Научная статья на тему 'Foreign translations of the classics of Kazakh literature'

Foreign translations of the classics of Kazakh literature Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mashakova Ainur

The process of translating the works of the classics of Kazakh literature Mukhtar Auezov and Abai Kunanbayev into foreign languages during the Soviet period and the period of independence of Kazakhstan has been considered. The novel "The Path of Abai" by Mukhtar Auezov was published in the second half of the ХХ century in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania. Translation of Abay's works into foreign languages has become widespread in 1995, when the entire world community celebrated his 150th anniversary under the auspices of UNESCO. In the anniversary year of Abay, the books of his selected works have appeared in many languages.

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Рассматривается процесс перевода на иностранные языки произведений классиков казахской литературы Мухтара Ауэзова и Абая Кунанбаева в советский период и период независимости Казахстана. Роман «Путь Абая» Мухтара Ауэзова издан во второй половине ХХ столетия в Германии, Франции, Болгарии, Польше, Чехословакии, Венгрии, Румынии. Перевод на иностранные языки произведений Абая Кунанбаева приобрел широкий размах в 1995 году, когда вся мировая общественность праздновала его 150-летие под эгидой ЮНЕСКО. В юбилейный год Абая книги с его избранными произведениями появились на многих языках мира.

Текст научной работы на тему «Foreign translations of the classics of Kazakh literature»



LITERATURE Mashakova A. (Republic of Kazakhstan) Email: Mashakova539@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the process of translating the works of the classics of Kazakh literature - Mukhtar Auezov and Abai Kunanbayev into foreign languages during the Soviet period and the period of independence of Kazakhstan - has been considered. The novel "The Path of Abai" by Mukhtar Auezov was published in the second half of the ХХ century in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania. Translation of Abay's works into foreign languages has become widespread in 1995, when the entire world community celebrated his 150th anniversary under the auspices of UNESCO. In the anniversary year of Abay, the books of his selected works have appeared in many languages. Keywords: literature, translation, foreign languages.


ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ Машакова А. (Республика Казахстан)

Машакова Айнур - кандидат филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Институт литературы и искусства им. М.О. Ауэзова Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: рассматривается процесс перевода на иностранные языки произведений классиков казахской литературы - Мухтара Ауэзова и Абая Кунанбаева в советский период и период независимости Казахстана. Роман «Путь Абая» Мухтара Ауэзова издан во второй половине ХХ столетия в Германии, Франции, Болгарии, Польше, Чехословакии, Венгрии, Румынии. Перевод на иностранные языки произведений Абая Кунанбаева приобрел широкий размах в 1995 году, когда вся мировая общественность праздновала его 150-летие под эгидой ЮНЕСКО. В юбилейный год Абая книги с его избранными произведениями появились на многих языках мира.

Ключевые слова: литература, перевод, иностранные языки.

In Kazakhstan during the whole XXth century, great attention was paid to the artistic translation, a certain work was carried out to translate literary masterpieces from Kazakh into other languages and, conversely, from other languages into Kazakh. As a result, a significant number of works of Russian and world literature were published in the Kazakh language. At the same time, it should be noted that many works of the classics of Kazakh literature have been translated into foreign languages. Moreover, they we translated both in Kazakhstan and abroad. In 1953, the epopee "The Path of Abai" by Mukhtar Auezov, a famous and recognized Kazakh writer of the XX century, was published. In the 1950s, this novel was published in Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania. In 1958 in France the first book of the epopee entitled "Abay's Youth" was published, in 1960 - the second book entitled "The Path of Abai". Thanks to these translations, foreign readers learned about the great Kazakh poet and thinker of the second half of the 19th century, Abai Kunanbayev.

The first translations of some poems by Abay into foreign languages have been done in the 50-s of the XX century. Thus, in the years 1951-1955, some of his poems have been published in the Mongolian language. Professor Ha Huanjian translated Abay's works into Chinese language. In 1950, he translated the poem "Iskander" into Chinese, which was published in the journal "Literary Translations". In 1958 he translated the other two poems by Abay, which have been published in the book "Abay Kunanbayev. Three Poems" together with the first poem. Ha Huanjian contributed much to the translation of the creative heritage of Kazakh poet into Chinese language. He has done almost all translations of Abay, which were published in China. His translations of the "Poems of Abay" and "Words of edification" have been published by Xinjiang publishing house in 1982 and in 1984. Three years later, his collection of essays "Abay and his poetry" was published by "the National Publishing House" in Beijing. In 1994, the same publishing house has published "The complete collection of Abay's works" translated by Ha Huanjian.

The edition of the book "Words of edification" in the Czech language in 1959 can be considered as the first translation of Abay's writings into European language. In 1969, the Prague magazine "New Orient" published Abay's poems translated by Czech linguist and Turkologist Ludek Grzhebichek.

In those years, Imre Trencheni-Valdapfel, Hungarian scientist, academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, professor at the University of Budapest, was actively involved in the studies of Kazakh literature. He learned the Kazakh language and translated original verses of Kazakh classics into Hungarian, including the poem "Summer" by Abay Kunanbayev. In one of his articles he wrote: "I love Abay's poetry and Auezov's novels. In their works - there is the whole life, the whole history of Kazakh people, past and present" [1].

In the 70 years of the XX century, some poems of Abay were published in English, German, Arabic.

Translation of Abay's works into foreign languages has become widespread in 1995, when the entire world community celebrated his 150th anniversary under the auspices of UNESCO. In the anniversary year of Abay, the books of his selected works have appeared in many languages. International conferences, colloquia and solemn meetings in honor of the 150th anniversary of Abay, took place in many cities around the world: London, Washington, Istanbul and Beijing. Abay's days were held in Germany, Hungary, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Iran.

In Iran the book "Abay's works and thoughts" was published, in Pakistan - "Abay Kunanbayev. Selected Poems", in Turkey - "Selected Works of Abay". "Words of edification" was published in Chinese, Korean and Mongolian.

The publication of the book "The works and thoughts of Abay" in the Persian language became a significant event in the cultural life of Iran and Kazakhstan, because previously the artistic heritage of Abay has not been translated into Persian. The publication of this book has become possible thanks to the efforts of Rasool Islami, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The famous Pakistani translator Khalid Iqbal Yasir translated "Abay Kunanbayev. Selected Poems" into the Urdu language. He has got such an opportunity thanks to the book «Abay Kunanbaev. Selected poems», published in 1985 in English language by publishing house "Zhazushy". In the preface to the book "Abay Kunanbayev. Selected Poems" Khalid Iqbal Yasir compares Abay with Muhammad Iqbal - the national poet of Pakistan.

"Selected Works of Abay" in Turkish language are accompanied by an introduction article by Zia Yylmazer, who in 1995 was Deputy Chairman of TURKSOY - International Organization of Turkic Culture and Art. The publication of the book of Abay's works in Turkey became possible thanks to this organization.

In Mongolia, the book "Abay Kunanbayev. Selected Works" was published in Ulaanbaatar. Preface titled "The great poet of Asia" is written by Mongolian writer and playwright Habyshiyn Islam. He has found interesting parallels between Abay and Genghis Khan, as two most outstanding representatives of the national genius of their nations.

In 1995, the Kazakh writer Rolland Seisembayev organized a translation of "words of edification" into English by poet and translator Richard McCain, and into French - by poet and translator Antoine Garcia. Thanks to these translations, a wide range of foreign readers, scholars


and literary critics, who gave an assessment of Abay's creativity in newspapers and magazines, have received an access to "Words of edification".

In addition, two books were published in French language. The first book includes "Words of edification", the poem "Iskander" and "Masgud" by Abay Kunanbayev, translated from the Kazakh language by Galymzhan Mukanov. The second book, published under the title "Poetry - Queen of words ..." is a collection of selected poems by Abay. Attention should be paid to participation of French authors in the translation and editing of these books. Preface to the First Book was prepared by Albert Fischler, who also edited the translation by G. Mukanov. In his foreword A. Fishler draws attention to the relevance of Abay's reflections concerning the relationship between different cultures. He spoke about the wonderful quality of the translation: "we must congratulate the translator Galymzhan Mukanov with success, as he managed to emphasize the depth of thought of the poet, philosopher and brave moralist whom we didn't know before". Translation of Abay's poetry into French language for the second book was done by Galymzhan Mukanov in collaboration with Christian Visanti, who at that time was working in Almaty. In his foreword to the collection of poetry, Christian Visanti emphasizes that "the messages of Abay have been far ahead of the time period in which he lived".

In the history of literature there are cases when one work has been translated several times into foreign language by different translators. So, the "words of edification" have been translated into French three times. In addition to these translations, there is also a translation of "words of edification" into French, done by a group of translators such as J. Martin, G. Sarsekeeva and K. Duisekova in 2000.

Over the years, there is a continuous interest in the creative writings of Abay Kunanbayev in foreign countries. The process of literary translation of his works continues. In 2007, publishing house «Oenel» in Cologne published a book «Abay. Zwanzig Gedichte» («Abay. Twenty Poems"), which includes Abay's poems translated by German literary critic, translator Leo Kossuth. In 2003 during his visit to Almaty, he decided to start translating Abay's works. At that time he was awarded the prize "For significant contribution to the promotion of Kazakh culture and edition of literature of Kazakhstan in German language" by Kazakhstan representation of International PEN Club. The book «Abay. Zwanzig Gedichte» was published in three languages: Kazakh, German, Russian. It also includes an article by Leo Kossuth "My way to Abay and the issue of translation of his poems", in which he told about the process of translating Abay's poems into German. In addition, this article tells about how German literary scholar perceives Kazakh poet, what impresses him and what is amazing for him. One can feel respect for the high skills of Leo Kossuth, who felt Abay's poetic reflections by his heart and soul, carefully chose each word, trying to accurately transmit all the peculiarities of national poetry of Abay.

In 2007, in Saudi Arabia "Words of edification" by Abay Kunanbayev have been published in Arabic language, and in Italy - the book of Abay's, Shakarim's and M.Auezov's writings in Italian language. In 2010 the book "Abay. Songs of golden yurt" was published in Korean language. In 2013, in Warsaw there was a presentation of "Words of edification" in Polish language. In 2014, in Ankara there was a presentation of the "Words of edification" and a collection of poetry by Abay in Turkish language.

In conclusion, we should note the international recognition of Abay Kunanbayev, the classic of Kazakh literature. His works (verses, poems, philosophical essay) have been translated into many foreign languages. Multi-genre creative heritage of Kazakh poet of the second half of the XIX century Abay Kunanbayev is an invaluable treasure of the world literature.

References / Список литературы

1. Trencheni-Valdapfel Imre. "I love Abay's poetry and Auezov's novels...". In: Abay

Kunanbayev in foreign reception. Almaty, 2016. P. 65-66.

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