FUNCTIONING OF ENGLISH PAROEMIAS IN ECONOMIC DISCOURSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
mass audience / readership / linguistic unit / economic discourse / anti-proverbs / массовая аудитория / читатели / лингвистическая единица / экономический дискурс / антипословицы

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Magomedov M.I., Khuchbarova D.M.

The purpose of this work is to define the conditions and mechanisms of functioning of English proverbs in economic discourse. The scientific novelty is that the authors try to set up basic principles of a communicative and pragmatic approach to the study of the functioning of paroemias in economic discourse. The work presents the results of a complex analysis of functioning of proverbs in economic discourse. The relevance of the work lies in the in-depth study of the role of proverbs in the creation of economic discourse, their communicative, pragmatic functions, thus enabling a deeper understanding of the essence of the cognitive features of paroemias. Straightforward analysis of functioning of English paroemias in economic discourse highlighted the fact that authors and publicists rethink stereotypes, disagree with judgements in paroemias. Articles on different economic topics are analysed in the research work as economic activity is considered to be discursive nowadays. Use of paroemias is predetermined by specific nature of economic discourse. According to the factual material, the use of paroemias in economic discourse ensures influence on readership. Research of functioning of English paroemias in economic discourse reveals the fact of their widespread usage in everyday life and their status of traditional and common units. Economic articles demonstrate a pragmatic potential of proverbs in professional discourse. It is economic discourse that provides anti-proverbs in most cases. Using paroemias and transformations in articles, publicists not only express their opinion and attitude to events, people, but to the content of these proverbs too. Anti-proverbs are succinct and effective means for this purpose.

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Целью данной работы является определение условий и механизмов функционирования английских пословиц в экономическом дискурсе. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что авторы пытаются сформулировать основные принципы коммуникативно-прагматического подхода к изучению функционирования паремий в экономическом дискурсе. В работе представлены результаты комплексного анализа функционирования паремий в экономическом дискурсе. Актуальность работы заключается в углубленном изучении роли паремий в создании экономического дискурса, их коммуникативных, прагматических функций, что позволяет глубже понять сущность когнитивных особенностей паремий. Непосредственный анализ функционирования английских паремий в экономическом дискурсе выявил факт переосмысления публицистами стереотипов, несогласия с суждениями в паремиях. В исследовательской работе были проанализированы статьи на различные экономические темы, поскольку экономическая деятельность в настоящее время считается дискурсивной. Использование паремий предопределено спецификой экономического дискурса. Согласно нашему исследовательскому материалу, использование паремий в экономическом дискурсе оказывает непосредственное влияние на читательскую аудиторию. Результаты исследования функционирования английских паремий в экономическом дискурсе свидетельствуют о широкой распространенности паремий в повседневной жизни и наличии статуса традиционных и распространенных единиц. Прагматический потенциал пословиц в профессиональном дискурсе продемонстрирован на примере статей на экономическую тематику. В большинстве случаев именно в экономическом дискурсе функционируют антипословицы. Используя паремии и паремиологические трансформации в статьях, публицисты не только выражают свое отношение к событиям и людям, но и к содержанию данных паремий. Антипословицы являются кратким и эффективным средством для решения данной задачи.


Библиографический список

1. Всеволодова М.В. Теория функционально-коммуникативного синтаксиса: Фрагмент фундаментальной прикладной (педагогической) модели языка. Москва: УРСС, 2007.

2. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1990.

3. Сиротинина О.Б. Порядок слов в русском языке. Москва: ЛЕНАНД, 2014.

4. Tomlin R.S. Basic Word Order: Functional Principles. London: Croom Helm, 1986.

5. Тань А. Проблемы скрытой грамматики: Синтаксис, семантика и прагматика языка изолирующего строя (на примере китайского языка). Москва: Языки славянской культуры, 2002.

6. Reinhart T. Pragmatics and linguistics: an analysis of sentence topics. Philosophica. 1981; № 1.

7. Падучева Е.В. Высказывание и его соотнесенность с действительностью (референциальные аспекты семантики местоимений). Москва: Наука, 1985. References

1. Vsevolodova M.V. Teoriya funkcional'no-kommunikativnogo sintaksisa: Fragment fundamental'nojprikladnoj (pedagogicheskoj) modeli yazyka. Moskva: URSS, 2007.

2. Lingvisticheskil'enciklopedicheskiislovar'. Moskva: Sovetskaya 'enciklopediya, 1990.

3. Sirotinina O.B. Poryadokslov vrusskomyazyke. Moskva: LENAND, 2014.

4. Tomlin R.S. Basic Word Order: Functional Principles. London: Croom Helm, 1986.

5. Tan' A. Problemy skrytoj grammatiki: Sintaksis, semantika i pragmatika yazyka izoliruyuschego stroya (na primere kitajskogo yazyka). Moskva: Yazyki slavyanskoj kul'tury, 2002.

6. Reinhart T. Pragmatics and linguistics: an analysis of sentence topics. Philosophica. 1981; № 1.

7. Paducheva E.V. Vyskazyvanie i ego sootnesennost's dejstvitel'nost'yu (referencial'nye aspekty semantiki mestoimenj). Moskva: Nauka, 1985.

Статья поступила в редакцию 06.12.21

УДК 811.111

Magomedov M.I., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, chief researcher, G. Tsadasy Institute of Language, Literature and Art, Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Makhachkala, Russia), E-mail: rafrus1@yandex.ru

Khuchbarova D.M., Cand. of Sc^es (Philology), senior lecturer, Faculty of Linguistics, Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: khuchbarova2710@mail.ru

FUNCTIONING OF ENGLISH PAROEMIAS IN ECONOMIC DISCOURSE. The purpose of this work is to define the conditions and mechanisms of functioning of English proverbs in economic discourse. The scientific novelty is that the authors try to set up basic principles of a communicative and pragmatic approach to the study of the functioning of paroemias in economic discourse. The work presents the results of a complex analysis of functioning of proverbs in economic discourse. The relevance of the work lies in the in-depth study of the role of proverbs in the creation of economic discourse, their communicative, pragmatic functions, thus enabling a deeper understanding of the essence of the cognitive features of paroemias. Straightforward analysis of functioning of English paroemias in economic discourse highlighted the fact that authors and publicists rethink stereotypes, disagree with judgements in paroemias. Articles on different economic topics are analysed in the research work as economic activity is considered to be discursive nowadays. Use of paroemias is predetermined by specific nature of economic discourse. According to the factual material, the use of paroemias in economic discourse ensures influence on readership. Research of functioning of English paroemias in economic discourse reveals the fact of their widespread usage in everyday life and their status of traditional and common units. Economic articles demonstrate a pragmatic potential of proverbs in professional discourse. It is economic discourse that provides anti-proverbs in most cases. Using paroemias and transformations in articles, publicists not only express their opinion and attitude to events, people, but to the content of these proverbs too. Anti-proverbs are succinct and effective means for this purpose. Key words: mass audience, readership, linguistic unit, economic discourse, anti-proverbs.

М.И. Магомедов, д-р филол. наук, проф., гл. науч. сотр. Института языка, литературы и искусства имени Г. Цадасы Дагестанского федерального исследовательского центра Российской академии наук, г. Махачкала, E-mail: rafrus1@yandex.ru Д.М. Хучбарова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Московский финансово-промышленный университет «Синергия», г. Москва, E-mail: khuchbarova2710@mail.ru


Целью данной работы является определение условий и механизмов функционирования английских пословиц в экономическом дискурсе. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что авторы пытаются сформулировать основные принципы коммуникативно-прагматического подхода к изучению функционирования паремий в экономическом дискурсе. В работе представлены результаты комплексного анализа функционирования паремий в экономическом дискурсе. Актуальность работы заключается в углубленном изучении роли паремий в создании экономического дискурса, их коммуникативных, прагматических функций, что позволяет глубже понять сущность когнитивных особенностей паремий. Непосредственный анализ функционирования английских паремий в экономическом дискурсе выявил факт переосмысления публицистами стереотипов, несогласия с суждениями в паремиях. В исследовательской работе были проанализированы статьи на различные экономические темы, поскольку экономическая деятельность в настоящее время считается дискурсивной. Использование паремий предопределено спецификой экономического дискурса. Согласно нашему исследовательскому материалу, использование паремий в экономическом дискурсе оказывает непосредственное влияние на читательскую аудиторию. Результаты исследования функционирования английских паремий в экономическом дискурсе свидетельствуют о широкой распространенности паремий в повседневной жизни и наличии статуса традиционных и распространенных единиц. Прагматический потенциал пословиц в профессиональном дискурсе продемонстрирован на примере статей на экономическую тематику. В большинстве случаев именно в экономическом дискурсе функционируют антипословицы. Используя паремии и паремиологические трансформации в статьях, публицисты не только выражают свое отношение к событиям и людям, но и к содержанию данных паремий. Антипословицы являются кратким и эффективным средством для решения данной задачи.

Ключевые слова: массовая аудитория, читатели, лингвистическая единица, экономический дискурс, антипословицы.

It would be difficult for anyone to dispute that economic texts play a great role in a modern society [1 - 32]. The process of change, which is reflected in a language, is incontrovertible in our life. "Key features of a verbal language are reflected and focused on in mass communication" [7, p. 11]. These are economic texts from English and American newspapers, textbooks and online versions that are key to this research.

Economic articles in newspapers are intended to influence mass market. A language is the main source of information transfer. Thus, this information should be interesting and useful for readers; it should be presented in a special way. A success of a printed source depends on a right choice of linguistic means.

So, we share the opinion of specialists, who consider that the usage of linguistic means is connected to evaluation, the aim of which is to influence a recipient, where conceptual and emotional characteristics become essential. In such a case, a speech strategy is a cognitive process, where a speaker correlates his communicative aim with a concrete language expression [7, p. 28].

The analysis has shown that paroemias are used creatively in economic discourse. In addition to the aim to influence readership, any article or text on Economics transfer significant information through concise linguistic means. Paroemias are the best linguistic means to fulfil this task. So, we can say that usage of proverbs plays an important role in economic discourse.

As we pointed out, a discourse is a very complex communicative phenomenon; a combination of linguistic (selected linguistic means and the fact of use of a language) and extra-linguistic factors (body of knowledge, sets of understandings, beliefs, author's aims, and conditions of his social life). A discourse reflects advance of scientific knowledge and a person's thought. You can see mental representation of the world and renew its specific characteristics [16, p. 137].

Implementing a cognitive function of a language in economic discourse is the main issue in this case. Control of readership is exercised through information provision in economic discourse, thus performing the cognitive function. Analysis of proverbs as linguistic units addresses the challenges and enables to recreate mental worl-dview and dynamics of an author's idea and comprehend his intention.

In recent decades, proverbs have been used more frequently in the English economic discourse, according to researchers. Authors, publicists, writing for such authoritative publications as The Guardian, the Observer, the New York Times, and the New Yorker make greater use of proverbs in their articles. They focus on different topics, such as political reviews, chronicle of social events, along with economic issues, where different paroemias and transformations are used. Author's idea or intention precondition the usage of proverbs in an article.

According to our observations, paroemias in English and American periodicals can be used both in headlines and in subheadings or body texts for implementing an author's pragmatic and communicative objectives. We'll illustrate this by examples:

1) as the heading (in this case it fulfils a function of attraction).

• No place like home

The Rohingyas need the help of the Burmese government, Aung San Suu Kyi and the outside world. The political transformation in Myanmar this past year or more has so far seemed one of history's more remarkable revolutions. It has seemed, indeed, to be a revolution without losers. The army which brutalised the country for half a century, remains influential and unpunished. Political prisoners have been freed by the hundreds. The opposition and its heroine, Aung San Suu Kyi, have successfully entered mainstream politics. What had seemed a purely ornamental parliament is showing it has a function. Foreign countries that shunned the dictatorship, hemming it in with sanctions, can exploit Myanmar's untapped market and treasure-house of natural resources [30]. The proverb stresses solidarity of a nation and unanimity. The role of the government is evident here, so the proverb serves to attract attention of public officials.

• No place like home

Banks will retreat in response to regulation

Since the Great Crash of 2008 the refrain of regulators has been: never again. Hard-wiring the financial system against failure has led to new laws and rule-making on a scale not seen since the 1930s. The bad news for banks is that there will be no let-up in 2014. Liquidity, capital ratios and other measures will be under the microscope. Regulators will target past behaviour (which will encourage more litigation from aggrieved clients). The principle of innocent-before-proven-guilty will continue to hold, but only just. "More like guilty before hanged," says one senior London banker, ruefully [30]. In this context, the proverb serves to stress the importance of legitimate power and lawful activities of officials in their country. Illegal activities undermine confidence of public at large.

• There's no place like home

Champions League challenge

Tuesday March 07 2006, 12.00am GMT, The Times

With an unlimited number of transfers available before the return legs of the Champions League first knockout round, you are effectively selecting a new team, and this time it may be a harder task than two weeks ago. The first legs featured the seeded team away from home and, given that far more points are on offer for achievements by away sides, it made sense to stick to those players [25]. The proverb urges the importance of the decision of the event planners. A victory at the Champions League is at stake, so the author calls to account.

2) as a subheading (principle of linguistic economy, attraction of attention).

• Reviving Japan's economy

There's no place like home

A new era is within Japan's reach, if Junichiro Koizumi seizes the chance. Charity begins at home.... [31]. The importance of the development of national industry is highlighted here. The role of the proverb is to influence readers (officials) and suggest a correct solution.

• Why voting patterns at the Fed might have implications for the European Central Bank.

No place like home

Is the Fed biased? Even asking the question is enough to ruffle feathers at that August institution. Yet new research suggests that the voting behaviour of the Fed's key policymakers may be surprisingly biased — and, more importantly, in a way that has implications for the European Central Bank [31]. The proverb is used with a negative meaning in this context. Total lawlessness and outrageous situations are emphasized by the author.

• Myanmar's persecuted Rohingyas

No place like home

The plight of Myanmar's Rohingyas calls its reforms into question [32].

In these examples, the proverb is used with a negative meaning. Total lawlessness and outrageous situations are emphasized in the article.

• Extraditing bankers

No place like home

A High Court ruling clears the way for extradition

Businessmen are quaking in their boots. The first high-profile white-collar challenge to Britain's controversial new fast-track extradition arrangements with the United States was decided on February 21st, and not the way many of them wanted. The High Court turned down an appeal by three former NatWest investment bankers against extradition to the United States, where they are wanted on fraud charges related to the Enron mess. The Anglo-American extradition treaty has provoked anger and dismay since it was secretly negotiated in 2003, allegedly to make prosecuting terrorists easier. British critics say it is lopsided and unfair. America now has only to allege that an "extraditable" offence - one carrying a maximum prison sentence of at least one year - has been committed to justify a request for extradition, while Britain still has to submit supporting evidence [31]. The proverb emphasizes the need for the development of judicial proceedings in the country. Powerlessness of officials and resistance to reforms are evident here. Using this proverb, the author assesses the situation as very negative and tries to attract readers' attention to the horrifying statistics.

3) In the body text (for expressiveness, emotional intensity)

• Is there still no place like home? $100,000 offered for the best answer

This year's Nine Dots prize asks for a 3,000-word response, which will be rewarded with the cash prize and a book commission. A prize of $100,000 (£76,000) and a book deal are on offer to the writer who comes up with the best answer to the question: "Is there still no place like home? "Literary award offers $100,000 for books which have yet to be written The second outing of the Nine Dots prize - which draws its name from the nine dots puzzle, which can only be solved by lateral thinking - hopes to "encourage innovative thinking and engaging new writing that addresses the challenges facing the modern world" [32].

The author emphasizes that it is impossible to remain indifferent to such an important issue as creative activities of individuals and personal enhancement. Rich cultural and literary heritage, the abundant opportunities for cultural development, cultural cooperation can contribute to personal and general development of the country.

Creative use of proverbs has been also discovered in economic discourse nowadays, indicating the coincidence of cognitive bases of communicators (authors and readership). As we have already pointed out, cognitive bases provide insight to the content of the author's message, expressed by certain linguistic means, thus implementing the objectives to influence mass audience. Creative use of paroemias, popular with both professionals and laypersons, proves the fact of universality of this phenomenon and assumes a critical approach to proverbs, when judgements are reconsidered and reviewed and sometimes disagreements are expressed.

We have reviewed occasionally transformed proverbs according to our factual material in most cases. The aim is to put a new face on it or update traditional proverbs and present them in a new way. The scale of this process is amazing. This brings us to the conclusion that there is a universal way to influence readership, using paroemias in a creative way. These results of linguistic creativity are studied by paramiographers in many countries in the world as a separate genre - antiproverbs. It is economic discourse that provides anti-proverbs in most cases. Using paroemias and transformations in articles, publicists not only express their opinion and attitude to events, people, but to the content of these proverbs too. Anti-proverbs are succinct and effective means for this purpose.

In some articles, authors speculate about paroemias and their role in the society. We can see a pragmatic potential of proverbs in everyday life.

According to K. Lau's research of database Lexis, the most frequently used proverbs in the press are: "Enough is enough", "Time will tell", "first come, first served", "forgive and forget", "time is money", "history repeats itself", "time flies", "better late than never", "out of sight out of mind", "boys will be boys". The scientist connects the frequent use of paroemias with the attitude of people to values [28, p. 138]. S. Winick called classification accuracy in question in his article "Garbage in, Garbage out and Other Dangers: Using computer Databases to study Proverbs (2001).

According to our research, the most frequently used proverbs in economic discourse are: "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"; "nothing succeeds like success"; "there is no place like home", "don't pull all your legs in one basket"; "you can lead a horse to water"; "you can't always get what you want""; "buy a pig in a poke""; "one law for the rich""; "two wrongs don't make a right""; "practice makes perfect".


1) It is now firmly established as the UK's largest and most profitable food retailer and when I spoke to multi-millionaire chairman David Sainsbury yesterday he confirmed that he' is on the brink of making a full scale onslaught into Scotland'. A combination of tight controls, major capital spending (it will be 800m this year) and competitive pricing, the group has widened the gap between itself and its rivals. Even Marks & Spencer stands in awe. While more ambitious retailers diversified, Sainsbury stuck to its core customer base and it has paid off. Nothing succeeds like success and it applies perfectly to the Sainsbury family, their 100,000 employees and 60,000 shareholders [29]. In this case, the author gives a positive assessment of the activities of the owner of the food retailer, contributing to economic development and country's prosperity.

2)The' hoteling system' has already reduced E &Y's; space requirements by 18%. Be prepared as the litigation epidemic sweeps the US, a Toronto accounting

consultant has urged all Canadian firms, and not just those in high risk brackets, to practise safer auditing. Mort Shapiro recommends: that firms take their time, since undue haste could diminish performance; that every stage should be documented; that accurate language should be used on all occasions; and that auditors stick to their checklists and deviate at their peril. Finally, Mr Shapiro points out, practice makes perfect. Viewing rates Accountancy Television has announced the rates for the first annual subscriptions [29].

Using this proverb, the author assesses the shake-up in the market, tries to attract readers' attention and contribute to the problem resolution. The proverb suggests a better solution for this problem.

3) Green-eyed continent

Europeans have warped views of their neighbours—and themselves "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" originates from a Latin phrase, quoted by Ovid, to do with envying another man's fruitful harvest. Fittingly, modern day Italians also have a chlorophyll-tinted view of their neighbours. According to new data from Livewhat, a Geneva-based survey, Ovid's successors tend to believe that life is better in other countries than the locals do. Over 70% of Italians imagine life to be good in France, when asked to rate it on a scale from one to ten, whereas only 43% of the French have the same opinion [31]. Author's assessment produces impact on the emotional state of the interlocutor. The proverb embodies people's conceptions and assumptions about better life, their vague hope for the future.

4) We all fall down

Why investors were not as diversified as they had thought

Библиографический список

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Investors are taught at stockmarket elementary school that the secret to avoiding financial disaster is to make sure they diversify their portfolios.But when markets plunged on February 27th shelter was pretty hard to find. First China fell, then European markets, then Wall Street. Emerging markets suffered. Corporate-bond spreads widened (in other words, their prices dropped). Oil declined. Even gold, a supposed "store of value", took a hit. Only the yen and government bonds gained ground [31]. Using this proverb, the author tries to warn people against risks and hazards in the market and suggests solutions for economic welfare. The author emphasizes the arguments against poor investment.

In conclusion we would like to point out that English and American publicists make extensive use of paroemias in articles on Economics. Proverbs are used predominantly in headings, subheadings and in the body of the text, which serve to achieve author's communicative and pragmatic objectives. Research of functioning of English proverbs in economic discourse reveals the fact of their widespread usage in everyday life and their status of traditional and common units. Economic articles demonstrate a pragmatic potential of proverbs in professional discourse. Straightforward analysis of functioning of English paroemias in economic discourse highlighted the fact that authors and publicists rethink stereotypes, disagree with judgements in proverbs. They express their refusal from proverbial truth in negation. Thus, most of English paroemias, as linguistic units, reflect social attitudes. The use of proverbs is an important constituent of economic discourse and is defined by the main objective of influencing the mass audience.

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4. Бралина С.Ж. Речевые стереотипы фольклорного текста. Русский язык: исторические судьбы и современность: II Международный конгресс исследователей русского языка. Москва: МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, 2004.

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6. Ван Дейк Т.А. Язык. Познание. Коммуникация. Москва: Прогресс, 1989.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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28. Lau K.J. Ks About Time': Ten Proverbs Most Frequently Used in Newspapers, and Their Relationship to American Values. Proverbium. 1996; № 13: 135 - 159.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 14.12.21

УДК 82

Hu Jiarui, postgraduate, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: phil-literatura@rudn.ru

RUSSIAN NATIONAL IDEA IN THE WORK OF VIKTOR PELEVIN ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE NOVEL "GENERATION 'P'". The article examines the concept of the Russian national idea, analyzes its reflection in the novel "Generation 'P'". Contemporary Russian postmodern writers and their works have attracted wide attention of the reading audience in Russia and abroad. Their works always have philosophical overtones, and the interweaving of the plot conceals sacred religious meanings. Interpreting Russian postmodern literature requires awareness and research of the "Russian idea" among contemporary Russians and its impact on contemporary Russian literature. The task of this article is to analyze the interpretation of the idea of Russian consciousness in Pelevin's novels, in particular, on the example of the life experience of Tatarsky, the protagonist of the novel "Generation 'P'". After analyzing this literary work, one can understand how the modern Russian intelligentsia lives, how it relates to social reality, characterize the modern interpretation of the Russian national idea and trace the development of this concept.

Key words: Russian national idea, Viktor Pelevin, Russian literature.

Ху Цзяжуй, аспирант, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва, E-mail: phil-literatura@rudn.ru


В статье рассмотрена концепция русской национальной идеи, проанализировано ее отражение в романе «Generation "П"». Современные русские писатели-постмодернисты и их произведения привлекли широкое внимание читающей аудитории в России и за рубежом. Их произведения всегда имеют философский подтекст, а переплетения сюжета таят в себе сакральные религиозные смыслы. Интерпретация русской постмодернистской литературы требует осознания и исследования «русской идеи» среди современных россиян и ее влияния на современную русскую литературу. Цель данной статьи -проанализировать интерпретацию идеи русского сознания в романах Пелевина, в частности, на примере жизненного опыта Татарского, главного героя романа «Generation "П"». Проанализировав это литературное произведение, можно понять, как живет современная российская интеллигенция, как она относится к социальной реальности, охарактеризовать современную трактовку русской национальной идеи и проследить процесс развития этого понятия.

Ключевые слова: русская национальная идея, Виктор Пелевин, русская литература.

Личность Виктора Пелевина и его творчество занимают значительное место в русской постмодернистской литературе. Как только его произведения вышли в свет, они получили высокую оценку широкого круга читателей в России и других странах. Произведения Пелевина отличаются незаурядностью и разнообразием сюжетных линий, а вкрапления мистических и философских зарисовок делают чтение по-настоящему увлекательным. В книгах писателя очень точно отражена социальная действительность России конца XX и начала XXI века.

Актуальность исследования заключается в невозможности понимания русской постмодернистской литературы без осознания и исследования «русской национальной идеи», в том числе в творчестве наиболее яркого представителя русского постмодернизма.

Цель исследования заключается в анализе концепции русской национальной идеи в творчестве Виктора Пелевина на примере романа «Generation "П"».

Задачи исследования:

1. Рассмотреть концепцию русской национальной идеи в интерпретации русских исследователей и философов.

2. Проанализировать отражение русской национальной идеи в романе Виктора Пелевина «Generation "П"».

Понятие «русская национальная идея» в интерпретации русских исследователей и философов

В.А. Алексеева даёт следующее определение национальной идеи в своей одноименной книге: «Национальная идея - систематизированное обобщение национального самосознания в его надвременном бытии, представленное чаще всего в форме социально-философских или общественно-политических текстов, художественных произведений» [1]. Исследование русской национальной идеи ведется давно. Прежде всего, русская национальная идея - это самосознание русской нации, которое проистекает из самобытности русского народа, его огромной любви к родной земле и является философским выражением самосознания нации. Сам термин «русская идея» впервые был упомянут русским классиком Федором Михайловичем Достоевским. В октябре 1860 г. в небольшой статье «Объявление о подписке на журнал «Время»»,

который издавал его брат Михаил, он писал о том, что «наша задача - создать себе новую форму, нашу собственную, родную, взятую из почвы нашей, взятую из народного духа и народных начал. И характер нашей будущей деятельности должен быть в высшей степени общечеловеческий» [2]. В этой статье впервые употреблено словосочетание «русская идея». Историю формирования русской национальной идеи можно проследить, оглянувшись на более чем тысячу лет назад и ознакомившись с текстом «Слова «О законе и благодати»» времен эпохи Киевской Руси. В этой религиозной работе впервые говорится о том, что Россия как христианская страна должна занимать своё особое место в мире.

«Русская идея» по И.А. Ильину - это творческий акт русского народа, в ней отражены дух христианства, любви и верности, а также обозначена важность саморефлексии. Русская идея, с другой стороны, воплощается через патриотизм и национализм, которые основаны на осознании человеком того, что он тесно связан с судьбой страны, нации и народа, и его отождествлении с национальным духом. По сравнению с творчеством авторов других стран, литературные произведения многих русских писателей и поэтов намного сильнее отражают идею национального самосознания. Например, Александр Пушкин, Марина Цветаева, Лев Толстой, Николай Гоголь, Михаил Шолохов, а также современные писатели, такие как Александр Солженицын, Виктор Пелевин, Владимир Сорокин и другие в своих произведениях либо демонстрируют свою любовь к русской земле, либо выражают озабоченность судьбой России, беспокоятся об условиях жизни русского народа, либо размышляют о характерных недостатках российского общества, выступают за спасение и братское единение.

Герой пушкинской «Капитанской дочки» Петр как благородный дворянин и истинный офицер протянул руку помощи Пугачеву, крестьянину, страдающему от холода и голода. Он, преодолев препятствия статусной иерархии, отстаивал православный дух братства. Когда Петр сказал, что хочет вернуться на службу в царскую армию, Пугачев не остановил его, а решительно отпустил. В другом рассказе Пушкина - «Станционный смотритель» - главный герой изображен как тривиальный чиновник самого низкого ранга, образ его отражает сочувствие и

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