GREAT SERVICES OF SHAROF RASHIDOV IN ENSURING THE WELFARE OF THE UZBEKI PEOPLE II Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tashbaev A.K., Rakhmatov Kh.B.

In the article states the character of the writer, Rashidov's life and in ensuring the welfare of the Uzbek people services in lighting Hakkani scientific based rich resources and gives a data statement. The country was far from the master tension, in order to took an exit from the situation, irrigation, melioration and another in directions and positive activities had been done.

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Tashbaev A.K. teacher

department of "Social and Economic Sciences"

UzMU Jizzakh branch Rakhmatov Kh.B.


department of "Social and Economic Sciences"

UzMU Jizzakh branch


Abstract: In the article states the character of the writer, Rashidov's life and in ensuring the welfare of the Uzbek people services in lighting Hakkani scientific based rich resources and gives a data statement. The country was far from the master tension, in order to took an exit from the situation, irrigation, melioration and another in directions and positive activities had been done.

Keywords: Statesman, Writer, Writer, Creativity, Leadership, Irrigation, Melioration, Chemical, consequences, Uzbek work.

Our country's in 130 years of history more heavy colonialism the past with depends has been pitiful on the pages of Turkestan local state characters and national intellectuals T. Riskulov, Faizulla Khojaev, Inomjon Khidiraliev, Akmal Ikramov, Usman Yusupov and others with one in line Sharof Rashidov too of the center colonialism to politics and of Turkestan raw materials source level catch stand up for watching measures against fought national from the leaders was. They even strongman of the system each how sharp conditions too Uzbek of the people interests possibility until protection did and of the center to the empire aggression to soften succeeded has been capable, willing national leaders was.

Sh.Rashidov's unique intelligence, diligence, and humility with big reputation attention won, colonialism oppression suffered to our people loyalty with honest service did famous state character and is a writer. It is life tall own to the people, all with pure intentions to people goodness making them _ big-big dreams, goals on the way b. Although he was affected by the harsh trials of colonialism, he was always loyal to the humanitarian ideals, and the spirit of love for the Motherland, and gained fame in the hearts of our people. In the crisis of agriculture in the early 1980s in the former Soviet Union, the political leader of Uzbekistan Sh.R. Rashidov carried out significant positive activities in providing the country's agrarian complex with financial funds and necessary resources, as well as in other directions of the economic and cultural

construction of those years. Even though he was forced to follow the flow of the Center's policy, he tried to protect the national interests of the people, especially the rural population and farmers, to the extent of the opportunities allowed; managed to obtain the necessary funds and material resources to improve the general standard of living, help the villages, and transform our republic into a purely agrarian country, and worked tirelessly towards its goals. Sh. Rashidov was able to use every available opportunity to protect the interests of the people and improve their standard of living. He was able to unite the people toward this goal.

Sh.Rashidov is a leader who was able to organize the work, life, and livelihood of people mobilized to the desert. His leadership and human qualities, the constructive services he has performed for the region, especially his great services in ensuring peace and stability in international politics, are an example of his leadership skills. The construction of many important objects in Uzbekistan, including in villages, is associated with the name of Sharif Rashidov. With his direct participation, significant changes were made in terms of the material and technical basis of agriculture, strengthening its potential. However, the capabilities of the national leader were limited. The center defined the ideology and strategy of agrarian construction, the essence of which remained primarily the rapid development of cotton cultivation. For the successful development of cotton, first of all, it was decided to create a cotton industry base. At the same time, the importance of simultaneously creating a strong material and technical base for the complete industrialization of agriculture prompted the establishment of cotton-ginning factories in almost all regions and state farms of the Republic. In 1966, the opening of a new stage in the direction of irrigation and land reclamation provided an opportunity to solve problems in the field of land irrigation and irrigation.

From 1963 to 1968, a large number of modern construction techniques began to operate in the development of the Karshi desert. 1964 6 large pumping stations with a length of 77 km - Karshi construction of the main channel started Jizzakh, Karshi, Mirzachol, Central Ferghana and of the Republic another many invalid their husbands in mastering service state of the leader village farm development regarding attention owner from potential is evidence. In the 70s in the Republic's cotton farming development, chemical substances apply our territory's natural environment had fatal way effects and showed dangerous diseases, and death levels strengthened.

National leader Under the leadership of Sharof Rashidov of the Republic famous scientists, national intelligent representatives of the union to the authorities relentlessly appeals so, own of the people's destiny for deep worry with own thoughts statement did. They are their own in their appeals poisonous chemical of substances village in his household public respectively app to be done a person to health and to the environment fatal effect to show emphasized. Sh. Rashidov initiative with poisonous chemical substances to use size reduce

on the surface independent respectively measures to determine movement started. May 21, 1970 Uzbekistan High Council directorate acceptance did in the decision " To crops processing in giving chemical struggle methods strictly in order it is possible as long as close processing to give I'm done poison, poisonous chemical substances to spend to reduce reach " is strict necessity note done was National of the leader aspirational actions with In the Republic close of chemistry dangerous to the consequences I'm done to give for the purpose of the 70s in their heads to cotton chemical processing to give volume be shortened started, poison strong has been from drugs only damaged in the fields and possible without aviation means on the ground processing to give method use measures known term to the road was put This movements national of our leader dangerous situations too own of the people his interests health in grief humanity qualities example was.

Soviet state last years Russians for Sharof Rashidov 's name is corruption and the Soviet Union administrative command the epitome of management turning around left. The government of Leonid Brezhnev years Delivery of cotton to Uzbekistan increase about the end no decisions come was standing To this in response Uzbek government " by adding write " account always field areas irrigation and the cotton crop about from before bigger numbers they wrote This condition Uzbek to managers from the center addition sources get and the power of Brezhnev buy to get possibility would give Only of Sh. Rashidov from his death Finally, the center to himself characteristic " Uzbek work fabrication thinking found and to Uzbekistan Telman Gdlyan and Nikolay Ivanov head fast prosecutors the group sent _ Of this, as a result, Uzbekistan in the government take went from cleaning of the USSR almost all leaders target received Gdlian's in his opinion, that's it At the time, the entire Union was in the net of corruption the rest one time Moscow Uzbek Republic separate put injustice did Uzbek the result of the case of the Republic the majority population national to action encouraged. This especially again to build off the era last year's increase.

Currently on the day of independence in Uzbekistan Honor Rashidov's name is respected attention to remember is taken. Himself a strong leader and a skilled diplomat show received Uzbek of the people hero to shortcomings of the full Soviet rule system Uzbek of the people measure can't be developed for direction. Sh. Rashidov the head of the Republic has huge, responsible tasks even though he is a whole being has loved literature loyal left. He is his unique talent with good values my praise reached works-stories, poetry, and epics, journalistic articles created. Sharof Rashidov Shoro authority of the era all state characters like from his death after His life was condemned and creativity learning banned. Independence honor with writer and state of the character name again restored.

On December 23, 2016, the High Assembly Legislation chamber decision with Jizzakh of the region Jizzakh " Sharof Rashidov district ", Tashkent of the

city Independence area next to the name of the street "Rashidov Street ". to be given to state character aged objectively is attention. On October 6 of this year day, Jizzakh in the city Statue of Sharif Rashidov was installed.


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