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Ключевые слова
gender competence / gender approach / gender socialization / gender education. / гендерна компетентність / гендерний підхід / гендерна соціалізація / гендерне виховання.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Petrenko O.B., Yakymenko S.I., Breslavska G.B.

The article deals with the topical issues of the formation of gender competence of future teachers and preparation for the implementation of the gender approach in professional activities. Approaches to the prob-lem are presented and attention is focused on the main idea of the gender approach, its purpose, essential characteristics, the importance of the gender approach for successful gender socialization, self-actualization and self-realization of the personality of the future teacher.

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У статті розглядаються актуальні питання формування гендерної компетентності майбутніх учи-телів та підготовки до впровадження гендерного підходу у професійній діяльності. Викладено підходи до проблеми та зосереджено увагу на головній ідеї гендерного підходу, його меті, сутнісних характери-стиках, важливості гендерного підходу для успішної гендерної соціалізації, самоактуалізації та само-реалізації особистості. майбутнього вчителя.




УДК 378.147:37.011.3-051]: 305-047.22

Petrenko O.B.,

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Yakymenko S.I., Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Breslavska G.B.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, doctoral student Department of Preschool and Elementary Education of the MNU named after V.O. Sukhomlynskyi



Петренко О.Б.,

Доктор педагогiчних наук, професор Якименко С.1., Доктор педагогiчних наук, професор Бреславська Г.Б.

Кандидат педагогiчних наук, докторант кафедра дошюльногта початковог освiти МНУ iM. В.О. Сухомлинського




The article deals with the topical issues of the formation of gender competence offuture teachers and preparation for the implementation of the gender approach in professional activities. Approaches to the problem are presented and attention is focused on the main idea of the gender approach, its purpose, essential characteristics, the importance of the gender approach for successful gender socialization, self-actualization and self-realization of the personality of the future teacher.


У статтi розглядаються актуальш питання формування гендерног компетентностi майбуттхучи-телiв та тдготовки до впровадженнягендерного тдходуу професшнш дiяльностi. Викладено тдходи до проблеми та зосереджено увагу на головнш iдеiгендерного тдходу, його метi, суттсних характеристиках, важливостi гендерного тдходу для устшноi гендерног соцiалiзацii, самоактуалiзацii та саморе-алiзацii особистостi. майбутнього вчителя.

Keywords: gender competence, gender approach, gender socialization, gender education.

Ключовi слова: гендерна компетенттсть, гендерний пiдхiд, гендерна соцiалiзацiя, гендерне вихо-вання.

In recent years, problems of gender pedagogy, gender education, gender approach have increasingly become the subject of study by foreign and native teachers.

Competence, as defined in the "Modern Diction -ary of Foreign Words," refers to the possession of knowledge that enables individuals to make judgments. It can be understood as the ability to actively apply acquired personal and professional knowledge and skills in practical or scientific activities. Achieving a certain level of competence involves developing knowledge, practical experience, and skills such as self-education, critical thinking, independent work, self-organization, self-control, teamwork, the ability to predict outcomes and consequences of different decision options, establish causal relationships, and identify, formulate, and solve problems [1]. Therefore, competence is primarily a characteristic or attribute of an individual that enables them to perform tasks effectively.

Summarizing what has been said, competence can be seen as a subjective characteristic that combines an individual's knowledge, abilities, skills, and qualities, enabling them to be effective in a specific activity. In

the context of modern higher pedagogical education, which emphasizes the humanistic paradigm and considers individual and gender characteristics in the pursuit of self-realization, the question of how to develop gender competence in the educational process of higher educational institutions becomes particularly important.

In recent years, in pedagogical science, the issue of developing the conceptual foundations of gender education has become significantly more active among other problems of higher education.

Considering the basics of gender education, leading Ukrainian scientists, including T.Govorun, T.Do-ronina, O.Kikinezhdi, V.Kravets, L.Mishchik, I.Muntyan, L.Smolyar, O.Tsokur, N.Chukhim, S.Yudin allow us to draw conclusions about gender education in the system of professional training of students, the development of the necessary methodological basis as a specific form of professional training of personal and professional qualities of the future teacher


The analysis of the current state of training future teachers for professional education highlights the significance of incorporating a gender approach in their

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formation. We believe that integrating a gender perspective is essential for the effective organization of training programs aimed at developing professional competencies. By considering gender dynamics and addressing issues related to gender pedagogy and gender education, future teachers can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to create inclusive and equitable learning environments. This approach contributes to their overall competence as educators and prepares them to meet the diverse needs of their students. [3].

Indeed, in contemporary scientific discourse, terms such as "gender," "gender roles," and "gender identity" are frequently used. Gender psychology has emerged as a distinct branch of psychological knowledge. However, it is evident that many students lack an understanding of gender issues. In our view, it is crucial for future teachers to possess a specific set of competencies in the field of social pedagogy and psychology, including knowledge of the formation of social roles. This knowledge equips teachers with the necessary understanding to address and navigate gender-related topics in the classroom effectively. By incorporating this expertise into their teaching practices, future teachers can foster inclusive and supportive learning environments that promote gender equality and respect for diverse identities.

The current circumstances emphasize the importance of students developing a comprehensive understanding of gender psychology and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a gender approach in educational practices. Gender, in contemporary scientific knowledge, is recognized as a complex and mul-tifaceted phenomenon. Broadly speaking, the term "gender" refers to the social aspects of sex It is commonly understood as a social construct that shapes the social roles of individuals based on their gender identity within a specific social community and at a particular stage of its development. By exploring the concept of gender, students can gain insights into the societal expectations and dynamics that influence the experiences and interactions of men and women. This understanding is crucial for fostering inclusive and equitable educational environments.

The main idea of the gender approach in education is to take into account the specifics of the mutual influence on the development of male and female representatives of all factors of the educational process: content, forms and methods of education, technologies for organizing the educational process, pedagogical communication, as well as traditional gender stereotypes.

Directly in the education of the individual, the gender approach aims to create such conditions for the education of boys and girls, in which their "development and spiritual-value orientation will contribute to the manifestation and positive formation of individual masculine, feminine and androgynous traits; regarding the painless adaptation of the younger generation to the realities of gender-role relations in society and effective gender-role separation in society" (O. Mudryk) [2:16].

The gender approach in education aims to create an inclusive environment where individuals can freely express and develop their unique gender characteristics, breaking free from societal gender stereotypes. By


promoting successful gender socialization, self-actualization, and self-realization, the gender approach expands opportunities for learners to fully explore their potential. In the context of the modern education system, enhancing the socialization process, including gender socialization, is a crucial objective. I.Kletsina defines gender competence as a characteristic of an individual that enables them to effectively navigate and engage in gender relations. This competence involves understanding and addressing gender-related issues, promoting equality, and fostering positive and respectful interactions among individuals of different genders.

In the context of gender relations, effectiveness refers to the capacity of both men and women to recognize instances of gender inequality in their daily lives, resist sexist and discriminatory influences, and actively avoid perpetuating situations of gender inequality. This entails being aware of and challenging societal norms and biases that contribute to gender disparities. By promoting equal opportunities, respect, and fairness, individuals can contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society [2].

According to our research, we consider the definition of gender competence formulated by T.Antonova to be the most suitable for us. "Under the gender competence of an individual, we understand the totality of gender knowledge and the ability to apply it to develop one's own gender-oriented behavior" [3].

Gender competence can indeed be considered a fundamental competence for future teachers, as it possesses several key characteristics such as multifunc-tionality, interdisciplinary nature, and multidimension-ality. It encompasses a range of personal qualities, intellectual abilities, and communicative skills that are relevant to the teacher's understanding of gender culture. The structure of a teacher's gender competence can be divided into three components: motivational and value, cognitive, and behavioral.

The motivational and value component of gender competence in future teachers is characterized by their positive motivation to incorporate a gender approach, their awareness of the role of gender within pedagogical activities, and their acceptance or rejection of gender stereotypes and norms as guiding principles in their interactions with students and colleagues.

The cognitive component is a crucial aspect of gender competence, as it involves the acquisition and application of gender-related knowledge in pedagogical activities. Future teachers need to develop a comprehensive understanding of gender and the psychology of gender relations. This includes knowledge about the gender-specific characteristics of individuals involved in the educational process, an understanding of gender socialization patterns for boys and girls, awareness of the gender differentiation in cognitive characteristics among students, and knowledge about the functions and differences in gender relations. Additionally, future teachers should be equipped with techniques for gender schematization and the ability to forecast the potential gender effects within educational contexts. By possessing this cognitive component of gender competence, teachers can effectively address and navigate gender-related issues in their pedagogical practices.



The behavioral component of gender competence can be assessed through the degree of formation of the system of abilities and skills of future teachers regarding the application of the gender approach in professional activities. According to modern researchers, gender behavior corresponds to the real "playing" ofthe set of gender roles accepted by each sex It can be greatly influenced by specific social situations (for example, the situation of gender stratification in education, which is characterized by a clear asymmetry in the direction of female teachers), as well as the traditions and norms of one or another society.

One of the tasks of forming the gender competence of the future teacher is the development of gender congruence — the properties of communication between women and men, which results from the harmony of consciousness and behavior and is based on gender identity.

In our opinion, a high level of formation of the future teacher's gender competence and his readiness to implement a gender approach in professional activity can be achieved only by building his professional training as a complete system, which includes the principles, conditions, and technologies of the formation of the teacher's gender competence.

The principles of the formation of gender competence of future teachers, which determine the effectiveness of the system, can include the principles of humanistic orientation of the gender training of a specialist, differentiation of content and organization of the formation of gender competence based on accounting for the gender characteristics of students, interdisciplinary integration of content and technologies of the formation of gender technologies of gender education according to the laws of professional personality formation. Among the pedagogical conditions for the formation of gender competence of the future teacher, the following can be distinguished:

• integration of gender and psychological-pedagogical knowledge into the content of the professional training of the future modern teacher within the framework of the invariant and variable parts of the block of psychological-pedagogical disciplines;

• taking into account the gender characteristics of future teachers when organizing the pedagogical process, forming future teachers' awareness of their own gender role and individual gender style of behavior within the framework of pedagogical activity;

• development of the procedural and technological component of the implementation of the gender approach in pedagogical practice;

• organization of monitoring the gender competence of future teachers as a component of the professional competence of a modern teacher.

The lack of knowledge in the field of gender psychology manifests itself in the reproduction of social

prejudices, gender discrimination, disruption of social interaction and prevents the comprehensive realization of the personality of students and teachers themselves.

Thus, future teachers' knowledge and understanding of the features of the gender approach, gender psychology, will provide an adequate idea of gender differences and form a more balanced attitude towards them. An equally important consequence of the formation of gender perceptions will be a decrease in the intensity of teachers' transmission of gender stereotypes and superstitions in the educational environment in the future.

In this way, gender competence increases interest in gender issues, strengthens the desire to change outdated gender stereotypes and form a new, harmonious system of gender interaction, allows to more clearly understand the rules of building harmonious gender relations, familiarizes with the methodology of conducting information and educational activities on gender education, allows to a more complete extent use experience.

It is not so much the formation of gender ideas and knowledge of future teachers that is important, but the formation of gender competence of the future teacher, which implies not only the presence of knowledge about gender, but the unity of skills, purposeful actions, the formation of a worldview, which provide one of the vectors of professional behavior of a future specialist.


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