Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4
educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
Turaeva Guzal
Senior teacher TERSU turaevaguzalya@gmail.com
Abstract: The problem of the functional approach to English language learning and ways to form the skills of foreign language communicative competence are considered.
Keywords: communicative competence, skills of foreign language communicative competence, functional approach to English learning.
Аннотация: Рассмотрена проблема функционального подхода к изучению английского языка и способами формирования навыков коммуникативной компетентности иностранных языков.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетентность, навыки коммуникативной компетентности иностранных языков, функциональный подход к изучению английского языка.
From the mid-1980s, a communicative approach to foreign language training has entered a new stage of its development.Linguists began to show great interest not just to language abilities, but to human abilities to understand and generate speech statements. There are such categories as global competence, language identity, linguistic consciousness. Along with the mastering learned lexical minimum in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic structure of the language, we are talking about the masters of the cultural concepts of the forehead, as well as communicatively behavioral skills and skills. That is, the main focus of the foreign language learning discipline should be aimed at the formation of a multi-layer and multicomponent set of language abilities, skills, readiness for the implementation of speech actions of varying degrees of complexity, actions involving the identification and characteristics of the motives and goals moving the development of the personality, its behavior.
The process of learning foreign languages should exclude a little informed activity of students at the level of speech behavior and develop the ability to carry out
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communicative activities on their own not only and not so much at the reproductive level, as at the level productive, creative. Such ability distinguishes only the personality free, liberated, able to act "from his own person" [1, p. 63], i.e. able to implement your personal communicative and cognitive needs
Develop their communicative and cognitive needs of the trainee can in two ways. The first is associated with the use of techniques that stimulate the situation of real speech communication (playing the sample dialogs, business games, etc.).
The second way of establishing in the educational process "proposed circumstances" so that the student can actually find himself in a situation where he has to act one way or another.In the light of the new didactic-methodical system, the second method is preferred. In addition, communication is not just an exchange of information aimed at achieving a specific goal. Communication is the active interaction of the participants of this process, the purpose of which most often has a "non-language" character.
The language only acts as a means of implementing this interaction, during which people, affecting each other with the help of signs, organize their joint activities. Therefore, if we are talking about communication as an active interaction of its participants, then, by organizing this communication under training conditions, the processes of mastering in foreign language should be "included" not only in communicative activities, but also in object-communicative.
A conscious orientation for communicative, motivated learning requires other structuring of the language of learning. Obviously, the pressing problems of the modern school are the upbringing of speech culture, the creation of prerequisites for the interest of students in free proficiency and its resources, the formation of the ability to communicate(not only to speak, but also listen to the other), lead a discussion, express its point of view the most expressive and effective means. Existing strategies for learning the grammatical side of the speech showed their inconsistency. As you know, each grammatical structure has formal and functional parties. In speech, the leading party is functional. In traditional learning, however, she is given a secondary role: first is absorbed by the form. As for the functional side, students are most often reported only by grammatical importance. At best, the result is this: the learner knows the structure, the rule of its education, but does not own it.The strategy of the same functional learning is something completely different. The functional approach is mainly related to the direction of learning the language from the value to form and function.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4
educational, natural and social sciences 0 ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
Functionally directed grammar training is the unity of the approach to the language (consideration of communicative opportunities of grammatical phenomena) and training (accounting for specific training conditions carried out with certain goals and with this contingent of trainees). Although the functional direction in linguistics is primarily associated with the analysis of the facts of the language "from the value", this does not exclude the consideration of the language phenomena "from the form". For example, knowing the focusing expression system, suggestions for action, you can make a choice in favor of this or that phenomenon depending on the conditions of communication. So, an invitation to action can be expressed in different ways: let's have lunch now! we could have lunch now. i suggest that we have lunch now. why not have lunch now? Preferring one way of expression, speaking guided by the features of the speech situation (official - unofficial), relations with the interlocutor (close - not something), the age of a communication partner (younger than the speaker - older than him), social or professional status (for example, the boss -subordinate), even Those interested in a proven action or not very. As a result, from a number of close (but not identical) options will be selected the most acceptable (according to the speaker
Enough the need and feasibility of applying a functional-semantic approach to language can be from the standpoint of modern linguistics, speech psychology and teaching techniques.
Linguistic rationale: Do not tear down in the process of learning the language, what is connected both within the meaning, and on the logic of communication.
Then the establishment of rules for their functioning will help to mean the meaning of these knowledge in speech. For such free and properly ownership, the language should be able to present the entire arsenal of language funds in a certain system and to learn the rules of choice in accordance with the communicative task. Psychological Justification: Before expressing thought, a person needs to make a selection from the existing (or at least well-known) means of expression most, in his opinion suitable in this situation in this type of speech. According to modern psycholinguistics, there are special mechanisms for "inclusion" of language knowledge in the act of speech. "It must be assumed that there is such a device that is so narrowing the volume of the dictionary that the desired group of words itself floats from memory. Such a device does not consist of words, but, at the same time, it is only through words and can be realized. This is what was previously called the
semantic nearby "[3]. Obviously, the selection of grammatical elements and
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structures in the process of preparing the speech is based on a similar principle: a speaker or writing concentrates its attention in the sense of the planned message, and this leads to the inclusion of such a mechanism that extracts, pulls out the desired material from memory. Then there is a choice of this semantic field (row) of the necessary components, depending on the level of language competence of the speaking, conditions and purpose of communication, type of speech, etc.
When studying the level structure of the language, a conscious separation from the real life of the language occurs. Language is considered as a fixed, static system. The transition to the study of the active, dynamic system will bring close to the real conditions of its functioning. In speech there is a collision without levels (tiers, floors) of the language, but with the rules of choice from a number of units of different levels with similar, close values of such that are most suitable for this situation. The activation of actually existing logical, semantic ties between the language levels will contribute to the development of associative and logical thinking of students. Combining the units of different levels of different levels in one block (field) produces the search skill of semantically close components, includes selection mechanisms, promotes more efficiently mastering the wealth of the language.
Detection of links between units of different levels of language will create a more motivated system of its teaching. Search, developing, largely advanced training will be a powerful impetus in the development of interest in language. With this approach, the "race" is inevitable, appeal to not studied aspects of grammar. The advantages of advanced learning are obvious: everything that is essential to express one type of semantics (meaning) will be concentrated in the framework of a single grammatical topic, one block. Such semantic rapprochement is necessary to understand the real life of the language and its functioning, and most importantly - to apply these knowledge in speech practice.
Comparison of units of different levels will stimulate interest in the language, expunge the sense, logical connections will promote the study of the rules of choice: why so, and not otherwise, what options are possible, in what situations, types of texts, etc. Thereby, the motivation of training and its communicative orientation will increase.
When teaching grammar as a basis, it is often adopted as an undictated concept of a grammatical phenomenon, which is insufficient, if we consider the ultimate goal of learning grammar from the positions of speech activity. In the appendix to a
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specific grammatical material, apparently, it is more precise to raise the question about how to teach consumption in speech, say, article, but about what sides of the article ("from the form" and "from the value") should be trained in To achieve its proper use of students in the statement relating to one or another type of speech activity and having a certain communicative task. In this case, the grammatical phenomenon can be represented in the description "from the form" as a certain set functionally meaningful signs of different kinds. The methodical interpretation of these signs will allow a more rationally to formulate the grammatical rule, make it a truly worker due to exemption from all extra, random. Thus, when considering the existing linguistic descriptions of grammatical phenomena in order to allocate functionally significant features, not only the relevance of these signs should be taken into account for communication, but also the possibilities of positive transfer from the native language learned.
1. Scherba, L.V. On the Trojac aspect of language phenomena and experiment in linguistics / L.V. Scherba // Language system and speech activity. - M., 1947 - 69 p.
2. Zhinkin, N.I. Language - Creativity / N.I. Zhinkin. - M., 1998. (Citizes under Article: Sini-Tsyn, V.A. The holiday of creativity in the lessons of the Russian language // Ryash. - 2000. - № 6 - p. 36.)