Научная статья на тему 'Adequacy of translation of terminological lexicon in texts with economic direction: functional aspect'

Adequacy of translation of terminological lexicon in texts with economic direction: functional aspect Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
translation method / economic term / non-equivalent economic term

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Larisa S. Dsevickaya

Objective: The purpose of the publication is to disclose the main linguistic and extra-linguistic aspects that contribute to the adequate translation of special economic terms. Methods: The research was conducted with the use of research methods: theoretical (analysis of psycho-pedagogical and linguistic literature), empirical (observation of the educational process and study of pedagogical experience in order to study the specifics of the translation of special economic terms); own linguistic (component and etymological analysis). The results of the study have developed an algorithm for the adequate translation of terms and terminology in the texts of the economic profile. It is proved that, in its cognitive function, the language of translation is minimally dependent on the grammatical composition of the language. The adequacy of the translation depends largely on the understanding of the internal form of the non-equivalent lexicon, which states the non-differentiation of the species economic concept in the target languages. The scientific novelty of the proposed research is to identify the system of characteristic features of the modeling of the translation of economic texts based on the analysis of the lexical composition and morpho-syntactic structure of terms; component analysis of the internal form of terms and term combinations; linguocultural and etymological analysis of key terms; definition of the criteria of functional discourse of unambiguous terms and terms-doublets. The practical significance of the performed research is to apply techniques that promote adequate translation at the following levels: 1) heterogeneity in lexical composition, lexico-grammatical structure of terms; 2) heterogeneity of grammatical forms of one of the components of the comparable economic terms; 3) heterogeneity of grammatical forms (change of case form of the main (pronounced) noun; indirect pronouns of the noun in the structure of the term of the language of translation and the introduction of prepositions; change of number — singular/plural with the change of case form and including the introduction of prepositions; heterogeneity in the lexical meaning of nuclear/non-nuclear and additional components). Separate consideration was given to the algorithm of the translation of the non-equivalent economic terminology, which provides lingvo-cultural justification, since the background economic context determines the specifics of the translation of special terminological units.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.20534/AJH‑17-5.6-25-31
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Текст научной работы на тему «Adequacy of translation of terminological lexicon in texts with economic direction: functional aspect»

Linguistics Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 5-6 (2017)

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- ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -

Linguistics Лингвистика

UDC 811.112.2'253 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJH-17-5.6-25-31

L. S. Dsevickaya 1

1 Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



Objective: The purpose of the publication is to disclose the main linguistic and extra-linguistic aspects that contribute to the adequate translation of special economic terms.

Methods: The research was conducted with the use of research methods: theoretical (analysis of psycho-pedagogical and linguistic literature), empirical (observation of the educational process and study of pedagogical experience in order to study the specifics of the translation of special economic terms); own linguistic (component and etymological analysis).

The results of the study have developed an algorithm for the adequate translation of terms and terminology in the texts of the economic profile. It is proved that, in its cognitive function, the language of translation is minimally dependent on the grammatical composition of the language. The adequacy of the translation depends largely on the understanding of the internal form of the non-equivalent lexicon, which states the non-differentiation of the species economic concept in the target languages.

The scientific novelty of the proposed research is to identify the system of characteristic features of the modeling of the translation of economic texts based on the analysis of the lexical composition and morpho-syntactic structure of terms; component analysis of the internal form of terms and term combinations; linguocultural and etymological analysis of key terms; definition of the criteria of functional discourse of unambiguous terms and terms-doublets.

The practical significance of the performed research is to apply techniques that promote adequate translation at the following levels: 1) heterogeneity in lexical composition, lexico-grammatical structure of terms; 2) heterogeneity of grammatical forms of one of the components of the comparable economic terms; 3) heterogeneity of grammatical forms (change of case form of the main (pronounced) noun; indirect pronouns of the noun in the structure of the term of the language of translation and the introduction of prepositions; change of number — singular/plural with the change of case form and including the introduction of prepositions; heterogeneity in the lexical meaning of nuclear/non-nuclear and additional components). Separate consideration was given to the algorithm of the translation of the non-equivalent economic terminology, which provides lingvo-cultural justification, since the background economic context determines the specifics of the translation of special terminological units.

Keywords: translation method; economic term; non-equivalent economic term.


In modern terminology, an increasing attention is paid to the issues of the functioning of terms in speech. Terminology is seen as a system that organizes a particular genre of text that plays a crucial role in business communication. The relevance of studying the ways and problems of translating of economic terms is determined by the expansion of cooperation between Ukraine and foreign companies and the growing volume of communication in this professional field.

Terminological lexicon allows us to present the most accurate, clear and economical content of this subject and provides a correct understanding of the substance of the issue that is treated. In the special literature the terms carry the main semantic load and occupy the main place among other general literary and official words [1; 2; 3].

The main specific feature of the language of economic literature, from a lexical point of view, is the wide use of terminology.

In the Ukraine, V. Akulenko, V. Dubichinsky, T. Ki-yak, T. Panko, A. Ponomarev studied common issues of an internationalization of the vocabulary composition of the language. Foreign linguistics is represented by researches that cover the peculiarities of translations of intertextual terminology (K. Werner (Germany), W. Flood, A. Heller, D. Sounson (England), M. Yushmanov (Russia), etc.) Professional economic vocabulary with international components was the subject of consideration of N. Dukarov, G. Pasternak.

The general requirements for terminological lexicon from the point of its functionality are such characteristics: monosemy (polysemy is used in exceptional cases, as a rule, in texts that contain interdisciplinary information); accuracy; codification. It is important to take into account such specific characteristic of the term, for some cases, the artificiality of lexico-semantic education, which determines the amount of sectoral information at the current stage of development, which contains the complex of scientific knowledge that facilitates the disclosure of the concept's content [4; 5; 6, c. 59; 7; 8, c. 25; 9, c. 458].

The question of the adequacy of the translation of terms that function in texts of the economic direction is topical.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the main linguistic and extralinguistic aspects that contribute to the adequate translation of special economic texts.

Methodology used in the publication is next: theoretical (analysis of psycho-pedagogical and linguistic literacy), empirical (observation of an initial process and study of the educational experience for the specific study of translation of special economic terms; own linguistic (etymological and component analysis).

Results of the research

Translation is considered as a way to ensure communication between multilingual parties by reproducing the message it in another language which contains in the original text. In the most general terms, linguists have usually defined translation as a substitute for text in one language by text in another language and only then proceeded to study of the requirements that must be satisfied in the created text in order to serve as a complete replacement of the original text and the relations that appear between the original texts and the whole translation and between individual parts and units of these tests [10]. Thus, the linguistic theory of translation studies the relations between the units of the two languages not in isolation, but in texts of a certain type (original and their translations), and all the data that this theory possesses has been obtained from a comparative study of such texts. One of the main purposes of the translation is the transfer of information at the lexical, grammatical and stylistic levels. In addition, the main task is to transfer the pragmatic function of the text (what the author wanted to say and how this is understood by the reader).

The fulfillment of this function is possible through the adequacy of the translation. Adequacy relies on a real translation practice, which often does not allow 100% transfer of all communicative content of the original. As a result, the decision taken by an interpreter is often compromised. In other words, in the process of translation with the aim of transferring the main and essential in the original text (its communicative attitudes and communicative effect), the translator often has to make certain losses [11; 12].

In addition, the achievement of the adequacy of translation requires from the translator, first of all, the ability to produce numerous and qualitatively diverse in-

terlanguage transformations — the so-called translation transformations — so that the text of the translation, with the fullest possible completeness, conveys all the information contained in the original text.

In some cases, for the success of interlingual communication, the achievement of equivalence is not necessary, and sometimes even undesirable. This fact necessitated the introduction of an evaluative term «adequacy of translation», which indicate the accordance of translation with the requirements and conditions of a specific interlingual communication act.

An important role in ensuring the pragmatic adequacy of the translation is played by sociolinguistic factors, which determine the difference in speech of individual groups of native speakers. In particular, additional difficulties for ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the transfer of the transmitted message by the receptor may arise in connection with the presence in the text of the original deviations from the public norm of a foreign language, the use of such substandard forms as dialectal, social dialectal and imitating a foreigner's speech [13].

In accordance with the meaning of the terms «equivalence» and «adequacy», an adequate translation includes a certain degree of equivalence, but an equivalent translation may not be adequate.

In the process of correct translation of economic terms the following aspects should be considered [14; 15; 16]:

1. Differences in the lexical composition and mor-pho-syntactic structure of terms in the target language and in a foreign language, which may affect the equivalence of translation: a) divergence in the morpho-syn-tactic structure; b) divergences in the lexical composition; c) divergences in the lexico-grammatical structure of terms.

Based on our observations, differences in the grammatical structure of languages are the main reason for the divergences in the morpho-syntactic structure of English terms, which consist of two or more nouns and their ukrainian equivalents. The grammatical structure «noun + noun», the most productive in the formation of English terms in Ukrainian terms, as a rule, is seen the construction «adjective + noun» (Adj + N): 1) Mortgage and consumer finance were drastically re-

duced, fundraising for new equity funds became more difficult and commercial loan syndication was Massively affected by the crisis (особистий doxid//личный доход); 2) Loan portfolio — MCA made credit lines of 317, 000 soms available for energy efficiency in 2009, making the total loan portfolio worth 1, 141, 000 soms (кредиты мни//кредитнелинии); 3) The Group's share of the post-acquisition profits or losses of associates is recorded in the consolidated interest income statement, and its share of post-acquisition movements in reserves is recognised in reserves (процентний дох^).

2. Divergence of grammatical forms of one of the components of the compared terms of a foreign language and the target language. We observe this kind of divergence, first of all, in the process of translating English terms, formed by a combination of nouns.

When comparing the grammatical form of terms which consist of two nouns (N + N) or a noun and a name group, the following types of divergences are observed:

2.1. Change of the case form of the defining noun (the form switch of the common case to the genitive case): The principles of non-discrimination, fairness and transparency are designed to promote good practice and efficiency and to minimize risk figure in implementing Bank-financed projects (показник ризику//показатель риска). The EBRD launches two grivna bond issues, underscoring the Bank's commitment to developing the domestic capital market and supporting local currency lending in Ukraine (ринок капталу//рынок капитала).

2.2. Change of the case form of the defining noun (the general case of the noun in the structure of the term foreign language — the case of the noun in the structure of the term of the translation language) and the introduction of a preposition. For example: The deferred tax asset at 31 December 2010 of UH 2, 551 million (at 31 December 2009: UH 4,230 million) represents income taxes recoverable through future deductions from taxable profits (податок на прибуток//налог на прибыль).

2.3. Change in the number (singular — plural) at the same time as the change in the case form (including the introduction of a preposition): Trade finance reached a total 2010 share turnover of €551 million. This represents a steep decline from previous years, when trade

was rapidly expanding throughout the region (оборот акцш//оборот акций). The primary objectives of the financial risk management function are to establish risk limits, and then ensure that exposure to risks stays within these limits (financial risk management).

Terms, which consist of two nouns and are associated with the preposition of (N of N) are usually translated by the term "noun + noun in the genitive": The principles of consolidation, non-discrimination, fairness and transparency are fundamental in all the EBRD's procurement activities (принципи консолiдацn//принцип консолидации). The Bank's Evaluation Department is headed by the Chief Evaluator, who reports exclusively to the Bank's Board of Directors (Совет директорiв//Совет директоров).

Other prepositions which connect two nouns in the composition of terms are usually conveyed by the corresponding prepositions of the Ukrainian language: Dividends per share are included in dividend income when the Group's right to receive the dividend payment is established and collection of the dividend is probable (дивiденд на акщю//дивидент на акцию). The EBRD provides for a guarantee for loan during the total period (гарантiя по позицй//гарантия по позиции).

Morpho-syntactic structure «noun + noun in the oblique case (including the preposition)» is quite productive in the formation of Ukrainian terms; predominantly with the help of this structure and the structure Adj + N, the value of English terms with the structure N + N is transmitted.

We have considered the most typical cases of the divergence between the morpho-syntactic structures of the equivalent terms of a foreign language and language of translation; other varieties are represented by single cases and are not typical for the studied interlanguage correspondences.

In many cases, the theoretically and practically coexistence of Ukrainian (as well as English) terms of a single lexical composition is possible, but different from a point of morphosyntactic structure [17; 18]. Thus, in Ukrainian compound terms equally the definitions are well-defined and agreed definitions that are expressed by the name of the adjective, and additions that are expressed by the noun in the oblique case with the preposition. In such

cases, as a rule, one of the variants appears to be more stable and fixed in the language as a term, but sometimes the grammatical structure is not so rigid and polysemantic translation is allowed: During 2009 this sector suffered considerably as a result of the ongoing difficult market factors and liquidity constraints in many countries, especially in the regions outside the main cities. Market factor — ринковий фактор//рыночный фактор, что может быть переведено и как фактор рынка.

Proceeding from the fact that the divergence in the structure of terms at the grammatical level does not hinder the achievement of the equivalence of translation (since it is possible to express identical categorical meanings in a foreign language and in the target language), we can state that in its cognitive function the language depends minimally on the grammatical system of the language.

3. Differences in the lexical composition of terms of a foreign language and the target language. When comparing the English compound terms and their Ukrainian equivalents, there are divergences in the lexical meaning of the nuclear or determining components [19; 20]. Due to different nomination traditions, different key terms serve as the basis for the formation of composite terminological units in a foreign language and in the target language. For example: All purchases and sales of financial instruments that require delivery within the time frame established by accounting convention («regular way» purchases and sales) are recorded at trade date, which is the date that the Group accounting for delivering financial instruments. Literally: accounting rules — метод бухгалтерского облту//метод бухгалтерского учета; Based on our best judgment of the eventual outcome of these claims, UH 534 million in 2005, UH 551 million in 2008 and UH 1, 676 million in 2009. Literally: the use of losses — погашення збитшв//погпшение убытков.

Differences in the lexical meaning of the non-nuclear components of compound terms (including those accompanied by a change in the part of speech) are also explained by different traditions of nomination of concepts in a foreign language and in the target language:

The Bank invested € 134 million to buy a minority equity stake in Transcontainer, the largest operator of rail containers, which parent company is Ukrzal-

iznitsya. Literally: parent company — материнська компатя//материнская компания.

The fact that the reason for this type of translation inconsistencies are precisely the traditions of the use of different language units in the content of a foreign language and the target language, is clearly demonstrated by the following example: if in English coexistence of the terms-synonyms short-term liabilities (короткостроковi зобов'язання//краткосрочные обязательства) and current liabilities (literally: поточш зобов'язання//текущие обязательства), each of which can be used to compile a balance sheet, in Ukrainian both terms are translated as short-term liabilities, according to the strictly regulated balance sheet.

The translation of nonequivalent terms provides primarily a linguocultural justification, since the background (in our study — economic) context determines the specificity of the translation of special units.

To non-equivalent terminology we refer two types of English terms: 1) Terms that name the phenomena (concepts) and are absent in the Ukrainian economic reality: custodian; temporary difference; valuation allowance and others. 2) Terms that name the phenomena which arose in Ukrainian reality (in particular, in the last decade), but have not yet formed a separate category in the conceptual apparatus of the corresponding professional sphere: in this case, the undifferentiated nature of the species concept is the reason for the absence of a term in the target language. For example:

The weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding are adjusted for the effects of an assumed conversion of all dilutive securities into ordinary shares (щнт папери, що розбавляють каптал//ценные бумаги, разбавляющие капитал).

The present value of the termination of an income benefit is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of high-quality corporate bonds that are denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid (грошова допомога, що виплачуеться тсля закшчення термшу ди договору//денежная помощь, которая выплачивается после окончания термина действия договора).

Note that in terms of the second variety, there is no equivalent term in the target language, but there is often a

bilingual equivalent — preterminal, which is a combination of terms and common lexical units. This equivalent conveys the meaning of the term of a foreign language, but does not satisfy the requirements for terms: it does not specify a species concept in the system of the target language, it is not characterized by shortness, invariable structure, semantic fusion.

Thus, the differences in the system of concepts of the two languages, which are explained by extralinguistic factors and create objective conditions for the emergence of nonequivalence. There are several ways to translate the equivalent lexicon:

1. Selection of the Ukrainian term or the common word (less often — word combination) with a close meaning. The selection of the term (word) of close semantics also allows to translate the term «benchmark» in the sentence: The performance requirements are consistent with the internationally recognised Equator Principles — the benchmark for the financial industry to manage social and environmental issues in project financing.

Benchmark is an indicator on which the company's management is guided in the formation of any strategy (marketing, financial, production); This is the standard that the company sets for itself, comparing the goals and results of its activity with the corresponding key performance indicators of competitors for the formation of targeted strategic indicators [21; 22; 23]. The very process of identifying the main strategic indicators and determining their target values based on the indicators of competitors and selected strategic tasks is denoted by the term benchmarking. This concept assumes a fundamentally new approach to the formation of a strategy based on a system of key indicators, which creates all the prerequisites for its consolidation in the terminology of the Russian language.

2. Transcription, transliteration. Acceptance of transcription (or transliteration) in translation can be used in a limited way: on the one hand, it requires the term to have a certain sound system and an ending that promotes the subsequent formation of case forms of the noun; on the other, it is necessary to incorporate organic borrowing into the system of concepts of the corresponding field. It should be considered that transcription is appropriate when translating the term «outsourcing», which

indicates the transfer of the carrying out of an economic operation to another organization (with the aim of cost reducing and concentrating on core activities): it does not have a Ukrainian equivalent, since the mechanism designated by it, not so long ago spread abroad, while practically not used by Ukrainian enterprises. Selection of a Ukrainian word of similar meaning in this case is impossible; the descriptive translation is too cumbersome, so to translate the term can be recommended the transcription: аутсорсинг.

3. Descriptive (explanatory) translation. Descriptive translation allows you to convey the meaning of the term quite accurately, but the multicomponent phrase complicates the syntactic structure of the corresponding sentence of the text of the target language: The potential holding gains are significant in all sectors of the economy; holding gain (доxid eid збиьшення вартот активiв//доход от увеличения стоимости активов).


The most important problem of achieving of equivalence in the translation of scientific and technical texts is the transfer of the original content of the text with the help of the terminology of the target language. The difference in the terminology of a foreign language and the target language is the reason of the biggest difficulties in translating of scientific and technical texts. Hence here appears the need to study terminology and finding ways to translate a partially equivalent and nonequivalent lexicon.

Since the problem of research of terminology is one of the key issues in the study of scientific and technical texts, identifying differences in the system of concepts, which are expressed in terms of a foreign language and the target language contributes to solving the problems of translation of terms in the spheres of their functioning.






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Information about the authors

Larisa S. Dsevickaya, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor

the Department of foreign and Ukrainian business languages Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute Kyiv National Economic

University of Vadim Hetman

Addresse: 50000, Kryvyi Rih, prospect Poshtoviy 64, tel. (0564)90-15-12

E-mail: dsevickayalarissa@mail.ru

ORCID ID 0000-0002-9093-7635

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