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Endless light in science
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material design / energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material / EHCM / methodology and algorithm for material design

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Aleh K. Kryvanos, Aliaksandr Ph. Ilyushchanka, Yauheni Ya. Piatsiushyk

The article substantiates the need for a design stage in the general scheme for obtaining an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material (EHCM). Methodological approaches and techniques used in the design of composite materials in other industries are considered. The main characteristics of the EHCM, obtained from the results of its design, have been determined. Models, calculation problems and methods used by Russian and other foreign authors to substantiate individual properties of EHCM are analyzed, and the possibility of their use in the design of the class of material under consideration is assessed. The authors of the article describe the general scheme and design stages of the EHCM.

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Похожие темы научных работ по технике и технологии , автор научной работы — Aleh K. Kryvanos, Aliaksandr Ph. Ilyushchanka, Yauheni Ya. Piatsiushyk

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UDK. 66.011




PhD (military), assistant professor, First Deputy Director - Chief Engineer, Closed Joint Stock Company «Hull Products Plant», Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Academician of the NAS of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director of State Research and Production Powder Metallurgy Association, Director of O.V. Roman Powder Metallurgy Institute, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy General Director, State Research and Production Powder Metallurgy Association, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Abstract. The article substantiates the need for a design stage in the general scheme for obtaining an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material (EHCM). Methodological approaches and techniques used in the design of composite materials in other industries are considered. The main characteristics of the EHCM, obtainedfrom the results of its design, have been determined. Models, calculation problems and methods used by Russian and other foreign authors to substantiate individual properties of EHCM are analyzed, and the possibility of their use in the design of the class of material under consideration is assessed. The authors of the article describe the general scheme and design stages of the EHCM.

Keywords. material design, energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material, EHCM, methodology and algorithm for material design

Statement of the research problem. Modern energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material (EHCM), depending on the requirements for the final product being developed, can contain up to 10-15, and sometimes more, different components [1-3].

General approaches and rules taken into account when selecting EHCM components are set out in [4, p. 178 - 201; 5, p. 9 - 11; 6, p. 41 - 72; 7, pp. 399 - 404] and many other works. Some algorithms underlying the methods for assessing the raw material base, including the rationale for the assessment criteria used, are described in [1 - 3]. These algorithms and criteria are more focused on obtaining the maximum value of energy characteristics by achieving the stoichiometry required for complete combustion [8, p. 102].

At the same time, in accordance with the conclusions formulated in [9, p. 69 - 72] and other works, along with the specific impulse, the efficiency of EHCM is also assessed by its density, with an increase in the value of which the quality of the material in question improves, as well as a number of other physical and mechanical characteristics (glass transition temperature of the polymer matrix; tensile strength; time, during which preserves the performance properties of the material, etc.).

When minimizing the volume of the resulting composite, which is necessary to increase its density, the requirements for the most dense packing of particles of powder components and filling all pore spaces with the liquid phase of EHCM increase. Also, with an increase in the proportion of powder components, the viscosity of the composition increases, which worsens its manufacturability and complicates the processes of mixing components and forming a homogeneous structure [4, p. 201 - 204; 10, p. 33 - 41]. The pores and inhomogeneities formed in such cases negatively affect

both the strength properties of the resulting material and the stability of the technical system, which includes a product made on the basis of the obtained EHCM [11].

Taking into account the above and other requirements and features of obtaining EHCM, selecting the component base based on these requirements, establishing the sequence of formation of the necessary characteristics of the material, as well as determining expedient technological operations and their main modes is a multi-step calculation and forecast task, which involves a consistent assessment of alternative solutions for each stage of the life cycle and choosing the most rational of them. As a rule, such analytical operations are inherent in the design stage, which should precede the process of producing EHCM [12].

Material design as a separate stage in the general algorithm for its production has been developed in construction, aviation, mechanical engineering and many other industries [8]. A large number of scientific works are devoted to describing the processes of formation of a certain group of properties with given characteristics [13; 14]. Some of the work is limited to the methodology for obtaining specified properties through recipe regulation of the starting components [15]. These works, as a rule, do not take into account all the dependencies between the chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics of the initial components, the composition and structure of the material, the technologies for their production, as well as the final properties of the product made from the designed material.

General methodological approaches to the design of composite materials are discussed in [16 -20]. These works systematize the factors and describe an algorithm for solving the optimization problem of forming the required properties of the composite material [16; 18, p. 10 - 53; 19, p. 5 -53]. Most of these scientific works use classical methods of mathematical analysis to solve optimization problems. The designed composite material is considered as a hierarchical system, the elements of which are in complex relationships with each other [17, p. 40 - 70; 18, p. 66 - 75; 19, p. 34 - 43]. However, the methodological approaches proposed in [16 - 20] have some limitations, since they are focused on obtaining building materials with the necessary margin of wear resistance, strength, and durability and cannot be directly used in the production of EHCM. These limitations are most typical for the stage of transition from designing material properties to determining technologies for their production, the regimes of which for EHCM (temperature, pressure, etc.) are localized within a small range of values.

In [21] and some other works, the design of a composite material is considered as one of the stages of optimization of the technological process, and in [22] and other similar articles - as one of the technological stages of obtaining the required product. In these works, the composite material is most often considered outside the scope of the research, as an already formed product with specified properties.

Elements of the EHCM design methodology are discussed in [6; 8; 9; 23] and other works. In most of the approaches under consideration, the research is based on the target function of forming a certain group of properties and (or) obtaining characteristics whose values are within acceptable limits, or optimization of individual technological processes for obtaining EHCM is carried out.

Thus, insufficient elaboration of the issue of designing EHCM necessitates the development of methodological foundations covering processes from formalization of initial data and recipe selection of components to obtaining a product manufactured on its basis, with justification of the most appropriate ways to solve optimization problems at each of the stages under consideration.

Materials and research methods. Material design by analogy with the approaches described in [13, p. 44 - 49; 24, pp. 21 - 22], can be represented as a process of formulating an optimization problem with the subsequent search for the most appropriate option for its solution, which involves determining the composition, characteristics of the initial components, structure and basic technologies for obtaining EHCM, in which it is possible for it to acquire the necessary properties that meet the requirements, imposed by the conditions of use of the technical system of which it is a part. The selection and justification of each of the initial components, subsequent optimization and establishment of the entire sequence for obtaining the required EHCM is a multifactorial task, the

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solution of which is based on dependencies characterizing the degree of their mutual and individual influence on the acquisition of the required operational properties by the material. The solution to such a problem involves an iterative selection of components and technologies with a step-by-step assessment of the degree of change in the characteristics of the resulting material.

As a rule, the initial design stage involves the establishment and formalization (in the absence - search and calculation of missing) initial data, including the acceptance of acceptable conditions and values in the presence of alternative characteristics of the conditions and environment of use of the material. The general approach to formulating the initial data and the algorithm used are described in [25; 26] and other similar works. Conclusions drawn from the results of formalization of the initial data, as a rule, are the basis for the recipe selection of the component base.

Methods for selecting solid-phase (powder) and liquid-phase components, taking into account the specifics of their use as part of a technical system (individual characteristics of combustion, the influence of combustion products on the technical system of which they are a part and the environment, as well as the contribution of each ingredient to the formation of energy characteristics EHCM) are considered in [1 - 3] and other works. Taking these features into account, the stoichiometric composition of EHCM is calculated.

Due to the presence in the composition of EHCM components related to various states of aggregation (liquid fuel-binder and solid (powder) oxidizer, energy, technological and other additives), the results of their interphase interaction are designed at the stage of recipe selection. The most objective characteristic of such interaction, which can be taken into account (if it is available in databases) or measured at the stage of recipe selection, is the wetting of powder components (the majority of them) with a liquid-phase binder. Based on the results obtained, technological operations are designed, their sequence and equipment operating modes are determined.

Subsequently, based on the results of measurements of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the polymerized EGCM, correlations are established between the wetting characteristics and the strength properties of the produced material. The presence of information about such dependencies makes it possible to design a material with the required strength properties by varying the degree of intermolecular interaction of two different phases. Also, based on this information, it is possible to adjust the recipe composition of the initial components, which may require choosing from several alternative options, including those involving a slight decrease in energy characteristics, the most acceptable solution.

Along with wettability, powder and liquid-phase components of EHCM have a number of other physical properties, the characteristics of which significantly affect the formation of the structure and, accordingly, the quality of the resulting material. Such properties for powder components include the fractional composition, shape of particles, morphology of their surface, surface area of particles required for cladding with a fuel-binder, etc., and for liquid-phase components - viscosity, polymerization rate, glass transition temperature, etc. [11].

Selection of powder and liquid phase components taking into account these characteristics allows you to obtain the best value:

material density due to optimization of the placement of particles of powder components and maximum filling of the resulting voids with the liquid phase [27; 28];

viscosity of the stirred composition due to the selection of the particle size of the powder components and the rational ratio of the proportions of solid and liquid phases [29];

strength characteristics of a product obtained from EHCM, by ensuring the filling of the pore space and complete cladding of the surface of the particles of powder components, as well as ensuring the necessary adhesion at the phase boundary [11].

Predicting the possibility of obtaining the best values for the above properties involves developing a model of the unit cell of the designed structure of the material, which is built with certain conditional assumptions (for example, polydispersity and non-sphericity of particles are excluded). The basis is the particle size of the powder components, which ensures the required operational characteristics of the EHCM (primarily the burning rate of the material). Taking into account the required density of particle packing, which corresponds to the share of solid-phase components in the total volume of the material, a

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Formalization (development of missing) initial data

Designing the composition of components in accordance with the stoichiometry of catalysis and interfacial interaction

Development of requirements for the structure of the designed material

Development of a unit cell, calculation of the material structure

Modeling the process of obtaining EHCM. Establishment of technological regimes for obtaining EHCM.

Selecting technologies and subsequence of obtaining EHCM.

Production of EHCM. Assessment of the quality of the manufactured product

packing scheme and the number of powder fractions are selected. The procedure for designing a material structure and performing typical calculation tasks is described in [30].

Taking into account the results obtained when calculating the structure of the material, the technological sequence for the manufacture of EHCM is determined, the operating modes of the equipment, characteristics and their values are established, by which the effectiveness of each technological operation is determined. To simplify calculations of the structure of EHCM and methods for its preparation, various mathematical models can be used. One of the modeling approaches for solving such problems, based on the "simulated metal annealing" method, is described in [31 - 33].

To find the most appropriate way to obtain the required EHCM, it is allowed during the modeling process to vary the recipe composition or make changes to the calculated structure of the designed material. Based on the modeling results, the technological process for obtaining EHCM is planned.

The EHCM design algorithm obtained as a result of the proposed sequence is shown in the figure.

The characteristics and their values, formulated (calculated) at each of the design stages, are the basis for quality management of the produced EHCM, starting from the preparation of components to the receipt of the finished product. Based on the results of assessing the quality of the finished product, decisions are made on the reliability of the selected model and, if necessary, the required adjustments are made to its structure and accepted dependencies.

Figure. EHCM design algorithm

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The article systematizes the fundamentals of the EHCM design methodology. Including design in the production process allows you to take into account possible errors and optimize the process of obtaining EHCM. The set of material properties predicted during the design process, obtained at each technological stage, is the basis for creating a production quality management system for manufactured products.


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31. Ilyushchanka A.Ph., Kryvanos A.K., Piatsiushyk Y.Y., Buloichik V.M. Razrabotka matematicheskoj modeli strukturoobrazovaniya energonasyshchennogo kompozicionnogo materiala [Development of a mathematical model of structure formation of an energy-saturated composite material], Polimernye materialy i tekhnologii : Mezhdunarodnyj nauch. tekhnich. Zhurnal [Polymer materials and technologies: International scientific. technical Magazine], Gomel: IMMS NAS of Belarus Publ., 2021. - Vol.7, № 1. - pp. 23 - 32. DOI: 10.32864/polymmattech-2020-6-4-23-32 (in Russian).

32. Ilyushchanka A.Ph., Kryvanos A.K., Buloichik V.M., Piatsiushyk Y.Y. Utochnenie modeli strukturoobrazovaniya poroshkovyh komponentov energonasyshchennogo geterogennogo kompozicionnogo materiala [Refinement of the model of structure formation of powder components of an energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material], Poroshkovaya metallurgiya: Resp. mezhved. sb. nauch. trudov [Powder metallurgy: Republican interdepartmental collection of scientific papers], Minsk: NAN of Belarus Publ., 2021. - Vol. 44.

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