м X
L. V. Vyshnevska udc 633.85.631.547
PhD in Agriculture, Associate Professor
Uman National University of Horticulture vishnevska.lesya@yandex.ua
S. P. Poltoretskyi
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Uman National University of Horticulture poltorec@yandex.ru
Abstract. Under present conditions agriculture is characterized by huge energy consumption, especially because of soil organic compounds and fertilizer elements. Given dehumification, energy losses in agriculture are almost three times higher than their reclamation from applied fertilizers. Therefore, a regular restoration of its energy potential is necessary to obtain high productivity and provide a sustainable ecosystem. One such method is a regular application of fertilizers. Thus, a differentiated approach to the application of fertilizers is particularly important for balanced plant nutrition in order to obtain their greatest productivity taking into account soil sufficiency of available forms of fertilizer elements, biological features of crops and soil and climatic factors.
The complete refusal of mineral fertilizers, which is sometimes proposed as one possible way to develop agriculture, causes a sharp reduction of production and increase of its cost. Therefore, the only true solution is not a refusal of application, but fundamental improvement of technology of fertilizer usage and applying their optimal doses and ratios. It is found that a rational ratio between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other fertilizer elements promotes normal processes of photosynthesis. Also, it facilitates recycling and migration of carbohydrates, reduction in content of "harmful" nitrogen mainly due to intensive synthesis of protein nitrogen, thereby improving the quality of sugar beet root crops. Thus, levels-parameters of sugar beet nutrition and a relative removal of nutritional chemicals by different hybrids of this crop must be clarified for conditions of a particular region and soil fertility.
Keywords: sugar beet, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, yield, indicators of technological quality of root crops.
Л. В. Вишневська
кандидат альськогосподарських наук, доцент Уманський нацюнальний уншерситет садшництва С. П. Полторецький
доктор альськогосподарських наук, професор Уманський нацюнальний уншерситет садшництва
Анотац'т. Наведено анал1тичний огляд в1тчизняних / заруб'жних л1тературних джерел, щодо впливу основних елемент'т живлення на ростов/ / ф/з/олог/чн/ процеси формування найвищого р'тня високояюсного врожаю буряка цукрового. Всгановлено, що рацюнальне сп'1вв'щношення м1ж азотом, фосфором i кал!ем та ¡ншими елементами сприяе нормальному проходженню процес'т фотосинтезу, утил'вацп i Mirpauiiвуглевод1в, зменшенню вм!сгу „шюдливого"азоту переважно за рахунок штенсивн1шого синтезу бткового азоту / тим самим пол 'шшенню яюсного складу коренеплод1в. При цьому, для умов конкретного репону / р'тня родючосл фунту обов'язково потребують уточнения piBHi-параметри забезпеченосл буряка цукрового основними елементами живлення / в'щносний i'x винос р1зними пбридами uiei культури. Ключовi слова: буряк цукровий, азот, фосфор, кал'ш, урожайшсть, показники технолопчноТ якост1 коренеплод'т.
Л. В. Вишневская
кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент Уманский национальный университет садоводства С. П. Полторецкий
доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор Уманский национальный университет садоводства
Аннотация. В нынешних условиях земледелие характеризуется огромным потреблением энергоресурсов, особенно за счет органических соединений почвы и элементов питания. Потери энергии в земледелии, учитывая дегумификацию, почти в три раза превышают ее восстановление от внесенных удобрений. Поэтому, для получения высокой производительности и устойчивой экосистемы необходимо регулярное обновление ее энергетического потенциала. Одним из таких приемов является регулярное внесение удобрений. При этом, для сбалансированного питания растений, с целью получения от них максимальной производительности, особенно важным есть дифференцированный подход к применению удобрений с учетом обеспеченности почв доступными формами элементов питания, биологических особенностей культур и почвенно-кпиматических факторов.
Полный отказ от применения минеральных удобрений, который порой предлагается как один из возможных путей развития сельского хозяйства, вызывает резкое сокращение продукции и увеличение ее себестоимости. Поэтому единственно верным решением проблемы является не отказ от применения, а коренное улучшение технологии использования удобрений, внесение их в оптимальных дозах и соотношениях.
Длительными исследованиями установлено, что рациональное соотношение между азотом, фосфором и калием и другими элементами питания способствует нормальному прохождению процессов фотосинтеза, утилизации и миграции углеводов, уменьшению содержания «вредного» азота преимущественно за счет интенсивного синтеза белкового азота и тем самым улучшению качественного состава корнеплодов свеклы сахарной . При этом, для условий конкретного региона и уровня плодородия почвы обязательно требуют уточнения уровни-параметры обеспеченности свеклы сахарной основными элементами питания и относительный их вынос различными гибридами этой культуры. Ключевые слова: свекла сахарная, азот, фосфор, калий, урожайность, показатели технологического качества корнеплодов.
Prolonged use of different doses of fertilizers and fertilizer systems significantly affects parameters of indicators of soil fertility and the level of potential productivity of grown crops. Sugar beet belongs to the major industrial crops providing food security and is one of the most profitable crops in crop production. However, it is necessary to optimize conditions of mineral nutrition of plants considering the level of soil fertility. Thus, levels-parameters of sugar beet nutrition and a relative removal of nutritional chemicals by different hybrids of this crop must be clarified for conditions of a particular region and soil fertility. So, studying of these issues is relevant for agriculture in Ukraine.
It is known that the growth intensity and development of plants depends on conditions of supply. By changing them it is possible to adjust the ratio between the commodity and non-commodity parts of the harvest. Thus, during the growing season of sugar beet, mass of root crop increases gradually. The growth of vegetative mass is different as it gradually decreases after reaching a specified period of maximum [1].
A biological feature of sugar beets is the synthesis and sucrose deposition for keeping in parenchyma cells of the root crop. Sugar formation is caused by the following processes: primary biosynthesis of sucrose in leaves, transportation of formed assimilates and their inflow into vacuolar apparatus of a storing parenchyma [2].
A number of scientists [1] found that sugar beet absorbs fertilizer elements throughout the growing season. At the beginning, especially in early phases their formation is in advance of the rate of increase of dry matter. In the future, these differences are reduced and a direct dependence is established between these processes. Accumulation of the basic amount of fertilizer elements is concerned with the period of intensive growth of plants. Deterioration of nutrition with one of the main nutrients during vegetation causes slower growth and reduced plant productivity. The size of yield reduction depends on the growth phase, prior conditions of nutrition and duration of deficiency.
It is found that the basic elements of mineral nutrition have different effects on the yield formation of sugar beets. Thus, nitrogen improves yield of root crops, phosphorus and potassium regulate processes of maturation and influence improving the quality of beet-root raw material significantly [3].
After long-term studies [4] it is found that 70-75% sucrose that comes from leaves to the root is deposited in vacuoles of cells of the storing parenchyma without splitting and synthesis. About 25-30% sucrose of the total inflow is used in root metabolism exactly in biosynthesis and energy metabolism of cells (glycolysis).
Activity of sucrose synthesis correlates with the intensity of photosynthesis and the rate of outflow from leaves. Activity of sugar-phosphate synthase that is main sugar synthesizing enzyme in roots is low and only associated with zones of conducting bundles but not with areas of storing parenchyma which is the bulk of root tissues. This indicates that the root crop is not able to synthesize sucrose in large volumes. At the same time it is found that sucrose synthesis from hexoses in sugar beet roots is much lower than in leaves [5].
So, the root crop is mainly an accumulating and not sucrose-synthesizing plant organ. However, as a typical storing organ, the root crop is a place of active synthesis of macromolecular compounds, nucleic acids, proteins and polysaccharose. The reaction of synthesis of these
compounds is in growth processes.
Sugar beet is characterized by a prolonged period of absorption of fertilizer elements. Consumption of mineral nutrients during the growing season is uneven. Thus, it is found that in the first period of growth, about the middle of June, a beetroot uses 6-12% nitrogen and 3.1% phosphorus and potassium of the total removal. However, it should be acknowledged that receipt of all nutritional elements in easily accessible forms should be provided from the beginning of plant growth to achieve maximum effect [7].
This is especially important with regard to nitrogen as the sugar beet does not have mechanisms of regulating consumption of this element. At the same time, plants absorb nitrogen that is available in the nutrient medium without restrictions. Availability of plants with this element should promote maximum yield of root crops and cause no reduction in their sugar content and deterioration of technological qualities.
Selective ability of plants to absorb various ions is shown more clearly when beetroots are grown under conditions of quite high content of nutrition elements. Creation of certain stocks of available forms of nutrition elements before sowing period allows strengthening processes of yield formation of high quality [8, 9].
The literature contains data on different reactions of varieties and hybrids to fertilization, as well as the impact of the variety on the cost recovery. An excellent reaction of different varieties to fertilizers was first determined in 1882 [10]. In some European countries a study was conducted and determined that the reaction of different varieties of one crop to fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, is not the same [11].
The increased content of nitrogen is of great importance in the nutrient medium during the formation of leaves. The more sugar beet plants are provided with it during this period, the higher its yield and sugar content. During the growth of root crops and sugar accumulation, reduction of nitrogen proportion has a positive effect on the quality of sugar beet root crops [12, 13].
During formation of leaf apparatus of sugar beets, mineral nitrogen of applied fertilizers moves into plants at high correlations to soil nitrogen [14]. As main factors of efficient use of nitrogen include processes associated with reusing, nutrition should be limited to its intake from the soil of high nutrient status at the end of the growing season [15, 16]. At the same time leaf forming slows and dry matter growth of root crops is mainly at the expense of previously accumulated nitrogen. At the same time, the content of non-protein nitrogen reduces in root crops and their sugar content increases [14, 15, 17]. Therefore, nitrogen of fertilizers absorbed early in the growing season, has higher physiological efficiency. At first nitrogen is involved in the growth processes of beet leaf apparatus and then after reusing in the growth of roots. In temperate nutrient status reused from leaves nitrogen reaches 70% of its removal by root crops. This greatly increases the sugar yield per unit of applied nitrogen compared with plants that were grown at high nitrogen status. Thus, this process can and must be controlled by changing conditions of nitrogen nutrition of plants by nitrogen fertilizing systems.
The proportion of nitrogen in the formation of sugar beet yield is in an average of 45%. Excessive nutrition of plants with it leads to a sharp deterioration in the quality of beet raw material exceeding physiological needs [18]. It shows a decrease in sugar content, increased content of non sugars,
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increasing both total and soluble nitrogen and ash in root crops and deterioration of juice quality. This decreases the water-retaining ability of cells, wilting of leaves increases on hot days, flow of phosphorus and potassium in plants slows down and their resistance to diseases and pests reduces. These plants do not have time to process mineral nitrogen coming from the ground. Thus, conditions of protein synthesis deteriorate and inorganic forms of nitrogen are accumulated in root crops.
Research has established [19] that more than 80% of nitrates of the sugar beet are accumulated in overground organs varying their number depending on the variety or hybrid. When increase of the dose of nitrate nitrogen is unilateral, concentration of nitrates increases by 2.5 times in all parts of the plant.
Lack of nitrogen in nutrition of sugar beet also negatively affects its productivity: photosynthetic capacity and rate of photosynthesis decreases, vegetation period reduces and a relatively weak root system and a small root crop are formed [20].
Nutrition of plants with nitrogen should promote such harvest of root crops in specific soil and climatic conditions where their sugar content almost did not decrease and technological qualities were at a high level. This can occur only when there is a relevant nutrition of plants with other nutrients.
The physiological importance of phosphorus for plants of sugar beet is to strengthen processes of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of monosaccharides, accumulation and moving of carbohydrates and formation of protein compounds. It is involved in the construction of enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other organic components. Photosynthesis, carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism are associated with phosphorus [21].
Phosphate fertilizers significantly affect the development of beets on the fifth day after germination [22].
A number of scientists [16, 23] point to the importance of phosphorus for the carbohydrate and nitrogen complex, in synthesis and hydrolysis of sucrose regarding movement of carbohydrates. The presence of a sufficient number of available phosphorus compounds in the soil improves yield, sugar content and some acceleration of maturation of root crops in contrast to the influence of nitrogen. Excess of nitrogen delays the maturation and stops the growth of sugar content.
Potassium, along with nitrogen and phosphorus, is no less important for sugar beet plants. It is localized at points of growth, and in organs which accumulate reserve constituents. Potassium improves the flow of water into the cells, increases osmotic pressure and turgor and reduces the evaporation process. Thus, plant cells retain water better and are more resistant to drought. Under the influence of potassium, amylase activity and proteolytic enzymes increase, as well as intensity of sugar accumulation [24].
Potassium plays an important role in biochemical processes of metabolism, affecting the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and photosynthetic activity of plants [21]. It is located in ionic condition in the plant taking an active part in the transportation of carbohydrates from leaves to the points of retention and nutrition [18].
A rational ratio between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other fertilizer elements promotes normal processes of photosynthesis. Also, it facilitates recycling and migration of carbohydrates, reduction in content of "harmful" nitrogen mainly due to intensive synthesis of protein nitrogen, thereby improving the quality of sugar beet root crops [25].
Conclusion. To obtain high yields of sugar beet with good technological qualities of roots, fertilization systems of this crop should provide a moderate flow of nitrogen during seed germination and after germination, as well as the optimal level of all nutrition elements in the period of intensive plant growth and to the end of the growing season. That means increased nutrition of phosphorus and potassium while limiting nitrogen.
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УДК 631:633:1.11 О. Л. УЛ1Ч
кандидат с.-г. наук, завщуючий Юровоградською сортодослщною станц1ею
Анотащя. У статт/ представлено результати вивчення морфобюлопчних ознак / властивостей та ц/'нних агроном/'чно-господарських переваг нового високопродуктивного сорту пшениц/ м'якоУ озимо)' Сталева, занесеного в Державний реестр сорт)в рослин придатних для поширення в Укра'Ун) з 2015 року. Сорт вдало поеднуе високий природний потенц)ал продукгивност) з широкою еколопчною пластичн)стю й адаптивн)стю. Це зумовлено використанням для схрещування знаменитого генофонду - Мирон)вька 808, Безоста 1, Шестопал'тка й Одеська 83. Висока врожайн)сть забезпечуеться кращим збереженням рослин п)д час перезим)вл) та у весняно - л)тн)й пер'юди, доброю ) тривал)шою роботою фотосинтетичного апарату, що сприятливо позначаеться на формуванн) зерна. Сорт Сталева е л'щером за врожайн)стю в зон/' Степу, де за три роки дослщжень перевищив стандартн) сорти Подолянку на 0,62 ) Смуглянку на 0,57 т/га, а в шести грунтово-кл)матичних п)дзонах) м1крозонах )з в)сьми зайняв перш) м)сця, перевищивши нацюнальн) стандарти в)д 0,87 до 2,98 т/га. В пщзонах ) м1крозонах ГИсостепу ) особливо у В'шницькому центр) експертизи ) Маньювсьюй сортостанцп за три роки середня урожайн)сть становила вщповщно 9,28 ) 7,44т/га. Природний потенциал продукгивност) бтьшою м)рою реал)зовуеться за сгворення високих агрофон'т минерального живлення, розм)щенн) п)сля кращих попередниюв та с)вби в к)нц) оптимальних строюв. Ключовi слова: пшениця, сорт, б'ток, урожайн)сть, пластичн)сть.
О. L. Ulich
PhD of Agricultural Sciences
Kirovograd State Station for Varieties Research
Abstract. The article presents the results of research of morphobiological features, properties and valuable agronomic and economic attainments of a new highly productive variety of soft winter wheat Staleva. This variety was registered in the State register of plant varieties suitable for spreading in Ukraine since 2015. The research showed the decisive differences of this variety from other genotypes concerning morphobiological features. This variety is short-stemmed, plant height is 75-85 cm, stem is thick, tough, resistant to plant lodging and germination of seeds sprinkled on the stump. This allows using higher doses of fertilizers under intensive agricultural technologies. Plants are able to withstand 10-ton harvest without lodging and using retardants. An early ripening vegetation period is made up of 265-275 days. Staleva has a dual nature of development. It can be attributed to dual nature varieties, short vernalization period is about 20 days. A key achievement and its advantage is early earing, lengthening the period of formation and ripening of grain. Staleva is characterized by good winter hardiness with critical temperature of freezing of plants being 16 °C. According to this feature, the variety belongs to the above average winter hardiness group. It is suitable for growing in all agro-climatic zones of Ukraine. Plants also