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Sciences of Europe
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Ключевые слова
особистість учня / підприємливість / підприємницька компетентність / методичне забезпечення / середня школа / США / Україна. / student’s personality / entrepreneurship / entrepreneurial competence / methodological support / secondary school / the USA / Ukraine.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Сліпенко В.О.

У статті охарактеризовано сутність підприємницької компетентності особистості, що пропонується американською і українською науковою спільнотах та здійснено їх порівняльний аналіз, визначено структуру підприємливості школярів, яка включає такі якості: сміливість, наполегливість, сприйнятливість і креативність. Розкрито особливості формування підприємницької компетентності учнівської молоді в США та Україні. Проаналізовано методичне забезпечення процесу формування підприємницької компетентності в українських та американських середніх школах.

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The article characterizes the essence of entrepreneurial competence of the person proposed by American and Ukrainian scientific communities and made their comparative analysis, the structure of students’ entrepreneurship is defined, which includes such qualities as courage, perseverance, receptivity and creativity. The peculiarities of formation entrepreneurial competence of student youth in the USA and Ukraine are revealed. The methodological support of the process of formation entrepreneurial competence in Ukrainian and American secondary schools is analyzed.


//Научно-спортивный вестник Урала и Сибири. -2020. - № 4 (28). - С. 71-75.

27. Шарипов Ш.Ш. Загадка человеческого мозга / Ш.Ш. Шарипов //NovaUm.Ru. - 2017. - № 7. -С. 139-140.

28. Шемеровский К.А. К 145-летию со дня рождения академика А.А. Ухтомского / К.А. Шемеровский, Г.В. Долгов, А.Ю. Захаров // Наука России: цели и задачи. Сборник научных трудов по материалам XXIV международной научной конференции. - Екатеринбург, 10 декабря 2020 года. - С. 31-35.



Слтенко В.О.

доктор фшософИ] 3i спецiальностi 011 - oceimni, педагогiчнi наук, старший викладач кафедри то-

земних мов

Уманського державного педагoгiчнoгo утверситету iMeni Павла Тичини



Slipenko V.

Ph.D in Philosophy degree, specialty 011 - educational, pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer of Foreign

languages department

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine


У статп охарактеризовано сутшсть шдприемницько! компетентносп особистосп, що пропонуеться американською i украшською науковою спшьнотах та здшснено !х порiвняльний аналiз, визначено структуру шдприемливосп школярiв, яка включае так! якостг смшивють, наполегливють, сприйнятливють i креативтсть. Розкрито особливосп формування шдприемницько! компетентносп учшвсько! молод! в США та Укрш'ш. Проанал1зовано методичне забезпечення процесу формування шдприемницько! компе-тентносп в укра!нських та американських середшх школах.


The article characterizes the essence of entrepreneurial competence of the person proposed by American and Ukrainian scientific communities and made their comparative analysis, the structure of students' entrepreneurship is defined, which includes such qualities as courage, perseverance, receptivity and creativity. The peculiarities of formation entrepreneurial competence of student youth in the USA and Ukraine are revealed. The methodological support of the process of formation entrepreneurial competence in Ukrainian and American secondary schools is analyzed.

Ключовi слова: особиспсть учня, шдприемливють, тдприемницька компетентшсть, методичне забезпечення, середня школа, США, Украша.

Keywords: student's personality, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competence, methodological support, secondary school, the USA, Ukraine.

Introduction For successful development of any state's economy highly skilled specialists from different sectors of the economy, initiative, purposeful, capable of navigating in a constantly changing world, able to solve various problems of the economic sphere of civil society's life are needed. It requires from the personality not only the readiness to adhere in the adult professional life labor ethics (culture of work, commu-nicability, obligatory, personal responsibility), but also the necessary level of economic knowledge.

Therefore, the formation of entrepreneurial competence of school graduate becomes strategic, considering also the concept "New Ukrainian School" for the period up to 2029 and Law of Ukraine "About Education". With this in mind, Ukrainian scholars and researches (Y. Bilova, Z. Varnaliy, G. Gorlenko, G. Ko-valchuk, L. Medvid, O. Protsenko, V. Sisonenko etc.), using foreign experience, in particular American, find

out the specific features of the entrepreneurial secondary student' personality, ways and peculiarities of entrepreneurial competence education; determine the content and develop the method of economic education of secondary students; study the peculiarities of children's learning fundamentals of entrepreneurship [17, pp. 23-27].

It should be noted that the development of entrepreneurial competence in secondary students is also determined by American educators as the most important result of school activities to date, in addition, on December 18, 2006, in consequence of the many years of discussion among representatives of educational institutions of the European Union countries, an important document Recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe "Key competencies for lifelong learning (European benchmarks)" was adopted. The European Parliament has identified eight

key competencies, including entrepreneurial competence [5].

In view of this, governments in most European and American countries, emphasize increasing youth unemployment, focus their attention on the development of entrepreneurial competence of secondary students, stimulating them to self-employment in new millennium. As a result of the analysis of numerous studies, there is an assumption that the entrepreneur, as an agent of economic activity, has a balanced and universal set of cognitive abilities, personal and professional qualities, a certain outlook and level of motivation that allow him to act in the most effective way.

The aims of the article is to determine the specific features of formation entrepreneurial competence of the student's personality in secondary educational establishments of the United States and Ukraine on the basis of analysis scientific sources.

The experience of American schools in the development of this personal formation.

In American pedagogical literature, the term "entrepreneurial competence" has become widely interpreted. It is associated with the mastery of secondary students' versatile knowledge about the creation and expansion of the enterprise, the acquirement of skills and experience in business development, job placement and self-realization. Entrepreneurial competence manifests itself in the ability of an individual to turn ideas into action, it includes creativity, innovation, and risk taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve a specific goal.

Also, entrepreneurship is often interpreted as the quality of personal capabilities and ideas that manifest themselves in the ability to embody into value for others. The value created in this way can be financial, cultural or social, regardless of the type or context in any area of life and the possible value chain, which means its creation in the private, public and other sectors, as well as in any combination of these sectors. In addition.


Leadership Skills Readiness to risk Search for new opportunities

Communication Confidence

this definition covers various types of entrepreneurship, including internal organization means enterprise within the organization; social is aimed at finding innovative solutions for unresolved social problems. It is often associated with processes of social innovation aimed at improving people's lives through the promotion of social change; "Green" entrepreneurship is an enterprise that has a positive impact on the environment and can be considered as a transition to a more stable future; as well as entrepreneurship in the field of information technology (digital entrepreneurship) means enterprise with the use of new digital technologies, especially social networks, large volumes of data, solutions for mobile devices. The purpose of such usage is to improve business operations, invention of new business models, improvement of intellectual resources of the enterprise or communication with consumers or stakeholders [1].

Summarizing the interpretation of American scholars, we came to the conclusion that entrepreneur-ship as a personal quality concerns all spheres of life. It provides citizens with the opportunity to take care for their own development, to contribute actively to the development of society, to enter the labor market as a hired employee or a self-employed person, as well as to start their own business or bring a higher level enterprise that can have a cultural, social or commercial orientation.

Significant contributions to the study of entrepreneur's personal qualities, which help him to work actively, were made by such scholars R. Brockhous and P. Horowitz [3, pp. 25-48]. Their approach is reflected in modern educational programs aimed at the formation of entrepreneurship. For example, the organization "Make Your Mark" made a scheme of qualities which are part of the entrepreneurship (Figure 1). As shown, the formation of entrepreneurial competence in secondary students occurs through the development of certain qualities, such as: courage, perseverance, receptivity and creativity.


Ability to learn from mistakes

Striving for success Readiness for difficulty Constant self-development


Entrepreneurship is generation of ideas and —oheir implemetitatioty^* \ f <


Listening skills Ability to persuade people

Ability to use sociuin as i source of ideas


Ability to develop concepts

Ability to see potential and prospects Constructive thinking skills Ingenuity

Fig. 1. Structure of entrepreneurship in program "Make your mark" [10]

Courage involves the presence of confidence and leadership qualities that allow you to take on the organization and conduct of activities related to calculated, justifiable risk, the adoption of non-standard decisions and their implementation through the organization of the efficient and coordinated work of the entire team. Receptivity is seen as the ability to obtain valuable information through interaction with different groups of people, the ability to generate a wide range of business ideas and evaluate their promise based on personal experience and consultation with experts. Persistence is interpreted as the ability to work in difficult situations, to overcome the obstacles and difficulties associated with implementing an entrepreneurial idea, to analyze negative experience and to adjust the strategy, taking into account changing circumstances while preserving the main vector of business development. Creativity is associated with the invention of something new to personality and society and the creation of a new product. This is the person's ability to make an effective decision or to reduce the risk in situations with insufficient information. The authors of "Make your mark" program emphasize that all of these qualities are also part of the general curriculum of secondary school education and develop simultaneously with the full range of school subjects and various forms of students' extracurricular activities [10].

Other educational programmes ("Junior Achievement", "My bank", "My Entrepreneurial Journey" etc.) complement the list of features related to entrepreneur-ship, with their variants, proving the wider range of characteristics give a more complete picture of versatility of this phenomenon. The mentioned components of entrepreneurship in the study of foreign scholars are the following:

- initiative is an active life position of a person, expressed in her ideological insight, the sequence in defending own views, the unity of the word and deed. Initiative implies the availability of communication skills in the individual, the willingness to freely establish and maintain positive contact in communication and interact with others, showing organizational skills;

- determination is defined as the ability of a person to make responsible decisions on her own and to implement them in activity. This quality is particularly appeared in situations where the act involves a conscious risk and the need to choose from several alternatives. Determination also means the ability to assume responsibility for decision. Based on this definition, we can state that it is associated with the readiness of the individual to risk, as well as with independence;

- responsibility involves the conscious observance of the personality' moral principles and legal norms expressing public necessity. Responsibility as a personality trait is formed in the process of joint activity as a result of internalization of social values, norms and rules;

- readiness for risk means using an unusual method in the absence of full confidence in the positive result, when the usual measures are ineffective. Risk is permissible under condition of comprehensive analysis and accounting of the situation. Thus, risk always accompanies creativity and ingenuity;

- competence is the quality of the personality that manifests itself in the general ability to work; it is based on the knowledge and experience acquired in the process of learning and socialization and ensures an independent and successful participation in the activity;

- innovation is the ability of a person to find new solutions, new ideas, variants of effective implementation of scientific ideas, inventions, intellectual discoveries. Entrepreneurial innovation is the ability, based on a deep analysis of modern discoveries, to create new ideas, the original practical implementation which leads to the achievement of profitable activity;

- will power means the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties during implementation of plans and decisions, which ensures the achievement of entrepreneurial goals. Mobility along with the above-mentioned qualities is an important ability that allows to identify the main trends, predict their changes, adapt their behavior and work strategy to constantly changing conditions [12].

However, the search for new approaches to the definition of entrepreneurship has led a number of researchers to the conclusion that there is no single obligatory set of qualities that could be characterized entre-preneurship. Many entrepreneurs have some features, such as the need to achieve goals, but on the other characteristics they can vary significantly. Researchers N. Carter, V. Gartner & P. Reynolds point out that a great number of people have characteristics of entrepreneurs, but do not engage in entrepreneurship, and vice versa, sometimes people who possess a minimum set of qualities from those which have been identified by scientists as entrepreneurial ones succeeded [4]

For this reason, some scientists have turned to study the motivational sphere of entrepreneurs, which is the driving force of entrepreneurial activity, in fact. Entrepreneurial intentions arise on the basis of how a person perceives the prospect of a business and how she interests to engage in this activity, as well as the formation of an entrepreneurial worldview based on different types of entrepreneurial values, such as financial success, freedom of self-determination, the possibility of self-realization, utility to society and other values. The first attempts to characterize the motives of the entrepreneur were made by American economist J. Schumpeter, but the characterization of the entrepreneur's motivational sphere was identified by another researcher D. McClelland who believed that an excellent psychological peculiarity of entrepreneurial people is the higher level of motivation for an achievement that is "a competition with certain existing standards" [11 pp. 389-392]. So, a person with a high level of motivation for an achievement is a more successful and rational entrepreneur.

American psychologist J. Rotter supposed that a high level of motivation is associated with the notion of "locus of control". According to his theory, a person perceives differently the existence of one's control over events, therefore, he interprets their significance and his role in decision making and implementation of projects in a different way. An internal control locus means that a person tends to take responsibility for events occurring in her life, explaining them by her behavior,

character and abilities. It is no coincidence that entrepreneurs belong to the category of people with an internal control locus, they believe that they have sufficient skills and knowledge to implement their projects [14].

To determine the high level of motivation A. Ban-dura introduced the term "Self-efficacy", which means that human achievement depends on largely how confident she is in her abilities and in the success of her actions. To researcher's mind the basis of personality entrepreneurship is the hope of success and the need for her achievement. "Successful and oriented individuals are usually active and initiative, if they have obstacles, then they look for ways to overcome them, their productivity and activity depend on external control to a much lesser degree. Such people differ in achieving the goal, tend to plan the future for a long time" [2, pp. 187-189].

High level of motivation, directly related to entre-preneurship, and demonstrates that an entrepreneurial person is characterized by a high level of self-regulation, an independent statement of purpose, choice of decision, control over the implementation process and contributes to the development of purposefulness and determination in actions, energy, confidence, ability to overcome hardship.

It has been found out that the school entrepreneur-ship program is developed at state and county level and can be combined with different subjects of school curriculum in the United States. In some educational establishments the list of entrepreneurial competencies is determined only for subjects of economic and technological direction and includes courses ("Entrepreneur-ship Launchpad", "A Business of Our Own", "World of Money", "Youth about Business" etc.) aimed at development entrepreneurship. Typically, such courses include:

a) lectures and seminars devoted to the study of market economic regularity, consumer and financial culture, the foundations of business and entrepreneur-ship;

b) development and implementation of creative projects during lessons that offer solutions to various economically or socially significant tasks;

c) acquiring work experience through the organization of practice at production and agricultural enterprises, horticultural establishments and firms involved in gardening the city; practice in shopping malls or different fairs, as well as on the basis of commercial structures of schools, for example, such as a school shop or a cafe-bar. In some cases, even a practice called "Working Shadow" where secondary students work in a small business and try to master a certain amount of work functions of one of firm employee [13, pp. 150-163].

The experience of the partnership between the American business community and the secondary school has shown that during working with students, it is very important to involve a variety of business representatives. For example, volunteers and entrepreneurs are invited to work in the same "Junior Achievement Inc." program. In addition, the presence of entrepreneurs who can serve as an example for children is fundamental importance. As a result of studying in such

programs, secondary students should get the most complete picture of how to work in business companies created by representatives. They get an opportunity to learn how entrepreneurs engage with the community and attract potential customers, as well as find out what general principles of business practices and ways business organization help entrepreneurs succeed.

The participation of entrepreneurs in students' program demonstrates to them that having the presence of ambition and the desire to work, many of their compatriots were able to build a successful entrepreneur's career. The personal experience of entrepreneurs is invaluable, as they can assess the obstacles they have and ways to overcome them. The presence of people with whom students can identify themselves and whose stories about the start of a career and various difficulties students can find themselves is a very important condition to the formation of entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurs have special instruction before participating in programs. Their communication with students helps to assess objectively the problems associated with entrepreneurial careers [8, pp. 1-11].

Mentors explain to school youth that different entrepreneurs have developed their business strategy and for successful work it is necessary to borrow and adapt these technologies in their activities. They say that ignorance of business practices leads to mistrust, thus reducing the number of beneficial cooperation prospects, and argue that confidence building is possible only when partners and employees respect each other [9, pp. 295-309].

As a rule, mentors and entrepreneurs not only conduct a series of seminars devoted to various aspects of entrepreneurship, they also participate in the project "Working Shadow". As part of this project, secondary students visit firms, acting as "shadows" of an employee, observing his activities, work in the firm for several hours from a week to a month. Students have the opportunity to work in companies created by real entrepreneurs who produce goods or services for the general population [7, pp. 4-22].

These theoretical and methodological principles are laid in foundation of formation entrepreneurial competence of American students.

Characteristic features of formation the entrepreneurial competence of Ukrainian student' personality.

It should be noted that the concept of "entrepreneurial competence" has become the subject of research only in recent decades in Ukrainian pedagogical science. Therefore, only some researchers study the essence of this definition and the ways of its formation. So, according to Ukrainian researchers A. Dovghanj & I. Mazurkevych the competence of "initiative" and "en-trepreneurship" means the ability of a person to embody plans. It covers such aspects as creativity, the desire for innovation and the ability to risk rationally, as well as the ability to plan actions and implement them. This competence is a support for people not only in their daily private and public life, but also in their workplace, helping them to understand the context of work and the ability to use chances; it is the basis of more specific skills and knowledge required by those who

engage in, or participate in social or commercial activities. Entrepreneurship also relates to awareness of ethical values and promotes effective management [16, p. 51].

Z. Varnalia & V. Sisonenko believe that there are the following components of entrepreneurial competence of the individual: the belief in the usefulness of his work for society; the ability to create a team of like-minded people and work with it; perception of own business as a matter of life, exciting creativity, form of self-expression; recognition of the need for competition, the ability to productive cooperation; respect for laws, social order, state power; the ability to evaluate the innovative actions of others, their entrepreneurial potential [15, p. 107].

The aforementioned researchers emphasize that the ethical component of the entrepreneur's personality is his initiative, ingenuity, and the ability to achieve his goal should not be contrary to public utility criteria and the importance of his activity; he must adhere to the ethical standards of treatment, greetings, acquaintances, be able to organize business contacts and to deal with subordinates and business partners correctly, to treat them with respect, to be able to keep a word, to appreciate the good name of the company and his own name [15, p. 112].

Formation of entrepreneurial competence of the individual is a complicated, contradictory and multistage process that involves mastering the entrepreneurial knowledge of a person and establishing on this basis entrepreneurial consciousness and entrepreneurial behavior.

Ukrainian scientist O. Protsenko notes that the basic training of an entrepreneur is the formation of entrepreneurial skills and distinguishes the following main entrepreneurial skills: the ability to choose and create a business plan; ability to legalize business; the ability to explore the market in order to promote a product or service; ability to present yourself as an entrepreneur and the results of your work; communicative skills

(negotiate, persuade, defend own point of view, ability to offer and sell goods and services); the ability to use the latest technology and achievements of scientific and technological progress [18, pp. 298-301].

It can be argued that Ukrainian scholars understand the importance of formation entrepreneurial competence among secondary students, as evidenced by the introduction of the relevant disciplines in the curricula of secondary educational establishments.

For example, the course "Economics" became an obligatory (invariant) subject for eleven years old students (one hour per week for all profiles, except for economic ones). Three hours a week is given for teaching economics in grades 10-11 of the economic profile. In addition, the Ukrainian school offers a variety of alternative courses for senior secondary students, such as: "Basics of Consumer Knowledge", "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property", "Financial Literacy", "Economic Modeling and "Solving Economic Problems" etc. For the organization of pre-profile study, within the framework of the variable component of the curriculum, students of 8-9 grades have the opportunity to take up the course "My Economy". The variational part of the profile school includes the following subjects of choice: "Basics of entrepreneurial activity", "Own business", "Fundamentals of management", "Fundamentals of family management" etc. An important step in the formation of entrepreneurship and active life position is the introduction into the educational process of the course "Basics of Consumer Knowledge" for students of grades 10-11 [16, p. 51].

Thus, the purposeful formation of entrepreneurial competence will contribute to the full development of a person who is ready to change, to improve the conditions of his life, to choose his life path freely, based on his own aspirations, abilities and personal qualities. It will also help adapting young people to the difficult market conditions of the present.

American student Ukrainian student

Receptivity Knowledge of theoretical and techno-

Cognitive abilities Creativity logical nature of the basic methods

(mental processes) Courage and concepts of entrepreneurial activ-

Persistence ity

Responsibility Organizational skills

Risk Readiness Presentation skills

Professional qualities Competence Communicative

Initiative Ability to evaluate


Determination Ability to understand own emotional

Personal qualities Independence state

Responsibility Purposefulness

Willpower Endurance

Purposefulness Openness

High Non-available

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Level of motivation "Self-efficacy" is the driving force of

entrepreneurial activity

Table 1.

Comparative analysis of Entrepreneurial personal Structure of American and Ukrainian students

Conclusions. Summarizing the above, we note that an entrepreneurial personality is a human with a high degree of motivation, self-development and self-realization. In addition, it is characterized by entrepreneurial worldview, the basis of which is a certain perception of values, such as economic freedom, ownership of private property, success, reputation and professionalism. All these values create a general background that influences decision making, a strategy of behavior, work on self-improvement.

Consequently, entrepreneurial competence is a process and result of education, the purpose of which is to ensure the comprehensive development of the individual and, as is very important in modern conditions, the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills, personal qualities that will contribute to successful employment or self-employment. Professional success is possible when the person is ready to study throughout life and can manage effectively his career. Entrepre-neurship as a multifaceted quality helps modern education achieve its main goal is the successful integration of the individual into the social and economic life of the country. Prospects for further study require a question of diagnostics of entrepreneurship, analysis of forms and methods of formation entrepreneurial abilities and skills in secondary students of Ukraine and the USA.


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