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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Silvia M. Garnevska

Today, the role of education in promoting entrepreneurial attitude and behavior is widely recognized and this report describes some approaches in this direction. Entrepreneurship is one of the 8 key competences, launched in the European Framework of Reference. The paper presents opportunities to establish entrepreneurial competence in teaching technology in the seventh and eighth grade. Described are elements of entrepreneurial competence. Specific themes and objectives of an economic nature are presented, the curriculum is expanded with concepts and skills related to business and economics. Different pedagogical methods, technologies and forms of interaction are demanded.

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Silvia M. Garnevska

Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"


Today, the role of education in promoting entrepreneurial attitude and behavior is widely recognized and this report describes some approaches in this direction. Entrepreneurship is one of the 8 key competences, launched in the European Framework of Reference. The paper presents opportunities to establish entrepreneurial competence in teaching technology in the seventh and eighth grade. Described are elements of entrepreneurial competence. Specific themes and objectives of an economic nature are presented, the curriculum is expanded with concepts and skills related to business and economics. Different pedagogical methods, technologies and forms of interaction are demanded.

Keywords: entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial competence; teaching domestic life and technology; technological education in junior high school stage.

1. Formulation of the problem

Today, the role of education in promoting entrepreneurial attitude and behavior is widely recognized. The formation of entrepreneurial skills is an essential requirement of the labor market. Teaching technology and entrepreneurship in school is a priority in accordance with the specific requirements of the European Commission «Entrepreneurship 2020».

Entrepreneurship is considered one of the main drivers of increased productivity and economic growth based on innovation. It is considered as an activity based on new combinations consisting of using the existing in the economic system means and methods of production, capital and labor, in a new way (Schumpeter J., 2002). Entrepreneurship is a dynamic and social process where individuals, alone or in cooperation with someone identifies opportunities for innovation and transforms ideas into practical and purposeful activities in the social, cultural and economic context. Initiative and entrepreneurship develop investor flair and willingness to take risk, for production and sale of goods and services and profit, especially important for modern life. „Universal jurisdiction as creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship will help young people to develop their capacity for creative thinking and innovation, and qualities such as initiative, flexibility, independence, ability to manage projects and achieve results."( Establishment of entrepreneurial thinking ... developed by the European Commission) This necessitates the formation of initiative and entrepreneurship as a key competence in schools.

The article presents the possibilities of technological training to build entrepreneurial competence. The objective is to develop a didactic system for establishment of components of the entrepreneurial culture among students in teaching technology. This paper describes different paths to establishing elements of entrepreneurial competence, differentiating topics, methods and tools and is applied in technology class to optimize technological training and personal development.

2. Teaching technology and entrepreneurship in general education schools

The European Union promotes entrepreneurship as a key factor for competitiveness and underlines the importance

of a European entrepreneurial culture and its development by building the right attitude and entrepreneurial skills. Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said: «Entrepreneurship education is a stimulus for growth and a source of inspiration for future entrepreneurs. If Europe wants to remain competitive, it must invest in its citizens in their ability to adapt and be innovative. For this purpose, we need to assist real change in attitude in Europe towards adopting an entrepreneurial approach, which begins with awakening the entrepreneurial spirit from the early stages of training. «(European Commission)

Given the topicality and importance of technology and entrepreneurship for development of society worldwide, we are looking for opportunities to introduce them into education in Bulgaria. Entrepreneurship as a key competence goes through all levels of education. With great success in Bulgarian schools this is done in all subjects in the educational sphere Domestic life and technologies - in Domestic life ife and technics 1-4 grade, Domestic equipment and economy 5-6 grade, and Technology 7-8 grade. Many authors emphasize the need to promote «entrepreneurship education in schools, including through support for the development of programs for public-private partnership between the business sector and schools» (Inovatsii.bg.2010). Entrepreneurship education in general education school aims to form entrepreneurial competence which is important for further successful professional activity of students, regardless of whether they will work as independent contractors or as employees in a changing labor market. The main strategy in entrepreneurship education refers to the teaching of specialized knowledge and nurturing entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and abilities in students in all subjects studied, but with visible success in the subjects of educational sphere Domestic life and technologies. Due to the relevance of entrepreneurial activity, the tendency is to rename the course «Technology and entrepreneurship» and to introduce it not only in primary and secondary school but in first stage high school.

Entrepreneurship education is implemented in several directions. In general education school currently, topics and

activities with entrepreneurial content are integrated to the compulsory subjects included in the curriculum. The main strategy in entrepreneurship education refers to the teaching of specialized knowledge and nurturing entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and abilities in students in all subjects studied, but with visible success in the subjects of educational sphere Domestic life and technologies. The educational goals are to cultivate an entrepreneurial approach and to master skills of initiative, risk-taking and creativity. Some schools organize optional course Entrepreneurship.

With great success in Bulgarian schools this is done in all subjects in the educational sphere Domestic life and technologies - in Domestic life ife and technics 1-4 grade, Domestic equipment and economy 5-6 grade, and Technology 7-8 grade. The possibilities of technological training to build entrepreneurial competence are diverse. It develops in primary school education in Domestic life ife and technics, and in junior school in the discipline Domestic equipment and economy - 5.6 grade. Even more important is the development of entrepreneurial competence in 7 (8) class through the discipline Technologies. This is the last year of compulsory general education. Students must choose their future development and fulfillment options in the labor market. The curricula on «Technology» for 7 (and 8) grade end the cycle of building the technological culture of students in the basic degree. The subject «Technology» is the transition between the main stage of general education and the period in which for the majority of students is carried out initial professional training. Technology for 7-8 grade combine the integrated knowledge for enterprises, entrepreneurship, preffesional guidance and mastering technology that are set in the new curriculum of Ministry of Education. The curriculum «Technology» for VII grade (Curriculum «Technology» for VII- VIII grade, 2007) includes the following summarized topics: «The equipment», «The materials», «Design and technical documentation», «Computers and communication technologies. In VIII grade are differentiated the topics «Economy,» «Technology and Production», «Modern enterprise.»

Establishing technological literacy must be achieved through situations that help to understand, use, develop and manage technology. The content of the curriculum in entrepreneurship provides an upgrade in integrative development of technological and entrepreneurial competence and the development of skills for self-referencing with the circle of interest to the profession.

3. Elements of entrepreneurial competence

Initiative and entrepreneurship is an important core competence described in the European Framework of Reference in the field of education and training. It is necessary for personal fulfillment, active citizenship, integration and labour efficiency in a society based on knowledge. Competence is an individual integrative property of personality which is expressed in the specifics of organizing and using knowledge and skills and enables effective decisionmaking and behavior in different situations. (Radev, 2005In the context of the European Framework entrepreneurship competence is described in terms of the level of responsibility and autonomy. The sense of initiative and entrepreneurship refers to an individual's ability to turn ideas into action. Competence includes creativity, innovation, risk taking, and the ability to plan and manage projects. It requires taking responsibility for its own tasks in the learning process, a demonstration of respect and choice of behavior according to certain circumstances and specific problems. It assists individuals to lay and achieve their goals by providing them with opportunities through special knowledge and skills for social or economic activity. (Key competences, 2007). Just like any competence, entrepreneurial competence consists of knowledge, skills, attitudes, personal qualities. The content of competence is described in detail in European Framework of Reference (EFR). The competence must be decomposed and the content for individual educational areas and stages must be specified. Limited to teaching Technology, the development of initiative and entrepreneurship as a key competence includes the ability to turn ideas into action. The elements of entrepreneurial competence, formed through teaching Technologies are designed, specified and presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Elements of entrepreneurial competence in Technology

Elements of entrepreneurial competence (in Technology)


• Theoretical - the essence of economic phenomena, their structure, elements, factors. economic concepts - producing process, resources, budget of the company, sources of financing, bank account; Understanding the economy and the world of work.

• Practical - a comprehensive picture of the economy and labor Skills

• Ability to identify and assess strengths and weaknesses. Risk Assessment;

• To know the organization of production of goods and services.

• To evaluate his own or other solutions in the developed projects;

• Characteristics of the behavior and disposition for teamwork Attitudes

• Appreciates the role of economic entities to solve the major economic problems;

• Appreciates the advantages of small and medium enterprises as the foundation of small business

• Understands that technology affects the quality Describes the technological sequence, knows the different methods of quality assessment

• Understands the contribution of market competition on the prudent use of resources. Qualities

• Responsibility. Makes decisions as a participant in the market economy.

• Establishes his motivationally significant features and a defines the range of interests to a certain profession.

• Takes initiative, opening a business idea using standard and non-standard methods

• competitiveness. focuses on the most important ideas

4. Entrepreneurial training in the discipline Technology

4.1. Curriculum

The developed curriculum masters the components of entrepreneurial culture. It is in line with the mandatory educational content in Technologies. Differentiated are themes and problems of an economic nature and the educational content is expanded with concepts and skills related to business and economics. The program is implemented mandatory training or free elective classes in technology. The program is implemented mandatory course or in the optional elective classes in technology. The program can also be used by teachers whose subjects are not necessarily in entrepreneurship or business, but who want to use the themes and methods of entrepreneurship education. The curriculum includes the following topics:

Theme 1. Design of technical projects

• Carries out a project on a constructive assignment.

Evaluates own and others' decisions in developed projects.

Focuses on the most important ideas.

• uses popular software for creating graphic images. computer enters the graphic activities via easy to master applications

Theme 2. Machinery

• Electronic, processing and assembly equipment.

• devices for communications, control and management. Knows the technical devices and communication systems; Implements wireless transmission of information and management of technical projects;

Theme 3. Production and technologies

• Designs a technological process for the realization of own idea. Performs technological, assembly and finishing operations; Compares and evaluates technologies and products in functional, technical and operational characteristics for the realization of own idea.

• Preparation of meals. Establishes and describes any changes in details and products subjected to mechanical and thermal effects;

• Makes products from eco materials and indicates their advantages. Formed respect to the usefulness of environmental materials used in manufacturing and services.

Theme 4. Economics

• Company. Creation of an educational company. Structure - alternatives for selection. small and medium enterprises as the foundation of small businesses. Selects management structure of the own company. Determines the budget of the company. Exhibits activity and responsibility as elected organizational structure.

• entrepreneurial initiative, economic activity, opening a business idea. Creative methods for generating ideas and solutions. Explores the necessities, objectives, information and specialized publications, catalogs, information on the Internet in order to Numerical growth of ideas. Analyzes and filters ideas in order to select the most valuable.

Theme 5. Agro- and zoo - technical activities in the private economy.

• Private farm, using the farm as an opportunity for family business. options for setting up a private farm, organization and farm management;

• Designs a project for the creation of organic farming. Distinguishes the conditions and methods for breeding of plants and animals in organic agriculture.

Theme 6. People - the most valuable asset.

• Profession and career. Examines and describes professions in industry, trade and services. Knows the means and object of labor of different professions. Establishes strengths and weaknesses and connects them with the tendency to perform routine activities and physical work with materials, tools and equipment.

• Labor market. Meets with market forces determining the distinctive features of the labor market. Assesses the role of economic entities to solve the fundamental economic problems. Resources, markets, main business entities, sources of funding. Meetings with representatives of various professions. Demand and supply of labor. Working conditions. Conversation with employers and entrepreneurs. Model image of a successful entrepreneur

4.2. Methodological characteristics The basic methodology is learning through practice. Learning through practice is the leading and gives very good opportunities for development of technological literacy, and the formation of elements of entrepreneurial competence.

Organization of the education in Technologies for formation of competence in entrepreneurship includes integrated tutorials, laboratory work, project development and monitoring in real production and business environment.

Project work. This method aims to involve students in the integrative practical activities - surveys in manufacturing, natural and garden environment, technology planning and design, publishing newsletters, design, manufacturing and others. It is recommended that the creation and implementation of small projects related to the improvement labor culture and technology. This activity is aimed at acquiring an important core competence - initiative and entrepreneurship.

By applying simulation and interactive methods, students develop their personal qualities and interests, identify their strengths. Through practical exercises they have the opportunity to acquire economic and management skills and stimulate their initiative and entrepreneurship.

In pedagogic work conditions should be created for

the implementation of cross-curricular connections and integrating knowledge and skills from different disciplines - physics, chemistry and environmental protection, biology and health education, mathematics, information technology, history and civilizations, languages, etc..

Extracurricular initiatives and activities. To expand the cognitive and practical skills of the students are recommended visits for observation of different technologies - chemical, energy, cultivation plants (HPP, a textile factory, Chemical plant) or small production or service companiesWe recommend practical exercises in manufacturing, service and agricultural enterprises in the real working environment. These activities are aimed at the acquisition of labor competencies in technology, public and civic competences, ability to support sustainable development. Performed is interaction with civil education.


It is recommended to assess the entry level with a test or other type of control work, and baseline at the end of the school year.

- Current assessments are put on the results of the theoretical and practical work of students for each theme..

- Assess the level of theoretical and factual knowledge, the cognitive and practical skills as well as creativity, initiative, enterprise and creative performance and achievements.

- Assess the practical skills to create models and projects under criteria of quality, safety, energy efficiency and economy.

In accomplishing the given themes and activities and student assessments the following criteria and indicators can be used (Table 2):

Table 2. criteria and evaluation indicators

criteria indicators

Knowledge 1. Knows basic economic concepts - production resources; budget of the company; sources of funding; Bank account; 2. Distinguishes professions in industry, trade and services according to the nature of the activities.

Skills 1. Detects and classifies revenue and expenditure in the budget of the company. Develops versions of the budget of a small company 2. Ability to perform market research and produce advertising materials for the company presentation..

Attitudes 1. Determines entrepreneurship as one of the pillars of free enterprise; 2. Formulates and defends a business idea for the establishment and launch of the company producing the product or service.

Qualities 1. Ability to compare their personal qualities with the requirements of a particular profession. 2. Knows the qualities of the entrepreneur. indicates necessary traits of a successful entrepreneur.

5. Summary:

From the exhibition it is obvious that in Bulgarian general education school there is a tendecy for treaching in technology and entrepreneurship. In this paper proposes an affordable teaching model that is theoretically developed and studied in the school practice. The topicality of the issue and the importance of those skills make entrepreneurship themes essential part of the technological education. As a result of the overall activity we can formulate the following conclusions:

• As a result of training the student understands the importance of initiative and entrepreneurship. Of course, that entrepreneurs show initiative, independence and innovation,

by taking risks in order to achieve a profit. Shows a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship.

• The training gives the opportunity to help students understand the world of economics.

• The proposed program for entrepreneurship education within the range of the discipline Technology has the potential to cause a number of effects. For the main and most direct effect is considered its potential to help build entrepreneurial thinking in students completing primary education. Universal competences as creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship will help young people to develop their capacity for creative thinking and innovation, and qualities

such as initiative, flexibility, independence, ability to manage projects and achieve results. Entrepreneurship program creates excellent opportunities to connect education systems to the local economyas it is based on project work and voluntary participation of real entrepreneurs. Students who develop connections with a the local business community, are more likely to remain in their region after graduation as employees in local companies or founders of their own business.

• The proposed methodology stimulates the active participation of students in the educational process, allowing them to take the initiative in solving the problem placed in front of them. The student develops and participates in projects for the realization of business and social ideas in a learning environment.

Entrepreneurship education in seventh and eighth grade is aimed at building a sense of initiative, ability to uptake and risk assessment, improving skills for planning, analyzing, controlling, project management, leadership skills, understanding of economics and the world of work. It is a good prerequisite for the development of entrepreneurial competence. The research and conclusions drown allow us to confirm that the introduction of specific topics and objectives of an economic nature and supplementing the curriculum with the concepts and skills related to business and economics, allows the establishment of elements of entrepreneurial competence and mastering the components of entrepreneurship culture. The study of subjects in entrepreneurship enriches the technological culture of students, placing it on a contemporary level. Formation and development of entrepreneurial competence in students is a prerequisite to educate vigorous, active and prosperous people who will develop our economy. This facilitates the adaptation of Bulgarian education to European values.


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Markova D. T.

Assoc. prof. PhD Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" Baleva, A.P. PhD

Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski Yankova, Y. B.


Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"


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