Научная статья на тему 'Греки Украины в системе законодательной политики правящих правительств во второй половине ХVII-XIХ вв.'

Греки Украины в системе законодательной политики правящих правительств во второй половине ХVII-XIХ вв. Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
греки Украины / нежинские греки / гетманский универсал / гетманское правительство / гетман Богдан Хмельницкий / Российская империя / жалованная грамота / Нежинский греческий магистрат / Greeks of Ukraine / Nizhyn Greeks / Hetman Universal / Hetman's Government / Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky / the Russian Empire / Granted Charter / Nizhyn Greek Magistrate

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Подгайко Мария Константиновна

В статье на основе комплексного анализа источников и литературы, освещается роль греков Украины в системе законодательной политики гетманского и имперского правительств во II половине ХVII-XIX вв. Исследуются этапы формирования привилегированного положения греческого сообщества. В числе образовавшихся первыми на украинских землях можно назвать Нежинскую греческую общину. Греки-купцы были приглашены правительством гетмана Богдана Хмельницкого в середине XVII для активизации торговой деятельности на украинских землях, которая находилась в упадке из-за событий Национально-освободительной войны. Гетманское правительство всячески поощряло иностранных купцов. Им предоставлялся ряд прав и привилегий. Результатом активной и дальновидной политики гетманского правительства стало образование многочисленной Нежинской греческой общины. Впоследствии гетманское правительство было изменено правительством Российской империи. Однако, на первых порах этот факт никак не повлиял на развитие и деятельность греков. Жизнедеятельность нежинских греков регулировалась целым комплексом политико-правовых документов, которые создавала гетманская, а впоследствии и имперская власть. Те законодательные решения, которые принимались на протяжении XVII-XVIII вв. постепенно закрепляли привилегированное положение нежинского греческого сообщества. Однако, после ликвидации института гетманства, правительство Российской империи взяло жесткий курс на централизацию власти в стране. Основной вопрос, который беспокоил власть это привилегированное положение членов греческой общины. В числе привилегий, которыми длительное время пользовались нежинские греки были: собственное судопроизводство; наличие печати; право свободно вести торговые дела; запрет вмешиваться другим органам власти в дела греков; Нежинский греческий магистрат имел право выдавать паспорта и тому подобное. Все это вызвало беспокойство властей Российской империи, что привело к постепенной ликвидации привилегированного положения нежинских греков. Итак, статья освещает правовую основу пребывания греческих купцов на территории Украины; экономические, геополитические и правовые факторы, повлиявшие на получение нежинскими греками особого статуса, прав и привилегий.

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Greeks of Ukraine in the legislative policies of the ruling government in the second half of XVII-XIХ centuries

The article is based on a comprehensive analysis of the sources and literature, determines the place of Greeks of Ukraine in the legislative policy of Hetman and the Imperial Government in the second half of the XVII-XIX centuries. The stages of the privileged position of the Greek Community are studied. Nizhyn Greek Community can be called one of the first formed in the Ukrainian lands. Greek merchants were invited by the Government of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky in the middle of the XVII century to enhance trade on Ukrainian lands which were in decline because of the events of the National Liberation War. Hetman Government encouraged foreign merchants. They were provided a number of rights and privileges. The result of the active and far-sighted government policy was the formation of Nizhyn Greek Community. Hetman Government was subsequently substituted by the Russian Empire. However, at first this fact did not affect the development and activity of the Greeks. Nizhyn Greek life activity was regulated by complex of political and legal instruments which were produced by the Hetman and later Imperial power. Those legislative decisions taken during the XVII-XVIII centuries gradually fixed the privileged position of Nizhyn Greek Community. However, after the liquidation of the Hetman Institute, the Government of the Russian Empire took a hard line on the centralization of the power in the country. The main issue that bothered the authorities is a privileged position of the members of the Greek Community. Among the benefits, which Nizhyn Greeks were using for a long period were: their own judiciary; the presence of seals; the right to conduct trading business freely; the prohibition of other authorities to interfere in the affairs of the Greeks; Nizhyn Greek Magistrate had the right to issue passports etc. All these caused concern of the authorities of the Russian Empire, which led to the gradual elimination of the privileged position of Nizhyn Greeks. Thus, the article highlights the legal basis of Greek merchants stay in Ukraine; economic, geopolitical and legal factors that influenced the Nizhyn Greeks receiving special status, rights and privileges.

Текст научной работы на тему «Греки Украины в системе законодательной политики правящих правительств во второй половине ХVII-XIХ вв.»


СЕР1Я: 1СТОР1Я. ПОЛ1ТОЛОПЯ, 2015, ВИП. 13-14_

the attention of the researcher on the number of charitable institutions of various kinds, the internal functioning of these institutions, issues of financing, the main occupation of the inmates. The author stated that the documents of office-work represent the largest group of sources for the history of children's homelessness and neglect of the region. This fact is, on the one hand, positive because it provides a wide information and negative, as some data are contradictions. Analysis of documents office is not only a valuable historical source in the light of the custody of homeless and neglected children in the South of Ukraine in the end XVIII -early XX century, and an interesting example of how the second half of the nineteenth century. acquires its expansion to non-state sphere of clerical work, allowing you to discover the topic of neonotonia.

Key words: davagna documentation, care, charity, orphanages, Trustees.

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТИ: Гедьо А.В., дл.н., проф.; Чура В.1., дл.н., проф.

УДК 94(477.85-2=14)«16/17»:352/045

M. Podgayko


The article is based on a comprehensive analysis of the sources and literature, determines the place of Greeks of Ukraine in the legislative policy of Hetman and the Imperial Government in the second half of the XVII-XIX centuries.

The stages of the privileged position of the Greek Community are studied. Nizhyn Greek Community can be called one of the first formed in the Ukrainian lands. Greek merchants were invited by the Government of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky in the middle of the XVII century to enhance trade on Ukrainian lands which were in decline because of the events of the National Liberation War. Hetman Government encouraged foreign merchants. They were provided a number of rights and privileges. The result of the active andfar-sighted government policy was the formation of Nizhyn Greek Community.

Hetman Government was subsequently substituted by the Russian Empire. However, at first this fact did not affect the development and activity of the Greeks. Nizhyn Greek life activity was regulated by complex of political and legal instruments which were produced by the Hetman and later Imperial power. Those legislative decisions taken during the XVII-XVIII centuries gradually fixed the privileged position of Nizhyn Greek Community.

However, after the liquidation of the Hetman Institute, the Government of the Russian Empire took a hard line on the centralization of the power in the country. The main issue that bothered the authorities is a privileged position of the members of the Greek Community. Among the benefits, which Nizhyn Greeks were using for a long period were: their own judiciary; the presence of seals; the right to conduct trading business freely; the prohibition of other authorities to interfere in the affairs of the Greeks; Nizhyn Greek Magistrate had the right to issue passports etc. All these caused concern of the authorities of the Russian Empire, which led to the gradual elimination of the privileged position of Nizhyn Greeks.

Thus, the article highlights the legal basis of Greek merchants stay in Ukraine; economic, geopolitical and legal factors that influenced the Nizhyn Greeks receiving special status, rights and privileges.

Key words: Greeks of Ukraine, Nizhyn Greeks, Hetman Universal, Hetman's Government, Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the Russian Empire, Granted Charter, Nizhyn Greek Magistrate.

The middle of the XVII century was marked in the history of Ukraine by the events of the National Liberation War. Successful Cossack Army fighting resulted in the formation of the Ukrainian Cossack state under the terms of the Treaty of Zboriv (1649). However, the long war led to the economic decline of the country. In order to restore the functioning of all sectors of society, Hetman government encouraged foreign merchants to enhance trade affairs in Ukrainian lands. As a result, there was a formation of Nizhyn Greek Community. Nizhyn Greek life activity was regulated by a complex of political and legal instruments which were produced by the hetman and the tsarist government. Those legislative decisions taken during the XVII-XVIII centuries. gradually, step by step, were lining privileged state of Nizhyn Greek Community.

The aim of the article is to explain the process of separation of Nizhyn Greeks in legislative practice of hetman and the tsarist government.

The study of history of Nizhyn Greek Community began in the mid-nineteenth century from the article written by M. Storozhevsky [8]. This topic has gained relevance in connection with changes in the socio-political system of the Russian Empire. During the second half of the nineteenth century a number of works on the history of Nizhyn Greek fraternity appeared where the authors had focused on specific aspects of life of the Greek Community. K. Kharlampovich [10] Studies played a special role in the analysis of the legal practices of the hetman and the tsarist governments regarding Nizhyn Greeks. Unlike the works of his predecessors, the entire story of his "Sketches" is based on the most informative complex of sources - archive of Greek fraternity. During the period of "Restructuring" (Perestroika) historians received an access to many archival documents which had been impossible in Soviet times. And it is under these circumstances Shvydko G. [11] began her research activities. Subject of her work was studying of archival documents on the history of Nizhyn Greek fraternity. During the 90's of XX - XXI centuries specialization studies of Hellenistic problems deepened. Critical rethinking of scientific achievements of predecessors and analysis of sources on the history of Greek Community of Nizhyn belongs to A. Hedo [1]. She made a detailed analysis of the hetman Universals that concerned Nizhyn Greeks and provided a clear classification of them by such criteria as the nature of privileges. In general, the authors note that Nizhyn Greek Community had its own specific characteristics in education, social structure, traditions and self-government rights and privileges.

The study source base is published (hetman Universals and the tsarist government legislation) and unpublished (archival) materials that reflect legal practice of hetman and the tsarist governments regarding Nizhyn Greeks.

At Cossack times the basic document defining the position of Greeks on the Ukrainian territory was Universal. According to the classification of Hedo A. [1]. Universals were divided into the following: 1) universals which provided privileges to trade; 2) universals which released from the cart and housing obligations; 3) universals which established a special status of Greeks in Nizhyn; 4)universals which confirmed the previous acts.

The majority of the Universals of the first group are trading ones. This is not surprising, as stimulating of domestic trade was one of the important directions of hetman policy, taking into the account the economic downturn and the need for consumer goods. The Universal issued by B. Khmelnytsky on May 2, 1657, from which originated the legal regulation of the Greeks residing in the Ukrainian lands can be referred to such documents. Universal encouraged Greek merchants to trade in Ukraine. Herewith this Hetman authority undertook to ensure favorable trade conditions for foreigners [9, p. 43]. In an attempt to revive the


commercial activity the authorities did not even stop before the delivery of judicial autonomy to the Greeks and allowed to sue the Greek merchants and their servants according to their customs.

If the first Universal by B.Khmelnitsky only declared the encouragement of Greek merchants to trade in Ukraine, the next document defined the main incentive of the commercial activity - the right to free trade. The Universal by Khmelnytskyy on 16 June, 1657 stated that trade because of active business Greek merchants had to cross the border and pay the duty very often. In this circumstances Hetman ordered to release the Greeks from the duty and strongly reminded to local authorities of the need to fully assist the Greek merchants, not hinder, and if necessary, to give them places in the inn so that the Greeks did not lose time and again and again came to Ukraine to trade [9, p. 44]. Greek merchants had to pay only inductus - duty of imported goods. However, a fixed amount of duty was set only in 1660.

So trade preferences and their own court from the very beginning were the main features of the privileged position of the Greeks and the basis for its further strengthening and improvement.

Legally, this was manifested in a number of the following Universals, which according to the above classification can be defined as confirmation ones.

The Universal issued by V. Vyhovsky on 9 February, 1658 Greek merchants' privileges having granted to them by B. Khmelnitsky [9, p. 44] were confirmed. And the next Universal by I. Vyhovsky on 3 May, 1659 reminded to the local officials that in case of aggression of the foreign merchants, guilty were to be punished [9, p. 46].

When Bohdan Khmelnytsky's son Yuri, came to the Hetman power Greek merchants again appealed to the Hetman to get a charter that would confirm their special position in the Ukrainian lands. In response, the young Hetman issued two Universals.

Their content was very traditional. It was forbidden to do any obstacles to Greek merchants when they were moving in the territory of Ukraine, during their trade in the fairs in cities and it was forbidden to collect taxes from the Greeks. Y. Khmelnitsky also reminded Greeks entitled to free judicial resolution of controversial issues [9, p. 46].

Some specification of legal issues is noticed in the Universal by Briukhovetsky on 16 March, 1665. Along with "ritual" for the Ukrainian Hetman confirmation of all the advantages and threats of punishment for those who would violate them, they talked about the features of court between the Greeks and Ukrainians. It could take place in the general court establishments, so disputes between the Greek and Ukrainian merchants were not within the competence of the Greek justice.

So for the period of 1657-1665 confirmation and defensive Universals were the lion's share of the legal framework for the Greek community. Issues raised in these documents, revolved around the trade privileges and their own court and almost did not go beyond the content of the plane that had been outlined by the Universals of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The period of the important changes for foreign merchants in general, and the Greeks in particular began from the Universal by I. Samoilovych. He issued two Universals in 1672, as well as the previous ones they confirmed the privileged position of Greek merchants in Ukrainian lands. But Universal issued on November 28, 1675 qualitatively changed the state of Greek merchants in contrast to other foreigners. In the Universal Hetman government appealed to Nizhyn city magistrate with orders not to interfere in the affairs of the judiciary of Greek merchants. The Universal determined that the appeal against the decision of the Greek court could be sent to the General Court [9, p. 53].

The most fundamental changes in the situation of the Greek community were made by the legislative activity of Mazepa. It completed the evolution of the Greek factor from scattered merchant community, whose members temporary were in Ukraine, to organized, geographically defined community. It opened up new prospects for the development of


traditions of self-government. In particular, it appeared in such decisions. Mazepa by his Universal on September 13, 1687 confirmed the right of the Greeks to sue only by their court and be out of the power of the regimental court and city magistrate. And by the Universal on December 18 of the same year he allowed to build their own church and do religious rites according to their custom [9, p . 54]. So for the first time the religious autonomy was added to judiciary one. By the Universal of I. Mazepa on 19 October 1696, Nizhyn Greek fraternity [9, p. 57] was legally formalized. The document stressed on the prohibition of Nizhyn Greeks to do themselves justice of criminal cases. For the first time the Greek households were exempt from municipal obligations [10, p. 21]. Another Universal on 16 May, 1701 Greeks were exempt from providing carts and military housing duties and municipal taxes [9, p. 59].

Both I. Skoropadsky and D. Apostol confirmed all the rights and privileges of Greeks. The absence of new subjects in their Universals indicates that during the ruling time of the Hetman Ivan Mazepa almost all the main spheres of the life of Greeks in Nizhyn had been identified and resolved.

However, the first half of the XVIII century began to Nezhin Greeks not only with the strengthening and confirmation of their privileged position. After the "betrayal" of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, Hetman's government on Ukrainian lands had been fairly stable and could not become a guarantor of rights and privileges of Nizhyn Greeks. Even in times of Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky Hetman authority was so weak that the military and local governments saw no need to adhere to legislation [2, p. 87]. Therefore Nizhyn Greeks began to seek support and protection in Moscow tsars.

The Greeks turned the Russian government not for the first time. The development of trade business in the Russian Empire reached such a rate that Greek merchants could not stay out of this process. They wanted to find new markets and sought the permission of the Russian government for the right to trade in Moscow. The desire of Greek merchants was supported by the embassy order on 17 April, 1680. To protect the Moscow market from Greeks from Turkey, which could come to Moscow under the guise of Greeks from the Ukrainian town, it was necessary to have a letter signed by Hetman with the military seal, which would have confirmed their identity. [3]

In their petitions to Peter I they complained about the Hetman authorities and asked to give them such a document, which would guarantee the protection of their rights and privileges. This document has been received on 11 March, 1710 when Nizhyn Greeks got granted charter which confirmed all the rights and privileges granted to the community by the Hetman's government. Russian government did not ignore the issue of justice of Nizhyn Greeks. As it had been established before the Greeks had to do the justice among themselves and their servants in all the matters, except criminal and investigation [4].

Decree of the Russian Empress Anna Ivanovna on 8 August, 1734 approved the rights and privileges having been granted to Nizhyn Greeks in the time of Peter I. Among other things, the document dealt with proceeding in the Greek Community. The right of Greeks to do their own trial according to their traditions [5] was confirmed. So they could do trials in all the matters except criminal, but in the 13 th paragraph of the decree emphasized that the Greeks had a right to appeal to the General Military Chancellery in Hlukhov in case of inability to solve complex civil cases independently.

An important place in the history of the community has Granted Charter by Elizabeth I granted to the Greeks on 3 November, 1742. Among the mentioned items of the Charter another one was added. It was added because the persistent request of the Greek merchants: it was forbidden to engage members of the Greek Community in public affairs of the city [6]. Special attention is paid there. Despite the absence of territorial separation, Greek Community estranged itself from the city community life. It existed independently, which was confirmed legally.

Reigning period of Hetman K. Razumovsky went down in the history of Nijinsky Greek Community as an attempt to control trial of Greek fraternity by local government. By the order of the Hetman on 16 April, 1751 Nizhyn regimental sergeant was introduced to Nizhyn Greek fraternity. The reaction of Greek fraternity was quick. In August of the same year the Greeks sent a petition to the Hetman about the violation of their privileges. The result was an Universal issued him in Glukhov on 28 August, 1751, which confirmed the rights and privileges of Nizhyn Greeks (exemption from the housing and cart obligation, the right of free movement for commercial activity, the inviolability of the deceased Greeks, the independence of the Greek court, etc.) [9, p.84] and military General's office issued a decree banning any harassment of Greek merchants.

After the liquidation of Hetman Institute in Ukrainian lands in the 60-ies of XVII century the highest authority in the territory of Little Russia was the Second Little Russian Collegium led by Count P.Rumyantsev. The course was set for the centralization of power in the Russian Empire. The main issue concerning Nizhyn Greeks which worried the Russian government, was almost uncontrolled acceptance to the brotherhood not only local Greeks, but also Greeks immigrants and other nationalities from Little Russian. The Decree on 10 February, 1775 granted the following rights and privileges to Nizhyn Greeks: Greek fraternity court was given the state seal; the right to trade freely within Russia was given; it was prohibited to General Court to interfere in the Greeks' business, in solving important issues and litigation higher authority is Little Russian Collegium; in case of disputes of Greeks with people of other nationalities, the Greeks brought Russians to the state judiciary, Russians brought Greeks to the fraternity court; Nizhyn Magistrate was denoted not to violate the rights and privileges of the Greeks, not to delay issuing passports, not to demand carriageway duty and not to restrict the disposal of property of the deceased people in different cities in the interests of the Greeks as the heirs and creditors. [7]

Another important point in the legal regulation of the Nizhyn Greeks life was ordering the judiciary, particularly the part that dealt with appeals.

The historic importance was the legislative Act on21 April, 1785. The Russian government issued a "Municipal Statutes" in which city management passed to the competence of magistrates and merchants were divided into guilds. This legislative Act actually threatened the Greek Community with its longstanding tenor. Realizing this, members of the Greek Community in Nizhyn immediately addressed to the Empress to approve their privileges. In granted charter provided by Catherine II to Nizhyn Greeks on 1 September, 1785 it was noted that instead of the court of the Greek fraternity Nijinsky Greek magistrate would be created. In addition, special state of Greeks in Nizhyn was confirmed; their benefits were strengthened [2, p. 125]. Granted charter of 1785 completed a long process of formation of self-government of Nizhyn Greeks.

Thus, the government attention to the issues of the foreign colonization of Ukrainian territories affected in a number of political and legal acts which regulated life activity of Nizhyn Greeks. They provided to the Greek Community in Nizhyn economic and judicial privileges and shaped the political and legal framework of self-governing organization. Nizhyn Greek Magistrate became its manifestation.


1. Гедьо А. Грецью громади Ижина та Швшчного Приазов'я в актових матерiалах середини XVII-XIX ст. / А. Гедьо - Кшв, 2005. - 416 с. ; Hedo A. Hretski hromady Nizhyna ta Pivnichnoho Pryazovia v aktovykh materialakh seredyny KhVII-KhIKh st. / A. Hedo - Kyiv, 2005. - 416 s.

2. Плохинский М. Иноземцы в старой Малороссии / М. Плохинский // Труды XII археологического съезда / под ред. графини П. Уваровой. - Харьков, 1902. - Т. 2. Ч. 1. -Москва, 1905. - С. 194 ; Plokhinskiy M. Inozemtsy v staroy Malorossii / M. Plokhinskiy //


Trudy Khll arkheologicheskogo sezda / pod red. grafini P. Uvarovoy. - Kharkov, 1902. - T. 2. Ch. 1. - Moskva, 1905. - S. 194

3. Полное собрание законов Российской империи-1 (далi ПСЗ). -Т. 2, № 818; Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiyskoy imperii-1 (dali PSZ).-T. 2, № 818

4. ПСЗ-1. -Т. 4, № 2260; PSZ-1. -T. 4, № 2260

5. ПСЗ-1. -Т. 9, № 26614; PSZ-1. -T. 9, № 26614

6. ПСЗ-1. -Т. 11, № 8656; PSZ-1. -T. 11, № 8656

7. ПСЗ-1. -Т. 20, № 14879; PSZ-1. -T. 20, № 14879

8. Сторожевский Н. Нежинские греки / Н. Сторожевский. - Киев, 1863. - 32 с. ; Storozhevskiy N. Nezhinskie greki / N. Storozhevskiy. - Kiev, 1863. - 32 s

9. Федотов-Чеховской А. Акты нежинского братства / А. Федотов-Чеховской. -Киев: Керер, 1884. - 84 с. ; Fedotov-Chekhovskoy A. Akty nezhinskogo bratstva / A. Fedotov-Chekhovskoy. - Kiev: Kerer, 1884. - 84 s.

10. Харлампович К. Нариси з Истори грецько'1 колони в НИжинИ (XVII-XVIII ст.) / К. Харлампович // Записки Исторично-фшолопчного вИддИлу ВУАН. -1929. - № 24. -С. 109-204 ; Kharlampovych K. Narysy z istorii hretskoi kolonii v Nizhyni (XVII-XVIII st.) / K. Kharlampovych // Zapysky istorychno-filolohichnoho viddilu VUAN. -1929. - № 24. - S. 109-204

11. Швидько А. Джерела до ютори грецького нИжинського братства (XVII-XVII ст.) / А. Швидько // Украша - ГрецИя : досвИд дружнИх зв'язкИв та перспективи ствробигництва : тези мiжнародноi науково-практично'1 конференций, м. Марцуполь, 2426 трав. 1996 р. - МарИуполь, 1996. - С. 43-44 ; Shvydko A. Dzherela do istorii hretskoho nizhynskoho bratstva (KhVII-KhVII st.) / A. Shvydko // Ukraina - Hretsiia : dosvid druzhnikh zviazkiv ta perspektyvy spivrobitnytstva : tezy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, m. Martsupol, 24-26 trav. 1996 r. - Mariupol, 1996. - S. 43-44

Стаття надИйшла до редакци 10.09.2015 р.

М.К. Подгайко


В cmammi на основ1 комплексного анал1зу джерел та лтератури, висвтлюеться мгсце греюв Украгни в системi законодавчог полтики гетьманського та iмперського урядiв у II половит XVII-XIX ст.

До^джуються етапи формування прившейованого становища грецьког стльноти. В чи^i тих, що утворилися першими на украгнських землях можна назвати Шжинську грецьку громаду. Греки-купц були запрошен урядом гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького в середин XVII для активiзацiг торгiвельног справи на украгнських землях, що перебувала в занепадi через поди Нацюнально-визвольног втни. Гетьманський уряд всшяко заохочував тоземних купщв. 1м надавалася низка прав та привше'гв. Результатом активног i далекоглядног полтики гетьманського уряду стало утворення чисельног Шжинськог грецьког громади.

Згодом гетьманський уряд було змiнено урядом Ростськог iмперii. Проте, на перших порах цей факт тяк не вплинув на розвиток i дiяльнiсть греюв. Життeдiяльнiсть шжинських греюв регулювалася цшим комплексом полтико-правових документiв, яю продукувала гетьманська, а згодом й iмперська влада. Ti законодавчi ршення, що приймалися протягом XVII-XVIII ст. поступово закртлювали привыейоване становище шжинськог грецьког стльноти.

Однак, тсля лiквiдацii тституту гетьманства, уряд Ростськог iмперii взяв жорсткий курс на централiзацiю влади в краЫ. Основне питання, що турбувало владу -це прившейоване становище члешв грецьког громади. В чи^i прившегв, якими тривалий час користувалися тжинськ греки були: власне судочинство; наявтсть печатки;



право вшьно вести торг1вельт справи; заборона втручатися тшим органам влади в справи греюв; Шжинський грецький маг1страт мав право видавати паспорти тощо. Все це викликало занепокоення влади Ростськог iмперй, що призвело до поступовог л1кв1дацИ прившейованого становища шжинських гретв.

Отже, стаття висвтлюе правове тдгрунтя перебування грецьких купщв на територгг Украгни; економiчнi, геополтичш та правовi чинники, що вплинули на отримання тжинськими греками особливого статусу, прав та привтегв.

Ключовi слова: греки Украгни, мжинсью греки, гетьманський ушверсал, гетьманський уряд, гетьман Богдан Хмельницький, Ростська iмперiя, жалувана грамота, Шжинський грецький маг^трат.

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТИ: Лисак В.Ф., дл.н., проф.; Чура В.1., дл.н., проф.

УДК [930.1:336](477)"1850/1917"

Н.М. Радченко


В сmаmmi розглядаеться стан науковог розробки проблеми вивчення джерел з wтори становлення кредитно-фтансовог системи Украгни другог половини ХХ - 1917 р. Предметом наукових до^джень були рiзнi аспекти wтори розвитку кредитно-фтансових установ Украгни, проте на сьогодм у wторичнт лimераmурi вiдсуmнi узагальнюючi науковi роботи, у яких було б здтснено комплексний аналiз джерел з wтори розвитку кредитно-фтансово 'г системи Украгни зазначеного перюду.

Ключовi слова: банк, кредитт товариства, кредитно-фтансова система, ощадт


Процес становлення та розвитку мереж1 кредитно-фшансових установ Украши друго! половини Х1Х - 1917 р. був предметом уваги багатьох сучасниюв та вже бшьше ста роюв у бшьшш чи меншш м1р1 привертае увагу вгтчизняних та заруб1жних науковщв. Дореволюцшна юторюграф1я багата дослщженнями, у яких висвгтлювалися р1зш сторони фшансово! та торгово-промислово! полгтики самодержавства. Це перюд дискусп у суспшьсга про подальш1 шляхи сощально-економ1чного розвитку 1мперп, у тому чист й шституту кредитування. Вивчення думок та погляд1в сучасниюв цих процеав е метою дано! статл. Загалом дослщжень присвячених дореволюцшнш юторюграфи кредитно-банювсько! системи Украши, або ж Росшсько! ¡мперп в цшому дуже мало, здебшьшого це частини дисертацшних дослщжень, як-то В.1. Марочко [20, 22, 26, 34]. Окремо можна видшити статтю росшського дослщника К.А. 1синського, у якш розглядаються пращ дореволюцшних росшських юториюв з вивчення провшщально! банювсько! системи Роси середиш Х1Х - початку ХХ ст. [16].

Перш1 спроби охарактеризувати новостворену кредитно-фшансову систему було зроблено у 60-х - 70-т рр. Х1Х ст. i стосувалися вони Росшсько! 1мперп загалом. Це роботи О.В. Яковлева, В.Ф. Лугшша, Н.П. Колюпанова, О.1. Васильчикова [7, 25, 37]. У тогочасних роботах вщсутнш юторюграф1чний анал1з л1тератури та мютиться мало посилань на джерела. Проте ус автори висловлювали одну думку - потреба Роси в упорядкованому кредитуванш, а вже пот1м вони полем1зували про найкращу систему

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