Научная статья на тему 'Формирование показателей и оценка эффективности применения инфокоммуникационных технологий в системе государственного управления'

Формирование показателей и оценка эффективности применения инфокоммуникационных технологий в системе государственного управления Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Кузовкова Татьяна Алексеевна, Баврин Виктор Николаевич

Pаскрывается новый подход и обосновывается система показателей комплексной оценки социально-экономической эффективности применения инфокоммуникационных технологий в организациях государственного управления с учетом множества проявлений эффекта и последствий на основе применения интегрально-экспертного метода. Применение и дальнейшее развитие ИКТ в системе государственного управления создает новые возможности для решения национальных и региональных задач. При этом, электронизация процессов управления влечет за собой не только положительные, но и отрицательные эффекты как для государственных работников, так и населения, которое для решения своих вопросов вступает во прямое взаимодействие с государственной системой с помощью ИКТ. Интегрально-экспертный метод состоит в получении количественных оценок эффективности посредством экспертного оценивания ее параметров по совокупности частных показателей экономической и социальной эффективности, отражающих положительные и отрицательные последствия применения ИКТ. Для решения задачи комплексного измерения эффективности применения ИКТ в системе государственного управления авторами были проанализированы и систематизированы частные показатели, на основе которых была разработана анкета экспертного обследования пользователей ИКТ в сфере государственного управления. Интегрально-экспертный метод послужил основой построения модели оценки текущего и возможного состояния с учетом множества факторов, эффектов и последствий во взаимосвязи с формированием информационного общества на основе результатов экспертного опроса. Апробация предлагаемой методики оценки эффективности применения ИКТ в системе государственного управления была осуществлена на основе опроса специалистов органов государственной власти (Минкомсвязи России, РСС) и производственных организаций (ПАО "МГТС", ПАО "Балтийский лизинг"). Полученные результаты дали возможность не только оценить в количественном выражении эффективность применения ИКТ в государственном управлении в текущем и перспективном периодах, но и выявить причины недостаточного уровня эффективности применения ИКТ в системе государственного управления.

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Похожие темы научных работ по экономике и бизнесу , автор научной работы — Кузовкова Татьяна Алексеевна, Баврин Виктор Николаевич

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Текст научной работы на тему «Формирование показателей и оценка эффективности применения инфокоммуникационных технологий в системе государственного управления»


Tatyana A. Kuzovkova,

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia, tkuzovkova@me.com

Viktor N. Bavrin,

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia, viktorbavrin@yandex.ru

Keywords: information and communication technology; Public administration, social and economic efficiency; Integral method, expert survey.

The article reveals a new approach and justifies the system of indicators for a comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of the use of infocommuni-cation technologies in public administration organizations, taking into account the many manifestations of the effect and consequences based on the application of the integrated expert method. Application and further development of ICT in public administration is creating new opportunities for solving national and regional problems. At the same time, the share of electronic control processes entails not only positive but also negative effects for both government workers and the population, which is to solve their problems takes a direct interaction with the public through ICT system. Integral-expert method consists in obtaining quantitative assessments of efficiency through expert evaluation of its parameters for a set of private indicators of economic and social efficiency, reflecting the positive and negative consequences of the application of ICT. To solve the problem of integrated measurement of the effectiveness of the use of ICT in the public administration of the authors, private indicators were analyzed and systematized, on the basis of which a questionnaire of an expert survey of users of ICT in public administration was developed. The integral-expert method served as a basis for constructing a model for assessing the current and possible state, taking into account many factors, effects and consequences in connection with the formation of an information society based on the results of an expert survey. Approbation of the proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of ICT in the public administration system was carried out on the basis of a survey of specialists from government bodies (Ministry of Communications of Russia, RCC) and production organizations (PJSC MGTS, PJSC Baltic Leasing). The obtained results made it possible not only to evaluate in quantitative terms the effectiveness of the use of ICT in public administration in the current and prospective periods, but also to identify the reasons for the insufficient level of efficiency in the use of ICT in the public administration system.

Information about authors:

Tatyana A. Kuzovkova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Communication Economics of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Viktor N. Bavrin, Master of Economics, Department of Communication Economics, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Для цитирования:

Кузовкова Т.А., Баврин В.Н. Формирование показателей и оценка эффективности применения инфокоммуникационных технологий в системе государственного управления // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2017. Том 1 1. №7. С. 56-61.

For citation:

Kuzovkova Т.А., Bavrin V.N. (2017). Formation of indicators and assessment of the effectiveness of infocommunication technologies in the public administration system. T-Comm, vol. 1 1, no.7, рр. 56-61.

The sector of information and communication technologies (ICT) occupies a central position today in the innovative development of key areas of the society's life, such as state and municipal management, business in the production of goods and services, education, medicine, etc. In modem conditions for the person the degree of distribution of ICT and quality of granting of services in an electronic kind which with arrival of "an information age" associate with the most valuable for it - time economy have special value. Various forms of commercial and state institutional structures are also an integral and priority part of their strategic development, which also place public and commercial services in electronic form. Thus, the introduction and application of ICT in the public administration of the Russian Federation requires a systematic analysis and methodological justification of its parameters [2].

To assess the development of the infocommunication sector around the world and its impact on the formation of the information society, international organizations collect and analyze statistical data on the following multi-component indices: the development of the ^-Government Development Index (EGDI); Readiness for the network society (Networked Readiness Index, NRI); Development of ICT (ICT Development Index, IDI) [3,4]. The Partnership for Measuring ICT Indicators, which includes 10 international and regional organizations (OECD, Eurostat, ITU, UNCTAD, UNESCO, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, F.CA and the World Bank) is key to the development of statistical standards in this field. The list of key indicators of ICT consists of 53 indicators in six areas of the information society formation.

State Russian statistics for the development of infocommunication infrastructure, the use of ICT and the movement towards the information society are built on the international system of indicators and the principles of international cooperation and the exchange of statistical data with international organizations [3, 4]. The system of indicators of the information society statistics in the Russian Federation includes six groups of indicators covering the ICT sector, ICT infrastructure, content and media sectors, the use of ICT in national economy organizations, households and the population, as well as international comparisons around the world [3].

The application and further development of ICT in the public administration system creates new opportunities for solving national and regional problems. At the same time, the electrification of management processes entails not only positive but also negative effects for both state employees and the population, which, in order to resolve its issues, interacts directly with the state system with the help of ICT,

In this regard, the task of a comprehensive measurement of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration system involves the use of methods and methods that most fully reflect all the positive and negative aspects of electronic governance and would allow assessing the current and possible state in view of the multitude of factors, effects and Consequences in connection with the formation of the information society. This approach is the method of expert interview, integral resultant and cost effectiveness indicators, which are based on a system of generalized and particular indicators of economic, social and political effectiveness.

The conducted researches in the field of ICT application showed that the solution of this problem is at the intersection of such sciences as qualimetry, expert technologies and methods of constructing complex indicators [1,5, 8]. The methodical apparatus of the integral evaluation of the socio-economic efficiency of ICT application and the development of infocommunications developed in accordance with [7, 8] in connection with the formation of the information society is based on the application of an integrated expert method.

When developing an integrated system of integrated expert assessment of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration system, it is important to study the influencing factors and select key particular performance indicators {Figure 1),

On the one hand, ICTs initiate structural transformations in the public administration system that can lead to a synergistic effect of additional innovations; on the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the increasing risks of cyber attacks on the information state system and the problems of ensuring the sustainable operation and security of the public system.

Therefore, in order to create a secure, harmonious and effective electronic interaction between public authorities and the public, systematic monitoring of the results of implemented ICTs in the public system is required, making decisions on how to further effectively interact, and preventing virtual and real threats, protecting against unauthorized access to public Resources and information [2].

The integral-expert method consists in obtaining quantitative assessments of efficiency by means of expert evaluation of its parameters on a set of partial indicators of economic and social efficiency that reflect the positive and negative consequences of ICT use and serves as the basis for constructing a system of indicators of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration system [2, 6, 7 ] (Figure 2).

The application of expert survey methods includes four major procedures:

substantiation of private performance indicators reflecting the most significant economic and social indicators of the positive and negative effects of ICT in the public administration system;

* establishing the importance (weight) of private economic and social indicators that reflect the positive and negative effects of ICT in the public administration system;

the construction of the integrated indicator model on the basis of generalizing indicators that reflect the positive and negative effects of ICT application in the public administration system, in quantitative terms;

assessment of the state and potential of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration system for the long term.

To determine the practical acceptability of the proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration, we conducted a survey of specialists from government bodies (Ministry of Communications of Russia, RCC) and production organizations (PJSC MGTS, PJSC Baltic Leasing).

Factors of ICT development in the system of public administration


Positive effect

Negative effect





1. Economic growth due to innovative development and introduction of ICT in tlie system of public administration

2. Tile economy of labor resources and die growth of labor productivity

3. Tlie economy of materia! resources

4. Increasing the share of information resources iti dte resource structure of the provision of public services to society

5. Reducing operating costs

6 Increasing the efficiency of public administration 7. Improving tire efficiency of collecting, processing statistical data through virmalization and automation of public services provided

1. Growth of intellectual labor

2. Increase the attractiveness of employment in public administration sector

3. Increase in the number of services provided to the population in electronic form

4. Saving time by providing electronic public services tlirough the Internet and ICT 5.1 increasing the population's loyalty to the government

6. Increase die degree of interaction between the population and state power

7. Increase of national rating of electronic development of the coiuitry on tlie international arena

1, Expenses for die development of infocomiminication infrastructures in the system of public administration at all levels of government

2, Expenses for informational training of employees of state structures at all levels of government

3, Expenses for information security of the public administration system

4, Risks (informational, cybernetic)

5, Expenses for creating global national data banks on public services and a unified system for their provision at all levels of government

6, Regional disparities in access to the Internet

7, Tlie costs of combating cyberterrorism


1. Tlie difficulty of adapting part of stale employees to infocomuiumcatiou innovations

2. Deterioration in physical health due to the significant time spent working at the computer

3. Deterioration of psychological health due to the significant time of work and large amoiuits of processed information at the computer

4. Electronic inequality of Russian citizens

5. Loss of people's time tlirough virtual interaction with public authorities due to difficulties in the perception of information and die procedure for its use for the intended purpose

6. Low loyalty of pan of die population of a certam age category to electronic interaction with public authorities

7. Mistrust of a part of the population to virtual interaction with public authorities for ceitain categories of public

Complied hy the authors Fig. 1. Factors of ICT development in the public administration system

Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of ICT in die public administration system

Intégral efficiency' score from the introduction of ICT into the public administration system (positive / negative effect)

The overall indicator of economic efficiency from the introduction of ICT in the public administration system (positive i negative sides)

Tlie overall indicator of social efficiency from tlie introduction of ICT in the public administration system (positive / negative sides)

* Developed by the authors

Fig. 2. Integrated system for assessing the effectiveness oflCT applications in the public administration system


Summary results of the expert opinion on the appropriateness of including private indicators in the model of an integrated assessment of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration system (points) and their significance (weight) in the context of generalizing indicators (in%) are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Summary of expert opinion

№ A partial measure of a generalized estimate Feasibility of the indicator (from 1 to 3 points) * The significance of the indicator in%

I A generalizing effective indicia efficiency (positive e or of economic Cjcct) Amount -100%

1.1 Economic growth through innovative development and implementation oflCT in public administration 2,7 16

1.2 The economy of labor resources and the growth of labor productivity 2,3 14

1.3 Saving of material resources 2,0 12

1.4 Increasing the share of information resources in the structure of resources for the provision of government services to the public 2,2 13

1.5 Reducing operating costs 2,2 13

1.6 Increasing the efficiency of public administration 2,7 16

1.7 Increase in efficiency in the collection, processing of statistical data through automation and vtrtualization of public services provided 2,5 15

2 /( generalizing effective indicator of social effectiveness (positive effect) Amount = 100%

2.1 Growth of intellectual labor 2,5 15

2.2 Increasing the attractiveness of work of public administration employees 2,3 14

2.3 Increasing the number of services offered to the public in electronic form 2,8 17

2.4 Saving time by providing electronic public services through the Internet and ICT 3,0 18

2.5 Increasing the population's loyalty to the government 1,8 11

2.6 1 ncrease the degree of interaction between the population and state power 1,8 It

2.7 [ncrease of national rating of electronic development of the counuy in the international arena 2,0 12

3 A generalizing cost-based measure of economic efficiency (negative effect) A mount — 100%

3.1 Costs for the development of info-communications infrastructure in public administration at all levels 2,3 14

3.2 Costs of information training of employees of state agencies at all levels of government 1,8 11

3.3 The costs of information security governance 2,8 17

3.4 Risks (information, cybernetic) 2,0 12

3.5 The cost of creating global national data banks on public services and a unified system for their provision at all levels of government 2,5 15

3.6 Regional disparities in access to the "Internet" 2,0 12

3.7 The costs of the fight against cyber terrorism 2,5 15

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4 A generalizing cost indicator of social effectiveness (negative effect) Amount = 100%

4.1 The difficulty of adapting part of state employees to info-communication innovations 2,0 15

4.2 Deterioration of physical health due to the considerable time working al a computer 2,0 15

4.3 Deterioration of psychological health due to the significance of the work time and large amounts of information to be processed at the computer 2,0 15

4.4 Electronic inequality of Russian citizens 1,7 12

4.5 Loss of time of the population in virtual interaction with public authorities due to difficulties in the perception of information and the procedure for its use by purpose 1,8 14

4.6 Low loyalty of part of the population ofa certain age category to electronic interaction with public authorities 2,0 15

4.7 Mistrust ofa part of the population to virtual interaction with public authorities for certain categories of public services 2,0 15

* Developed by the authors

On the advisability of including private indicators in the model of an integrated assessment of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration (points) and their importance (weight) in the context of generalizing indicators (in%).

The consolidated results of the integrated assessment of the effectiveness of ICT application in the public administration system are given in Table 2.

Integral gain efficiency ICTs calculated as the quotient of the effective integral index ICT to the cost effectiveness of the integral indicator: Keff= Pint.rez/Pint.zatr = 2.35 /2.1 = 1.12 re I. u.

The results indicate a fairly high level of efficiency of the use of ICT in public administration in 2016 - 1.12 and its potential growth in 2020. First of all, the positive economic effects will be caused by innovative development and deepening of ICT implementation in the control system (2 8 to 4.2 points), the growth state management efficiency (from 3.2 to 4.0 points), improve performance monitoring statistics (from 3.2 to 4.0 points) and simultaneous saving of material resources (with 3.0 to 2.8 points), hi the aspect of social efficiency w ill be observed a positive trend in the reduction of time for the delivery of public ser-

vices to the population (from 4.3 to 3.5 points), as well as the growth of the inte I lectua ligation of labor (from 3.2 to 4.0 points).

Table 2

Summary results oftlie integrated assessment of the effectiveness of ICT application in the publie administration system (In points from 1 to 5)

The effective-

№ A partial indicator of a generalized effectiveness evaluation ness of the use of ICT in public administration

2016 r. 2020 r.

/ A generalizing effective indicator of economic efficiency (positive effect) 2,4 3,6

1.1 Economic growth through innovative development and implementation of ICT in public administration 2,8 4,2

1.2 The economy of labor resources and the growth of tabor productivity 2,7 3,2

1,3 Saving of material resources 3,0 2,8

1.4 Increasing the share of information resources in the structure of resources for the provision of government services to the public 3,2 3,8

1.5 Reducing operating costs 2,7 3,5

1.6 Increasing the efficiency of public administration 3,2 4,0

1.7 Increase in efficiency in the collection, processing of statistical data through automation and virtual ization of public services provided 3,2 4,0

2 A generalizing effective indicator of social effectiveness (positive effect) 2,3 3,7

2.1 Growth of intellectual labor 3,2 4,0

2.2 Increasing the attractiveness of work of public administration employees 2,8 3,5

2.3 Increasing the number of services offered to the public in electronic form 3,7 4,2

2.4 Saving time by providing electronic public services through the internet and ICT 4,3 3,5

2.5 Increasing the population's loyally to the government 2,8 3,2

2.6 Increase the degree of interaction between 2,8 3,2

the population and state power

Increase of national rating of electronic

2.7 development of the country in the international arena 3,2 3,8

3 A generalizing cost-based measure of economic efficiency (negative effect) 2,3 3,5

3.1 Costs for the development of info-communications infrastructure in public administration at all levels 3,7 3,5

3.2 Costs of information training of employees of state agencies at all levels of government 2,8 3,2

3.3 The costs of information security governance 3,2 4,2

3.4 Risks (information, cybernetic) 3,2 3,3

3.5 The cost of creating global national data banks on public services and a unified system for their provision at all levels of government 3,0 3,3

3.6 Regional disparities in access to the "Internet" 2,8 3,0

3.7 The costs of the fight against cyber terrorism 3,0 3,8

4 A generalizing cost indicator of social effectiveness (negative effect) 1,9 2,7

4,1 The difficulty of adapting part of state employees to infocommunication innovations 3,0 2,7

4.2 Deterioration of physical health due to the considerable time working at a computer 2,5 2,5

4.3 Deterioration of psychological health due to the significance of the work time and large amounts of information to be processed at the computer 2,5 2,5

4.4 Electronic inequality of Russian citizens 2,5 2,5

4.5 l.oss of time of the population in virtual interaction with public authorities due to difficulties in the perception of information and the procedure for its use by purpose 2,5 3,0

4.6 Low loyalty of part oftlie population of a certain age category to electronic interaction with public authorities 3,0 2,8

4.7 Mistrust of a part of the population to virtual interaction with public authorities for certain categories of public services 3,0 2,7

Efficient integral index Effective use of ICTs 2,35 3,65

Cost effectiveness integral index ICTs 2,1 3,1

Integral gain efficiency of ICI' in public administration 1,12 1,17

At the same time it requires an increase in the costs of information security governance (from 3.2 to 4.2 points) on the light against cyber terrorism (from 3.0 to 3.8 points), to create a national data bank on public services and a unified system of their provision at all levels (from 3.0 to 3.3 points), as well as addressing regional disparities in access of the population to the "Internet" (from 2.8 to 3.0 points).

Thus, the proposed method of socio-economic efficiency of the use of ICT in public administration not only provides a reasonable description of the process of public administration elec-tronization in the current and perspective period but also opens and specifies Ihe ways of increasing the efficiency of the use of ICT in public administration.

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* Developed by the authors



Кузовкова Татьяна Алексеевна, Московский технический университет связи и информатики, Москва, Россия


Баврин Виктор Николаевич, Московскийи технический университет связи и информатики, Москва, Россия,



Раскрывается новый подход и обосновывается система показателей комплексной оценки социально-экономической эффективности применения инфокоммуникационных технологий в организациях государственного управления с учетом множества проявлений эффекта и последствий на основе применения интегрально-экспертного метода. Применение и дальнейшее развитие ИКТ в системе государственного управления создает новые возможности для решения национальных и региональных задач. При этом, электронизация процессов управления влечет за собой не только положительные, но и отрицательные эффекты как для государственных работников, так и населения, которое для решения своих вопросов вступает во прямое взаимодействие с государственной системой с помощью ИКТ. Интегрально-экспертный метод состоит в получении количественных оценок эффективности посредством экспертного оценивания ее параметров по совокупности частных показателей экономической и социальной эффективности, отражающих положительные и отрицательные последствия применения ИКТ. Для решения задачи комплексного измерения эффективности применения ИКТ в системе государственного управления авторами были проанализированы и систематизированы частные показатели, на основе которых была разработана анкета экспертного обследования пользователей ИКТ в сфере государственного управления. Интегрально-экспертный метод послужил основой построения модели оценки текущего и возможного состояния с учетом множества факторов, эффектов и последствий во взаимосвязи с формированием информационного общества на основе результатов экспертного опроса. Апробация предлагаемой методики оценки эффективности применения ИКТ в системе государственного управления была осуществлена на основе опроса специалистов органов государственной власти (Минкомсвязи России, РСС) и производственных организаций (ПАО "МГТС", ПАО "Балтийский лизинг"). Полученные результаты дали возможность не только оценить в количественном выражении эффективность применения ИКТ в государственном управлении в текущем и перспективном периодах, но и выявить причины недостаточного уровня эффективности применения ИКТ в системе государственного управления.

Ключевые слова: инфокоммуникационные технологии, государственное управление, социально-экономическая эффективность, интегральный метод, экспертный опрос.


1. Азгальдов Г. Г, Костин А. В., Садовов В. В. Квалиметрия: первоначальные сведения. Справочное пособие с примером для АНО "Агентство стратегических инициатив по продвижению новых проектов": Учеб. Пособие. М.: Высш. шк., 2011. 143 с.

2. Иванов В.В., Коробова А.Н. Государственное и муниципальное управление с использованием информационных технологий. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2010. 383 с.

3. Индикаторы информационного общества: 2013: статистический сборник. М.: НИИ "ВШЭ", 2013. 328 с.

4. Карышев М.Ю. Специфика применения международной статистической методологии измерения информационного общества в России // Экономика, Статистика и Информатика. 2011. №4. С. 89-92.

5. Кузовков Д.В. Применение экспертно-квалиметрического подхода к оценке эффективности инноваций и выбору поставщика оборудования в сфере инфокоммуникаций // Век качества, 2009. № 1. С. 30-33.

6. Кузовкова Т.А., Дюсенев А.С. Применение мониторингового инструмента для управления инфокоммуникационным развитием Казахстана // Век качества, 2014. № 3. С. 68-72.

7. Кузовкова Т. А., Кузовков Д.М., Кузовков А.Д. Экспертно-квалиметрический метод интегральной оценки эффективности инновационных проектов и применения новых технологий // Системы управления, связи и безопасности, 2016. № 3. С. 1-54

8. Салютина Т.Ю., Кузовков А.Д. Анализ методов и подходов к измерению процессов информатизации и движения к информационному обществу // Т-Сотт: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2016. Том 10. № 6. С. 52-57.

Информация об авторах:

Кузовкова Татьяна Алексеевна, Доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры "Экономика связи" Московского технического университета связи и информатики, Москва, Россия

Баврин Виктор Николаевич, Магистрант кафедры "Экономика связи" Московского технического университета связи и информатики, Москва, Россия



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