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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhtabaev Kuandyk Nurakhmetovich, Karshalov Marat Bagdadovich

The article is devoted to the issues of relevance of the educational process organization for the definition, use and application of various forms of education, their constant improvement and updating. The considered forms of training are aimed primarily at the formation of cadets in departmental universities of positive motivation and interest in the final result of mastering knowledge.

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УДК 37.018

DOI 10.33463/2712-7737.2021.03(1-3).1.051-057 Mukhtabaev K. N., Karshalov M. B. Мухтабаев К. Н., Каршалов М. Б.




Abstract. The article is devoted to the issues of relevance of the educational process organization for the definition, use and application of various forms of education, their constant improvement and updating. The considered forms of training are aimed primarily at the formation of cadets in departmental universities of positive motivation and interest in the final result of mastering knowledge.

Keywords: professional training, forms of training, forms of control, tactical and special training.

Аннотация. В статье анализируются вопросы актуальности организации учебного процесса по определению, использованию и применению разнообразных форм обучения, их постоянного совершенствования и обновления. Рассмотренные формы обучения направлены прежде всего на формирование у обучаемых в ведомственных вузах положительной мотивации и заинтересованности в конечном результате овладения знаний.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка, формы обучения, формы контроля, тактико-специальная подготовка.

Information about authors / Сведения об авторах

Kuandyk Nurakhmetovich Mukhtabaev, deputy head of the department of tactical and special training, Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shrakbek Kabylbayev, Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: vitsp64@mail.ru.

K. N., Karshalov M. B., 2021 К. Н., Каршалов М. Б., 2021

The article is licensed under the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0

© Mukhtabaev © Мухтабаев

Куандык Нурахметович Мухтабаев, заместитель начальника кафедры тактико-специальной подготовки, Костанайская академия Министерства внутренних дел Республики Казахстан имени Шракбека Кабылбаева, г. Костанай, Республика Казахстан, e-mail: vitsp64@mail.ru.

Marat Bagdadovich Karshalov, lecturer of the department of tactical and special training, Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shrakbek Kabylbayev, Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: vitsp64@ mail.ru.

Марат Багдадович Каршалов, преподаватель кафедры тактико-специальной подготовки, Костанайская академия Министерства внутренних дел Республики Казахстан имени Шракбека Кабылбаева, г. Костанай, Республика Казахстан, e-mail: vitsp64@mail.ru.

Recommended citation / Для цитирования

Mukhtabaev, K. N. & Karshalov, M. B. 2021, 'Forms of professional training activation among cadets in the departmental higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan', International penitentiary journal, vol. 3(1-3), iss. 1, pp. 51-57, doi: 10.33463/2712-7737.2021.03(1-3).1.051-057.

Мухтабаев, К. Н. Формы активизации профессиональной подготовки обучаемых в ведомственном высшем учебном заведении Министерства внутренних дел Республики Казахстан / К. Н. Мухтабаев, М. Б. Каршалов // Международный пенитенциарный журнал. - 2021. - Т. 3(1-3), № 1. - С. 51-57. - DOI : 10.33463/2712-7737.2021.03(1 -3).1.051-057.

The organization of the educational process determines the use and application of various forms of learning. Their constant improvement and updating in modern didactics continue discussions around the forms of organization of the educational process. This is due to the modernization of learning content and the introduction of modern educational technologies in the educational process.

In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov (1990), the concept of "form" is defined as a way of existence of content, inseparable from it and serving as its expression. In the "Philosophical Dictionary" (Frolov, I. T. 1981), the concept of "form" is defined as follows: "form is the internal organization of content". In pedagogical science discussions on the definition of the system of forms of organization of the educational process continue. According to Yu. K. Babanskiy (2001), the forms of training organization "represent the external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and the cadet, carried out in the prescribed manner and in a certain mode". I. F. Kharlamov (2007) gives the following definition: "the form of training as a didactic category denotes the external side of the educational process organization, which is related to the number of cadets being trained, the time and method of training, as well as

the order of its implementation". According to P. I. Pidkasisty (2007), "the form of training should be understood as a construction of segments, cycles of the learning process, implemented in combination with the activities of cadets to assimilate a certain content of educational material and development the methods of activity". I. P. Podlasy (2007) presents the forms of education as an external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and cadets, carried out in a certain order and mode. They are socially conditioned, arise and improve in connection with the development of didactic systems, are classified according to various criteria: the number of cadets, the place of study, the duration of training sessions, etc. A. Ya. Savel'ev (1994) presents the forms of the educational process organization in the following form (Table 1).

Thus, the forms of training are primarily aimed at forming cadets' positive motivation and interest in the final result of mastering knowledge and instilling certain special skills.

Lecture (from Lat. lectio - reading from a sheet) - a systematic, consistent monological presentation of educational material by a teacher, usually of a theoretical nature, one of the forms of organizing training. Lecture -an oral presentation of educational material.

Table 1

Forms of the educational process organization according to A. Ya. Savel'ev (1994

Forms of education Forms of control

Aimed primarily at theoretical training Aimed primarily at practical training

Lecture Seminar class Laboratory work Excursion Independent classroom work Independent extracurricular work Conference Consultation Practical lesson Course design Diploma design All types of practice Business game Control work Individual interview Colloquium Test Transferable semester exams Protection of the course project Qualification tests State exams Defense of the diploma project Comprehensive exam in the specialty

It is distinguished by its large capacity, the complexity of logical constructions, the concentration of mental images, proofs and generalizations. The lecture, including on tactical and special disciplines, forms the cadets' ability to listen carefully to the teacher, actively perceive him and fix him in memory, comprehend and highlight the main thing in the proposed information.

One of the main forms of cadets' training organization at the university is practical classes. They are aimed at performing such actions that bring cadets closer to reality, and allow them to apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained in practice. Cadets in practical classes are given self-preparation tasks. The purpose of such tasks is to acquire the skills and abilities to apply theoretical knowledge in solving practical issues that arise in non-standard situations. The methodology of practical training is diverse. In particular, it is possible to approach practical classes to official activities, focusing on theoretical problems while simultaneously solving relevant tasks. The following methods are suggested for completing self-preparation tasks:

- to start completing self-preparation tasks only after working through the practical material on this topic;

- to start a task after careful reading of its condition;

- to think through the task completion plan;

- to specify the results of the intermediate and final task completion;

- to make an analysis of the completed solution.

Preparation for practical exercises for tactical and special disciplines, where practical training is one of the main types of educational work, contributes to the consolidation of the passed material. A good preparation for the lesson will allow you to actively work in the audience and thus get satisfaction from it. To prepare for practical classes, cadets are offered the following methodology:

- to be guided by the considerations that the benefit of the lesson will be the greater,

the more you will be able to work productively independently in the classroom;

- to treat for classes preparation seriously;

- to go back to the previous topics of the course and recall the main points of the theory (whether they are preserved in memory);

- in the process of working out the theoretical part on the topic of the lesson, it is necessary to work out the main provisions of the material, consider examples from textbooks, remember the main ones, understand the essence of the passed material;

- if necessary, to prepare dictionaries, textbooks and workbooks on the specialty for the lesson.

The seminar class is one of the leading forms of group training and practical classes at the university. It is held "in order to deepen and expand the knowledge gained at the lectures, involves the analysis of difficult material, the identification of controversial issues on which the cadet must determine their positions" (Kabdenov, T. K. & Kil'mashkina, T. N. 2002). At the seminar classes, cadets develop communication skills, master the scientific apparatus of the studied discipline, the art of oral presentation and written presentation of the material, as well as the defense of the developed provisions and conclusions, and acquire the skills of scientific papers preparation. The cognitive activity of cadets in practical and seminar classes depends on the skillful and correct selection of educational material, the organization of interdisciplinary connections in the classroom, which forms a positive educational motivation. The teacher and thinker Ya. A. Komenskiy (1982) expressed this idea: "Everything that is in mutual connection should be taught in the same connection".

Independent work of cadets as a form of individual work that encourages intellectual initiative and develops creative thinking in all types of cognitive activity provides for:

- deepening and consolidation of educational material when performing tasks on self-preparation, preparation for practical

classes, colloquiums and seminars, tests and exams, intermediate and final control;

- acquisition of skills in working with scientific literature, independent search for information, development of research and creative abilities;

- training of diligence, constant readiness to search for and assimilation of information, that is, continuity and systematic training, patient perseverance and purposefulness, the ability to plan and organize working hours.

The development of program issues of the discipline consists of classroom and extracurricular work of cadets. In this regard, in the organization of independent work, it is recommended to distinguish three main components:

- a task for self-training, or extracurricular work, where the main role is assigned to the cadet (this can be preparing for practical classes, writing essays and reports, preparing presentations, performing exercises);

- active work in the classroom and in the course of independent work of cadets with the teacher. This can be a synthesis of tasks completed during self-preparation, or work during a class;

- training, discussion, business game, presentations, exercises, etc. The main purpose of this process is to instill practical skills in cadets when acting outside of standard situations.

Independent work involves performing various types of tasks:

- reproduce of the listened or seen information for memorization and consolidation. Reproducing exercises are built on the basis of the teacher's reasoning scheme and allow cadets to master the basic educational material in a short time. This helps to plan classes for students of any year of study, but does not develop the ability to think creatively and constructively;

- completing tasks related to practical exercises, etc. In reconstructive-variable tasks, the teacher puts a problem in front of the students, and the students themselves solve

it by choosing the answers from the proposed options;

- partially-search, heuristic tasks (independent work of increased complexity). Heuristic methods, as well as research methods, involve the cadet's independent search for the amount of missing knowledge. Search tasks are related to the development of creative abilities of cadets. Independent solution of individual parts of the problem requires creative work, for example: comparison of two or more points of view, preparation of theses of the report and the message, preparation of detailed plans of the answer to the seminar with the application of a short bibliographic index, etc.;

- abstracts, reports, scientific reports, essays, glossary, methodological developments for the event (classes, conversations, lessons, debates), preparation of presentations. Such types of work as an abstract, a report or a crossword, it is recommended to plan in the first year, for students of the 2nd year, an essay, presentations, etc. are provided. We will give a brief description of the independent work of the cadets.

Review on the topic - to write a short review of 1-2 pages on the recommended topic with the involvement of additional material from the press and Internet information resources (usually set at the beginning of the study of the discipline).

Glossary - a brief explanation of terms and concepts (performed on a given topic).

An abstract, being the most common form of independent work, is a report on a specific topic with a mandatory review of the literature or a statement of the content of a scientific work or book. More interesting and creative work is the opposition of the abstract, as a result of which the skills of analyzing the speech and conducting the discussion are acquired.

The colloquium allows you to identify the knowledge and level of training on various topics of a particular discipline being studied in the form of an interview, which is not always possible with other types of independent work. Questions for self-study should be such that

the answers can be given only on the basis of the interpretation and analysis of the collected material.

An essay is a statement of one's thoughts and considerations on current legal, socioeconomic problems in various genres -criticism, journalism, etc.

Building a tree of goals - students are asked to select a problem, identify goals by level; identify tasks at all levels and realistic plans; determine the place, for example, of the organizational structures of the enterprise in achieving these goals; select performance quality meters and forms of task control.

Presentation - the listener can choose any topic for their presentation and express their understanding or misunderstanding of any aspect of the presentation. The presentation is evaluated according to the following criteria: how well the topic is disclosed and aroused the interest of others, as well as how professionally the student approached the problem under consideration.

Training specific situations - students are offered a variety of simple and complex situations for which they will have to answer questions or write their own vision of the problem.

Business games help students develop the skills necessary for their future professional activities. Some games require home preparation for completion in the library, in production

Group project - there should be no more than 3-5 people in the group, each group should develop its own project. An individual project is carried out by the most prepared students at will. The work should be distinguished by the uniqueness of the topic, the research nature; the results of the project can be reported at the audience conference.

Active forms of training, according to S. A. Gabrusevich, G. A. Zorin (1989), "... reflect the essence of the future profession, form the professional qualities of specialists, are a kind of training ground where cadets can practice professional skills in conditions close

to real ones. A deep analysis of the mistakes of the trainees, revealed during the summing up, reduces the likelihood of their repetition in real life". In the course of training, one of the most important tasks today is the maximum activation of the cognitive activity of cadets, the development of their independent creative thinking, the formation of the desire for self-education.

Self-study of cadets in a departmental university, according to N. P. Kim (1999), is "one of the types of independent activity aimed at solving cognitive tasks in the most rational way, carried out in the conditions of indirect pedagogical management, focused on the maximum use of self-management of the individual, the result of which has a subjective novelty". The effect of cadets' self-study can be obtained only when it is organized and implemented in the educational process as an integral system that covers all stages of training students at the university. Self-study of cadets is a form of assimilation of educational material not only in the classroom, but also in the process of extracurricular work. It contributes to the formation of independent thinking, the development of their own point of view. The skills to develop beliefs can be useful in the upcoming professional activity.

One of the main forms of education of future specialists, the most important and effective means of improving the quality of training of students who are able to creatively apply in practice the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, is the research work of cadets. The involvement of cadets in research work also allows them to use their creative and labor potential to solve urgent problems facing the bodies of the penal system. The main tasks of the cadets' research work are:

- mastering scientific methods of cognition, advanced and creative study of educational material;

- development of creative thinking, expansion of horizons, formation of scientific worldview and erudition of the future specialist;

- training the need and ability to constantly improve your knowledge;

- instilling sustainable skills of independent research work;

- development of the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

Thus, taking into account and using traditional and modern forms and methods of training aims cadets to constantly search for and introduce innovations in the methodology of teaching tactical and special disciplines. This search is primarily aimed at the creative development of the student, meets the requirements of modern education, which involves the education and formation of a fully developed personality.


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Frolov, I. T. 1981, Philosophical Dictionary, Respublika, Moscow.

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Pidkasistyy, P. I. 2007, Pedagogy, Akademiya, Moscow.

Podlasy, I. P. 2007, Pedagogy, in 3 vols, vol. 2, Theory and technology of training, VLADOS, Moscow.

Savel'ev, A. Ya. 1994, 'Learning technologies and their role in higher education reform', Higher education in Russia, iss. 2, p. 210.

Kabdenov, T. K. & Kil'mashkina, T. N. 2002, 'Pedagogical bases of education of employees of internal affairs bodies', FbinbiM, iss. 1, p. 96.

Komenskiy, Ya. A. 1982, Selected pedagogical essays, in 2 vols, vol. 1, Pedagogy, Moscow.

Gabrusevich, S. A. & Zorin, G. A. 1989, From business games to professional creativity, Universitetskoe, Minsk.

Kim, N. P. 1999, Pedagogical guidance for self-training of law school students, Kostanay.

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