Skryabin Moscow state academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology, Moscow
Key words: glycolytic load, physical working capacity of judokas, factor analysis.
Introduction. In judo competitive activity occurs mainly in the glycolytic process of energy supply, which affects special physical working capacity and accordingly the training process. It is very hard to choose exercises matching the goals of load and work of the athletes' musculoskeletal system. The suggested method of development of special physical working capacity of judokas conforms to the glycolytic energy supply and sets in motion the whole muscular system of judokas showing their technical and tactical skills [1, 2, 4-6]. The purpose of the study was to analyze the indicators of functional fitness of judokas. Materials and methods. To test the effect of glycolytic load judokas performed the exercise "jump over partner, crawl between the legs of a partner for 30 sec", then 30 second rest, 5 such repetitions and 7 series, 5 min rest between series, in compliance with the methodology of V.G. Pashintsev, 2008 [7]. The task was associated with the fact that according to the rules of judo contests a bout lasts five minutes, and the interval between bouts can not be less than 5 min. A judoka can have seven bouts within a competition. Thus, athletes were offered the load relevant to competitive conditions in respect to its orientation and intensity. This load was used in the wrestlers' training for two mesocycles of 60 days. 22 training sessions were held. Motor density of the workout was 21 minutes, the average amount of work done - 400.6 jump. Maximum HR - 190 bpm, minimal - 180 bpm, average 185 bpm, the mean value of lactate 16 mmol/l. Energy consumption during a workout was 641.8 kcal .
Results and discussion. The effect of the glycolytic load on the judokas' physical working capacity was determined using the factor analysis or the principal component analysis, defining the factor structure of the functional fitness of judokas.
The key features of the principal components are their independence and ability to be ranged according to the level of the contribution to the total dispersion of initial factor characteristics. The first component is the most diverse, revealing the most essential relationship between the features. The second component takes into account most of the remaining dispersion till the moment the whole dispersion is applied.
As a result of the factorization of the matrix of the intercorrelation of 27 initial indices of functional fitness, followed by its rotation according to the quartimax-criterion, the factor model was obtained presented in Table 1.
The starting basis of the obtained factor matrix is intercorrelation matrices, which consist of pair correlation coefficients. In this matrix, the correlation coefficients in many cases help to estimate not the cause-effect relations, but the relations of concomitance caused by the presence of the common causes of the variation formation.
The presented factor model was interpreted in the following way. The most powerful were the four components that explain 71% of the total variance of original features. In this case the first component explains 36% of the total variance, has the largest (in the absolute value) load in the following tests: forced vital capacity (FVC); bronchial patency; expiratory force; rate of phosphocreatine and glucose consumption; increase of creatinine; special endurance coefficient; Stange test and force indicators.
The first component can be interpreted as a factor that regulates glycolytic endurance using the proper work of the pulmonary system, the body's ability to function in conditions of low ventilation, energy supply with phosphocreatine and glucose, development of special endurance. The second component clarifies 16% of the total variance. Particularly high coefficients of the relation were observed between the second component and pulmonary capacity; inspiratory reserve; average and average at saturation < 88%; blood lactate level. It was interpreted as a factor of the body's ability to work at minimum ventilation using lung capacity and inspiratory reserve. The third component explains 10 % of the total variance. High load is present in tests which characterize lipid energy supply.
The share of the fourth component is 9 % of the total sample variance. The maximum load falls on the presence of ketones after a workout.
Table 1. Results of the factor analysis of indices of functional fitness of judokas
№ Variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
1 FVC 0,821 0,024 -0,077 0,046
2 Bronchial patency -0,907 -0,139 -0,042 0,019
3 Inspiratory force -0,691 0,217 0,170 0,285
4 Expiratory force -0,972 -0,175 0,017 -0,059
5 Pulmonary capacity -0,079 -0,751 -0,067 -0,241
6 MBC 0,269 0,191 -0,428 0,240
7 Inspiratory reserve 0,192 0,910 0,109 0,055
8 Base SpO2 0,116 -0,076 -0,269 0,652
9 Min. SpO2 -0,325 -0,634 0,272 0,066
10 Av. SpO2 0,265 0,817 0,022 0,097
11 Av. SpO2< 88% -0,328 -0,843 -0,039 -0,218
12 Phosphocreatine before 0,757 0,129 -0,103 -0,001
13 Phosphocreatine after -0,897 -0,204 0,084 -0,049
14 Glucose before -0,336 -0,647 0,283 0,158
15 Glucose after -0,943 -0,069 0,152 0,036
16 Triglycerides before -0,222 0,005 0,905 -0,064
17 Triglycerides after 0,142 0,065 0,842 0,079
18 Ketones before 0,394 0,215 0,169 0,447
19 Ketones after 0,167 0,375 -0,057 0,711
20 Lactate 0,195 0,785 -0,286 -0,378
21 MOC before 0,106 -0,300 -0,075 0,494
22 MOC after -0,001 -0,005 -0,611 -0,536
23 SEC (speed endurance coefficient) 0,967 0,192 -0,079 0,001
24 Stange 0,857 0,138 0,205 0,106
25 Power 0,950 0,062 0,069 0,070
26 Creatinine before 0,284 0,115 0,048 0,484
27 Creatinine after 0,957 0,207 -0,037 0,005
Gen. disp. 9,581 4,391 2,583 2,360
Total share 0,355 0,163 0,096 0,087
e thirc and fourth components were combined into a single factor and designated as partial supp
of glycolytic working capacity due to lipid oxidation.
Proceeding from the results of the factor analysis of judokas, the glycolytic component of endurance is enhanced via developing pulmonary and buffer systems ensuring workout by oxygen deficiency and enhancing the efficient use of the energy components of phosphocreatine, glucose and partially blood triglycerides. The results obtained correspond to the findings of T. Gabrys' [3] and V.V. Shiyan [8].
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