FORMATION OF PATRIOTISM IN THE YOUNGER GENERATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
urban patriotism / urban environment / open city / knowledge economy / Moscow / capital / городской патриотизм / городская среда / открытый город / экономика знаний / Москва / столица
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Latyshev O.N.

ScD h.c., PhD, professor, academician, president, International Mariinskaya Academy


Pavlovich S.

professor at Mostar University, head of the National branch of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the International Mariinskaya Academy

Luisetto M.

DSc., academician, honorary vice-president of International Mariinskaya Academy, Piacenza


Khaled E.

head of the National branch of Libya at the International Mariinskaya Academy, professor, University of Benghazi Hamid G.A.

general secretary, Yemen Cancer Society; professor of Hematology and Oncology, Aden University; director, National Program of Cancer Control, academician of the department of «Medicine» of International Mariinskaya Academy, Aden


Keywords: urban patriotism, urban environment, open city, knowledge economy, Moscow, capital. Ключевые слова: городской патриотизм, городская среда, открытый город, экономика знаний, Москва, столица.

At first glance, the capital of the native state, like no other city, should contribute to the development of urban patriotism among its residents, since it is powerful, beautiful, and unique. However, in her appearance there is a lot of superficial, irrational, and in some cases even dangerous. Therefore, not all residents, including students of the primary Moscow school, treat everything that happens in it with complete and boundless trust. Accordingly, the instillation of urban patriotism in younger schoolchildren is no longer an easy enough task to accomplish.

The approbation of the study took place on the basis of the third "A" class of the municipal educational budgetary institution of the secondary school "Pokrovsky Quarter" of the city of Moscow with the direct participation of a primary school teacher and a class teacher of this class, a primary school teacher of the highest category V.A. Zhilyaeva1.

Due to their high impressionability, younger schoolchildren clearly prefer virtual reality images, the variety of which is limited only by the rich imagination of the artists and designers illustrating them. Of course, it is quite difficult for most cities on the planet to compete with virtual architectural landscapes that are well known to elementary school students2.

The same applies to Moscow, which in the previous virtual era could arouse admiration for innovative solutions in urban planning - both among the majority of its residents, who have always been proud of their city, and among the guests of the capital.

For previous generations, a sense of urban patriotism was developed through a constant increase in the level of metropolitan comfort, the emergence of the most daring architectural forms, and was emphasized by the latest models of vehicles.

At the moment, these positions are no longer dominant. Therefore, the work of a teacher to develop a sense of urban patriotism among elementary school students requires additional motivational components.

In their totality, the authors of this work consider it necessary to include the formation in elementary school students of a sense of social responsibility for the fate of their native city, to develop in them the desire to help the capital in every possible way, to gradually get rid of all the imperfections that have accumulated over many years and prevent Muscovites from living.

Students are encouraged to freely discuss how to significantly increase the energy efficiency of buildings and make it one of the key elements of Moscow's development strategy, which, from the point of view of teachers and students, should responsibly look into an oil-free future.

1 Жиляева В.А., Латышев О.Ю., Ибрагим Г.А.С. Инклюзивное образование как направление проектной деятельности международного научного сообщества // Материалы XII Международной научно-практической конференции: «Педагогическое образование: традиции, инновации, поиски, перспективы / Teacher education: tradition, innovation, prospecting, outlook. 26 марта 2021 г. -Шадринск: Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, 2021. - С. 122-131.

2 Жиляева В.А., Латышев О.Ю., Ибрагим Г.А.С. Международное научное сотрудничество в области инклюзивного образования // Материалы V Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы специального и инклюзивного образования детей и молодежи». 25-26 февраля 2021 года. - Таганрог: Таганрогский институт им. А.П. Чехова (филиал) РГЭУ (РИНХ), 2021. - С. 181-186.

Children are invited to imagine that soon they will grow up, and the fate of their native city will depend on the quality of their decisions. And those students who like to play such games as "Monopoly", "Business", etc., most quickly respond to the teacher's request to make proposals for the development of their city.

The first thing the children suggested was to open the maximum number of companies that specialize in the production and installation of solar panels, their accompanying inventory, batteries and other components. At the same time, solar panels should be placed on internal and external walls, floors of internal premises and sidewalks in the territory adjacent to the building, as well as on roofs. Windows, in which electric glass will be placed instead of ordinary glass, should also perform the functions of solar panels.

The students were promptly explained that, although the efficiency of electric windows is significantly inferior to wall-mounted solar panels, the principle of full use of the building area for energy generation is maintained, and all components of its design, regardless of efficiency, are included in the overall energy chain.

The students had a positive emotional reaction to the suggestion of scientists that electric windows can completely replace the outer skin of a building, due to which the necessary amount of light will get into it, although part of it will be taken away by electric windows. Their rather low efficiency is compensated by the fact that they take on part of the energy flow of sunlight. This reduces the natural heating of the building structure during the warm months of the year. At the same time, electricity for the operation of air conditioners and fans will be consumed to a much lesser extent. Although the efficiency of using electric windows currently does not exceed 7%, this will not prevent the entire building from being a solar power plant at the same time.

Younger students hope that when they grow up and receive an impeccable education, they will be able to solve a new research problem, which is expressed as follows: to find ways to increase the efficiency of electric windows so that not only the building itself, but also the electric cars of its residents can be recharged in the parking lot near the house, while the owners don't go anywhere.

Students, who are characterized by an addiction to technology equipped with engines, were very enthusiastic about another important component of energy supply, which is designed to serve as compact wind turbines installed on balconies, terraces, roofs and any other suitable surfaces.

Children who love to draw decided to find an elegant architectural solution, as a result of which wind turbines not only do not spoil the original architectural design, but also add a piquant interesting addition to it. For example, the shape and design of a building can imitate a certain aircraft, and wind turbines, respectively, can be propellers on its surface1.

At the same time, it was suggested that the abundance of wind turbines on the surface of the building would cause significant noise. Therefore, as the project is introduced into the metropolitan urban environment, it will be necessary to find sufficiently effective means of noise reduction. In a conversation with students, the teacher noted that the ideal solution, which in the future can be widely used in such energy-saving projects, would be to use the noise flow as an energy source.

The younger students were also interested in the following idea of the above-named scientists: the sunlight that penetrated the inside of the building, as well as the light of the electric lamps working inside it, is captured by the now opaque solar panels placed on the inner walls, doors, floors and ceilings of each room of the building.

The students saw that the usual appearance of solar panels placed in the interior of a residential building would hardly have been able to arouse enthusiasm among its inhabitants. Therefore, the children were asked to show in the drawings how. in their opinion, it will be possible to achieve a highly aesthetic performance of solar panels, due to the appropriate design solution capable of pleasing the eye with their appearance to all those who are in this room.

In addition, the attention of the students was also drawn to the fact that in the future it will be necessary to find a type of solar panels that will meet environmental requirements for residential and non-residential premises, along with this, solar panels must be durable, especially those located on the floor, so that their service life increases the profitability of this material.

The students were also interested in the fact that, according to the intention of the authors, the furniture and household appliances in the building are also sheathed with solar panels. Household electrical appliances are designed to at least to some extent provide their own need for electricity, and the objects of the room at the same time will have to transfer the energy they have accumulated to batteries.

In a form accessible to children's perception, the students were informed that scientists about which they were previously told recommend developing and introducing a new regulation for energy saving and energy efficiency of buildings in operation in the coming years. According to this regulation, it will be possible to put into operation, at least, only zero-energy houses - 0 kW/m2 per year. And ideally, "active houses", or "house plus energy", which will be designed to generate electricity not only for their own needs, but also for extraneous needs.

There was a significant place for the fantasies of not only primary school students who love new construction, but also the transport sector. They were interested to know that an organic addition to a zero energy house, as well as an active house, would be a road leading to it2.

This fragment of the project of scientists was called "The Road to Home", and involves rethinking the best world experience in building roads capable of generating electricity. Thus, scientists believe that the revolutionary projects of Solar

1 Жиляева В.А., Латышев О.Ю., Сегалерба Дж., Ибрагим Г.А.С. Проблемы социальной дезадаптации обучающихся в начальной школе и пути их преодоления // Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Предупреждение и преодоление дезадаптации несовершеннолетних - центральная проблема социальной педагогики». 8 апреля 2021 года. - Таганрог: Таганрогский институт им. А.П. Чехова (филиал) РГЭУ (РИНХ). - С. 87-92.

2 Солнечные батареи, пластик и никакого шума: какими будут дороги будущего. - https://vc.ru/future/64358-solnechnye-batarei-plastik-i-nikakogo-shuma-kakimi-budut-dorogi-budushchego

Roadways, Qilu Transportation Development Group and others should be significantly improved. This should be done in such a way that between the layer of transparent concrete proposed in such projects and the insulating underlying layer, solar panels are installed at an optimal angle of inclination. For each geographical area, this angle will be specific, and is directly dependent on the latitude of the area for which the roadway is made. In the section, this structural layer will be a series of equilateral triangles, the value of equal angles in which will also be determined by the expediency of the angle of inclination of the solar battery for a given geographic latitude. The only thing that cannot be sustained in this case is the change in the angle of the solar panel depending on the season (for example, from 30-40 degrees in summer to 70 or more in winter).

As previously reported to the students, the project of an energy efficient house involves the combination of solar panels and wind turbines. The same should be the case on the road. This is thanks to the Capture Mobility wind turbine invented by Sanwal Muneer. It is driven by the wind generated from the fast moving cars on the road. "The turbine is light and 1.2 meters high. It collects not only wind, but also solar energy with built-in solar petals at the top. This information suggests that wind turbines installed on energy-efficient buildings should also be equipped with solar panels. It will also be one of the steps from a zero consumption house to an active house1.

The students were keenly interested in the circumstance which existing projects also deserve special attention. So, regarding the project developed for the Chinese city of Jinan by the Qilu Transportation Development Group, the authors of this study consider it their duty to provide the following impressive data: "a kilometer section with two lanes can generate up to 1 million kWh of electricity per year. This volume is enough to feed 800 residential buildings. The generated electricity is used for street lighting, lighting billboards, powering CCTV cameras and toll machines. In addition, energy is spent on heating the track so that snow does not accumulate on it. The company gives away excess generation to local power grids2.

The experience of a number of countries supports our confidence that a new regulation giving priority to zero-energy homes will be adopted soon. According to N. Petrakova, advanced countries are looking for ways to stimulate citizens who care about the energy efficiency of their homes.

It is possible for students to attach to solar panels, wind generators and recuperators energy generation thanks to the generator of electricity from vibration3. The membranes of such devices can be included in the decoration of walls and ceilings of educational institutions (especially school recreations), stadiums, concert halls. In this concept, wind has already been presented twice as a source of energy. The third time it is mentioned in connection with the significant noise that it produces, which means that it can also serve as a source of noise, vibrational energy. Such an energy source will become more and more worthy of attention as more and more devices are developed that require minimal power consumption. In this case, we are not talking about the transfer of energy over any significant distance, but at the same time it can be fully used at the same place where it was received. Just as cars moving along the road can "recharge" economical LED traffic lights, so pedestrians walking along the sidewalk can make the sidewalk or pedestrian crossing glow with the energy of their steps (the source is vibration and pressure combined). Out of these achievements of modern invention, a new culture of home use can grow. It is necessary to saturate each building with the maximum number of devices and devices that will not be powered from the central electrical network, but will be limited by the efforts of the residents produced at the time of using these devices.

Thus, elementary school students had a fairly wide idea of how and in what way they can help their native capital become better, cleaner, more elegant and more interesting, especially for its young residents. At the same time, the instillation of urban patriotism in them was not an end in itself, but it occurred simultaneously with the growth of an understanding among the students of how much more interesting the city they could live in the future if they made sufficient efforts for this.

Of course, for this, children will need loyalty to their dreams, determination, perseverance and many other positive qualities. But the main thing that will be achieved already at their early age is that they will definitely be able to become patriots of a rather rapidly transforming Moscow.

In turn, below is the "rural" version of the development of urban patriotism among students of the primary level of the village secondary school based on the results of an experimental study. In its process, children learn to make their rural settlement cleaner, and its residents more prosperous.

The theme of urban patriotism in this case appears in the article as a kind of patriotism, which can be shown by students not from urban, but from rural schools, which brings its own unique flavor to the study.

It should be noted that the basis of the empirical study was the second "B" class of the municipal educational budgetary institution of the secondary school named after Hero of Russia S.N. Bogdanchenko of the village of Voznesenskaya, Labinsk district, Krasnodar Territory. The class teacher of this class is E.P. Zhirnova4.

In the course of this experiment, its participants decided not to stop at the level of social advertising addressed to children, including how useful it is to save water, light and heat at home in order to heat the stove less.

Children studying in elementary school, from the point of view of the initiators of this action, are included in responsible and highly productive environmental activities - exactly at the level that is available individually to each of them.

1 You've never seen anything like this new green energy innovation. - https://mashable.com/2016/01/11/green-energy-innovation-brandspeak/#xLiFDRTA9iqK

2 Там же.

3 Генератор электричества из вибрации. - https://izobreteniya.net/elektrichestvo-iz-vibratsiy/

4 Жирнова Е.П., Латышев О.Ю., Латышева П.А. Инклюзивное медиаобразование обучающихся начальных классов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья // Материалы X Международной научно-практической конференции «Преемственная система инклюзивного образования». 18-19 марта 2021 г. - Казань: Казанский инновационный университет, 2021. - С. 104-109.

The consciousness of students in the classroom and extracurricular activities is organized in such a way that each of them has the opportunity to receive more and more information about those truly revolutionary inventions that make it possible to make a person's life better, and at the same time reduce the significant burden on nature that everyday life has on it.

The first thing that students suggest to do as a result of a kind of brainstorming is, in some cases, to refuse the use of herbicides and pesticides when growing plants for everyday nutrition. An inspiring example for them was the original project of the Italian company Ocean Reef Group, specializing in diving1.

This is a family business of passionate Mediterranean divers Sergio Gamberini and his son Luca, who are countrymen of one of the authors of this article, Dr. Mauro Luisetto. They decided to grow crops where pesticides and herbicides would not be needed on the basis that pests from both flora and fauna are completely absent. Their plantings began to grow inside a special biological capsule under water on that part of the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the depth of which does not exceed the range from 6 to 9 meters, where the water warms up well enough to keep the temperature of 25 degrees almost constantly in the biocapsule. A series of such underwater farms by Sergio and Luca Gamberini were placed in the waters surrounding the tourist beaches located near the bay of Noli in the city of Savona, the largest of all, which are located in the Italian province of Liguria. These bright enthusiasts manage to maintain in their underwater farms a humidity level not exceeding 85%, which favorably affects the growth of plants that, in the hot climate of Italy, could not develop so well on the surface of the earth.

Students of the experimental class are impressed by the idea not only to free their countrymen from the need to breathe herbicides and pesticides, but also to get additional opportunities for crops in the face of underwater farms when the acreage for growing agricultural products suddenly runs out.

Rural school students are brought from an early age to participate in one way or another in the agricultural activities of their families. And in their wildest dreams - the emergence of underwater farms not only in the Mediterranean, but also in the Black Sea, located a few hour's drive from their native Cossack village. Children dream of growing up to be divers too, growing crops in underwater farms. But at the same time, scientists visiting their home school acquaint them with the development of next-generation underwater farms, which no longer require diving skills, since the descent to such farms is already carried out by elevator.

The prototypes of such underwater farms were architectural structures of a different purpose, functioning simultaneously in the Maldives, near its capital city of Male, as well as in the United Arab Emirates, off the coast of Dubai. This is still a very expensive underwater restaurant and hotel, respectively.

But as technology spreads and becomes cheaper, such structures with elevators can be turned into underwater farms. And not only divers vacationing in the city of Savona, but also a much wider range of tourists will be able to see them.

In particular, the development of underwater farms by an international scientific team consisting of O.Yu. Latyshev, P.A. Latysheva (Russia), M. Luisetto (Italy) and G. Ibrahim (Egypt) is called the Dubai World Garden). According to this project, underwater farms occupy the space between the islands of the artificial Mir archipelago, filled with dredges, four kilometers from the Dubai coast of the Persian Gulf.

If Sergio and Luca Gamberini placed their biocapsules at a depth of 6 to 9 meters, then the water depth between the islands of this archipelago ranges between 8 and 16 meters. Accordingly, it is possible to use a series of related parameters already tested in Italy. Since each island or group of islands of the Mir archipelago bears the name of a country in the world, plants characteristic of the flora of these countries should be symbolically located in the underwater farms located next to them.

The students of the rural school were also told that quite convincing and vivid experience in growing plants from other climatic zones was accumulated in the "Gardens by the Bay", located in Singapore, where "reverse greenhouses" were created to make it comfortable for crops from other countries to grow in this country northern latitudes. It should be noted that it was the outlines of the "Gardens by the Bay" that Saudi Prince Mohammed chose to build the ecological and futuristic city of Neom relatively close to Dubai2.

As far as Dubai is concerned, students know that its highly developed infrastructure allows for a new generation of underwater farms to combine the qualities of a conservation site, a broad-based agricultural production, and an extravagant tourist site.

Unlike Ligurian tourists, who can only see underwater farms through diving, Dubai tourists can come to them via the underwater line of the Dubai Metro. One such metro line is already being planned to serve the residents and guests of another artificial island, the Palm Jumeirah.

However, the underwater farms will not stand alone in Dubai, and Dubai tourists will also need to resort to diving for additional related attractions. This refers to the organic addition to farms that grow crops, which will be farms of oysters, mussels, sea squirts, lobsters, as well as other all kinds of delicacies from around the world.

1 Жирнова Е.П., Латышев О.Ю., Латышева П.А. Медиаобразование обучающихся начальных классов с особыми образовательными потребностями // Материалы V Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы специального и инклюзивного образования детей и молодежи». 25-26 февраля 2021 года. - Таганрог: Таганрогский институт им. А.П. Чехова (филиал) РГЭУ (РИНХ), 2021. - С. 187-193.

2 Жирнова Е.П., Латышев О.Ю., Латышева П.А. Инклюзивное медиаобразование обучающихся начальной школы с особо сложной врождённой патологией // Материалы XII Международной научно-практической конференции: «Педагогическое образование: традиции, инновации, поиски, перспективы / Teacher education: tradition, innovation, prospecting, outlook. 26 марта 2021 г. -Шадринск: Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, 2021. - С. 132-141.

In addition, these farms can also grow mollusks, typical of the underwater fauna of the Persian Gulf, and intended not so much for cooking, but for the proper organization of functional nutrition in order to improve the health of the planet's population.

Students in the framework of the study of the discipline "The World around" are already quite familiar with the needs of a person in healing through natural products, and, moreover, extremely fresh, having not only an objectively higher quality, but also a degree of positive influence on the functioning of organs and integral systems of the human body .

They also know that among the scientists who come to them for classes with large intricate shells of marine mollusks, there are also co-authors of promising developments in this area, funded by the aforementioned Saudi Prince Mohammed. Students have already learned to be aware that when they grow up, today's experiments will already give their desired results, and they will also participate in the assembly of such farms, as well as serve them in order to make the nutrition and health of their relatives, friends and relatives more quality.

Among the scientists known to them who develop this problem, one should include the head of this direction, Doctor of Medical Sciences G. Ibragim, as well as his associates M. Luizetto, O.Yu. Latyshev and other scientists from various continents of the Earth1.

The students in this project were interested not only in the use of the Persian Gulf for growing agricultural plants and useful marine animals, but also in the actual usable area of the still unoccupied islands of the bulk archipelago "Mir". In continuation of the above, according to the Dubai World Garden project, multi-storey hydroponic and aeroponic farms should be located on them. They are also designed to grow agricultural products thanks to the illumination obtained by building solar, wave, tidal power plants, as well as stations operating on the temperature difference in different layers of the water of the Persian Gulf, built next to hydroponic and aeroponic farms.

The students could not but be interested in the additional ecological direction of this complex. They learned with great surprise that the water for such farms would also be desalinated with the help of solar energy, without the consumption of fuel materials and the release of additional amounts of carbon-containing substances into the atmosphere. It was explained to the students that the desalination stations that previously existed in the Persian Gulf not only used oil products for their work, but also returned the salt resulting from desalination to the waters of the Persian Gulf.

The students showed considerable interest in the proposal not to return sea salt to the waters of the Persian Gulf, the increase in the concentration of which may adversely affect its flora and fauna. Instead, on the free islands of the Mir archipelago, it is planned to build a plant for the production of building material from sea salt, as well as starch obtained from seaweed, bonded with epoxy resin. As building construction continues to be intense in Dubai, this material could be used to fuel industrial 3D printers in the process of printing the interior walls of buildings. At the same time, people living in such buildings will be much healthier, because the salt vapor they inhale contains selenium, magnesium, and many other chemical elements necessary for well-being.

The students expressed the idea that such a valuable building material can be used not only for refilling 3D printers, but also for the manufacture of "antique" building tiles and blocks, so that it would be somewhat more comfortable in a residential or office space because it is skillfully manually made masonry from such an aesthetic and at the same time useful material2.

Having learned that the climate of Dubai is not only very hot, but also quite humid due to the proximity of the waters of the Persian Gulf, students, even within their modest knowledge, came to the conclusion that sea salt and starch can be used mainly only for internal work. As for the effect of 3D printers on the exterior walls of buildings printed in this innovative center, the students preferred the design of students from Imperial College London. These creative young people propose to fasten with epoxy resin, in this case, not sea salt and starch, but ordinary desert sand, which cannot be used in construction in any other way, it is so small, dusty, and does not have enough roughness to enter qualitatively in combination with conventional cement.

So, in the course of the experimental work, the students were able to act not only as patriots of their native locality, but also of the Krasnodar Territory as a whole. With unobtrusive help from the class teacher and their guests - scientists - they came to the conclusion that in its open spaces and not yet as busy as in Dubai, the busy coastline can also accommodate the aforementioned farms and innovative power plants, and combines for the production of fundamentally new building materials.

In addition, they will gradually be able to compete with the Novorossiysk cement plant, also located in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Tsemesskaya Bay of the Black Sea. Moreover, the production of Portlandcement, traditional for this enterprise, also causes significant environmental damage to both Novorossiysk itself and the Krasnodar Territory as a whole.

The ever-increasing ability of students to think civilly and creatively, as well as to treat their native land patriotically, testifies to the expediency and success of the experiment conducted with their participation.

1 Жирнова Е.П., Латышев О.Ю., Луизетто М. Профилактика отклоняющегося поведения обучающихся начальной школы, испытавших медианасилие // Материалы Международной научно-методической конференции «Образование в изменяющемся обществе: новый взгляд на теорию и практику» (Девятые Лозинские чтения), 29-30 апреля 2021 года. - Псков: Псковский государственный университет, 2021. - С. 145-154.

2 Жирнова Е.П., Латышев О.Ю., Сегалерба Дж., Латышева П.А. Пути защиты от негативной информации как средство профилактики отклонений в поведении обучающихся начальной школы // Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Предупреждение и преодоление дезадаптации несовершеннолетних - центральная проблема социальной педагогики». 8 апреля 2021 года. - Таганрог: Таганрогский институт им. А.П. Чехова (филиал) РГЭУ (РИНХ), 2021. - С. 99-105.

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