GEOGRAPHIC-TOPONIMIC ANALYSIS OF THE FORMATION OF THE NAMES OF EUROPEAN AND ASIAN COUNTRIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Key words: toponym / country / state / geographical location / state of the place / territoriality.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Eshboev B., Keldiyorov T.

Abstract. In the article, the geographical features of the territory, which are an important indicator in the formation of the names of European and Asian countries, are explained on the example of the names of the countries, in which it was determined that the natural geographical aspects of the place were the most involved in the formation of toponyms.

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Eshboev B. associate professor Keldiyorov T. student

Department of Geography Karshi State University



Abstract. In the article, the geographical features of the territory, which are an important indicator in the formation of the names of European and Asian countries, are explained on the example of the names of the countries, in which it was determined that the natural geographical aspects of the place were the most involved in the formation of toponyms.

Key words: toponym, country, state, geographical location, state of the place, territoriality.

Introduction. Names clearly capture important aspects of the nature of a place. Therefore, most names reflect the natural conditions of the place, geographical location, relief, type of geographical object, climate, and a specific feature of the landscape. Below we aim to analyze the formation of the names of European and Asian countries from a geographical and toponymic point of view.

The main part. The following scientific and research institutions deal with the geography and names of European countries: the Belgum Geographical Institute, the Bulgarian Geographical Society, the Portugalies Research Council for Natural Sciences (founded in 1936), the Romanian Geographical Scientific Research Institute, which began its work in 1944, etc [1].

There are countries on the European continent that are named according to their geographical location, situation and specific features, terrain:

- Austria is actually derived from the German word "Osterreich" which means "east" and "reich" means "land", i.e. "eastern country". In modern German it is called "Osterreich". In the 9th century, the country was the easternmost part of the Frankish Empire. Charlemagne called the country "Ostmark" (Eastern Frontier). The term "Ostarrichi" appeared for the first time in the XI century [2]. Today, the Republic of Austria is characterized by its location in the center of Europe.

- Albania mountainous country. The root "alb" means "white" or "mountain". During the Arab era, the name of Albania was replaced by "Arron". The country is called "Shqiperia" among local residents. This word means "eagle". Apparently, the eagle was the totem of the Albanians. The inhabitants of the country call themselves Shkiptar. Albania is a "country of mountains".

- Andorra Located on the Iberian Pereney, it is a Basque term. The word Andorra means "andurrial" - "bare". Andorra means "bareness".

- Great Britain is a kingdom located in Western Europe. The word "great" is used as a reference to the majesty of the island. There are the following opinions about the term Britain: some scholars believe that it is derived from the name of Celtic tribes "Britti" and "Brit" means "swamp" [3]. The phrase "foggy Albion" is also used in the naming of Great Britain. This is because the British Isles have many foggy days for most of the year.

- In the name of the Denmark kingdom, we can see a name related to the relief. The word "dhen" in the name of the country is German and means "low" or "flat". The word "Mark" means "border", and the toponym known as "Denmark" was formed. "Denmark" means "lower border".

- Island island means "land of ice" in the Dutch language based on the toponym "Iceland". Ireland is used in the sense of Irish "Eire" and Celtic "weriudan" - "fertile land", i.e. "abode of the goddess of fertility" of the Celts. In 1937, in the new constitution of the country, Ireland was declared as the "Independent State of Eire" [4]. Eire (Eire) is the official name of Ireland from 1937 to 1949. If we think of Ireland as a western island, we are referring to Europe, and the Irish people formed on the island. The name Netherlands has been used since the end of the 15th century, and this term became the name of the country with the name "nider" - "low", "land" - "land", that is, "land in the lowlands". Also, the second unofficial name Holland was in use until January 1, 2020.

- The word Montenegro means "black mountain" in the Slavic language. Since 2011, the London Geographical Society has published a new edition of the political map of the world. On this political map, Montenegro was marked as "Monte-Negro". Montenegrin was called "black mountains" by the Venetian military because of the appearance of the Lovsen mountain in the country or its dark leafy forests [5]. The name of the country was debated as Duklja until the 11th century, then Zeta, and Montenegrin in the Slavic language from the 15 th century.

- The name Ukraine originally referred to some Russians in the south-west and meant "kray" - "border". In the late 16 th and early 17th centuries, it spread to all Ukrainian lands and became the ethnic name of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is a Slavic word meaning "border area". This name was expressed as a generic noun and later became an ethnonym [6]. Today, the word "kray" is used in the sense of "country". Thus, the toponym was the reason for the emergence of the ethnonym. During Tsarist Russia, Ukraine was called Malo Russia.

- The name of the Aland Islands is used in the Swedish language in the sense of "aland - "water-place", i.e. land between waters" [7]. It is one of the island countries dependent on Finland in the Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea.

There are also countries named after water bodies on the European continent.

- The country of Bosnia and Herzegovina included two territories that were independent from each other. The large part in the north (Bosnia) is named after the river Bosna, and the small area in the south takes its name from the German

noble title "duke". This honorary title was given to the territory belonging to Stefan Vikcic by Emperor Frederick IV in 1448. Stefan Vicic proclaimed himself duke in 1448 and his lands were named Herzogovina.

- There are 3 different hypotheses about the naming of Lithuania, and according to historical data, this name was mentioned for the first time in 1009. First, the Neman River was formerly known as Leyta or Lista. Based on this name, the name Lithuania was born. The second comes from the name of the Lista people who lived here. The third is defined as "lietus" - "rain". In Lithuanian it is called Lituva.

- There are also different opinions about the name of the country of Moldova. The first is derived from the name of a river in Romania called Moldova. River water was used because the river is rich in minerals. "Molde" is the German term used for this type of fossil. The second one originates from the name of the Moldovan people living in this country [8]. Thirdly, according to some researchers, there are assumptions that this name is related to the word "Maldive", "Molid" -"pine".

Some natural features are expressed in the names of several countries located in Asia: The term Vietnam was first used in the 16th century by a poet named Nguyen Binh Khiem in his book "Vietnam was created". In 1804-1813, Emperor Zia Long introduced the use of this term in official documents. Until the 10th century, the local people called the country Annam. The meaning of the word Vietnam is the southern country.

On the map of Asia, Nepal is located in the form of a long right angle. The name of this country, when translated from Sanskrit, means the place at the foot of the mountain, which is very similar to its geographical situation. The Indians called their river "Sindhu", the Persians called it "Hindu", and the Greeks further distorted this word and called it "Indus" (Indians call their homeland Bharat in Hindi) [9]. One of the Asian city-states, Singapore, got its name from the name of the city founded by the British in 1819. The name of the city means "city of lions" in Sanskrit.

Azerbaijan, one of the Caucasian countries, is known as the "land of fire". After the Arab conquest in the 7 th century, Aderbeygon got its current name. S.Karaev emphasizes the opinion that after the collapse of the Median state, the Atropaten state will appear in its place, and perhaps the ethnonym of Azerbaijanis is derived from the name of this state [10]. In connection with the religion of Zoroastrianism, it is called "the country of fire worshipers", and according to another assumption, it is explained by oil extraction.

We can see that the names of the island countries of Asia are mainly related to natural conditions (East Timor, Bahrain, Japan, Cyprus, Maldives, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka). There are also names that are formed by the location of certain peoples in the territory, and later in the name of the countries, the combination of the people and the territory.

Conclusion. Europe and Asia are the cradles of ancient civilizations. This subregion, which unites the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula and its adjacent territories, is distinguished by the antiquity of its toponymy. The geographical features of the region are the leading factor in the formation of place names of the country, and the geographical features of the place are reflected in the place name. Also, in the formation of the names of the countries of the continent, the names related to the ethnic origin of the place are the majority.


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