FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF OIL AND GAS TERMINOLOGY IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Oil and gas terms / function / word / word order / instructions / oil product / world oil market. / нефтегазовые термины / функция / слово / порядок слов / инструкции / нефтепродукт / мировой рынок нефти.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mamanazarova Gulhayo Ilhamjanovna, Paluanova Halifa Daribayevna

The article is based on the issues about some functional aspects of oil and gas terminologies. There are some special features of terminology in word order. While analyzing the function of terms we paid attention to the meaning of a word and what function of this word can do in word order. The oil and gas industry as an area of scientific knowledge over the past hundred years has allowed modern civilization to develop at an accelerating pace. The positive dynamics of the historical development of the oil and gas industry, as well as its role and significance for the life support of a modern person, the industry terminology designed to terminate the expanding conceptual apparatus of this area of scientific knowledge.

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Статья основана на рассмотрении некоторых функциональных аспектов нефтегазовой терминологии. В порядке слов есть некоторые особенности терминологии. Анализируя функцию терминов, мы обратили внимание на значение слова и на то, какую функцию это слово может выполнять в порядке слов. Нефтегазовая промышленность как область научных знаний за последние сто лет позволила современной цивилизации развиваться ускоренными темпами. Положительная динамика исторического развития нефтегазовой отрасли, а также ее роль и значение для жизнеобеспечения современного человека, отраслевая терминология призвана положить конец расширяющемуся понятийному аппарату этой области научных знаний.


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Mamanazarova Gulhayo Ilhamjanovna, Master's student in linguistics (English), 2nd year, Uzbek State University of World Languages Scientific advisor, DSc Paluanova Halifa Daribayevna Doctor of Philological Sciences Uzbek State University of World Languages

Abstract: The article is based on the issues about some functional aspects of oil and gas terminologies. There are some special features of terminology in word order. While analyzing the function of terms we paid attention to the meaning of a word and what function of this word can do in word order. The oil and gas industry as an area of scientific knowledge over the past hundred years has allowed modern civilization to develop at an accelerating pace. The positive dynamics of the historical development of the oil and gas industry, as well as its role and significance for the life support of a modern person, the industry terminology designed to terminate the expanding conceptual apparatus of this area of scientific knowledge.

Keywords: Oil and gas terms, function, word, word order, instructions, oil product, world oil market.

Аннотация: Статья основана на рассмотрении некоторых функциональных аспектов нефтегазовой терминологии. В порядке слов есть некоторые особенности терминологии. Анализируя функцию терминов, мы обратили внимание на значение слова и на то, какую функцию это слово может выполнять в порядке слов. Нефтегазовая промышленность как область научных знаний за последние сто лет позволила современной цивилизации развиваться ускоренными темпами. Положительная динамика исторического развития нефтегазовой отрасли, а также ее роль и значение для жизнеобеспечения современного человека, отраслевая терминология призвана положить конец расширяющемуся понятийному аппарату этой области научных знаний.

Ключевые слова: нефтегазовые термины, функция, слово, порядок слов, инструкции, нефтепродукт, мировой рынок нефти.

Oil and gas terms found that functional features defining a technical result were permissible in a claim if, from an objective viewpoint, such features could not otherwise be defined more precisely without restricting the scope of the invention,


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4

educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

and if these features provided instructions which were sufficiently clear for the expert to reduce them to practice without undue burden, if necessary with reasonable experiments. The board further pointed out that the effort to define a feature in functional terms had to stop short where it jeopardized the clarity of a claim as required by term, the state of the art does not stand in the way of using such functional and therefore general and broad terminology.

METHODS AND DISCUSSIONS Oil and gas terminology distinguished between two types of functional feature: the first type of functional feature is related to process steps which are known to the man skilled in the oil and gas industry and may easily be performed in order to obtain the desired result; the second type of functional feature consists of process steps defined by the result which is aimed at. This is also allowable as long as the man skilled in the terms knows, without exceeding his normal skills and knowledge, what he has to do in order to obtain said result.

Example: Use of oil in transport - half the world oil market and most of its expected growth is being reduced by competition from other industry.1

On the first step we have discussed about the structure of a word, next queue was semantic peculiarities of terms which belong to oil and gas terminology. At least it is turn to make specific work on terms' function in the discourse or utterance. Any term can come as subject, object, predicate, adverb and other part of speech.

A claim may broadly define a feature in terms of its function, i.e. as a functional feature, even where only one example of the feature has been given in the description, if the skilled reader would appreciate that other means could be used for the same function. For example, "terminal position detecting means" in a claim might be supported by a single example comprising a limit switch, it being evident to the skilled person that e.g. a photoelectric cell or a strain gauge could be used instead. In general, however, if the entire contents of the application are such as to convey the impression that a function is to be carried out in a particular way, with no intimation that alternative means are envisaged, and a claim is formulated in such a way as to embrace other means, or all means, of performing the function, then objection arises. Furthermore, it may not be sufficient if the description merely states in vague terms that other means may be adopted, if it is not reasonably clear what they might be or how they might be used.

1 John Mitchel, "What next for the oil and industry". 2012, Chatham house, pp,7-8


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It is clearly shown by the sentence that the word "oil" is represented as a determinant of the subject, at the first side the reader can catch that the word "oil" is the component of subject however in English and Uzbek languages there are head (hokim) and modifier (tobe) constitutes in word group (so'z birikmasi). But they specify any function in a sentence. In this example the term "oil" is the part of the subject, it means that the oil term is defined as subject function in the sample. The second compound word "world oil market" is another subject in the sentence. So this means that when the term comes as the component of the compound word it has another meaning by the context you can easily clarify what kind of meaning is used to make a sentence. In Uzbek language has the same grammatical features. If we take the same example: Neftning transport soxasida ishlatilishi - yarim dunyo neft bozorlari va bu bozorda neft savdosini asosiy qismi, boshqa sanoat hom ashyolari raqobati sabali kamaytirilib borilmoqda. In this example "oil" (neft) comes as object of participle (sifatdosh), in Uzbek language the participle identify the verb's component, it means that sometimes the participle of verbal adverb can function as the subject of the sentence. In the former part of the sentence "dunyo neft bozori" (world oil market) is also the subject, but the word "neft" (oil) is adjective of the noun. The noun is "bozor" (market) and the word which is clarify the noun is called the adjective. It means that in both languages there are some criteria to analyze the order of the sentence.

The vehicle industry is replacing oil with more efficient vehicles, and biofuels are replacing oil products as liquid fuels2 In this example "oil" is the object of the verb. It means that it is the part of the predicate. The term "oil" confirms the verb as determinant (aniqlovchi) and the verb is itself determinatum (aniqlanmish). The letter part is clearly analyzed and in the other part of the sentence, you can see that "oil product" is not a compound word it is word group which two component has their own meaning and can be answered different questions, so that means, each parts of a word belongs to one part of speech and keeps the independent meaning. "oil" is the adjective of a noun, "product" is noun itself. However, these adjective and noun come as the function of object. We know that there are direct and indirect objects by their function. In this very sentence it is shown that direct object determines the predicate.

2 Jacqueline Noga, "The oil and gas discourse from the perspective of the Canadian and Albertan governments, nongovernmental organization and the oil and gas industry", Energy-2014, pp. 316-317


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4

educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

Transport sanoatida, neft o'z o'rnini boshqa ko'proq samarali vositalarga bo 'shatib bermoqda, bioyoqilg 'i esa neft maxsulotlarini, suyuq yoqilg 'i sifatidagi o'rnini egallamoqda. This is the same example which we have just analyzed in enlish. However the research shows that, there are some different investigations in Uzbek example. The sample is illustrated with the term "oil" (neft:), and the word is the noun in Uzbek instance, it means that "oil" is the subject in the word order, it is active as the main function. In the second part of the sentence there is the utilization of the term "oil products" (neft maxsulotlari) comes as direct object of the utterance, the predicate is always provided with the direct object as participle.


A claim combining functional definitions limited to features, which a skilled person would have no difficulty in determining on the basis of common general knowledge, and a structural definition of the essential contribution of the applicant is not objectionable under oil and gas terminology.

In this example the board emphasized with regard to technical features expressed in general functional terms that the function must be able to be verified by tests or procedures adequately specified in the description or known to the skilled person. That meant not only that a feature in the claim must be comprehensible, but also non-ambiguous in that it could be determined without any ambiguity whether the claimed functional requirement was satisfied or not. Hence, means of distinction were mandatory in order to allow a definition by a function instead of by a structure in a claim.

In the power sector (which now consumes about 40% of world gas production) the market for gas depends on government policies for coal, nuclear and renewables rather than on factors intrinsic to the gas industry.3 Let's analyze this sentence which is supported with the full oil and gas terminologies, even the terms which is not terms are coming as the part of defining the main meaning of other terms. "The market for gas depends on government" is the part which we are going to verify, in this sample the word "gas" clarifies as adverbial modifier of cause and reason. We can define that the markets which is based with gas belongs to government. There is the question. What market are they? What is the reason for making such markets? What is the cause to build and support such markets? The answer is shown "for gas" and you can easily find that this part of the sentence is the adverbial modifier of the reason. "On

3 Havard Devoid "Oil and gas production handbook An Introduction to oil and gas production, transport, refining and petrochemical industry" ABB-2012, pp 38-39

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factor intrinsic to the gas industry", this is the adverbial modifier of purpose. It is clearly understandable by the meaning of the sentence. For what purpose do they build? What is the goal? This is easy to determine that part of the sentence is clarified as adverbial modifier of purpose.

In Uzbek this sample is translated as "Kuchli soxada (hozirda 40% gaz maxsulotlari bilan dunyo bozorlarini ta'minlayotgan), gazga ixtisoslashgan do'konlar davlat tasaruffida bo'lib ko'mir uchun moslashtirilgan, gaz sanoati tabiatning bir omili sifatida yadroviy va yangilanayorgan moyildir" this is the sentence which we analyzed in previous paragraph. You can see that there are some similarities in both language function of usage. In this Uzbek models the same function do "gas terms" identify. In both languages both part of the sentence which gas is the main term of them is similar. At the letter part it is realized that adverbial modifier of reason in the former part the word gas comes as the modifier of purpose. As we know that all types of modifier clause help to define the predicate not subject.

Rural areas have been gasified since 1971 when it was normally gaseous from the well but condense out as liquid during the production periods 4 In this sample the word "gasify" comes as predicate of the sentence, in past form, it is the transitive verb which is used in active voice, it keeps the present continuous tense and by reading the sentence the reader easily catch the idea. The word "gasify" means "to convert into gas", when it comes as transitive verb, however due to grammatical features we have another type of verb, it is called intransitive verb. And when the term "lgasify" comes as intransitive word it clarify the idea of "to become gaseous", in this very instance you can see that the notion "gasify" defines as intransitive verb. The second gas term is "normally gaseous" it is gerund (ravishdosh) and it helps to identify the predicate function in the sentence. In this example "normally" is the adjective of the "gaseous", but the real word gaseous is also adjective, so can we know that which word is adjective and determines the main meaning and which one is determinatum. In this sample the word "normally" is adverb and the gaseous is determined by the help of adverb.

1971 yildan buyon qishloq joylar gazlashtirilmoqda, bu quduqlardan odatiy gazlashtirish edi, lekin suyuqlikday suyuqlashtirish ishlab chiqarish jarayonida amalga oshadi. This is the Uzbek version of the sample and you can see that there are some similarities within using the same term in both languages. The term "gasify"

4 Jacqueline Noga, "The oil and gas discourse from the perspective of the Canadian and Albertan governments, nongovernmental organization and the oil and gas industry", Energy-2014, pp. 321-322


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(gazlashtirilmoqda) is the predicate in this sentence, however in Uzbek language there are only three tenses at all. Due to translating the utterance into Uzbek you can see that the tense has been changed and it is present tense in Uzbek sample. Second usage of the term is "normally gaseous" (odatiy gazlashtirilgan edi) this example also shows that past tense in used while defining present action. The term "odatiy" (normally) is adjective but in this sentence it comes as adverb as English sample, "gaseous" (gazlashtirilgan edi) is not predicate in English version however in Uzbek language it is the predicate which determine what happened while action is going.

In term it was stated that a functional feature was allowable if that feature provided a clear instruction to a skilled person to reduce it to practice without undue burden. In the feature "being present in amounts and proportions just sufficient to arrest bleeding" was held to be a functional feature which defined a technical result which also constituted a testable criterion to be satisfied by the claimed pharmaceutical composition. Because such testing involved only routine trials, the adopted functional language was allowable. The introduction of a reference to specific amounts and/or proportions of the components would limit the claim and was not necessary. The situation in it was distinguished from the one before the board. Although in the former case the testing might appear prima facie bothersome, it was nothing out of the ordinary for the field of medicine, involving only routine trials. In the case in suit, however, which concerned an apparatus for hydrostatically testing a sealing element of a threaded connection between two connected sections of pipe, there was no general type of pipe connections with generally well-defined ranges of dimensions which were thus generally available for verification of the functional features as such

In term claim 1 set out in general terms the sequence of steps to be followed in order to put the invention into practice, i.e. in order to produce unicellular microorganism host cells having INA (ice nucleation activity) or enhanced INA. The claim was in fact a generalization from the particular examples. The board stated that as there was no reason to doubt that it was possible to generalize the specific teaching of the examples given, it would be unfair to the appellant to require a restriction of the claim by incorporation therein of the specific features of the examples. The skilled person could use any suitable variant capable of providing the same effect of the invention. This might be tedious, but it was nothing out of the ordinary in this field and involved only routine trials. The claim was thus allowable under the oil and gas terminology

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In oil and gas terminologies the Swiss-type second medical use claim defined the disease or disorder to be treated with substance X as "condition whic h is capable of being improved or prevented by selective occupation of the serotonin receptor". The board held that this functional definition was unclear because no test was at hand to determine whether the therapeutic effects were a result of the newly discovered property of X of occupying the serotonin receptor or any other known or unknown property of that substance.

The board in terms was concerned with the clarity of a claim directed to a second medical use. Such claims are considered clear only if the disease to be treated are clearly defined in it. In the case in hand the disease to be treated was defined in functional terms as "the preferential induction of apoptosis in a first population of cells compared to a second population of cells wherein the cells of the first population are tumor cells". The question was whether the skilled person could clearly attribute a disease or group of diseases to this functional definition. In the board's view, this was not the case. The skilled person reading this definition in claim 3 would be struck, on the one hand, by the explicit mention and the specific definition of the first population of cells and by the explicit mention, but absence of specific definition of the second population of cells, on the other hand.

In the board considered that the term "capable of hybridizing under stringent conditions"5 was sufficiently clear for the purposes of terms, having regard to the particular nature of the subject-matter. The board found that, although different experimental protocols might be applied for assessing hybridization under stringent conditions, this did not mean that these protocols would lead to different results as far as the detected nucleotide sequence was concerned. Moreover, it had to be taken into account that the present claim defined its subject-matter also by a further functional feature relating to the biological activity.

In gas the product claim at issue was intended to be restricted vis-à-vis the prior art embodiments by a functional feature, namely that the amount of the ingredient present in the composition must be a "therapeutic amount". The board had no doubt that the skilled person was perfectly able in most cases to decide whether a certain amount of a given non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent had a therapeutic effect or not. However, it pointed out that, in order to establish the lower limit of the therapeutic amount for a given non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, in other terms,

5 Gaudin, F., 2003, Socioterminologie: une approche sociolinguistique de la terminologie, éd. De Boeck-Duculot,


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in order to clearly establish the scope of protection of the claims, a standard test was required, since the result would strongly depend on the experimental method used. As there was no such test in the description or known to the skilled person, the board concluded that the claim did not fulfill the requirement of oil terms

In gas terms the density of the product which was "close to the theoretical maximum" was identified by the board as a functional feature of the product inextricably linked to the process conditions for obtaining the product. There was thus no objection of lack of clarity under oil and gas terms.

We have analyzed functional features of oil and gas terminology in English and Uzbek languages and there are some special features of terminology in word order. When we analyze the function of terms, we have to pay attention to the meaning of a word and what function this words fulfill in the sentences and phrases; and we have discussed the structure of a word, next queue was semantic peculiarities of terms which belong to oil and gas terminology. At least it is turn to make specific work on terms' function in the discourse or utterance.

1. John Mitchel, "What next for the oil and industry". 2012, Chatham house, pp,7-8

2. Jacqueline Noga, "The oil and gas discourse from the perspective of the Canadian and Albertan governments, non-governmental organization and the oil and gas industry", Energy-2014, pp. 316-317

3. Havard Devold "Oil and gas production handbook An Introduction to oil and gas production, transport, refining and petrochemical industry" ABB-2012, pp 38-39

4. Jacqueline Noga, "The oil and gas discourse from the perspective of the Canadian and Albertan governments, non-governmental organization and the oil and gas industry", Energy-2014, pp. 321-322

5. Gaudin, F., 2003, Socioterminologie: une approche sociolinguistique de la terminologie, ed. De Boeck-Duculot, Belgium.



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