GENEALOGIC AND GRAMMATICAL (STRUCTURAL) CHARACTER OF HYBRID TERMS IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kulmanov S., Kordabay B., Yesskendir Zh., Ashimbayeva N., Bissengali A.

In the era of globalization, the relationship between languages is steadily developing rapidly. Integration in various areas of human activity leads to the activation of the processes of obtaining input elements. In this regard, the attention of linguists is particularly attracted by hybrid units in the language. Hybrid structures are usually identified by the fact that two or more other language units intersect to form a new structure and act as a bridge between languages, as a matter of relevant research material for linguistic researches. In particular, the relevance of the topic is confirmed by the fact that the terms of this structure in the Kazakh language are included in the object of comprehensive research in accordance with modern requirements. Therefore, the purpose of the article's research is to analyze hybrid terms as a way to create a term in terminology. In order to reveal the nature of hybrid terms, the scientific works of domestic and foreign linguists J.Kortas, E. Haugen, V. Flaysher, I. Barts, D. Lotte, O. Akhmanova, Sh.Kurmanbayuly, I. Sazanets, M. Ozolina, A. Keita, and scientific works of J.Kortas, S. Kulmanov, B. Momynova, M. Nosacheva who proposed the classification of these terms were considered and taken as a basis. As a result of the study, the theoretical foundations of hybrid terms as an integrating linguistic phenomena were systematized, the possibilities and methods of using genealogical and morphological analysis to identify etymological and grammatical aspects were determined. The study used theoretical and empirical methods: generalization, research, classification of the scientific literature, methods of component analysis, systematization, control. Terms given in the 15-volume "Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language" (259 hybrid terms) were taken as research material. The possibility of using the obtained results in lecture courses and practical classes on industry terminology and terminography increases the practical significance of the study.

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Kulmanov S.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Center of Terminology, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics Almaty, Kazakhstan Kordabay B., Master of Humanities, Junior researcher of the Center of Terminology, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics Almaty, Kazakhstan Yesskendir Zh., Senior laboratory assistant of the Center of Terminology, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics Almaty, Kazakhstan Ashimbayeva N., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Leading researcher of the Center of Terminology, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics Almaty, Kazakhstan Bissengali A. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Research associate of the Center of Terminology, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics Almaty, Kazakhstan


In the era of globalization, the relationship between languages is steadily developing rapidly. Integration in various areas of human activity leads to the activation of the processes of obtaining input elements. In this regard, the attention of linguists is particularly attracted by hybrid units in the language. Hybrid structures are usually identified by the fact that two or more other language units intersect to form a new structure and act as a bridge between languages, as a matter of relevant research material for linguistic researches. In particular, the relevance of the topic is confirmed by the fact that the terms of this structure in the Kazakh language are included in the object of comprehensive research in accordance with modern requirements. Therefore, the purpose of the article's research is to analyze hybrid terms as a way to create a term in terminology.

In order to reveal the nature of hybrid terms, the scientific works of domestic and foreign linguists J.Kortas, E. Haugen, V. Flaysher, I. Barts, D. Lotte, O. Akhmanova, Sh.Kurmanbayuly, I. Sazanets, M. Ozolina, A. Keita, and scientific works of J.Kortas, S. Kulmanov, B. Momynova, M. Nosacheva who proposed the classification of these terms were considered and taken as a basis.

As a result of the study, the theoretical foundations of hybrid terms as an integrating linguistic phenomena were systematized, the possibilities and methods of using genealogical and morphological analysis to identify etymological and grammatical aspects were determined.

The study used theoretical and empirical methods: generalization, research, classification of the scientific literature, methods of component analysis, systematization, control.

Terms given in the 15-volume "Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language" (259 hybrid terms) were taken as research material. The possibility of using the obtained results in lecture courses and practical classes on industry terminology and terminography increases the practical significance of the study.

Keywords: hybrid terms, national and mixed terms, lexical hybridization, term particle, term formation.

In general science, the word "hybrid" (In Latin: hibrida - hybrid) was first and widely used in the field of Biology in relation to organisms obtained as a result of reproduction of natural species with a diverse genetic code. And in linguistics, the concept of "hybrid", used in the term formation, is derived as a common name for terms derived from the sum of at least two languages in a similar meaning.

Lexical hybridization is a general linguistic phenomenon: it is in the category of a global phenomenon

that is not unique to only one language. The scientist J. Cortas, noting that in linguistic research the term "hybrid" is first mentioned in the work of K. Vozhla, makes the following conclusion about the terms hybrid in French: ([...] they [Hybrid terms] are partly Latin and partly French, although all languages have more hybrid or mixed words" [Kortas, 2009: 535-536].

And the German scientist E. Haugen refers to hybrid structures with words in which the original and borrowed units are involved [Haugen, 1972: 70]. As

well as, another German linguist I. Barz explains the process of hybridization by combining autochthonous and derived elements according to modern word formation models [Fleischer, Barz, 2012: 102].

Scientists D. Lotte refers to terms created using other language elements as hybrid terms. He divides borrowed terms into two as original and translated terms, and writes that they can come in both pure and mixed form. According to the scientist, input derived mixed terms - "hybrid terms" are as follows: танк-паровоз, метацентрлк би1кт1к, куштгк функция, аккумуляторлыц vppevrneHdipy, etc. [Lotte, 1982: 14].

In the dictionary of linguistic terms, the term "hybrid" is defined as "a complex word whose components or word-forming elements belong to different languages" [Akhmanova, 2004: 98].

In Kazakh linguistics, hybrid terms are called "hybrid", "mixture". The term scholar Sh. Kurmanbayuly refers to a hybrid term as a term that has been translated from another language, and the other part has been translated into the host language or is an ancient word [Kurmanbayuly, 2014: 492]. And in the Russian-Kazakh Dictionary of terminology, compiled by the scientist, it can be seen that the translation of the term "hybrid" occurs in each version: «Гибридная интернационизация - жартылай

хальщаральщтандыру, Гибридный термин - будан термин, Гибридотермин - см. Гибридный термин, Псевдозаимствованный термин - см. Гибридный термин, Смешанное заимствование - см. Гибридный термин, Термин-гибрид - см. Гибридный термин» [Kurmanbayuly, 2014: 592, 607]. These examples show the need to unify the usage of the term "hybrid " in the Kazakh language.

Many of the developed terms found in the modern Kazakh terminology fund are based on the national language (root, affixes), and more than 50 % of them are hybrid terms. This is evidenced by the analysis of the 31-volume Russian - Kazakh, Kazakh - Russian Dictionary of subject terms by the Terminology center of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, which obtained a quantitative indicator of international terms - 33,479 (10.6%), international terms mastered on the basis of the national language - 6,317 (1.90%), national and mixed terms - 293,204 (87.5%). Therefore, due to the fact that the number of hybrid terms in our language is numerically superior to those created by the Kazakh word-forming system, it is very relevant for national terminology to consider the terms taken as the object of research in our article as a fundamental scientific study.

According to Sh. Kurmanbayuly, in the last 15-20 years, in the process of collecting and differentiating new terms, term particles in Latin and Greek of the terms, which introduced through the Russian language, have been preserved, and more translated into Kazakh hybrid terms have appeared. For example, the terms: автоушцыш, авиатасымал, биоотын,

бейнекамера, бейнефильм, дендробац, геосаясат, киноYлдiр, киберцылмыскер, микроагза, метатш, мотоатцыштар, субцоржын, радиожиШк, фотоайгац, ультрадыбысты, этносаясат,

эком:Yüе etc. In connection with such features of terminology that are characteristic today and the revival of terminology, there are shortcomings in the implementation of terminology work, the use and creation of terms. We can talk about it separately [Kurmanbayuly, 2014: 910].

Previously, such hybrid terms as "Te^exa6ap" (television), "pagHoxa6ap" (radio broadcasting), which were formed from our own words and foreign terms, were less common. Today, their number has increased dramatically and has become a phenomenon that deserves special attention. It is very important to identify the extralinguistic and linguistic causes of this phenomenon, show structural and semantic features, and determine the ways of its creation. It is necessary to summarize and systematize these terms from different areas before making an appropriate analysis. Even in the various fields of science that are developing, there are more and more hybrid names. It is necessary to summarize the branches of science, determine the specifics of its creation, its contribution to terminology.

Hybrid names are widely used not only in science, but also in the press. This is due to the fact that we are firmly established in our language, without translating the terms that we call "international" or widespread. In the practice of term formation and principles of term perception of the Soviet period, which has been established for seventy years in our history, the tradition of adopting the most common terms and international terms characteristic of Greek and Latin languages into a language that does not change as in Russian has taken a strong place. During the years of independence, this tradition continued. The phenomenon of complete and mass translation has not yet been reflected, although individual terms have been translated.

In general, some of the names created with the participation of common foreign language terms are translated or used as they are [Kurmanbayuly, 2014: 771772].

Currently, we can mention the phenomenon of hybridization as a unique manifestation of language "interference" in many languages. In this regard, the scientist B. Momynova elaborates on the reasons for the emergence of language hybridization. According to the scientist, the Kazakh language is not left out of hybridization as a result of integration. Intra-and extralinguis-tic factors are indicated as its causes. In particular, the emergence and development of scientific and technical innovations in other countries, socio-political innovations, economic and written communication priorities, increasing the role of the literary language as the main weapon of writing.

In Kazakh linguistics, hybrid words are classified as genealogical, structural, and foreign scientists make stylistic and discursive aspects of this problem a special object of study.

The concept of hybridization in the English language was first used by and mentioned in the works of W. Skeet, R. Morris, O. Espersen, B. Grum, O. Emerson, J.McKnight, J. Nesfield, J. Nesfield, A. Kennedy. The study of the problem of hybridization went in two directions: the study of the assimilation of the English language's input vocabulary (the emergence of derived

words from input bases using English affixes) and the description of the use of input affixes in word formation [Sazanets, 2008].

And in Germanistics, the process of hybridization is considered within the framework of word formation, which is caused by input elements (Fremdwortbildung \ Lehnwortbildung), and therefore the terms "endogenous" (internal origin) and "exogenous" (external origin) are distributed. Based on these rules, the following definition of hybrid nomination is proposed: hybrid nomination is a nomination consisting of exogenous and endogenous elements [Ozolina, 2007: 144-145].

Scientist J. Cortas cites the classification of Darmesteter and Hatzfeld (1964), which was one of the first to classify hybrid terms:

- Greek-Latin hybrids (автоклавты, хлорлы);

- Greco-French hybrids (бюрократия, антипапа);

- Franco-Latin hybrids (несеп-жыныс - genito-urinaire).

As for this classification, the scientist J. Cortas adheres to another classical classification, saying that "the classification of authors based mainly on etymological criteria (Greek, Latin and French elements) does not take into account either structural differences or morphological typology arising from the synchronous/dia-chronic dichotomy:

- Greek element + Latin element (aerodynamic);

- Latin element + Greek element (spectroscope)

- Greek element + French noun with autonomous vocabulary (independent movement (auto-mouvoir -hydronef);

- Greek or Latin element + Composite element (aero-biplane) [Kortas, 2009: 536].

The terminologist S. Kulmanov, who specifically considered the potential of the terminology fund of the Kazakh language in terms of its quantitative and qualitative indicators, as a result of a study of terms in the Kazakh-Russian language column in the 30-volume dictionary collection that published in 2014, shows the terms of complex composition formed as a result of hybridization:

a) a word of a foreign language + a word of a Russian language: автопойыз, газрязрядтьщ, креп-сэтен, нвл-заряд, меморандум-шот, разрядты-модулдi, жирочек, фактор-пространство, контршот, фабрика-зауыт etc.;

b) a word of a foreign language + a word of the Kazakh language: автобелсендiру, эрiптi-цифрльщ, фактор-влшем, электрцозгалтцыш, радиобвгеуш, альфа-бвлшек, псевдосызыцты, амплитудалыц-жиiлiктi, атомтэрiздi, автомобиль-тонна-кун, наноаспап, саналымды-аддитивтк ультракYлгiн etc.;

c) a word of the Kazakh language + a word of a foreign language: узацпериодты, шартты-периодты, асцынгалактика, бейполярлы, ауа-реактивтi, бiркомпоненттiк, жижктк-импулъстт, суйыцфазалыц (жидкофазный) etc.;

d) a word of the Kazakh language + a word of the Russian language: бiрзарядтьщ, айнымалы-токтыц, бiрвстiк etc.;

e) a word of the Russian language + a word of the foreign language: шот-фактура etc.;

f) a word of the Russian language + a word of the Kazakh language: минагздегш, славянтану, атаславян, твлкелг-двцгелектг etc.;

g) a Word of the Russian language + a word of the Russian language: тепловизор, тепловоз etc. [Kul-manov, 2021: 50-62]

Professor B. Momynova presents the following model of hybrid terms in the Kazakh language:

1.input root/base + divination affix: американдану (Americanization), жаhандану (root -the Arabic word).

Complex words by structure:

1. Loan root/base + original base: vacuum chamber - вакуум-камера - вакуум-бвлмеше.

2. Original root/base + loan root / base: улттъщ валюта, жабыц еак форматы etc.

3. Loan base + loan root/base: инженерлгк-элеуметтгк (инфрацурылым) [Momynova, 2015].

Considering German-Russian clinical terminology, researcher M.Nosacheva notes that hybrid terms are derived from the word-forming tools of the Greek-Latin, German language and are found in two-and three-component compositions and in the following models (here TE is the term element):

Two-component models:

1) root TE + root TE + loan German suffix-al: orthogonal (orthogonal). The term comes from the Greek suffix -te and -al is the German suffix, -al from the Latin;

2) compound term substance (root TE + root TE) + German suffix -är (1 term): monocytar.

3) substance composite term (root TE + root TE) + native German suffix -isch: lipochromisch (carotene), phagozytisch (phagocytic);

4) root TE + adjective, for example: radioactive, unipolar.

5) noun base + adjective term (root TE + German suffix -al: anorectal;

6) root TE + adjective (root TE + native German suffix -ish). myelotoxisch (myelotoxic), psy-chophysisch (psychophysical), orthostatisch (orthostatic), ketoplastisch (ketogenic), autohypnotisch (autohypnotisch);

7) prefixal TE + root TE + adjective: semiunipolar;

8) abbreviated base of the substance composite (prefixal TE + substance term + root TE) + native German suffix -isch: hypercholesterinämisch (hypercho-lesterinemic);

9) adjective (root TE + input German suffix-är) + adjective (root TE + native German suffix -isch): ali-mentär-toxisch (alimentary-toxic).

10) abbreviated base of the substance composite (root TE + complex TE (root TE + suffix TE)) + native German suffix -isch: psychopathisch (psychopathic);

11) abbreviated base of a substance composite (root TE + composite (prefixal TE + complex TE (root TE + suffix TE)) + German suffix -isch: chondrodystrophisch;

12) root TE + adjective term (Latin noun base + German suffix -al) (1 term): zervikofacial;

13) Greek adjective base + adjective term (Latin noun base + German suffix -al): zygomatikofacial [Nosacheva, 2016: 91-92].

Taking into account the above classifications in our article, we have compiled a genealogical classification of hybrid terms in the Kazakh language, and based

110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

on the languages that served as the basis for them, we have determined the following statistical indicator of classification (Chart 1).

□ Greek

□ Latin

□ French

□ German

□ Italian

□ English

□ Sinhalese

□ Japanese






English Sinhalese Japanese

Chart 1. Statistics of hybrid terms

In Kazakh terminology, hybrid terms are formed by combining a foreign language and the Kazakh language, as well as terms of a foreign language and other foreign languages. We determined the composition and number of hybrid terms in the fifteen-volume "Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language", which was taken as the source of our article. The multi-volume "Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language" contains a lot of terms from foreign languages. Among them, there are often terms that come from Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, English, etc. The terms of these languages are combined with the terms of Kazakh and other languages and have become hybrid terms. It shows hybrid terms formed from terms of different languages, indicated by square brackets "[language 1 + Language 2]".

Based on the materials obtained as a result of the study, we classified hybrid terms into two:

- hybrid terms of foreign and Kazakh languages;

- hybrid terms consisting of a foreign language and a foreign language.

The number of hybrid terms consisting of a foreign language and a Kazakh language is 13, and among them are:

1) Terms of the Kazakh language, combined with the terms of the Greek language: 6cpocbincwbi Mop$oMyan, MCKpomymmmenep,

MUKpomymwrnenep, OuoKeK^ueK, 6uoccxccm, геoсcxсcт;

2) Terms of the Kazakh language, combined with the terms of the Latin language: гидроайыргъш, фагоцителлотэрiздiлер;

3) Terms of the Kazakh language combined with English terms: сервжетек, сервсызыцжол, метатапсырма, микробагдарлама.

The number of hybrid terms formed by a foreign language and a foreign language was 206, and the languages included in them:

1) combining Greek and Latin terms: апофермент, авитаминоз, агрохимия, антивирус, аплацентал, аэроплан, биоиндикатор, биокомбинат, гетеродуплекс, ихтиофауна, моноцентризм, полеовулканизм, экоцид;

2) combining Latin and Greek terms: альтиметр, бальнеология, биатлон, велодром, венерология, гландулоцит, гонобласт, дефектология, диктофон, колориметр, контратип, лингафон, маммогенез, мотодром, мутагенез, осциллограф, пиктограмма, потенциометр, радиоастрономия, радиогеология, синантроп, таксометр, хемосинтез, целлофан, флюорография, фибролит;

3) combining Greek and French terms: автопилот, антикоммунизм, аэронавтика, биодеградация, генофонд, магнитометр, мегафон, паралингвистика, проторенессанс, этнолингвистика;

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4) a combination of French and Greek terms:

газконденсат, газометр, кюритерапия, моноплан, патефон, трасология;

5) combining Greek and German terms: автокран, биостатистика, гидромуфта, геостатистика, хормейстер, электростатика;

6) a combination of German and Greek terms: бортмеханик, картограмма, картограф, картография, картометрия, кристаллография, курортология, фельдипатоидтар, цинкография;

7) combining Greek and Dutch terms: автоштурман;

8)combining Greek and English terms: гидромонитор, монорельс, макромаркетинг, тиристор, электрокар;

9) combining English and Greek terms: джеспилит, фильмоскоп, фильмотека;

10) combining Italian and Greek terms: гальванокаустика, гальванопластика, гальваноскоп, гальваностегия;

11) a combination of Latin and French terms: авиадесант, аудиокассета, мотоэстафета, постмодерн, радиозонд, радиокомитет радиометр, ревальвация;

12) combining French and Latin terms: дезактивация, акциз, дезинтегратор, дезинсекция, дезинформация, газолин, детенатор, панно;

13) combining Latin and English terms: авиаклуб, демаркетинг;

14) combining English and Latin terms: макроэволюция, макроэкономика;

15) combining Latin and Italian terms: авиакасса, радиогазет, радиокомпас;

16) combining French and German terms: терренкур;

17) combining French and English terms: газойл;

18) combining French and Russian terms: бефстроганов;

19) combining the English and German terms: тралмейтер.

There are also terms of a foreign language and a foreign language are on duplication, not combined:

1) duplication of Greek terms with Latin: радикал-иондар;

2) duplication of English and Latin terms: медиа-форум;

3) duplication of German and French terms: обер-лейтенант, штрих-код;

4) duplication of English and Dutch terms: кают-компания.

There are terms that are created by duplication within the same language. There were 35 of them. Such terms are in the following languages:

1) from Latin: баланс-нетто, дебет-нота, де-


2) from French: ва-банк, карт-бланш, форс-мажор;

3) from German: камер-юнкер, лейб-гвардия, унтер-офицер;

4) from English: веб-сайт, кока-кола, клиент-сервер, интернет-провайдер, интернет-сервер, интернет-террор, контент-талдау, кросс-ассемблер, контакт-схема, скэн-код, тайм-чартер,

шлем-дисплей, шоп-тур, ноу-хау, поп-арт, поп-музыка, пинг-понг, шоу-бизнес;

5) from Sinhalese: бери-бери;

6) from Japanese: каратэ-до.

Thus, according to the analysis of hybrid terms in our language in fifteen volumes "Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language", a total of 259 hybrid terms were identified, the morphological composition of which is as follows:

- hybrid terms created by combining - 219;

- hybrid terms created by double-crossing - 40.

There are also hybrid terms, which are formed

from terms and words from Arabic and Persian, which came into our language from ancient times. Such a hybrid will look like this if we classify the terms as above:

1) Terms of the Kazakh language, combined with the terms of the Persian language: бейэдеп, бейбац, бейбацыт, бейберекет, бейтарап, бейтэртт, бейуацыт, бейхабар, бэдбацыт, бэдпизыл, бэдпарасаттылыц;

2) combining Arabic and Persian terms: айыппул, юрекеш, цадiрмен, цаhарман, мэмшегер, медеткер, мусылман, MYбада, цадiдан, парыздар;

3) a combination of Persian and Arabic terms: эрдайым, багзар, эбiкэусар, бэддуга. Including:

a) Persian words with the affix "nama" + Arabic words: азанама, гумырнама, гибратнама, гарызнама, sарiпхана, гасырнама, цубылнама, маглуматнама, мадацнама, всиетнама, тарихнама;

b) Persian words with the affix "khana" + Arabic words: ажайыпхана, эжетхана, гибадатхана, sарiпхана, цабылхана, цабiрхана, ютапхана, цасапхана, мэйтхана.

If we look at the structure of the terms listed in the classification, we can see that the hybrid is a well-known quantitative indicator of applications in terms. In this regard, in general linguistics, the productive quality of hybrid-forming prefixes are classified into 4 types: 1) High-productive: anti-, co-, de-, pop-, pre-, re, sub-, super-, un- (1), under-; 2) productive: circum-, dis-, hyper-, in-, inter-, out-, over-, para-, post-, pro-, quasi-, trans-, ultra-, un- (2); 3) low-productive: a-(Greek.), ambi-, an-, ex-, extra-, mis-, semi-, supra-; 4) unproductive: a- (other -a.), ab-, ad-, after-, ana-, ante-, arch-, be-, by-, cis-, contra-, counter-, demi-, dys-, en-, eye-, exo-, for-, fore-, hemi-, hypo-, mal-, meta-, mono, omni-, pan-, peri-, poly-, retro-, sur-, syn-, up-, vice-, with-. And among the suffixes, 2 of them are highly productive (-er, -ize), 4 of them are productive (-ed, -ish, -fill, -dom), 7 of them are less productive (-some, -hood, -let, -ify, -ese, -his), and 7 of them are unproductive (-ward, -wards, -esque, -ette, -age, -ment) [Sazanets, 2008].

The first prefix of hybrid and passive words which formed by combining in the Kazakh language is often derived from the Greek language. For example:

1. auto-: автограф, автокран, автопилот, автореферат, автофургон;

2. a-: апомиксис, апоневроз, апофермент;

3. anti-: антивирус, антиклин, антилогизм, антиморфон;

4. antxopo-.антропология, антропогенез, антропология, антропосфера;

5. actino-:актинограф, актиноидтер, акти-нолит, актинометрия, актиномикоз;

6. ana-: анафаза, анафилаксия, анафора, анахронизм, анаэроб;

7. astro-:астробиология, астроботаника, астродинамика, астрология;

8. aero-: аэробтар, аэродром, аэрозоль, аэрология, аэронавигация, аэронромия, аэроплан;

9. bio-: биоакустика, биоген, биогенез, биография, биогеография, биогеоценоз, биогидросфера, биодеградация;

10. hydro-: гидропульт, гидростатика, гидросфера, гидротерма, гидротехника;

11. hypo-:гипогликемия, гиподинамия, гипоксия, гипология, гипотермия, гипотония;

12. hetero-: гетерогамия, гетерогендг, гетеро-графия, гетеродуплекс, гетерозигота;

13. geo-: геодемография, геодинамика, геология, геомагнетизм, геометрия, геостатистика;

14. hemo-: гемоглобин, гемолиз, гемолимфа, гемостаз, гемоторакс, гемофилия;

15. gene-: генетика, генезис, генотип, геноцид, генофонд;

16. zoo-: зообента, зоогеография, зоолатрия, зоология, зоотехника, зоопсихология;

17. iso-: изобаза, изогамия, изоглосс, изография, изоклиналь;

18. cardio-: кардиограмма, кардиография, кардиоида, кардиология, кардиосклероз;

19. cvyo-.криобиология, криобионттар, крио-генез, криогентт1к, криогендж, криолитогенез, криолитозона;

20. micro-: микрофон, микробиология, микроклимат, микропсия;

21. mio-: миобластер, миовирустар, миогло-бин, миография, миокард, миология, миоцен;

22. meta-: метатеория, метафизика, метаморфоза;

23. macro-: макрокосмос, макромаркетинг, макромолекула;

24. meso-: мезозой, мезолит, мезонефрос;

25. paleo-:nалеоантроnология, палеоантроп-тар, палеоботаника, палеовулканизм, палеоген, палеография;

26. poly-полиандрия, полиартрит, поливитамин, полигамды, полигамия, полиглот, полигон;

27. psychi-:психиатрия, психолингвистика, психопатия, психология, психотерапевт;

28. tele-:телевизор, телеграмма, телеграф, телеметрия, телемеханика, телеология, телефон;

29. ethno-:этногенез, этнография, этнолингвистика, этнология, этнонимика, этноцентризм;

30. epi-: эпибентос, эпидермис, эпизоотия, эпицентр, эпимизий;

31. endo-:эндогамия, эндогендг, эндокриндг, эндокринология, эндомизий, эндоосмос, эндопаразит;

32. electrio-:электролиз, электрометр, электромобиль, электролиттер, электрокар, электроскоп;

33. exo-: экзобиология, экзогамия, экзоподит, экзоцитоз;

34. photo-.фотография, фотолиз, фотометр, фоторецепторлар, фотосинтез, фототелеграф, фотосфера, фототерапия;

35. Ш(о)-:фитоалексиндер, фитобентос, фитогеография, фитогормондар, фитоклимат, фи-томасса.

Many other terms have been influenced by the first ones, and new terms have been created. If we did the same with our native language, we could have a great opportunity to choose words or additional morphemes, combine, double, shorten them with the first adjectives. It is only necessary to be able to use the capabilities of our language.

The concept "hybrid" is understood ambiguously. Differences in the definition of hybrids relate to the following questions: 1) language level of hybridization can be considered not only at the level of word formation, but also at the level of form formation, 2) etymological composition of the hybrid: a) hybrids are understood as a combination of English and Roman word-forming elements; b) hybrids are defined as a combination of English and any (not only novel) foreign language word-forming elements; c) hybrids are considered as words consisting of word-forming elements from languages of different groups, while hybrids cannot be attributed to words whose word-forming elements belong to different languages of the same group (for example, combinations of English and Scandinavian elements), d) hybrids are defined as combinations of word-forming elements from two or more languages; 3) hybrid structure: a) hybrids are described as words formed by a suffix or prefix; b) hybrids are considered both at the affix level and at the word-forming level [Sazanets, 2008: 7].

In modern linguistics, the identification of hybrid words is among the most controversial issues. For example, a number of scientists rely on the criterion of the origin of components. It requires consideration of the etymology of each word in the language. And it is true that the still uncertainty of the etymology of many language units, the nature of their assimilation into each other, complicates the situation and hinders the development of accurate scientific conclusions.

However, in his article on the identification of hybrid terms, A. Keita emphasizes the functional criterion, arguing that hybrid words and loan words should not be considered together, that the loan word is used simultaneously in both languages - the donor and the recipient, and the hybrid word "functions" only in the recipient language [Keita, 2013: 89-90]. J.Kortas argues that hybrid words, unlike loan words, have an "allogeneic" character: in hybrids it is high (allogénéité croissante), and in assimilated loan words it is low (al-logénéité décroissante). For example, in French, the word "homme-sandwich" ("live advertising") is not considered a hybrid, since "sandwich", despite its entry from English, is an entry word that was assimilated in the host language and became completely independent when a new word appeared. In contrast, "médecine-ball" ("ball for therapeutic gymnastics") is considered a hybrid, since the element "bal" in the host language

does not have an independent status [Kortas, 2009: 539]. Thus, this criterion-based hybrid word is perceived as a foreign word for the owner of the language, and the absorbed word is perceived as its own. In addition, when determining hybrid words, it is necessary to take into account the degree of "independence" of the received element: while the loan part in lexical hybrids can be used independently in the donor language, it is not used individually in the recipient language.

Within the framework of modern global processes, there is a tendency to unify, which affects all spheres of life, including scientific research. One of the manifestations of this in linguistics is the process of terminological hybridization, this process is one of the productive and natural methods in terminological formation. The terminology of modern national languages cannot be separated from the development of international terminology. Terms that express new concepts that do not exist in any national language are often supplemented by taking terminological units from the composition of international terminology. Thus, the consideration of hybrid terms, the origin of which is defined as a derivative, complex derivative or complex word, formed by morpho-syntactic word-forming methods (prefix, suffix, combination of words) from different languages can serve as a scientific basis for assessing the process of language development, extra-, intralinguistic factors affecting the language, new trends in the science of linguistics and its prospects.

Thanks: The article was published as part of the research on program-targeted funding OR11465483 "Development of a series of updated normative dictionaries and academic publications that ensure the transition of the state language to the Latin alphabet".


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Doctor of philology, professor


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