FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL-PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCES OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF CHEMISTRY Mamajonov Sh.A.1, Odilkhujazoda N.B.2, Mukhamedieva I.B.3 Email: Mam ajonov6109@scientifictext.ru
1Mamajonov Shukhrat Askarovich - Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Docent, Dean, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES; 2Odilkhujazoda Nigora Bakhtiyorkhuja qizi - Senior Teacher, CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT; Mukhamedieva Iroda Bakhtiyorkhuja kizi - Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, FERGHANA STATE UNIVERSITY, FERGHANA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the article considers the problems of forming professional competence of a teacher of chemistry in conditions of dynamically developing education system. The article analyzes the components of the subject competence of the chemistry teacher, the directions of their development, the structure and content of the directions of the development of professional competence: course training in the system of additional professional pedagogical education, self-education activities, self-education and the formation of motivational and axiological components of the professional activity of a teacher of chemistry. The terms "professional competence" and "formation of professional competence" are clarified. The relevance of the development of subject competence of a chemistry teacher in a modern continuously changing educational environment is substantiated. The possibilities of the formation of professional competence of a chemistry teacher in modern conditions are analyzed.
Keywords: formation of professional competence, subject chemical competence, self-education, achievement motivation.
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Мамажонов Ш.А. , Одилхужазода Н.Б. , Мухамедиева И.Б.
1Мамажонов Шухрат Аскарович - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, декан, факультет естественных наук; 2Одилхужазода Нигора Бахтиёрхужа кизи - старший преподаватель, кафедра химии; 3Мухамедиева Ирода Бахтиерхужа кизи - преподаватель, кафедра биологии, факультет естественных наук, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены проблемы формирования профессиональной компетентности учителя химии в условиях динамично развивающейся системы образования. Проанализированы компоненты предметной компетентности учителя химии, направления их развития, структура и содержание направлений развития профессиональной компетентности: курсовой подготовки в системе дополнительного профессионального педагогического образования,
самообразовательной деятельности. Рассмотрены вопросы самовоспитания и
формирования мотивационно-ценностных компонентов профессиональной деятельности учителя химии. Уточнены термины «профессиональная компетентность» и «формирование профессиональной компетентности». Обоснована актуальность развития предметной химической компетенции учителя химии в современной непрерывно изменяющейся образовательной среде. Проанализированы возможности формирования профессиональной компетентности учителя химии в современных условиях.
Ключевые слова: формирование профессиональной компетентности, предметная химическая компетенция, сомообразование, самовоспитание, мотивация достижения.
UDC 372.854
The priority tasks of natural science education is the transition to a teaching model when chemistry, biology, geography, physics become not the goal of teaching, but a means of developing and educating schoolchildren, mastering key competencies. Modernization of modern natural science education requires special attention to the personality of the teacher, revision of the main links of his professional activity.
In the studies of E.A. Klimov [1] all the variety of professions is represented by the schemes of a person's relationship to the surrounding world of nature, people, technology. It defines five schemes of professional activity: "Man-nature", "Man-technology", "Man-sign system", "Man-artistic image", "Man-man". The teaching profession belongs to the type of relationship "person-person".
This type is determined by the following personal qualities: stable well-being in working with people, the need for communication, the ability to imagine oneself in the place of another, quickly understand the intentions, thoughts and mood of others, quickly understand relationships, remember well the information about the personal qualities of many people.
But this primary typology does not reflect the real spectrum of existing professions. So, for example, when training a teacher of natural sciences, we cannot limit ourselves only to the "Man-to-man" scheme, because a specialist in this profession, in addition to working with children, works in the field of the sciences of nature and natural phenomena, is engaged in scientific work, therefore the corresponding formula should be complicated: "Man-man-nature." This type is characterized not only by the needs and abilities in working with children, but also by the interest in natural sciences (chemistry, biology, ecology, valeology), awareness of their issues, the nature conservation orientation of the individual.
The professional activity of a teacher is a special kind of human activity. Its specificity lies in the formation of the student's personality. The goal of the teacher's activity is a conscious vision of the final result of the activity, which is planned as a positive transformative process of influencing the personality.
It is necessary to highlight the main component of the activity of a chemistry teacher -the process of reflexive management of students' activities, which is due to the interpersonal interaction characteristic of this profession. A specific feature of the teacher's activity is that it is by its nature a kind of meta-activity (activity to manage other activities), where the teacher's super task is to guide the student as a subject of his own activity, to form his internal knowledge, beliefs, actions that allow him to independently solve problems throughout life.
On the other hand, pedagogical activity is the process of solving various pedagogical problems. At the same time, the most important of them is the creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the individual in the process of preparing the younger generation for work and other forms of participation in the life of society. In the process of carrying out pedagogical activities, the teacher acts as a direct communicator of knowledge, a methodologist who is engaged in the development of methods and means of pedagogical influence, a researcher who analyzes pedagogical problems and ways to solve them.
A modern teacher needs flexibility and non-standard thinking, the ability to adapt to rapid changes in living conditions. And this is possible only under the condition of a high level of professional competence, the presence of developed professional abilities.
One of the main ways of reforming education is training a new generation of teaching staff, raising their professional and general cultural level. The Concept of specialized education in high school notes the need to solve the problem of training a teacher who is aware of his social responsibility, constantly cares about his personal and professional growth, and is able to achieve new pedagogical goals.
Competence is a complex personal education, consisting of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow a person to function effectively in a certain activity. According to the qualification characteristics of the future teacher, the professional and pedagogical competence of future teachers has such components as competence in self-management, professional, operational, pedagogical, psychological, methodological and general cultural competence, life, socio-psychological, social, communicative.
Competence in self-management presupposes the presence of knowledge, skills and abilities of organizing management activities aimed at oneself, and ensures self-development and self-education. Professional competence provides for a set of knowledge, abilities and skills that make it possible to effectively implement the educational process in chemistry. Operational competence provides for the applied, instrumental abilities of the teacher organizations that allow you to perform complex professional tasks in the most efficient way. General cultural competence is aimed at the development of the teacher's personality, determines his place in society and educational space.
The effective formation of the professional competence of future chemistry teachers provides for the presence of the following pedagogical conditions: stimulation of the professional and pedagogical orientation of students; ensuring the unity of the main components of the professional competence of future chemistry teachers; introduction of techniques for enhancing the educational and cognitive activities of future specialists; providing students with program and methodological materials created on the basis of structured integrity.
We single out the following functional components of the professional activity of a chemistry teacher: gnostic, design, constructive, organizational, communicative, informational, orientational-prognostic, research, each of which corresponds to a certain group of working functions, pedagogical abilities that need to be developed in future teachers even during their studies at higher pedagogical educational institution.
The gnostic component of pedagogical activity covers the sphere of the teacher's knowledge. It consists in studying the objects of this activity, its content, means, forms, methods and is aimed at introspection of the teacher's personality.
The organizational component includes the organization of information in the process of presentation, the activities of students and their activities in the educational process. By organizing the interaction "teacher-student", "student-student" and others in the process of various types of pedagogical activity, the teacher carries out communicative functions.
The communicative component reflects the features of the teacher's communicative activity, his interaction with students, colleagues, parents, discussion of the correctness of judgments, observations, the development of students' mental activity in chemistry and biology lessons; great attention is paid to the effectiveness of pedagogical communication.
The constructive and design components of the functioning of the pedagogical system are the carriers of the subject-didactic content of the teacher's activity. The design component covers the teacher's idea of the promising goals of teaching and upbringing, as well as the ways of their implementation. The constructive component includes constructive-meaningful activity (selection and composition of educational material, planning and building the pedagogical process), constructive-operational (planning one's own actions and the student's actions) and constructive-material (designing the educational and material base of the pedagogical process).
The information component consists not only in the transfer of knowledge to students, but also in the mastering by the teacher of a set of techniques and methods that ensure the assimilation of information, the organization of students' cognitive activity and control over their assimilation of the information received. In turn, the organization of the cognitive activity of students is possible only if their mental and physical forces are mobilized to solve cognitive tasks, therefore, in the structure of professional activity, teachers distinguish a mobilization function.
The orientational-prognostic component assumes an orientation towards the final result, which is clearly understood by the teacher. The teacher's knowledge of the individual characteristics of students, their development, the patterns of the educational process makes it possible to predict the future result (perception of educational material; difficulties that may arise; students' assimilation of this or that material; future correction of deficiencies, etc.).
The research function is manifested in the chemistry teacher's possession of scientific methods of thinking and research. So, a modern chemistry teacher should have such key competencies as:
• scientific outlook;
• creativity, striving for development;
• computer literacy;
• professional competence;
• humanitarian linguistic competence;
• personal qualities, ability for the profession of a teacher of chemistry;
• creative style of activity;
• high moral culture;
• healthy lifestyle.
Their formation takes place in a higher educational institution during the development of special disciplines, scientific, social work, etc.
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