УДК 372.881.111.1 M. A. ABDULLAEVA
ББК 345 698
A great number of dissertations, monographs, articles, textbooks and manuals are dedicated to the problem of teaching foreign grammar. In the result of such investigations rich arsenal of directions on selection and organization of grammar material for different kinds of schools with different teaching languages; formation of grammar skills for using effectives tasks and exercises in teaching process, control of gained grammar skills and others was saved up.
But the experience shows that the level of knowledge of the graduates of the foreign languages departments of universities is low: the students make a various number of mistakes in oral expressive speech; they escape of using many grammar phenomena, use of which is necessary in the same situation.
The pre-research tests conducted in Khujand State University of Tajikistan show that correlation of lexical and grammar mistakes in speech of students is 1 to 5, i.e. the number of grammar mistakes is higher than lexical ones for 5 times. The graduates use the grammatical structures during standard situations in class, but when there occur substandard situations they make grammar mistakes very often, become late with speech reaction or jump to native language.
The reasons of shortcomings described above may be explained by insufficient investigation of the problem of teaching English grammar, lack of special program on teaching practical grammar of English, textbooks and manuals, based on the last achievements of the scholars. But one of the main reasons is insufficient functional use of the language. Contradiction caused between the aim of teaching on the one hand and the level of formation of grammar skills of the students of Tajik national high schools on the other, determine the selection and actuality of the theme of the present research.
Teaching grammar pursues three main combined objectives in the system of professional training of foreign language teachers: practical, professional, pedagogy objectives and that of training students for the acquisition of theoretical grammar. Practical objective presupposes development of grammatical skills necessary for the realization of foreign language communication in the way close to real communication of native speakers. Professional-pedagogy objectives are conditioned by universally recognized point that foreign language in teacher training educational institutions is, first of all, special field of pedagogy and all training should be directed at school.
In various periods of foreign language teaching practical course of grammar has been taught by different methods. Four tendencies have been observed in the given course since the period of learning the first foreign language program up to present: a) grammar is considered as an end in itself and it defines the content of the whole foreign language teaching. b) grammar finds the status as a means of foreign language teaching; c) the role of grammar increases, practical grammar is distinguished as a separate aspect of foreign language teaching; d) teaching practical grammar gains professional pedagogy character. But the experience shows that teaching practical grammar should have professionally oriented character. In this case, the following trends, directions like functional, systemic-functional, functional-semantic, functional-pithy, pithy-functional, functional-cognitive, functional-speech, communicative-functional, conceptional-functional, functional-cognitive, communicative, communicative-pithy, communicative-active, communicative-cognitive which match with each other and with those which emerged under the influence of the development of psychology and psycholinguistics according to the functional line of the language should serve the main aim - the functionality of the language. In the present article we are
going to analyze the mentioned above trends in particular and also considers the peculiarities of the functionality of the language in the whole.
Functionality of the language in its active sense is connected with the problem of professionalization of a person as a process and result of acquisition of certain social roles and functions. According to Y. V. Eryomin's interpretation, functionality is defined by the content, direction of thinking. This direction is realized in the process of activity and displays its subject in its results (1, 76).
Materials study provides various interpretation of the term "functionality". Initially this term was used in studies connected with learning grammatical material. So, H. Hamann considers the ways of presentation of tenses in English; B. Shmidt studies the possibility of organization of grammatical material in accordance with the principle "from the content to the form of its expression". Based on a functional approach V. G. Gak distinguishes functions of grammatical phenomena and gives explanation to many grammatical facts (2, 7); B. A. Lapidus considers the matters of differentiation of the language materials between active and passive according to the criteria of functionality (3, 23). Further on the term functionality was used towards the whole process of teaching.
Functional-speech trend in the system of FLT presupposes description and selection of teaching material from content to the form of its expression. The idea of functionality in the given interpretation unites the studies in the methods of foreign language teaching in the framework of functional trend (4, 39). However, both conceptual and terminological unanimity is lacking among the representatives of the above mentioned approach.
Systemic-functional trend presupposes consideration of the nature of structural organization and subject content of a foreign language speech performance (5, 38). The unit of teaching in the systemic-functional trend is speech performance, a speech habit (6, 48). In this case speech performance is the combined whole including speech intention of at least two interlocutors, condition, place, time, circumstances, context and linguistic means. Speech intention means content, serves as an organizing center of a speech performance (7, 41). It is speech intention that is suggested as the ground for the functional organization of a teaching material. Intention appears as an element of an elementary level of both speech performance in the whole and as a separate speech performance impelling to the approach from the idea to its realization.
Accomplishment of a communicative act is conditioned only by the absolute realization of a communicative intention.
The proponents of a functional-pithy trend consider that the functional direction reveals functional content of grammatical forms more completely in speech performance of communication. In this case, special attention is paid to the context and speech situation of all kinds of interaction with the sense of grammatical units (8, 9). It is also believed that functional trend may be successfully realized on the basis of the principle of a combined systemic and functional description of a language. Functional trend helps to disclose the content of grammatical forms functions in connection with their meaning in speech performance of communication.
Pithy-functional trend presupposes teaching listening comprehension of a coherent oral text based on development of lexical and syntactic - intonation skills of a listener. While listening to speech messages the communicative outline of a statement is discerned first of all and in this case, intonation is one of the main structural features by which the communicative type of sentences are distinguished.
Communicative-functional or pithy-formal trend considers both pithy and formal aspects of speech in combination with its semantic side in leading role and is realized only in communicative activities. The proponents of this approach believe that it is the communicative activity, intercourse that is the source of formation and development of a communicative activity and creative oral-speech, in particular (9, 125).
Functional-cognitive trend in methods of FLT is new. The proponents of this trend proceed from the fact that according to the theory of speech performance, development of speech mechanism is ensured by general-functional, operational, mechanisms of a subject-logical plan, which psycholinguists refer to mechanisms of inner lexical - grammatical design of a statement (10, 140).
The main points of a functional - cognitive trend are:
1) this trend is based on a methodological principle of unity of performance and consciousness;
2) teaching performance is realized in the process of performance itself
3) performance of any activity, including speech performance is based on knowledge of ways of performance of activities
4) this trend ensures formation of generalized scheme of actions in building a speech program and its realization.
Based on theoretical points of functional grammar, functional trend and its other above - stated varieties played a great role in the development of methods of FLT.
Theory of a functional trend and its varieties is of great importance for the selection of a grammar material. As a ground for the selection of a language material the proponents of this trend take either functions of speech performance or learner's communicative intentions or more abstract and universal notions (like "casualty", "possession", "value", etc.), in views of representatives of these trends in methods of teaching, The learners' needs are also mentioned as the criteria for language materials' selection. But as the scholars admit, learners' needs have never been subject to any serious socio-lingual study in the framework of these approaches.
It should be also highlighted that in the course of selection of speech performance and functions of expressions, clarifying notions, common to any language, the authors proceed from their own speech experience, and so, selection has been made subjectively which is obvious from the availability of lots of the most various classifications of speech performance, language functions and speech pieces and communicative intentions of a speaker. No doubt, it is a step backward compared to methodical workout and accomplishment of selection of grammatical and lexical minimum which has been carried out based on 163 dialogues of the native speakers in various real situations and backed by scientific principles of frequency and synonym exclusion (11, 283).
Analyzing the system of language teaching, particularly, grammar material in the framework of functional and conceptual approaches, the opponents of the given methods underline the following common drawbacks:
1) absence of systemic character in selection, distribution and organization of a grammar material;
2) highlighted functions and notions around which the language material, particularly grammar item should be united, are too abstract for their application in methodic purposes; in addition to it, they badly correspond to the list of speech performance, acknowledged to display their realization in speech; these lists of speech realization of conceptual and functional categories "break" syntagmatic and discourse links, established by means of functions and notions; it is known, besides, that there is no synonymous link between any expression and communicative intention, which should be expressed (12, 65).
3) theory of speech performance, which has come to the methods of FLT out of J. Austin and his followers' studies, is badly applied in selection and organization of grammar material (13, 40). So, in functional-conceptual approach grammar aspect of speech is dissolved in the lexical one, whereas grammatical design of an expression is limited by memorization of voluntarily made up lists of speech performance, illustrating speech realization of these or other communicative intentions, functions or notions.
At the same time, functional trend and its varieties hold special position in the development of FLT. In the given trend attention of a scholar is concentrated not only on systagmatic, but also on paradigmatic links of grammar structures, and "choice grammar" of M. Halliday comes to replace "chain grammar" (14, 97).
Evolution of purposes of teaching and development of teaching practice, methodic theory itself and linguistic, psychological, pedagogy points, on which it lies, leads to emergence and consolidation of new tendencies, realization of these or those approaches, implementation of certain ideas. Communicative approach is one of them.
As the analysis shows, for the last few decades methods of foreign language teaching have been developing under the label of communicatively oriented teaching which also comprises person - oriented teaching. Psychologists, experts in methods of teaching, psycholinguists insist on learners' speaking in a foreign language of "what they want to say" (U. Rivers). They believe that for this purpose it is important to involve learners in personally-meaningful situations which will promote communication. (E.I. Passov, I. A. Zymnyaya, B. A. Lapidus). FLT Programs of higher and secondary schools have declared main communicative aims, which have given a way to a certain advancement of communication process in this direction and modern technologies only improve linguistic and speech materials acquisition process by the learners.
Based on the theory of teaching practical grammar, teaching practice, outcomes of pre-experimental tests conducted at Foreign Languages Department of Khujand State University:
The state of grammatical side of oral expressive English speech of students, future teachers, is defined;
Principles of communicative approach to FLT worked out in methods of teaching are analyzed. Additional principles of consideration of a degree of difficulty of a linguistic material and students' mother language peculiarities are suggested with the account of various degrees of difficulty of a
linguistic material, peculiarities of positive and negative impact of students' linguistic experience on foreign language skills development;
-Ways of language materials presentation are studied, the most efficient ones of FL voice and tense presentation are selected;
-Methods of comparing grammatical phenomena in the course of their processing are worked out; -The system of exercises based on principles of communicative methods of FLT is worked out; -Recommendations have been made up proceeding from outcomes of studies, consideration of which will promote improving grammatical side of students' English language oral expressive speech.
-The communicative method of teaching English grammar assumes use of three types of exercises: 1) language exercises; 2) conditional-speech exercises; 3) functional grammatical-focused (communicative). The volume of each type of exercises in educational process depends on a number of factors, first of all, such as complexity of the grammatical phenomenon, degree of its difficulty, language experience of students, a type of opposition of the grammatical phenomena.
According to the conducted investigation now we distinguish the following ways to improve grammar of students' oral expressive foreign language speech, future foreign language teachers:
-solving the matter of selection and organization of English language grammatical minimum for three years of training; In this case the opportunity there appears a necessity of differentiation of grammatical minimum for the realization of which we need to work out specific criteria of selection of active and passive communicative minimum;
-working out communicative methods of teaching grammatical phenomena and introducing them in teaching practice;
-using new pedagogy technology in teaching practical grammar;
-broadening the use of technical facilities of teaching (TMT), particularly, computer technology in practice;
-working out methods of establishment and implementation of inter-subject relations between practical grammar and other subjects.
-improving organization and control of students' individual (independent) work at grammar; -increasing efficiency of the system of exercises for the formation of grammatical skills of oral and written foreign language speech by means of developing and applying them in practice;
-ensuring a lingua-methodic aim of practical grammar on the account of its professionalizing;
- creating modern professionally - oriented textbooks and manuals on practical grammar for the English departments of higher educational institutions.
Main effective activities based on the communicative methods of teaching grammar:
- community language learning, cooperative learning, doing research, role playing games, interview, brainstorming, exchange of opinions, problem solving, project method, students' team learning, students' team achievement divisions - (STAD), team's games - tournament (TGT), "open-work-saw", "jig saw"., learning together, induced information gap, information transfer and others.
- using computer technology is considered as one of the techniques of realization of communicative methods of FLT. Computer technology is of great importance in developing students' socio-cultural competence. WWW, world-wide web, operating in Internet with rich information on all aspects of the society is one of the most popular search program systems. Modern methods of presentation of materials via computers include not only language and speech materials for acquisition, but also pictures, video and others. As for such an element of modern computer documents as hypertext reference, if required, it allows referring to any part of the document for additional information on the studied material (grammar reference, etc.) and at the same time does not overload the original text of the document. It is like an encyclopedia where the system of referring from one article to another is widely practiced. In this case, words referring to specific articles are typed in another print. The new print (new color) is kept on display for a while, for example, it is specifically "highlighted".
Didactic opportunities of using this kind of information in FLT are exclusive. It is enough to say that www relieves serious challenges which learners face in search of a necessary word, its meaning, a grammatical form, etc. But it should be taken into consideration that teaching speaking is possible only in communication, natural communication. Computer programs, though interactive they are, may just ensure "quasi"-communication i.e. communication with the machine but not with the alive person. Computer TV-communications, when the student enters a natural dialogue (in oral or written form) with the real partner, native speaker, make exclusion. Besides, communicative competence is connected with linguistic and, in particular, with culture-study competence.
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11.Gougenheim, G. Dictionnaire fondamental de la langue française, Didier/ G. Gougenheim.- Paris, 1958.- 283 p.
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14.Halliday, M. A. K. (Michael Alexander Kirkwood). On language and linguistics / M.A.K. Halliday; edited by Jonathan Webster. New York: Continuum, 2003.- 97 с.
Функциональный подход в обучении грамматике английского языка в вузе
Ключевые слова: английский язык,грамматика,функциональность языка, содержание, коммуникативный, устная речь
Под влиянием развития психологии и психолингвистики по линии функциональности языка возникли функциональное, функциональное семантическое, системно-функциональное, функционально-содержательное, содержательно-функциональное, функционально-речевое, коммуникативно-функциональное, понятийно-функциональное, функционально-когнитивное, коммуникативное, коммуникативно-содержа тельное, коммуникативно-деятельностное, коммуникативно-когнитивное направление. В настоящей статье автор анализирует вышеуказанные течения в отдельности, а также рассматривает особенности функциональности языка в целом.
Functional approach in teaching English grammar to the University students
Keywords: the English language, grammar, language functionality, content, communicative, oral speech
Under the influence of the development of psychology and psycholinguistics according to the functional line of the language there emerged functional, systemic-functional, functional-semantic, functional-pithy, pithy-functional, functional-cognitive, functional-speech, communicative-functional, conceptional-functional, functional-cognitive, communicative, communicative-pithy, communicative-active, communicative-cognitive directions.
In the present article the author analyzes the mentioned above trends in particular and also considers the peculiarities of the functionality of the language in the whole.
Information about the author:
Abdullaeva Mehrinisso Abdugafforovna, Candidate of Science in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of teaching foreign languages, Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov (Republic of Tajikistan, Khujand),E-mail: mehriniso25@mail.ru Сведения об авторе:
Абдуллаева Мехриниссо Абдугаффаровна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры методики преподавания иностранных языков Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Б. Гафурова(Республика Таджикистан, Худжанд),E-mail: mehriniso25@mail.ru