Научная статья на тему 'Independent work at the formation of professional foreign-language competence of a medical student'

Independent work at the formation of professional foreign-language competence of a medical student Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Keller-Deditskaya Ye. R., Yushko N.F.

The article analyzes the effectiveness of applying innovative methods in the formation of professional foreign-language competence by students of medical universities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such methods as glossary, case and tandem. It is indicated that the preparation of the glossary is fixed by the work on oral and written speech, in the course of which the student can make a clear idea of how this terms work. Taking into account all these conditions, the compilation of the glossary becomes an effective form of independent work of students in terms of the formation of professional foreign-language competence. The stages of work on the case are described, which also contributes to improving the level of skills such as speaking and listening. The tandem method is considered for the first time in the article as a form of classroom work that facilitates the involvement of the tandem partners in the extra-linguistic experience and brings to a qualitatively new level the professional foreign-language competence of the students.

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В статье проанализирована эффективность применения инновационных методов при формировании иноязычной профессиональной компетенции у студентов медицинских вузов. Особое внимание уделено анализу таких методов, как глоссарий, кейс и тандем. Указано, что составление глоссария закрепляется работой над устной и письменной речью, в ходе которой студент может составить четкое представление о том, как функционирует тот или иной термин. С учетом всех этих условий составление глоссария становится эффективной формой самостоятельной работы студентов с точки зрения формирования профессиональной иноязычной компетенции. Описаны этапы работы над кейсом, которая также способствует повышению уровня таких навыков, как говорение и аудирование. Метод тандем впервые рассматривается в статье как форма аудиторной работы, которая способствует приобщению к экстралингвистическому опыту тандем-партнеров и выводит на качественно новый уровень профессиональную иноязычную компетенцию обучающихся.

Текст научной работы на тему «Independent work at the formation of professional foreign-language competence of a medical student»



Ye. R. Keller-Deditskaya, N. F. Yushko


Russian language department of Karaganda State Medical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)

The article analyzes the effectiveness of applying innovative methods in the formation of professional foreign-language competence by students of medical universities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such methods as glossary, case and tandem. It is indicated that the preparation of the glossary is fixed by the work on oral and written speech, in the course of which the student can make a clear idea of how this terms work. Taking into account all these conditions, the compilation of the glossary becomes an effective form of independent work of students in terms of the formation of professional foreign-language competence. The stages of work on the case are described, which also contributes to improving the level of skills such as speaking and listening. The tandem method is considered for the first time in the article as a form of classroom work that facilitates the involvement of the tandem partners in the extra-linguistic experience and brings to a qualitatively new level the professional foreign-language competence of the students.

Key words: communicative competence, innovative methods, independent work, glossary, case, tandem, foreign students, professional Russian language

Modern education is aimed at comprehensively developing the personality of the student and mastering the students in a wide range of competences: subject, communicative and professional. Today, graduates of medical schools have special requirements. During the studying, the student should form not only professional skills, but be prepared to solve problematic issues and professional tasks in the face of an ever-increasing flow of information, taking into account the globalization of the world space in general, and professional in particular. In these conditions, the formation of foreign professional competence is of special importance. Knowledge of foreign languages expands the range of available professional information. On the other hand, the patient always wants the doctor to speak to him by the use his language, because he doctor must fully understand the problems and desires of the patient. And from this point of view the second language skills in the conditions of globalization of the world space is a necessary condition for the professionalism of the doctor. That is why, professional foreign-language competence becomes an essential component of the training of a graduate of a medical university.

Professional foreign-language competence of medical students has already become the object of consideration of researchers. So, this problem is devoted to the dissertation of T.A. Bayeva «Methodology of the formation of professional foreign-language competence of students of medical universities in conditions of information and educational environment ...» [1]. The author reveals the essence of the formation of professional foreign-language competence of stu-

dents in the conditions of modern information educational environment. T.A. Bayeva defines professional foreign-language competence in as «a dynamic integrative personality property that assumes the presence of a certain amount of linguistic knowledge, the ability to apply them in the subject field of medicine and allows not only to orientate in the special medical literature, to extract valuable information from it, but also to use a foreign language as means of professional communication» [1]. Thus, professional foreign-language competence, while being communicative, also covers the level of professional knowledge. In his work, T. A. Bayeva analyzes which skills correspond to each of these levels. So, the language component presupposes the possession of the sublanguage of medicine and the ability to operate with this material in all types of speech activity, and the professional component means «readiness for creative professional foreign-language communication and professional activity» [1]. The professional component includes both the ability to choose the necessary language facilities in the situation of professional communication, and the knowledge of the features of intercultural communication of native speakers, the realities of the health system in the country of the learning language and the readiness for professional communication in a foreign language. T. A. Bayeva offers effective ways of forming such a professional foreign-language competence of a medical student. So she represents «a theoretical model for the formation of professional foreign-language competence of medical students in the conditions of information and educational environment» [1];

and offers a system of the most effective technologies, methods and techniques for working with students. However, the author does not consider such a component as an independent work of students. At the same time, the modern educational process assumes that most of the student's time is occupied by independent preparation.

The importance of independent work in the preparation of future professionals has already been determined by teachers and scientists as particularly important. Thus, A. P. Parakhonskiy emphasizes that independent work has not only learning but also educational significance. The author notes that «the positive results of independent work, education and self-education of students in the process of university studying determine the opportunities for their personal and professional adaptation, indicators of health and quality of life, emotional well-being; contribute to the formation of a specialist capable of self-improvement» [6]. A. P. Parakhonskiy sums up the basic principles of organizing independent work of medical students on the basis of profiling disciplines. However, his conclusions are fully applicable to the disciplines of the general education cycle, and, in particular, to professionally-oriented foreign (Russian) language. Such principles as systemacity, problematicity, focus on the formation of certain practical skills, marked by A. P. Parakhonskiy [6], can be regarded as common to disciplines, not only professional, but also general education. We agree with the author that the independent work of students cannot have a spontaneous character. It should also be careful circumspect, as well as the classwork. Moreover, in our opinion, the independent work of students is more effective when it is combined with the classwork and is controlled not only by a formative but also by a cumulative assessment.

By the words of A.Yu. Bugai, «the main task of organizing the SIW is to create psychological and didactic conditions for the development of initiative and thinking in classes of any form». We agree with the author that «the main principle of the SIW organization should be the change-over of all students to individual work and change the formal performance of certain tasks with the passive role of the student to the organization of the educational process, when the processes of cognitive activity of the student are updated with the formation of their own opinion at solving the set of problematic questions and tasks» [2]. And such a transition is possible only if the independent work of students is competently organized and evaluated by the teacher. A. Yu. Bugai in his article, emphasizes the decisive role of the teach-

er in the organization of the SIW, «which should work not with the student «in general», but with a specific person, with its strengths and weaknesses, individual abilities and inclinations» [2].

At the same time, to increase the effectiveness of independent work of students, researchers offer mainly traditional forms of work. For example, A.P. Parakhonskiy suggests that «stu-dents can, as an advanced instruction, independently study the educational materials, analyze what they read, select the main things, and summary the main information, working with primary sources and methodological literature». A. Yu. Bugai offers a summary, essay writing, drawing up charts and tables, analysis of educational literature [2]. These forms of work are applicable not only to theoretical disciplines. They can be effective in the study of a professionally-oriented foreign language. Thus, students who have mastered the basic knowledge of the language can already independently make charts and tables, study the range of sources offered by the teacher.

Independent work of students in the study of a professional foreign language, of course, has its own specific forms. Studies devoted to the independent work of students of non-linguistic, including medical universities, are sufficient. We do not make analyze this problem as a whole aim of this article. The proposed forms of work take into account both traditional and innovative methods. Thus, the authors of the article «Independent work of students in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university» summarize the most popular methods of the SIW, which have a personal-oriented approach. They include methods of creating problem speech situations, project activities, cases and gaming methods [3]. As a form of organizing the independent work of students, information and communication technologies are increasingly being used. So, among the innovative, we can note the technology of the web-quests. The teacher selects a circle of references, after which, the student studies the relevant materials on the basis of which he creates a certain product (presentation, essay, report, etc.). The theme of the use of modern information and communication technologies was discussed in detail at the second All-Russian scientific and practical Internet conference «Organi-zation of independent work of students» on December 6-9, 2013 [5]. The conference materials offer various forms of work based on information and communication technologies. At the same time, it is emphasized that these technologies work effectively in teaching students to foreign languages.

A detailed article on the problem of species and the forms of organization is proposed by M. I. Smirnova and I. G. Korshunova [7]. The authors analyze the available classifications of types and forms of work in the study of a foreign language in non-linguistic universities. They are making conclusion that «there is still no single approach to the interpretation of independent work and related concepts» [7]. M. I. Smirnova and I. G. Korshunova propose their own classification, which is detailed, and takes into account a wide range of grounds for distinguishing certain forms and types of work [7]. At the same time, the authors proceed «from the definition of independent work as any independent activity of students in classroom, in off-hour time, with the teacher and without him, but under his direct or mediated management, which leads to the formation of an independent personality, capable of continuously replenishing and improving independently obtained knowledge, skills, has the skills of independent cognitive activity» [7]. It seems to us the most accurate such characteristic of the SIW. In our work, we will draw upon this definition, following the authors. In addition, we share the view of the authors of the article that extracurricular work should be a logical continuation of the classroom.

During the SIW, the student improves the knowledge and skills that he acquired or began to develop in the course of practical classes. At the same time, an important factor in the successful development of a professional foreign language by students is the systemacity and regularity. In addition, independent work of students is one of the important factors of the formation of their professional foreign-language competence. This type of work allows the learner not only to build independently the trajectory of mastering a certain part of the course, but also individually solve problematic issues. As noted by U. I. Kopzhasa-rova, N. A. Manuilova «The use of the problemsolving activities for development of student autonomy creates conditions for increasing motivation and quality of foreign language mastery and continuous independent language education, which is reasoned by the fact that within such activity students take responsibility for their own success in learning...the improvement of independent work of students in the context of the use of the problem-solving approach to the foreign language teaching and learning process creates the best opportunity for the development of language skills, critical thinking of pupils; their self-improvement and self-assertion» [4].

Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the im-

portance of independent work of students in the formation of their professional foreign-language competence. However, the effect of this work can be only with a competent organization by the teacher. Fundamentals of this are laid already in the formation of the educational and methodological complex of the course and the distribution of themes, forms and types of work when it is compiled. Less hours are devoted today to independent work of students than to practical classes, and independent work of students with a teacher. However, in addition to the «official» hours for independent work of students, students can be motivated for additional language learning, using their free time. The question of motivation can be a subject of special research. In our work, we will only pay attention to the fact that properly selected tasks for the SIW can become an important factor in motivating students both for further independent study of the language and for further improving the language skills after completing the course of study at the university. For students of non-linguistic universities this is of particular importance, since the language, on the one hand, does not constitute their basic, professional activity, but, on the other hand, is an important part of their professional competence in the globalization of the global society and information space.

To our opinion, the guarantee of the successful organization of independent work of students in the study of a professional foreign language lies in the optimal choice of methods and forms of work, taking into account the level of language preparedness of students, the complexity of the studying materials, a combination of traditional and innovative methods. When the teacher chooses the forms and methods of independent work, he should evaluate their effectiveness in the preparation of the professional foreign-language competence of the medical student. All of them should be clearly marked in the calendar-thematic plan, have the SMART-goal and the precise criteria of evaluation. All these conditions will allow to raise the level of professional foreign-language preparedness of the student.

The aim of our work is to offer some kinds of independent work, which, in our opinion, can make professional foreign-language training of students more effective. We rely on the experience of teaching foreign-students of the Karaganda State Medical University. Here the professionally oriented Russian language is studied in the fourth year. Only two credits are given for this. In these conditions, the independent work of students carries a heavy load. Learning the Russian language at a professional level requires working

out practical skills, in the first place. At the same time, the study of a professional foreign (Russian) language goes in parallel with clinical disciplines. Here students have the opportunity daily to communicate with Russian-speaking patients and staff of clinics. This creates additional conditions for improving the language skills in a professional aspect. This possibility of integrated independent work should also be used and taken into account when drawing up an independent work program for students studying a professional foreign language.

In this article, we propose to consider such types of independent work as compiling a glossary, case and tandem. They have not yet become the object of special study as a kind of independent work of students. At the same time, as our experience of teaching shows, these types of work prove to be quite effective in the formation of professional foreign-language competence.

The compilation of a glossary refers to an individual-separated, systematic, oral-written forms of independent work of students with perspective, formative and summary control. This type of work with an effectively formed body of tasks allows to improve almost all types of speech activity: speaking, reading, writing, listening. The form of the assignment is oral-written. Here you can use such types of exercises or tasks as practical, reproductive, reconstructive-variative, and also language: lexical, grammatical, speech and pre-speech. The compilation of a glossary to the texts studied makes it possible not only to expand vocational lexical stock, but also to improve the sociocultural aspect of language learning. In addition, independent work on the glossary is combined with classroom work. The teacher introduces students to a particular topic, which will work with the glossary, and then conducts formative and summary control. Since the work with students on the study of the professional Russian language is built in the form of blocks, then each task is assigned a task to compile a glossary. Depending on the topic, the volume of the glossary may vary. For example, on the topic «Teeth» and the topic «Digestive system» the number of words in the glossary will be different. However, for objective control the teacher gives to students' descriptors. And here the vocabulary minimum and the maximum that the teacher defines in accordance with the topic are specified.

The first stage of the work on the glossary is conducted in a practical lesson. Students study the basic text of the block. Work with the text is carried out by the method of «Five P»: see the text - mark the keywords - come up with ques-

tions to them - view the text again - retell. These keywords will form the basis of the glossary. Students write out lexical units in the dictionarycopy-book and write out their meanings and definitions from the dictionaries. Since students are asked to compose a glossary, then to each word they should not just pick up the meaning, but make its translation, provide comments and examples.

The second stage of work on the glossary is already carried out within the framework of independent work. Students are encouraged to expand the interpretation of terms written down in practical terms, and to supplement the glossaries with other terms on the relevant topic. As a source of information, not only dictionaries are used, but also educational, scientific literature on professional disciplines. An important part of working on a glossary is to use the experience of communicating with native speakers in the course of studying clinical disciplines, both with clinicians and patients. Here, students are given the opportunity to use heuristic and creative approaches. So, for example, they fix, as they call this or that body organ, this or that disease patients and physicians. For example, when studying the topic «Teeth», students fix that molar teeth people are called «коренные зубы». Or, for example, that doctors use the phrase «удалить зуб», and patients «выдернуть зуб». In this sense, the work on the glossary improves the socio-cultural aspect of language learning, and thereby enhances the level of professional foreign-language competence. As a result of this work, the student significantly expands the lexical stock on a professional level. The student is able to understand not only his colleagues, but also to achieve the main thing - the opportunity to understand the patient, to speak «in one language» with him.

Work on the glossary requires constant monitoring by the teacher. This control should be both formative and summary. When formative control is checked, not only the filling of the notebook with the glossary, but also the ability of the student to use the written terms in a coherent text, to understand the situation in which this or that term is appropriate, how it uses it in the dialogue, how correctly it says and composes grammatical forms. These can be exercises for finding correspondences, filling in blanks, translating of English words by the Russian equivalents, adding to sentences words from the glossary, filling out forms, substituting necessary expressions into dialogs. As a summary control can be proposed tests with multiple choice, the search for matches and creative tasks in the form of presentations, writing independent texts on the topic, a business

game with the preparation of dialogues on the relevant topic, such as «У дантиста», «На приеме у гастроэнтеролога», etc. The compilation of a glossary should be supported by the work on oral and written speech. The student should make a clear idea of how a particular term that he describes in the glossary in spoken and written speech functions, in what situations of professional activity he can apply. Taking into account all these conditions, the compilation of the glossary becomes an effective form of independent work of students in terms of the formation of professional foreign-language competence. At the same time, one should pay attention to the fact that independent work on the glossary should be organically combined with the class work on a certain topic and correspond to it. That is, if students study the topic "Зубы", then they make a glossary on this topic. The summary control for each topic of the glossary is carried out simultaneously with the control of the material of the whole block.

If the compilation of a glossary is more relevant to the traditional methods of working with linguistic material, then the case method can be attributed to innovative methods. It has become widely used in the aspect of problem-oriented learning. The case refers to active teaching methods. At the same time, from the point of view of classifying the forms and methods of independent work of students, using the case-study, we use a group, lump-sum form of work, using heuristic and creative types of tasks, which allow improving all types of speech activity with an oral-written and audiovisual form of presentation. The form of control is a summative. When working on the case, you should also combine the classroom and independent work.

Working with the case, you should follow the traditional stages of work on it. At the same time, introduction to the problem and setting of tasks should be done within the framework of classroom activities, for example, practical classes. The students are developing the case in the group independently. Depending on the planned number of hours, you can do an interim control of the work on the case as part of the independent work of students with the teacher. The final lesson is also conducted as part of the classroom work, either in a practical lesson or at the SIWT-class. Summative evaluation is carried out in the final lesson. This takes into account how the student worked on the case as a whole and how he improved his language skills. To do this, you can use the presentation of case results in the form of presentations, and also combine this method

with testing.

As a statement of the problem, both the real situation and the modeled situation can be used. As a variant of the case, two situations on one topic can be proposed, the comparison of which and the development of an optimal single solution will be the task of the case. The case method provides ample opportunities for integrative learning. So, as a case situation, examples from clinical disciplines and real practice of teaching clinical skills can be used. For example, offer to discuss the situation that took place during the training in the clinic. In this case, of course, discussion and further decision of the case should only take place in Russian. On the other hand, problems related to the prevention of certain diseases can become a problem for discussion. At the same time, the subject matter of the case, as well as in the case of a glossary, should correspond to the basis topic of the block being studied and be a continuation of the work with the central texts of the block.

For example, the case «Доктор, почему у меня кариес?» is suggested. The following situation is suggested: A patient with caries comes to the doctor and asks what he should do in order to keep his teeth healthy in the future. You can use fragments from commercials as problem screensavers, where conditional patients complain about tooth decay. This will help to improve listening skills of students. Then the situation is discussing in the group. «Какие средства наиболее эффективны для защиты от кариеса?», «Влияет ли выбор питания на состояние зубов?», «Гарантирует ли зубная паста защиту от кариеса?» problem questions suggested. Students are divided into three groups, each of which within a week or two develops its own problem. To do this, they read to the literature, ask the teachers of medical disciplines, in particular dentists, interview patients. We do not set out in the article the purpose of giving a full description of the case. We only note that all these stages of work should be carefully prepared and described by the teacher. Work on the case proved to be effective in the part where students conduct independent development of the topic. The level of skills such as speaking and listening increases significantly. The results of the development of the topic students present in presentations. Since slides are supplied with short texts, then writing and reading skills are also practiced. Thus, the case proves to be an effective form of independent work contributing to the improvement of professional foreign-language competence.

Practice shows that the method of tandem can be an effective method of independent work on improving professional foreign-language competence. The results of the input and final testing of the participants in the tandem meetings show that as a result of this method, the level of not only linguistic but also intercultural competence is significantly increased. The tandem method has been used in Europe since the 60s of the 20th century. The essence of the method lies in the extracurricular, including remote communication between students studying each other's languages. So, at KSMU foreign students who speak English learn the professional Russian language. Local students, who speak Russian, study professional English. During the tandem meetings, working in pairs, or small groups, students help each other. Tandem meetings are held according to established rules. To help participants develop working sheets. They are designed in accordance with the studied topics. In out-of-class time students come to the so-called «Tandem Corner». Here they take sheets with the topic they want to work on. Unlike the methods discussed above, in this case the student independently builds the trajectory of his studies. That is, he can work out a topic that has already been studied for classes, or, conversely, try to learn in advance the material that will only be studied. In tandem meetings, participants alternately communicate first on one, and then in another language, strictly observing this rule. In the course of the work, the partners correct mistakes in each other's speech, suggesting which language option is better to use in this or that case. At the same time, such work is of a practical nature, representing a process of communication, not learning. In the course of tandem meetings, students pay much attention to the socio-cultural aspects of communication. As noted in the sheets of reflection tandem participants, the most interesting in communication are those moments that relate to the culture, the features of communication of the speakers of the language being studied. In this sense, familiarization with the extralinguistic experience of tandem partners makes it possible to bring to a qualitatively new level the professional foreign competence of students.

During the work on the tandem method, various types of tasks, interactive exercises, such as interviews, discussion, communication, presentation, can be used. The question of how to monitor the results of tandem meetings for the researchers of this topic and the Methodists remains open. In our work, we use feedback. These are short questionnaires that include a catalog of

errors and a reflection on what was learned. Such a technique allows not only to monitor students, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the tandem method as an independent work of students. In addition, to supervise the teacher can invite students to keep the diary of tandem, or make a portfolio.

In the formation of professional foreign-language competence, independent work of students plays an important role. Methods such as compiling a glossary, case study, tandem make it possible to make this work more effective and contribute not only to improving the language level, but also improving the socio-cultural aspect of professional foreign-language competence.


1 Bayeva T. A. Metodika formirovanija pro-fessional'noj inojazychnoj kompetencii studentov medicinskih vuzov v uslovijah informacionnoobra-zovatel'noj sredy ... - Avtoref.diss. na soiskanie uch.stepeni kandidata ped.nauk. - Nizhnij Novgorod, 2013// http://net.knigi-x.ru/24pedago-gika/ 271498-1-metodika-formirovaniya-professional-noy-inoyazichnoy-kompetencii-studentov-medicinskih-vuzov.php

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Поступила 12.03.2018

Е Р. Келлер-Дедицкая, Н. Ф. Юшко


Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет (Караганда, Казахстан)

В статье проанализирована эффективность применения инновационных методов при формировании иноязычной профессиональной компетенции у студентов медицинских вузов. Особое внимание уделено анализу таких методов, как глоссарий, кейс и тандем. Указано, что составление глоссария закрепляется работой над устной и письменной речью, в ходе которой студент может составить четкое представление о том, как функционирует тот или иной термин. С учетом всех этих условий составление глоссария становится эффективной формой самостоятельной работы студентов с точки зрения формирования профессиональной иноязычной компетенции. Описаны этапы работы над кейсом, которая также способствует повышению уровня таких навыков, как говорение и аудирование. Метод тандем впервые рассматривается в статье как форма аудиторной работы, которая способствует приобщению к экстралингвистическому опыту тандем-партнеров и выводит на качественно новый уровень профессиональную иноязычную компетенцию обучающихся.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетенция, инновационные методы, самостоятельная работа, глоссарий, кейс, тандем, иностранные студенты, профессионально ориентированный русский язык

Е. Р. Келлер-Дедицкая, Н. Ф. Юшко

СТУДЕНТ-МЕДИКТТН КЭС1БИ ШЕТ Т1ЛД1К К¥ЗЫ1РЕТПЛ1ГТН АЛЫ1ПТАСТЫ1РУШЫ1ДЕРБЕС Ж¥МЫ1СЫ1 КараFанды мемлекеттк медицина университет,/' (Караанды, Казакстан)

Макалада медицина жогары оку орындары студенттер1нН кэаби шет т1лд1к кузыретплИн калыптастыруда инновациялык эд1стерд1 колданудын ти1мд1л1г1 талданады. Ерекше кент глоссарий, кейс жэне тандем сиякты эд1стерге бел1нед1. Глоссарийд1 курастыру жазбаша т1л жэне ауызша сейлеу т1л1н дамыту жумысымен бектлед1 дел1нген, бунын барысында студент кандай да б1р терминнщ кызмет ету1 туралы накты уым калыптастырады. Аталган шарттардын ескер1лу1мен глоссарийд1 курастыру кэаби шет т1лд1к кузыреттт1кт1 калыптастыру тургысынан студенттердщ дербес жумыс жасауларынын ти1мд1 тур1 болып табылады. Сонымен катар сейлеу жэне тындап тYCiну сиякты дагдылары денгей1н1н жогарылауына ыкпалдасатын кейспен жумыс жасау кезендер1 сипатталады. Тандем эд1с1 макалада тандем-сер1ктестер1н1н экстралингвистикалык тэж1рибеге Yйренуiне ыкпалдасатын жэне окытылатын тулгалардын кэс1би шет т1лд1к кузыретт1л1г1н жана сапа денгей1не кетерет1н аудиторлык жумыс тYрi рет1нде алгаш каралуда.

Клт сездер: коммуникативт1к кузыретт1л1к, инновациялык эд1стер, дербес жумыс, глоссарий, кейс, тандем

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