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Ключевые слова
Republic of Karakalpakstan / construction / geographical / construction raw materials

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Iskenderov A.B.

On the basis of the strategy of actions in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the development of construction industries has been radically renewed. Due to the comprehensive reforms, the aim was to find new building housing reserves in the development of the construction sector and create a basis for effective future use.

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Iskenderov A.B. senior lecturer

Department of geography teaching methodology Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz Uzbekistan, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus


Annotation: on the basis of the strategy of actions in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the development of construction industries has been radically renewed. Due to the comprehensive reforms, the aim was to find new building housing reserves in the development of the construction sector and create a basis for effective future use.

Keywords: Republic of Karakalpakstan, construction, geographical, construction raw materials.

Several marble quarries have been opened in Uzbekistan. The main ones are Gazgan in Novoi region, Omonquton in Samarkand region Arqutsay in Tashkent region, etc. There are also a number of marble quarries. Their cupcake belongs to the gruhi of high quality and colored marbles. For Chu, they were used as the main ornamental stone in historical monuments erected in the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Shahrisabaz. Ozgon marble has been number one at the world's fairs many times. The marble mined in Uzbekistan is widely used in the decoration of luxury buildings in the cities of the republic, such as the Opera and Ballet Theater named Navoi, The Art Palace named after the friendship of the Khalihs, the Stations of the Tashkent Metro and various monuments.

In addition, a large reserve of ornamental cover stones (granite, granodiorite, gabbro, tuf, parfir, etc.) is opened on the territory of Uzbekistan, they are widely used in the decoration of unique buildings.

In the Republic, the most basic branch of the building materials industry, raw materials resources for the development of the cement industry are rich in raw materials resources, which the regions of Korotog, Jumurtog and Ustyurt, mentioned in the first chapter of the graduation work on the development of a large number of such resources. Of course, in the future it is necessary to develop the cement industry in Karakalpakstan, on the basis of the above-mentioned raw material resources.

At this time, cement was brought from several thousand km away from Uzbekistan, Central Asia and the CIS countries. Therefore, the cost of cement itself is much more expensive. The main reason for this decrease depends, firstly, on the reconstruction of the Republic, and secondly, on the equipment of the new technique, which is being carried out at the latest in enterprises, many of its

materials are mined. The link to reconstruction depends on the destruction of economic ties, transportation with resources of the previous composition of the Republic, the interruption of the import of materials needed for Karakolpogistan from other CIS countries from the outside, as well as the need for equipment, the volume of drinking of its Materials decreased due to the lack of technical parts.

The most important of the Karakalpakstan building materials industry is the long-developing traditionalist industry of brick making. The brick-making industry is the main traditionalist sector of the Karakalpakstan building materials industry, which has been developing since ancient times based on local clay raw material resources. That is why the brick that has long been needed for housing construction has developed in each district itself based on local clay raw materials. The production process of bricks is small, in some cases the quality of the bricks burned in the domes, of course, they are burned in the domes using a local wooden sword, poured in clay molds and bricks. Such domes produced matted bricks, which were needed for the construction of the madrasa-masjid before the revolution. Before the revolution, even until the 1930s, housing in our republic was carried out on the basis of construction and brick. During this period, the processes of working clay, putting it into molds and casting it were carried out in heavy manual labor.

In the Republic, from the pre-war years, the process of brick casting was mechanized, and the production of brick products increased slightly. Until the 1960s, the brickworks on the territory of the Republic were small, their capacity was very small and of poor quality. After the 1960s, the housing and construction industry carried out extensively in the Republic was used more widely in the construction of Brick Road plotons, such construction was often quarried from Ustyurt, Beltog, Sultan Uway mountain and other residual mountains. In 1991, more than 5,400 tons of such local building materials, the highway was mined for construction, in general, the construction materials necessary for the extensive reproduction of the construction materials industry networks of the Republic of Karakalpakstan are rich in raw materials resources. The extensive use of these raw material resources will be of great importance in placing the productive forces in Karakalpakstan in accordance with the article.

In the cities of our republic, especially in the construction of the city of nukus, the product keramzit is widely used. In the future, the product of keramzite on a small stone urn is considered to be more profitable when laying large panel areas in our republic. The reason is, ceramic panels are used in housing construction because of the fact that the places where they are placed have a slight, hot and cold, sound-repellent property.

The production of reinforced concrete, concrete and structures of the Republic of Karakalpakstan as well as the development of the general building materials industry is primarily the development of a large industry of large-scale building materials based on local rich raw material resources in our republic, where high-tech-based National Farm construction can meet the demand.


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