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education / gender equality / culture / adolescents / research / law / politics.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khakimova Barno

The article presents an analysis of research on the implementation of the provisions and principles of gender theory in education in our country, pedagogical and psychological factors of the formation of gender culture of boys and girls and the improvement of the general cultural personality

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Khakimova Barno

PhD student of Scientific research institute of pedagogical sciences of Uzbekistan named after

T.N.Kari Niyazi https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7874848

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of research on the implementation of the provisions and principles of gender theory in education in our country, pedagogical and psychological factors of the formation of gender culture of boys and girls and the improvement of the general cultural personality.

Keywords: education, gender equality, culture, adolescents, research, law, politics.

The system of gender equality education is extremely comprehensive. Targeted debates, roundtable discussions, question-and-answer evenings, thematic lectures, seminars-trainings, theoretical-practical conferences also have an effective impact on the development of this direction.

The most important thing of educating young people in the spirit of gender equality is to help them understand their identity, become a force that organizes, motivates and leads the social environment, social psyche, and proves that human dignity is not determined by gender. In this case, the idea of gender equality (creating equal rights and equal opportunities for boys and girls) affects the spiritual growth of both the individual and the society, and leads to a change in social thinking. The idea of gender equality is a constructive idea that motivates the formation of the political consciousness of young people in the society, independent thinking, and imbibing the principles of moral and spiritual equality.

There is no doubt that education aimed at ensuring gender equality will help in the formation of socially useful, fair, humane, democratic qualities of youth behavior and worldview. Because education infused with the ideas of gender equality can create gender knowledge in young people, change their outlook and beliefs, but also affect their psyche. It is possible to make sure that they can work in all spheres of society's development, especially by studying the psychological features of formation of girls' desire to study the fields they want with responsibility and determination, with interest. This has a positive effect on forming in them, along with relevant spiritual and moral qualities, a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of confidence in contributing to its prosperity. Therefore, the consistent use of opportunities for gender education in the educational process plays a major role in the development of young people as comprehensive individuals.

According to the scientific investigations in the field of gender education, neglecting and not understanding the need of forming a gender culture in high school students during the development of their personality will lead to ineffective interactions. As a result the appearing of different genders, harmful behavior and interpersonal conflicts together create unpleasant situations in society, family and individual life.

The main meaning of gender culture is the relationship between boys and girls during puberty, which is presented as the process of forming the identity of the students during the period of understanding of masculinity, femininity and androgyny, when the scope of knowledge about his gender role is formed.

Instilling gender tolerance among high school students is a crucial activity in the creation of gender culture. Gender tolerance is the willingness and ability to live and cooperate in different spheres of life, family and society when gender differences and perceptions exist. For this, both teachers and intellectuals are asked for a little desire, encouragement, and effort to honor and accept the worldview and lifestyle of other gender carriers.

D.N. Isaev and V.E. Kagan, in particular: "The requirements for boys as future men are more complex than for girls' future motherhood/femininity, and during gender socialization, boys often experience environmental pressure." V. E. Kagan relates this to the gender-role characteristics of development and upbringing, because "there is less pressure on girls that they should study, and adults have a wider range of acceptance of their morals and grades; the subj ective component of incorrect correction and its behavioral manifestations are usually more sincere than those of boys, and it is easier to take into account other types of activities and value orientations; female - as often or more often - teaching staff provide better conditions for girls than for boys."

Nowadays in the field of modern pedagogy has appeared a new direction, named "individual gender pedagogy", which studies the conditions for the wide introduction of a gender approach to the educational process in order to ensure gender self-equalization of students and develop individual inclinations of students.

The object of modern gender pedagogical research is methodological aspects of gender generalization in teaching (E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova); ability to acquire knowledge about gender equality, gender and social tasks of the educational institution; (V. Foster, G. I. Chaton); influence of gender stereotypes on upbringing and education (L.I. Nadolinskaya); gender characteristics of teaching in higher education institutions (L.A. Bulatova, I.S. Kletsina), improvement of conditions for the pedagogical activity of teachers and its effectiveness, research of special characteristics of the professional activity of male and female teachers (A.I. Kagalnyak, L. Yu. Orlova, E.E. Chekanova).

It is very important to develop the criteria of the coefficient of usefulness of educational hours spent by teachers with boys and girls of puberty. These criteria are:

1. The treatment of boys and girls as separate genders by educators from their professional point of view;

2. To support the self-understanding of graduating boys and girls, taking into account the formation of gender and relationship culture as a necessary factor for the development of masculinity and femininity in today's society.

To date, the issues of improving the teacher's gender experience have not been thoroughly considered. Gender competence is based on the total set of leading pedagogical competencies and acts as a unique synthesizing feature. Therefore, it is the task of creating conditions for improving the teacher's qualifications, which cannot be solved by traditional educational means.

Gender competence is the teacher's knowledge of the essence of the gender approach in the educational process, the ability to reveal gender policy in the organization of teaching, and the development of gender knowledge and skills.

While developing the teacher's gender competence in grades 9-11, the following should also be taken into account:

- gender knowledge and abilities of the teacher/educator in creating the pedagogical process in secondary schools;

- creating an idea about the teacher's/educator's own gender role and individual gender method of behavior during the teaching period;

- the teacher/pedagogue's professional readiness and gender literacy are compatible with the goals of the gender approach;

- creation of gender competence monitoring of the teacher/pedagogue during his/her teaching at the school.

The following are the rules for the creation of gender competence of the teacher/pedagogue in order to guarantee the effectiveness of teaching and educational work with secondary school students:

- the rule of directing the gender training of the teacher/educator to the humanitarian aspect;

- the principle of organizing and differentiating the content of the formation of the gender competence of the teacher/pedagogue based on the gender characteristics of the general education school students;

- interdisciplinary integration for the formation of gender competence of the teacher/educator;

- the principle of compatibility of the teacher/pedagogue's gender education technologies with the laws of his professional growth.

At the moment, there is a need to use a (different) gender approach in a general secondary education institution, which aims to get rid of stereotypes that resist the development of the personality of secondary school students and to form socially acceptable models of behavior.

When the period of preparing boys and girls for future marriage and starting a family life approaches, representatives of both gender face difficulties, as a result, the number of competent individuals representing gender increases. And finally, there is a need to use the gender approach, which includes the formation of socially acceptable models of behavior based on personal interests and social needs, to eliminate patterns that prevent the successful development of the personality of a student of a general secondary educational institution.

In the researches of foreign and CIS scientists E.Maer, K.Higgins, I.Kon, A.Mudrik, L.Popova, I.I.Yukina, Yu.S.Tukacheva, L.I.Stolyarchuk and others, issues of gender and gender approach in education are discussed. and provide equal opportunities in education to girls; selection of forms, methods, and means of teaching that serve to fully realize their potential, based on the psychophysiological characteristics of boys and girls during the educational process; directions such as ensuring gender tolerance and gender equality in the educational institution, as well as implementing gender analysis of educational content and increasing gender literacy of teachers have been widely studied.

The process of developing gender aspects and principles of implementation in teacher training is the main stage that brings them to the final result. A teacher who understands gender aspects can create an opportunity for the young generation to think and act consciously due to their awareness and sensitivity to gender issues. Therefore, the movement to implement gender equality in education should begin with the teacher and cover his entire activity, from the stage of professional training to the stage of continuous professional development. Therefore, in higher

education institutions, in addition to professional knowledge and skills, students should develop important life skills, including analytical and critical thinking skills, problem solving, flexibility, interpersonal communication skills, as well as independent and cooperative work. It is very important to train and build gender competence. For this, it is necessary to implement a gender approach to the higher education system and develop effective mechanisms for its management. One of the most effective mechanisms of the teacher to eliminate gender inequality is the active participation of students in gender activities, exemplary proof of friendship between men and women, and participation in various other situations. It should be noted that gender education is a specific methodological direction, which can improve the situation related to the gender socialization of the participants of education and training in the conditions of the educational institutions of the region, the beneficial partnership and interaction of students of different genders. intended to change.

It is known from the conducted observations that in the 21st century, compared to the youth of the previous century, general high school students are becoming more critical, independent decision-makers, pragmatic and ambitious. After all, they do not take something for granted, they do not seek to get involved with other people's views, opinions, decisions, assessments, they immediately demand proof. They are cautious about their contributions to society, and are more optimistic about the future, believe in personal success in life, and attribute this to the need for education as a means of career advancement, that is, as a ladder. Values such as "social recognition" and "active lifestyle" are very important.

Adolescent socialization occurs through communication in a group of peers, they establish close relationships established by society within the framework of educational activities, and often the gender component of personality, that is, dominant models of self-control in the context of behavior, is of a certain gender. is determined by awareness as a representative. Investigating gender socialization issues to see the communication mechanisms between behavior in social interaction situations, interpersonal behavior, group and personal in high school students (boys and girls) opens up the possibility of understanding the interdependence and contradiction of principles.

Thus, the development of a democratic state and civil society largely depends on ensuring gender equality.

After all, today our society is at the first stage of the formation of new political relations, the third renaissance process. In this process, it is necessary to ensure gender equality of men and women in socio-economic, political, spiritual and other spheres, especially to improve the participation of boys and girls in the construction of the state and society. Research shows that in order to achieve high efficiency in this regard, it is necessary to pay more attention to the following:

- giving priority to the content of social and humanitarian sciences taught in educational institutions;

- it is desirable to organize "Gender Equality Strategy" special courses, theoretical-methodical laboratories and create software products for them in educational institutions.


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