HAPPY EPOCH THAT MAGTYMGULY DREAMED OF Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
patriotism / great thinker / humanism / personality / fellow tribesmen / glorify courage / goodness / fearlessness
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Текст научной работы на тему «HAPPY EPOCH THAT MAGTYMGULY DREAMED OF»


Гафурова М. А., старший преподаватель Хатджиева О. К., преподаватель Аннагылыджова Г. О., преподаватель Вепаева М. В., студентка

Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана HAPPY EPOCH THAT MAGTYMGULY DREAMED OF Key words:

patriotism, great thinker, humanism, personality, fellow tribesmen, glorify courage, goodness, fearlessness.

In 2024, Turkmenistan will widely celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great philosopher and poet Magtymguly Fragi.

Hero Arkadag highly appreciated the great thinker and wordsmith of the East Magtymguly Fragi, who was able to make a huge poetic revolution in revealing the Turkmen soul. The Turkmen people have a rich cultural and literary heritage. Magtymguly Fragi is one of the great personalities who left this rich literary heritage.

The works of the inspired poet, a true patriot of the Turkmen land Magtymguly Fragi, serve to improve consciousness, moral development, glorifying patriotism, freedom, unity, friendship, and the high humanity of the people.

In the works of Magtymguly Fragi, along with everyday themes, poems of a patriotic nature occupy a special place. In different eras, scientists wrote many works that examined the poems created by the great thinker.

With the power of his poetry, he fought for truth and justice. All topics are available to the brilliant poet. His poems contain the ringing of sabers and a menacing cry, a call for freedom, thoughts about the fate of the Motherland, about morality, honor and dignity.

In the works of the great thinker Magtymguly Fragi, the theme of patriotism occupies a special place. The main goal of the poet, which is united by a single thought, is the formation of a morally pure, fearless human personality who loves his native land, Motherland.

The great poet always showed concern for saving the people from disunity. He called for a heroic fight with an alien enemy.

The soul of Gorogly is alive in his brothers: Take a look, friends, at the Turkmen lion: \ His head does not seek mercy, When he faces the enemies of Turkmenistan. [6, p-7]

The poet believed that courageous, courageous, courageous Turkmen youths would be able to defend the sacred Motherland. He called on the young men to unite the strength of the lion in this fight.

The horseman will look at the mountain in anger -The mountain is timid and burns like a ruby.

It's not water, but honey that boils in the flood, And moisture is in alliance with the fields of Turkmens [6, p-8]

Magtymguly eloquently expresses his thoughts about brave young men in his poems. The poet says that nothing can resist the strength and courage of young men. Speaking the language of the people, the poet encourages warriors to heroic deeds.

Magtymguly, with the inexhaustible power of artistic expression, expressed his love for his native land in poetry. Both Chovdur Khan and Dovletali were heroes who died in the struggle to protect the people from external enemies. That is why Magtymguly mourns with all his heart the death of the defenders of the people:

Chovdur Khan, the apple of my eye, the wings of my cherished soul. I am lost, and my soul is tossed about in the snares of sadness, The poet instructs his readers to be faithful to their native land, to fight for the good of the Fatherland. Every preacher and mentor should be a role model. In this regard, as we know, Magtymguly was a comprehensively developed perfection, a personality.

The heroic life and path traveled by such national heroes as Gorogly, Dovletali, Chovdur Khan, his brothers Abdullah and Mammetsapar played a huge role in generating the flame of ardent love in the poet's heart for his native Fatherland. Thanks to this flame, the poet created many poems of a heroic nature. The thinker set his goal with the help of poems to glorify goodness, courage, and fearlessness. This is what he prophesies in his poem "There will be winter" "My precepts are science for the people."

Magtymguly Fragi, in his patriotic poems, was also able to unite his views on nurturing the best human qualities in people. "The bright image of Magtymguly" is reborn before numerous readers as a poet praising courage, heroism, Motherland, love, a skillful educator, and propagandist. This indicates the poet's boundless services to the Turkmen people and all humanity.

Thinking about his people, their future, the poet at the same time sought to comprehend his own role in the processes of society's progressive movement towards progress, in the general course of historical development:

Magtymguly, centuries will pass, But your line will not die.

These lines reveal a deep understanding of the enormous moral responsibility that lives in the heart of every true poet, citizen and patriot to his people. Literature:

1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Eternal light of the human soul. - Ashgabat: TGIS, 2014.

2. Garryev B. Magtymguly. - Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 1975

3. Magtymguly. Poems. - Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 1977

4. Myradov S. From the depths of centuries. - Ashgabat: Magaryf 1978

5. Magtymguly. Works. Volume I - Ashgabat: Turkmenistan TGIS, 1992.

6. Magtymguly. Collection of works. - Ashgabat: science, 2014.

© Ta^ypoBa M.A., XaTflWMeBa O.K., AHHarbmbigwoBa T.O., BenaeBa M.B., 2023


Гулько А.А.

Сибирский федеральный университет Красноярск, Россия Научный руководитель: Моргун В.Г.

Старший преподаватель кафедры восточных языков Сибирский федеральный университет Красноярск, Россия




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