FORMATION OF KEY COMPETENCIES IN CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdullaeva Mavsumakhon Kuldoshevna, Rakhimova Dilfuza Khasanbaevna, Tuychieva Khilola Zokirjon Kizi, Shodmonov Usmonbek Bakhodir Ugli

In the context of the formation of the information society for further progress in the context of increasing global competition, the most important factors of competitiveness are qualified human resources and scientific base. One of the priorities is becoming such a concept as “competence.” This term is used more and more often, but despite the growing popularity, there is still no generally accepted definition. Pedagogy understands competence as a level of education sufficient for self-education and independent solution of cognitive tasks, problems and determination of a personal position that arise in this process. In order to be able to control and compare the "amount of education" for each person, one should have a list of competencies in the form of a personal resource that the student has mastered. allocation of general competences .

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AND BIOLOGY Abdullaeva M.K.1, Rakhimova D.Kh.2, Tuychieva Kh.Z.3, Shodmonov U.B.4 Email: Abdullaeva6111@scientifictext.ru

1Abdullaeva Mavsumakhon Kuldoshevna - Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY; 2Rakhimova Dilfuza Khasanbaevna - Teacher;


Abstract: in the context of the formation of the information society for further progress in the context of increasing global competition, the most important factors of competitiveness are qualified human resources and scientific base. One of the priorities is becoming such a concept as "competence. " This term is used more and more often, but despite the growing popularity, there is still no generally accepted definition.

Pedagogy understands competence as a level of education sufficient for self-education and independent solution of cognitive tasks, problems and determination of a personal position that arise in this process. In order to be able to control and compare the "amount of education " for each person, one should have a list of competencies in the form of a personal resource that the student has mastered. allocation of general competences. Keywords: formation of professional competence, self-formation, self-nutrition, competence paradigm, multifunctional.


ХИМИИ И БИОЛОГИИ Абдуллаева М.К.1, Рахимова Д.Х.2, Туйчиева Х.З.3, Шодмонов У.Б.4

1Абдуллаева Мавсумахон Кулдошевна - преподаватель, кафедра химии; 2Рахимова Дилфуза Хасанбаевна - преподаватель; 3Туйчиева Хилола Зокиржон кизи - преподаватель; 4Шодмонов Усмонбек Баходиругли - преподаватель, кафедра биологии, факультет естественных наук, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в условиях формирования информационного общества для дальнейшего прогресса в условиях возрастающей глобальной конкуренции наиболее важными факторами конкурентоспособности являются квалифицированные человеческие ресурсы и научная база. Одним из приоритетных становится такое понятие как "компетенция". Все чаще и чаще используется этот термин. Но, не смотря на возрастающую популярность, все еще нет общепринятого определения. Педагогика понимает под компетентностью уровень образованности, достаточный для самообразования и самостоятельного решения возникающих при этом познавательных задач, проблем и определения личностной позиции. Чтобы иметь возможность контролировать и сравнивать "количество образования" у каждого человека, следует иметь перечень компетенций в виде личностного ресурса,

которыми овладел обучающийся. Особенно остро была осознана необходимость наличия такого перечня компетенций в связи с Болонским процессом и обсуждением Общеевропейских компетенций на основе образовательных стратегий и выделения общих компетенций.

Ключевые слова: формирование профессиональной компетентности, самообразование, самовоспитание, компетентностную парадигму,


UDC 372.854

The Council of Europe has adopted a definition of 5 key competencies, which characterize the following areas.

Political and social: the ability to accept responsibility, participate in group decisionmaking, resolve conflicts non-violently.

Livelihoods in a multicultural society: control over the manifestation of racism, xenophobia, a climate of intolerance.

Possession of oral and written communication. Proficiency in more than one language.

Information literacy. Possession of information technologies, understanding the essence of their application, strengths and weaknesses of the use of information technologies.

Ability to learn throughout an active life.

As a result, each student creates his own competence paradigm, including competencies that are invariant for a certain professional activity.

There is a huge variety of types of competencies. The so-called are universal. key competencies. Their characteristic features are expressed in the following: they are multifunctional, supra-subject and interdisciplinary, require significant intellectual development, multidimensional (include analytical, communicative, prognostic and other processes).

The key competence of a school graduate is a complex personal education that includes axiological, motivational, reflexive, cognitive, operational-technological, ethical, social and behavioral components of the content of school education. Let us highlight the main types of competencies that are acquired by students in the educational process: value-semantic, educational, educational, cognitive, information-communicative, general cultural, social-labor.

Let's consider what are the possible methods, means of forming key competencies in biology lessons.

Value-semantic competence. The value attitude and interest in the content and process of educational activity are formed by constantly referring to real life, to the surrounding reality. A lot of living objects are used in the lessons, the phenomena that the student often encounters in life are considered, without knowing the causes and mechanisms of their occurrence. This creates a new perspective on things that are already familiar. Within the framework of this competence, the ability to see and understand the surrounding world is formed, to navigate in it (to ask oneself and others questions "why?", "Why?", "What is the reason?", "How does it work?", To be aware of their role and purpose in it - "can I do his?", "how o do i ?"), be able o choose the target settings of their actions and deeds; the ability to see and understand biological phenomena in nature, to distinguish them from physical phenomena, to predict the direction of scientific use of biological knowledge in human practical activity. This also includes the formation of an individual educational trajectory, a life activity program and a choice of professions related to biology;

Educational. In biology lessons, the student learns to look at the same problem from different angles. He learns to reasonably defend any point of view, even one that differs from his own and generally accepted, in order to then formulate the right decision on his own or in a discussion in a group. The student's readiness and ability to carry out self-diagnostics and introspection is formed throughout the entire time of studying biology, this characteristic is most pronounced in senior students. This component is formed through the

use of various diagnostic methods, discussion of emerging problems in the study of the material, recording the student's success. In the classroom and outside the classroom, individual work is carried out with students who, for various reasons, work ahead of time or do not fully absorb the educational material.

Starting from the middle level, students work on the creation of projects, portfolios, and conduct scientific activities. Younger schoolchildren, creating their own educational product, need constant joint Local work with a teacher - to determine the topic of work, set goals, generalize and analyze the results, draw up conclusions. At the senior level, gymnasium students work more independently, the teacher only corrects, advises, helps to correctly and logically formalize the results of the work. The preparation of projects and scientific papers forms the ability to independently set research goals, in accordance with the goal of defining tasks and gradually moving from specific tasks to the implementation of the result.

Educational. In the process of working individually or in groups, students learn the complex tasks facing them, divide them into smaller ones. And, solving each of the tasks, generalize and draw a conclusion about the observed phenomenon or process. And, if in the 6th grade the main role in dividing tasks into subtasks still lies with the teacher, in the senior grades the students themselves can cope with this work. In practical and laboratory work, during classroom and home experiments, students develop the skill of determining the main stages of work, drawing up an algorithm for performing practical work and the ability to correct or change the algorithm depending on conditions.

On all parallels, students work a lot and actively with additional literature. The formation of skills for working with a large amount of information, presented by a huge number of types of educational materials, is formed gradually. In the classroom, there is always a list of additional literature. Work with some sources (encyclopedias, reading books, multimedia products) is carried out in the classroom to consolidate the skill to see and highlight the main thing and the ability to convey information to other students.

Cognitive. In biology lessons, students continue to master such simple methods of studying the world around them as observation - seasonal changes in the life of plants, animals, the results of experiments on the study of the vital activity of living organisms; experience - the movement of minerals along the stem, the effect of light on plants, etc. Some of the students, independently or with the help of a teacher, can prepare and conduct an experiment (germination of seeds under various conditions, modification of the vegetative organs of a plant) or simulate a certain process (for example, photosynthesis, movement of cell organelles, etc.) that occurs in living organisms.

In the classroom, after working out the algorithms in standard situations, students are offered, based on the given algorithms, to solve a creative problem or to offer a new nonstandard solution to the problem;

Information and communication. Formation of skills for working in a group, mastering various social roles in a team, through various activities: intellectual, play, research; the formation of skills to correctly ask a question, conduct a survey, a discussion, organize the work of a group, analyze the results of activities. From the first lesson and in each lesson, new biological terms are introduced. Many, introduced at the early stages of the study of natural sciences, are refined, supplemented and complicated. In the lessons, the student's ability to logically and competently formulate their thoughts using special terms, the ability to build holistic, coherent and logical statements with the competent use of biological terms is assessed.

It is of great importance to draw up plans and reference notes based on the material studied - first according to the sample, then independently, both according to the worked out and according to new material, to consolidate and control knowledge.

General cultural competence. At the first stages of study - awareness of the role of the science of biology in human life, its impact on the world, the beginning of the student's mastering of the scientific picture of the world; in the future - mastering the knowledge and

experience of the science of biology - as an integral part of the life of man and mankind, awareness of the role of biology in everyday, cultural, leisure spheres, its influence on the world, the formation of the student's development of the scientific picture of the world, expanding to the culturological and all-human understanding of the world.

Social and labor competence. Formation of social activity and functional literacy; mastering knowledge and experience in the social and labor sphere (to know the advantages and disadvantages of biological education), in the field of professional self-determination. To develop the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, to act in accordance with personal and social benefit, to master the ethics of labor and civil relations.

Thus, the formation of the so-called. universal competence occurs at all stages of the educational process. We start working on the formation of motivation to study biology from the middle level. At the same time, the various pedagogical tools we use differ significantly in the middle and senior levels. At each stage, we strive to develop the mental activity of students, to lay the foundations for the formation of key competencies.

References / Список литературы

1. Farm, competence as a component of a personality-oriented paradigm / // Public education, 2003. № 2. S. 58-64.

2. Farm, competence. Construction technology // Public education, 2003. № 5. S. 55-61.

3. The use of ICT in biology lessons. [Electronic resource]. URL: http: //dozorova.rusedu.net/post/1097/6749 (date of access: 31.01.2015).

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