GRAMMATICAL-CONVERSION METHOD IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
equivalent / grammatical structures / rules of grammar / grammatical-translation method / bilingualism / transfer approaches / deductive logic / grammar material / grammatical phenomena / grammatical-conversion method / lexical minimum / a bilingual Glossary. / эквивалент / грамматические конструкции / правила грамматики / грамматико-переводной метод / двуязычие / трансфертные подходы / дедуктивная логика / грамматический материал / грамматические явления / грамматико-конверсионный метод / лексический минимум / билингвальный словарь.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pidaeva, Shahnoza Bahtiyarovna

In this article substantiates the idea that learning grammar is not only plays a crucial role in the study of a foreign language, but is practically equal to him

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В данной статье обосновывается мысль о том, что изучение грамматики не только играет важнейшую роль в изучении иностранного языка, но и практически приравнивается к нему.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Pidaeva Shahnoza Bahtiyarovna

Interfaculty department of the English language National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek,

senior teacher


In this article substantiates the idea that learning grammar is not only plays a crucial role in the study of a foreign language, but is practically equal to him

Keywords: equivalent, grammatical structures, rules of grammar, grammatical-translation method, bilingualism, transfer approaches, deductive logic, grammar material, grammatical phenomena, grammatical-conversion method, lexical minimum, a bilingual Glossary.

В данной статье обосновывается мысль о том, что изучение грамматики не только играет важнейшую роль в изучении иностранного языка, но и практически приравнивается к нему.

Ключевые слова: эквивалент, грамматические конструкции, правила грамматики, грамматико-переводной метод, двуязычие, трансфертные подходы, дедуктивная логика, грамматический материал, грамматические явления, грамматико-конверсионный метод, лексический минимум, билингвальный словарь.


Even at the end of the XIX century, gymnasium education was considered elite. His goal was the harmonious development of students, educating them not only a sense of beauty, but also the ability to think logically, including through the teaching of foreign languages. Classical languages, Latin and ancient Greek, which were obligatory for the gymnasium, served as a model of harmony, consistency, and logic. The linguistic understanding of language as a system had methodological consequences: if we consider language as a system, then it is possible to master the system thoroughly by studying and understanding it. The most systematized level of a language is its grammar. Consequently, the study of the grammatical system not only plays an important role in learning a foreign language, but is practically equivalent to it. The unit of grammar study is a rule that you need to know, that is, learn by heart and understand, be able to find examples of its application in texts, be able to apply it


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

in practice — formulate examples of its use at the level of a sentence and a simple text, for example, an answer to a question or an essay, be able to find the equivalent of translating certain grammatical constructions in your native language. Knowledge of the rule also includes knowledge of all exceptions to it. Therefore, in addition to the rule, you have to memorize all the exceptions. To remove additional difficulties and misunderstandings in understanding, all grammatical rules, as well as tasks for exercises, are formulated in their native language, which plays a central role in the system of grammatical translation method.


The main purpose of the training was to read texts and translate them into their native language, which was achieved through knowledge of grammar. This is the essence of the grammatical-translation method. Here is his brief description:

• cognition (awareness): the purpose of training is knowledge of the system, not the development of skills and abilities;

• fundamental bilingualism, both of the textbook and of the learning process itself; the native language serves as a basis for comparison and an intermediary in the acquisition of knowledge;

• transfer of teaching approaches of Latin and ancient Greek to living languages, the use of strictly Latin terminology for the formulation of rules and tasks for exercises;

• deductive logic of presentation and assimilation of grammatical material — strictly from the rule to the examples, and not vice versa;

• systematic attitude to grammatical material: the study of grammar takes place "in parts of speech", regardless of the importance of

or another grammatical phenomenon in practical use by native speakers of a particular language (this is also the influence of the traditions of teaching dead languages).

It is also necessary to dwell on a number of features of the grammatical-translation method, which invariably cause a critical reaction of supporters of more "democratic" teaching methods. This method and the following textbooks offer a rather monotonous system of exercises (answers to questions, insertion of a missing word in a strictly defined grammatical form, transformation of sentences from one grammatical form to another — for example, from the present to the past tense, dictation, essays according to a given plan with the use of mandatory lexical units and grammatical constructions and, of course, translation from a foreign language to a

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

native language and back). These exercises themselves, in general, do not cause objections and are even used in a slightly modified form in other methodological approaches. Criticism deserves the fact that this range of tasks is repeated in the textbook from paragraph to paragraph in a strictly defined order, which leads to getting used to the monotonous rhythm of the lesson, and often to a decrease in the motivation of students. In addition, these exercises are implemented in this system exclusively at the level of disparate sentences that are not linked together in context, therefore, there is no idea how the rules studied "behave" in everyday communication. The task formulations themselves are quite strict and, from a modern point of view, do not contribute to the creation of an interactive climate in the relationship between students and their textbook. Compare the following two formulations:

— Use these sentences in the past tense.

— Imagine that the events described below occurred last week. How will the text change?

The second wording is not only more "friendly" towards the addressee. It provides characteristics of some conditions for the production of speech actions, which is especially important from the point of view of modern approaches to learning.

Another aspect that invariably causes criticism of the grammatical-translation method is the attitude to vocabulary. The lexical minimum is served as a bilingual glossary (list of words) and requires mechanical memorization. Naturally, it is not difficult to assume that subsequent methods try to correct this shortcoming and pay much more serious attention to the lexical level of the language.

It is impossible not to say a few words about the texts. As a rule, these are rather difficult texts of fiction, excerpts from the works of serious authors intended for translation into native the language is based on the grammar learned. The literary text dominates the textbook, since one of the main goals within the framework of the grammatical-translation method is to educate the student on texts corresponding to high aesthetic ideals. Therefore, the choice of texts is made from well-known, classic works of fiction. The same texts serve as a means of familiarizing students with a foreign culture in the broadest sense of the word. This is how the problem of regional studies is solved, which does not become either a goal or a teaching tool here. Genre uniformity of textual material is considered absolutely unacceptable for teaching a foreign language today.

To the credit of the grammar-translation method, it should be said that even now it has supporters among teachers. It is considered the most "reliable" in the sense of

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

absolute sterility, purity, infallibility, academic rigor. Students with a pronounced logical dominant of thinking prefer this method to any other. It is clear why it is so appreciated by adult trainees.


Today, this method has undergone serious modifications and has absorbed many of the later approaches. For example, the authors of textbooks partially abandoned bilingualism in the wording of rules and tasks, leaving a glossary to bilingual, provided textbooks with audio cassettes, replaced the invariable classics with educational texts telling "about life" in the country of the language being studied. However, the fundamental provisions of the method are unchanged: a cognitive approach to the study of the language system in order to gain knowledge and a deductive presentation of grammatical material from the rule to practical examples.


1. Mirolyubov A.A. Grammar-translation method // Foreign languages at school. -2002. -

2. Grammar-translation (Indirect) Method

(http: //www.aber.ac.uk/~mflwww/seclangacq/langteach3. htm)

3. Hadinata Purwarno. The Grammar Translation Method.

4. Kolesnikova I., Dolgina O. A Handbook of English-Russian Terminology for Language Teaching. - St. Petersburgh: CUP- BLITZ, 2001 (http://www.minuspk.ru/resource/resource1254142659.doc)

5. Bahtiyorovna, P. S. (2021). CURRENT METHODS OF TEACHING AT THE UNIVERSITY. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 7(4), 1232-1239.

6. The Grammar Translation Method. (http://oswaldoipc.wordpress.com/2007/06/22/the-grammar-translation-method/

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