Научная статья на тему 'The use of group forms of training at pathophysiology classes with foreign students'

The use of group forms of training at pathophysiology classes with foreign students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Hryshko Yu. M.

The task of teaching staff in higher education today, based on the targets set, is to select from their methodical achievements all progressive means and thus to change, modernize the educational process, ensuring its research and exploratory character [1, 4, 10]. This approach will contribute to establishing a creative atmosphere in the group of foreign students, development of thinking, and abilities. This should be non-violent learning, but encouragement for cognition, respect for the intellectual strength of the student. Freedom and right to choose will determine not only the best results in learning, but also contribute to their formation as individuals, which will be an impetus for independent cognitive activity, the ability to set and solve new problems [5]. It should be emphasized that one of the directions for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in pathophysiology is the use of group forms of training.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The use of group forms of training at pathophysiology classes with foreign students»

DOI 10.26724 / 2079-8334-2017-3-61-195-197 UDC 378.



e-mail: hryshko.yuliia@gmail.com

The task of teaching staff in higher education today, based on the targets set, is to select from their methodical achievements all progressive means and thus to change, modernize the educational process, ensuring its research and exploratory character [1, 4, 10]. This approach will contribute to establishing a creative atmosphere in the group of foreign students, development of thinking, and abilities. This should be non-violent learning, but encouragement for cognition, respect for the intellectual strength of the student. Freedom and right to choose will determine not only the best results in learning, but also contribute to their formation as individuals, which will be an impetus for independent cognitive activity, the ability to set and solve new problems [5].

It should be emphasized that one of the directions for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in pathophysiology is the use of group forms of training.

Keywords: pathophysiology, foreign students, group forms of training.

The National Doctrine of Education Development in the 21st century clearly defines the purpose and priority directions of the state policy on education development. In this context, one of the directions is the continuous improvement of the quality of education, updating its content, the forms of organization of the educational process and the introduction of innovative educational technologies [1, 2, 4, 6].

The task of teaching staff in higher education today, based on the targets set, is to select from their methodical achievements all progressive means and thus to change, modernize, transform the educational process, ensuring its research and exploratory character [1, 4, 10]. This approach will contribute to establishing a creative atmosphere in the group of foreign students, development of thinking, and abilities. This should be non-violent learning, but encouragement for cognition, respect for the intellectual strength of the student. Freedom and right to choose will determine not only the best results in learning, but also contribute to their formation as individuals, which will be an impetus for independent cognitive activity, the ability to set and solve new problems [4].

It should be emphasized that one of the directions for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in pathophysiology is the use of group forms of training.

It is worth remembering that such a form of communication (educational cooperation) in the students' experience is a relatively new concept which was virtually never applied. Consequently, students' cooperation needs to be cultivated with the same diligence as any other skills: without ignoring the "trifles", without trying to move to a complex phenomenon, until the simple one has been worked out properly. It is essential to take into account such organizational moments as how to sit in the classroom to look not at the teacher (as usual), but at a group mate; how to agree, and how to disagree (but how and when it is unacceptable to deny one's opinion); how to help, and how to ask for help - without having worked out all these points of interaction with automatism, it is impossible to organize more complex -flexible and creative forms of students' cooperation.

There are many ways in which groups are formed, and they largely determine how the work is conducted and what the result is: - At the teacher's choice. The teacher creates groups, thus pursuing and solving certain pedagogical tasks. For example, the teacher can divide the students into groups with the same pace of work, taking into account their national peculiarities, etc; - At the students' request. The grouping is done by mutual choice. This method can be successfully used if the teacher knows the group well and understands why the students are willing to work together; - By random choice. The group formed in this way is characterized by the fact that it combines students who, under other circumstances, may not interact in any way; - By a certain sign. The sign is determined by the teacher or the selected participant; - By the choice of a "leader". A leader is chosen by the teacher or students, and he/she forms a group.

Introduction of the group form of training requires the preliminary preparation of students. To do this, while conducting traditional pathophysiology classes, students have to master certain types of educational activities: - 1. Individual self-study. During individual self-education, students perform one or another type of self-directed activities (work with laboratory animals during an experiment, working with a textbook, solving situational tasks in pathophysiology), and describe its results; 2. Paired mutual

learning. Students in stable pairs (adjacent at one table in the study room) or in pairs of alternating members explain each other a certain issue, express their opinion and defend it, evaluate the work of a friend; 3. Group work on a common theme. The training takes place inside the group. Students, grouped together, interact within the groups: explain new material, discuss it, evaluate their activity, and prepare the report; 4. Mutual learning of groups. Groups that deal with different issues or different types of learning activities, such as theorists and experimenters, are temporarily united to share their experiences, information and problems; 5. A student instead of a teacher. One or two students teach the whole group, conduct practical classes, show experiments on laboratory animals; 6. Preparation of students' reports. Practicing such activities, such as presentation techniques, methodology of discussion, formulation of question and answers, reasoning opinions, review, evaluation and analysis.

Recently, the introduction of group forms of training into the teacher's practice has gained the particular popularity. To a large extent this is facilitated by interactive learning technologies that are most in line with a person-centered approach to learning.

The system of studying at modern high school ceases to be oriented only at the level of "knowledge" and "understanding". Students have to learn quite a lot of other skills: to think, to understand the essence of things, to consider the ideas and concepts, and on the basis of this ability to seek the necessary information, interpret it and apply it in specific conditions, formulate and defend their own opinion. The main feature of the group form of training is that the learning process takes place in a joint activity in small groups of students, united by common educational purpose with indirect leadership of the teacher and in cooperation with the students.

The relationship between the teacher and students acquires the nature of cooperation, since the teacher directly intervenes in the group's work only if students have questions and they themselves seek help from the teacher. Group educational activities, unlike the frontal and individual ones, do not isolate students from each other, but on the contrary - allows one to implement the natural desire for communication, mutual assistance and cooperation.

Consequently, the group form of training has several significant advantages: - during the same period one can perform much more work; - high efficiency in acquiring knowledge and skills formation; -the ability to co-operate, skillfully conduct a discussion is fostered; - the motives for learning are formed, and humane relations between students develop.

The specific feature of group work is that: - students are united in groups for solving the given educational task; - each group receives a task and performs it under the leadership of a leader or a teacher; - tasks in the group are performed in such a way that it is possible to take into account and evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group.

Elements of group work can be used at various stages of practical classes. For example, to check the level of students' training at practical classes, one can use the following techniques [11]: - The "Exam" technique.

Group leaders receive question cards and put these questions in turn for each member of the group. Students can make such cards at home, for which they will receive a mark: - The "Mutual poll" technique.

The academic group is divided into pairs where students interview each other. After that, each student evaluates the opponent. The question for mutual interviewing can be prepared by the teacher in advance: - The "Yes - no" technique.

Students are given a discussion question and two-color signal cards. Positive answer corresponds to one color, the negative one - to another. Two groups are formed, and they must defend their point of view: - The "Brainstorming" technique.

This is a kind of discussion which involves listening to ideas without discussion. The group is faced with a discussion or problem issue and the students respond to it.

At the stage of explaining the material, the teacher can also use many interesting and effective methods of group learning. The most famous of them are [7, 8]: - The "Take a position" technique.

Students have the opportunity to speak and practice communication skills, which is important for future physicians [3, 9]. In this way, it is advisable to discuss global problems, such as bioethics, the impact of pathogenic factors on human health, diseases of civilization, prevention of various diseases. -The "Press" technique.

It is used when conflicting ideas arise and one needs to take and argue a well-defined position on the problem. The method has the following structure: - the position "I believe that ..."; - the justification "... because ..."; - the example "... such as ..."; - the conclusions "therefore, I believe ...".

ISSN2079-8334. Ceim медицини та бюлогп. 2017. № 3(61)

The most effective use of group forms of work in generalizing and systematizing knowledge, and thus mastering a significant amount of material in a short time. In the process of implementing the technology of group training, an important role belongs to the teacher. The teacher should create favorable conditions for students to perceive the group training task and provide a basis for its successful resolution. Implementation of group activities requires additional time expenditures from the teacher, because it is necessary to carry out appropriate thematic planning, to develop the structure of classes, to make up the options of tasks. However, as the practice shows, the groups of students where teacher skillfully applies group learning activities show high learning outcomes. Less advanced students obtain new information, they have the opportunity to get the additional explanations of incomprehensible issues in a timely manner. Due to control by stronger students, they make fewer mistakes.

Meanwhile, students with a medium level of training under conditions of group work quickly learn incomprehensible issues, and the ways to solve practical problems. Furthermore, advanced students, while helping their group mates to assimilate the educational material, check and consolidate their own knowledge. A well-organized group training activity is confirmed by the famous statement of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius: "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand".

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Завдання викладача вищо! школи сьогодш -пвдбрати з власного досвщу таю методики викладання, яю змшять, модершзують навчальний процес та забезпечать його дослщницький i пошуковий характер. Такий тдхщ сприятиме створенню в грут студенив-шоземщв творчо! атмосфери, розвитку мислення, здiбностей. Це повинно бути не примусове навчання, а заохочення до тзнання, повага до власно! точки зору студента. Свобода i право вибору зумовить не тшьки кращi результати в навчанш, а й сприятиме формуванню його як особистостЦ мотивуватиме студента до самостшно! тзнавально! дiяльностi, вмшня створювати та виршувати новi проблеми. Одним iз напрямюв тдвищення ефективност навчально-виховного процесу з патофiзюлоrii е використання групових форм роботи.

Ключовi слова: патофiзiологiя, шоземш студенти, груповi форми роботи.

Стаття надшшла 11.08.2017 р.

ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ГРУППОВЫХ ФОРМ РАБОТЫ НА ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАНЯТИЯХ ПО ПАТОФИЗИОЛОГИИ С ИНОСТРАННЫМИ СТУДЕНТАМИ Гришко Ю. М. Задание преподавателя высшей школы сегодня -подобрать из своего опыта такие методики преподавания, которые изменят, модернизируют учебный процесс и обеспечат его исследовательский и поисковый характер. Такой подход будет способствовать созданию в группе студентов-иностранцев творческой атмосферы, развитию мышления, способностей. Это должно быть не принудительное обучение, а поощрение к познанию, уважение собственной точки зрения студента. Свобода и право выбора будут способствовать не только лучшим результатам учебы, а и формированию его как личности, мотивировать студента к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности, умению создавать и решать новые проблемы. Одним из направлений повышения эффективности учебно-воспитательного процесса по патофизиологии является использование групповых форм работы.

Ключевые слова: патофизиология, иностранные студенты, групповые формы работы.

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