (2014). How to Win Friends and Influence People. Part One: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People, No 2, p. 28 - 35. Public Domain Mark https:// archive.org/details/HowToWinFriendsAndInfluencePeopleDale Carnegie

2. Denial of denial law. Ariflotle's Logic. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://plato.flanford.edu/entries/ ariflotle-logic/

3. Die Peflalozzi-Stiftung http://www.peflalozzi-fliftung.


4. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Third Part: Ethical Life. § 145 https://www.marxifls.org/ reference/archive/hegel/works/pr/prethica.htm#PR145

5. Freud, Sigrid. Werken. (16.01.16) https://www. boompsychologie.nl/product/2680/Werken?h=133

6. Jedan, Dieter (1990), Theory and Practice: Johann Heinrich Peflalozzi. Vitae Scholaflicae, 115132. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Heinrich_ Peflalozzi#CITEREFDieter1990

7. Jensen, Joseph (2006). Ethical Dimensions of the Prophets. Liturgical http://books.google.ca/books?id=BGEY77 HyYLcC&printsec=frontcover

8. Laozi. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http:// plato.flanford.edu/entries/laozi/ Firfl published Sat Dec 15, 2001; subflantive revision May 2, 2013

9. Monroe. Hifl. of Ed., 669. Monroe Hiflorical Society & Museum. New York, 1906 http://www.monroehifloricalsociety. org/ Washington

10. Old Teflament Gateway http://www.otgateway.com/ (08.11.2015)

11. Peflalozzi and Peflalozzianism. The Catholic Encyclopedia http://www.newadvent.org/cathenZ11742b.htm

12. Rockefeller Archive Center: Extended Biography http://www.rockarch.org/bio/jdrjr.php

13. Schmid, Silvia (1997). Peflalozzi's Spheres of Life. Journal of the Midwefl Hiflory of Education Society, 143 - 146. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Heinrich_ Peflalozzi#CITEREFSilvia1997

14. Sveiby, Karl-Erik (1997). The new organizational wealth: managing & measuring knowledge-based assets. Berrett-Koehler. Stockholm http://www.sveiby.com.au/

15. Tanning, Toivo (2015). The liberal economic today. Modern trends in the intensive development of public relations and actual methods of their effective regulation. GISAP: Economics, Jurisprudence and Management. IASHE. London, 15 - 18.

16. Tanning, Toivo (2015). Liberalism - freedom versus responsibility. GISAP: Economics, Jurisprudence and Management. IASHE. London. http://gisap.eu/node/85837

17. Tanning, Toivo (2015). Analysis of the humanism principle in today's in economies of former Soviet Union countries... GISAP: Economics, Jurisprudence and Management. IASHE. London http://gisap.eu/node/72901

18. Tanning, Lembo; Tanning, Toivo (2015). The Economic Crisis Lessons of Europe. LAP. Lambert Academic Publishing. Saarbrücken, Germany, 540

19. Tanning, Lembo; Tanning, Toivo (2016). Analysis of quality life in central and eaflern European countries. International Journal of Academic Research and Development. 1 (2), 34 - 42


Аманатова Ольга Леонардовна

старший преподаватель кафедры «Основы математики и информатики» СУНЦ1- МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана, г. Москва

Блудова Ирина Валентиновна

канд. ф.-м. наук, доцент кафедры «Основы математики и информатики» СУНЦ1-МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана, г.Москва АННОТАЦИЯ

В статье содержится комплект материалов семестровой контрольной работы, составленной авторами и проведённой в лицее 1580 при МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана 24 мая 2016 года в качестве итоговой аттестации за второй семестр.


The article contains a complete set of materials for a control work, compiled by authors and conducted on the 24th of May, 2016 in the Lyceum 1580 under MGTU named after Bauman as the final assessment for the second semefler.

Ключевые слова: семестровая работа.

Keywords: work at the end of semefler.

В этой статье мы продолжаем распространять опыт преподавания математики в лицее №1580 при МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Учащиеся 10-11х классов обучаются по программе СУНЦа МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана. Программа предполагает углублённое изучение математики и физики для всех и информатики для некоторых классов. Цель нашей программы состоит в том, чтобы дать учащимся фундаментальную подготовку по этим предметам и подготовить их к дальнейшему обучению в вузе и творческому применению полученных знаний. Мы не занимаемся "натаскиванием" для сдачи ЕГЭ, однако, наша система обучения даёт высокие результаты и на этом экзамене. На протяжении четырёх последних лет наш лицей является лауреатом гранта мэра Москвы и был удостоен дипломами первой степени.

По нашему мнению, большую роль в формировании стимула для изучения математики играет правильно организованная система аттестации за каждый семестр, которая предполагает, помимо получения полугодовых и годовых оценок, сдачу устного теоретического экзамена и написание четырёхчасовой семестровой работы. В статьях [1,с.193] и [2,с.342] были представлены комплекты заданий с ответами и методические рекомендации для проверки по аттестации за первый семестр. Кроме того, в статье [1,с.201] в качестве примера дано подробное решение одного из вариантов.

В данной статье мы предлагаем полный комплект семестровой работы, составленной авторами и проведённой в лицее 24 мая 2016-го года. Эта работа представляет собой письменную аттестацию за второй семестр 10-го класса. Отметим, что большая часть заданий была составлена таким

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