FUNCTIONAL STATE MONITORING FOR SAMBO WRESTLERS IN ANNUAL TRAINING CYCLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Maltsev G.S., Stepanov M.Y., Zekrin A.F., Chernova G.M.

Methods and structure of the study. We used the following methods and instrumental test systems in the study: analysis of the relevant theoretical and practical literature; training experiment; mathematical statistical data processing toolkit; and functional fitness tests by computerized Simona 111 Integrated Test and Monitoring (ITM) System. The study was run at Znezhinka Winter Sports Training Center and Judo and Sambo Sports Club in Tchaikovsky in March 2019 through February 2020 (annual training cycle). We sampled for the study the 1823 yearold sambo elite (n=30) with CMS and MS qualifications and split them up into Control and Experimental Group of 15 people each. Results and Conclusion. The functionality progress profiles obtained using Simona 111 ITM System showed meaningful benefits of the Experimental Group training system scheduled on a modular basis versus the traditional Control Group system to make the Experimental Group highly fit for the major event - as verified by the actual competitive accomplishments of the Experimental Group in the topranking event of the season. This evidence gives us the grounds to recommend the modular training schedule for the junior elite athletes’ training systems.

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Functional state monitoring for sambo wrestlers in annual training cycle

UDC 796.015

PhD, Associate Professor G.S. Maltsev1 PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Stepanov1 PhD, Associate Professor A.F. Zekrin1 G.M. Chernova1

Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the traditional and modular training systems using the sambo wrestlers' functional fitness testing and management toolkit.

Methods and structure of the study. We used the following methods and instrumental test systems in the study: analysis of the relevant theoretical and practical literature; training experiment; mathematical statistical data processing toolkit; and functional fitness tests by computerized Simona 111 Integrated Test and Monitoring (ITM) System. The study was run at Znezhinka Winter Sports Training Center and Judo and Sambo Sports Club in Tchaikovsky in March 2019 through February 2020 (annual training cycle). We sampled for the study the 18-23 year-old sambo elite (n=30) with CMS and MS qualifications and split them up into Control and Experimental Group of 15 people each.

Results and Conclusion. The functionality progress profiles obtained using Simona 111 ITM System showed meaningful benefits of the Experimental Group training system scheduled on a modular basis versus the traditional Control Group system to make the Experimental Group highly fit for the major event - as verified by the actual competitive accomplishments of the Experimental Group in the top-ranking event of the season. This evidence gives us the grounds to recommend the modular training schedule for the junior elite athletes' training systems.

Keywords: functional fitness, diagnostics, modular training schedule, sambo, annual training cycle, Simona 111, junior sambo wrestlers.

Background. As things now stand, the junior elite sambo wrestlers required to compete 6 to 10 times a year as dictated by the traditional calendar of competitions with 3-4 qualifiers, 2-3 ranking events and 1-3 major tournaments. This is the reason why the sambo wrestlers need to effectively manage the functional fitness in annual training cycle for competitive success [4, 5]. A special role in this context is played by the training system periodicity/ scheduling that should secure due competitive fitness by specific time points. Therefore, the training periods and cycles should be designed to effectively customize the training times and intensities to the specific cycle goals to effectively manage the individual functional fitness [3, 4, 6].

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the traditional and modular training systems using the sambo wrestlers' functional fitness testing and management toolkit.

Methods and structure of the study. We used the following methods and instrumental test systems in the study: analysis of the relevant theoretical and practical literature; training experiment; mathematical statistical data processing toolkit; and functional fitness tests by computerized Simona 111 Integrated Test and Monitoring (ITM) System. The study was run at Znezhinka Winter Sports Training Center and Judo and Sambo Sports Club in Tchaikovsky in March 2019 through February 2020 (annual training cycle). We sampled for the study the 18-23 year-old sambo elite (n=30) with CMS and MS qualifications and split them up into Control and Experimental Group of 15 people each.

Results and discussion. The Experimental Group (EG) training system was scheduled on a modular basis (see Figure 2); and Control Group (CG) training system was traditional (classical) - see Figure 1.

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Perm Krai Junior Cup

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Russian Tournament

All-Russian Junior Cup


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Competitive period


Figure 1. Control Group training system (traditional)


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Figure 2. EG training system (modular)

Integral balance (IB), %


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Yearly competitions

Cardiac reserve (CR), points



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Yearly competitions

Adaptation reserve (AR), points

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Yearly competitions

Figure 3. Functionality variations in the CG and EG over the annual training cycle

The sambo wrestlers' functional fitness was tested by Simona 111 ITM System prior to every of the above seven yearly competitions, a week prior to the event after a rest day, with every athlete tested for about 10 minutes in a quiescent relaxed recumbent position to produce 60 cardiovascular function test rates versus the body length, mass, temperature, age and gender - to timely track variations in every function [1].

The sambo wrestlers' functional fitness test data was grouped into the following integrated test data arrays:

• Integral balance with a variation range from -100% to +100% that rates total deviations (%) of the cardiovascular functions from the norms including DO2I, SI and UI. Negative and positive deviations are indicative of the function fall and growth, respectively, with the highly skilled athletes often tested with IB of 300% to 700%;

• Cardiac reserve varying within 4 to 6 points, indicative of the cardiac cycle phases and correlated with overall endurance. Cardiac reserve may drop to 1 point as a result of hard workloads and reach as much as 11 points in well-trained athletes after a rest day; and

• Adaptation Reserve varying from 400 to 600 points - that is the integral balance and cardiac reserve aggregating indicator that may reach 1500 points in highly fit athletes, drop to 200 points after top competitive/ training workloads and come back to the same level in a few hours or days. The Adaptation Reserve variability - when analyzed versus the integral balance and cardiac reserve variations - is indicative of the physiological costs of workloads and rehabilitation process efficiency [2].

Analysis of the pre-experimental sambo wrestlers' functional fitness test data (Fig. 3) found the inter-group differences meaningless: CG (trained traditionally) was tested with the average integral balance = 186.1%, cardiac reserve = 5.47 points and Adaptation Reserve = 669 points - versus the EG test rates of integral balance =184.9%, cardiac reserve = 5.39 points and Adaptation Reserve = 665 points.

The CG was tested with significant growth in the integral functionality at the transitional and conditioning stages prior to the ranking events - that peaked by the first qualifier of the competitive period (Perm Krai Junior Cup) at IB =229.6%, CR = 6.29 points, Adaptation Reserve = 769 points. By the end of the competitive period (Russian Championship), however, the group averages were tested to fall down to IB = 209.2%, CR = 5.87 points and Adaptation Reserve = 704.1 points.

The EG was tested with gradual functionality growth at the transitional and conditioning stages, albeit at slower paces than in the CG - to reach the IB = 217.3%, CR = 6.04 points and Adaptation Reserve = 751 points prior to the Perm Krai Junior Cup (end of stage 4). Later on (stages 5-7), however, the EG functionality was still persistently growing to peak by the major event of the season (Russian Championship) at IR = 251.1%, CR = 6.91 points and Adaptation Reserve = 861.1 points.

The functionality test data and analyses showed that the EG (trained on a modular schedule) was better fit for the Russian Championship that the traditionally trained CG due, due the CG fitness tested to peak by the start of the competitive period (qualifiers for the Perm Krai Cup) and drop thereafter - versus the steady growth in the EG.

Conclusion. The functionality progress profiles obtained using Simona 111 ITM System showed meaningful benefits of the EG training system scheduled on a modular basis versus the traditional CG training system to make the EG highly fit for the major event - as verified by the actual competitive accom-


plishments of the EG in the top-ranking event of the season. This evidence gives us the grounds to recommend the modular training schedule for the junior elite athletes' training systems.


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2. Antonov A.A. Universal technology for diagnosing athletes' functional state based on integral indicators of cardiovascular system. Vestnik vosstanovitelnoy meditsiny. 2017. No. 5 (81). pp. 38-44.

3. Zebzeev V.V. Comparative analysis of characteristics of energy supply and functionality of judokas aged 16-18, representing different style

forms. Nauka i sovremennost. 2011. No. 10-1. pp. 206-210.

4. Maltsev G.S., Zekrin F.Kh., Zekrin A.F. Modern trends in martial arts training process planning. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2020. No. 3. pp. 1214.

5. Maltsev G.S., Kozyreva A.P. Control of functional fitness of combatants. Pedagogy in physical education, sports and choreography. Proc. national with international participation research-practical conference. St. Petersburg: Lesgafta NSU publ., 2020. pp. 116-121.

6. Issurin V.B. Benefits and Limitations of Block Pe-riodized Training Approaches to Athletes' Preparation: A Review. Sports Medicine. 2016. No 46 (3). p. 329-338.

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