FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN POULTRY INDUSTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Ключевые слова
poultry farming / foreign experience / integration / development / agriculture / strategy / Kazakhstan

Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Zhumzhayev G.K., Kulanova D.A., Yesbolova A.

In the article, the foreign experience in the formation and development of organizational forms of integration in poultry farming was analyzed: American, European Union, Chinese and Russian. Also, their adaptation in Kazakhstan with a view to further applying its elements in subsequent chapters. It was found that of the nine main types of integration in the poultry industry in the USA, the closest to full integration is the third type that the authors propose for the introduction of their experience in domestic poultry farming.

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Zhumzhayev G.K.,

Candidate of economic sciences Shymkent University Kulanova D.A.,

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University Yesbolova A.

PhD in Economics M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University


In the article, the foreign experience in the formation and development of organizational forms of integration in poultry farming was analyzed: American, European Union, Chinese and Russian. Also, their adaptation in Kazakhstan with a view to further applying its elements in subsequent chapters. It was found that of the nine main types of integration in the poultry industry in the USA, the closest to full integration is the third type that the authors propose for the introduction of their experience in domestic poultry farming.

Keywords: poultry farming, foreign experience, integration, development, agriculture, strategy, Kazakhstan


Joining the World Trade Organization poses new problems for the enterprises of the poultry industry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main of which is the lack of an effective mechanism that creates an impact on the stable development of the agricultural economy [1]. This issue becomes more complex in the face of a sharp decline in the competitive potential of industry production. All this determines the need to develop a competitive agrarian policy of the state, based on the system of stimulation of Kazakhstani producers, to increase the role of the state in ensuring food security of the country. In this regard, in the agricultural sector, achieving a stable state is always associated with effective state regulation of its industries [2].


The analysis presented in this paper are based on the Program for the Development of Agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2017-2021. Additionally, information from scientific and statistical journals, laws and regulations of the regional and municipal authorities are used. The statistical datawere collected from reports of the Ministry of Agriculture and Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Today the main producers of poultry meat in the world are the United States, which accounts for 20% of world poultry meat production (in 2014, poultry meat production in the United States amounted to 17.3 million tons), China took the second place (the share in production was 15-16%), Brazil -15%, the European Union - 11.7% [3].

Consider the experience of poultry farming in the United States, which occupies 1/5 of the world's poultry meat production. Poultry farming in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century transferred the main types of poultry meat and eggs production to the most favorable zones in terms of natural and

climatic conditions, is distinguished by a multiple increase in production, demonstrating the huge opportunities laid down in industrial technologies for the production of poultry products [4]. So, since 1970, the number of broilers in the United States has increased from 630 million heads to 8 billion heads, this has achieved not only the full provision of cheap meat to the population of the country, but also the formation of an industry that is competitive in the foreign market. During this period, in the production of egg, due to the high growth of their productivity, poultry increased the production of eggs in the country to 74 billion units. In the United States, poultry farming as a whole provides an annual sales volume of $18-20 billion, which makes it the most important branch of agriculture.

The egg production of the USA as a highly industrial production has its own features. For example, the development of commercial farms, the enlargement of their size, the introduction of more productive rocks and lines of laying hens, which gradually replaced dual-direction rocks. Improvement of techniques for sex determination of egg chickens (only chickens sold from incubators, which leads to a reduction in feed costs during unplanned fattening of cockerels). The improved feeding and maintenance of poultry, prevention of diseases, which led to a significant increase in the egg content of carriers [5].

At industrial poultry farms, the egg production of chickens averages 274 eggs up to 72 weeks of age and 309 eggs up to 80 weeks with an average egg weight of 51-65 g. The average size of an egg farm in the late 1980 was 154 thousand chickens - carriers. Egg production has regional specialization, albeit to a lesser extent than poultry meat production. For example, five states - California, Indiana, Georgia, Iowa, and Arkansas - give about a third of their total production [6].

In the Asian mainland, China is the world's largest egg producer. The poultry industry and the poultry processing industry are developing at a very high rate. Thus, 21.9 billion eggs collected in the country in 2003,

which is about a third of the world's output and about 57% of Asian production. In one year alone, the gross yield of eggs increased by 13%. The growth of their production was facilitated by a policy of benefits for farmers, the availability of relatively cheap feed, breeding work with poultry, and improving the conditions for its maintenance. In recent years, large state enterprises have been built near large cities (Beijing, Shanghai, etc.). About half of the marketable eggs enter the market from large state and cooperative farms, which contain poultry improved lines. The high level of development of poultry farming and the poultry processing industry in China is associated with the concentration and integration of production, deepening the processing of eggs and poultry meat and increasing the consumption of products from them [7,8].

Experience in the development of national poultry sub-complexes shows that the development and implementation of highly efficient technologies in the production and processing of eggs has become a prerequisite for the emergence of integration links between the poultry industry and industry.

The main stages of the introduction of scientific achievements and innovations in this industry were: the creation of highly productive crosses; development of

The experience of the Russian Federation is noteworthy, where the founding enterprises of the corporation have various forms of ownership: open and closed joint-stock companies, limited liability partnerships, state and state ownership shares. These enterprises are technologically interconnected and their performance is largely determined by the effectiveness of these linkages. Together, their interests are focused on obtaining the final product - eggs and poultry meat, products of their processing.

The experience of OECD countries shows the need to move in market conditions towards the establishment of close ties on a cooperative and integration basis of legally independent enterprises and organizations of various types and areas of production and circulation of agro-industrial products in order to create large and highly efficient production structures [10].

a recipe for full-length dry mixed feed of industrial production; mechanization and automation of poultry maintenance technology, as well as egg sorting, processing and packaging processes; introduction of the latest special vehicles, storage facilities, packagings and packaging materials [9].

The price advantage of egg poultry products over other livestock products attracted a large industrial and commercial capital to this industry, which, unlike farmers, can finance expensive technological developments. In the United States, nine main types of integration in the poultry industry are distinguished by stages of the production process. Figure 1 below shows the main types of integration in the poultry egg industry in the United States.

It follows from figure 1 that the union closest to full integration is the third type. The main types of integrator firms in the United States are hatcheries, egg companies, sorting and packaging enterprises, and retailers. A specific feature of poultry associations of the EU countries is their transnational nature, and integrators, as a rule, are large enterprises of the I and III spheres of agriculture, feed and food processing, and trade organizations.

In modern conditions, the most appropriate, in our opinion, may be the formation of cross-industry corporations. The creation of such corporations will improve the management of industrial and poultry enterprises in order to attract investment, use innovation, increase profitability, improve information support and develop marketing activities.


This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No.AP09261075 - Formation of a regional food hub model as a horizontally integrated structure for ensuring food security (using the example of the meat cluster of the Turkestan region).

Types by Process Stage Stages

Production of incubation eggs Incubation Growing young growth Production of food eggs Processing, sorting and packaging Wholesale realization Retail realization

I + + - - - - -

II + + + - - - -

III + + + + + + +

IV - - + + - - -

V - - - + + - -

VI - - - + + + -

VII - - - + + + +

VIII - - - - + + +

IX - - - - - + +

Figure 1 - Key integration types in the US poultry egg industry


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