Научная статья на тему 'Fixed prosthetic constructions with using of high volume digital scanning techniques'

Fixed prosthetic constructions with using of high volume digital scanning techniques Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Hasiuk P.A., Radchuk V.B., Hasiuk N.V., Rosolovska S.O., Demkovych A. Ye.

In order to determine the depth of preparing hard tissues in creating bevelled classic rounded ledge in the cervical area, the system CAD volume digital scanner «Arcad Premium» on the unit «CAD / CAM ARCADIA» was modeled an artificial crown and received data about its thickness ledge area, which is 0.845 mm in this clinical case. The second group of observations included cases in which odontopreparation for full metal-ceramic crowns conducted with maximum preservation of cervical hard tissues of the tooth crown forming the «symbol ledge». To determine the depth of preparation of dental hard tissues when creating a «symbol ledge» in the cervical area, as in the previous case was made unmodeling artificial crown, and obtain data of its thickness in the area of the ledge, which is 0.319 mm in this clinical case. To sum everything up, we can say that the experiment with using the Digital high volume scanning to determine the depth preparation of the experimented teeth by the young dentists, enables more accurate and carefully approach to the rationality of the depth of odontopreparation for non-removable prosthetic constructions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Fixed prosthetic constructions with using of high volume digital scanning techniques»

11. Qin R. Diagnosis and treatment of renal trauma 298 patients / R. Qin, P. Wang, W. Qin [et al.] // Clin. J. Traumatol., - 2002, Vol.5, No1, P. 21-23 http://www.nsbi.nlm.nih.gOv/pubmed/11835751

12. Sierink J. C. Immediate total-body CT scanning versus conventional imaging and selective CT scanning in patients with severe trauma (REACT-2): a randomised controlled trial / J. C. Sierink, K. Treskes, M. J. Edwards [et al.] // Lancet, 2016, Vol. 388, P. 673-683.




Обстежено 94 пащента з заочеревною кровотечею i пошкодженням нирки при закритiй травмi живота, середнш вiк - 33,22 ± 3,44 рокiв. У 47,9% постраждалих причиною пошкодження послужило дорожньо-транспортна пригода, у 27,7% - падiння з висоти, у 14,9% - удар в жив^т i поясницю i у 9,6% - при спортивному стрибку. Постраждалим виконанi УЗД i спiральна КТ. Вiдразу при надходженш наявнiсть вiльноi рiдини виявлено у 87,2%, на наступну добу - у 9,6% i ще через добу - у 3,2% постраждалих. У 68,1% випадюв визначався тип просочування, в 31,9% - тип утворення згусткш. При УЗД нечпш контури виявленi в 100% випадюв, неоднорiднiсть паренхiмноi структури - в 83,3%, збiльшення розмiрiв - в 61,1%, пiдкапсульнi змши паренхiми - в 16,7% випадюв. Бшьш чiтка i об'емна шформацш отримана при спiральнiй КТ. Таким чином, у постраждалих з тдозрою на ЗК та травму нирок УЗД слщ виконувати вiдразу при надходженш i повторно протягом 1-2 дiб. Спiральна КТ дозволяе отримати бiльш точну i чiтку картину за очеревинного крововиливу, визначити тяжюсть травми нирок i стан структури пареными.

Ключовi слова: за очеревинна кровотеча, травма нирки, УЗД, стральна КТ, вiльна рiдина, ехограма.

Стаття надiйшла 10.10.2017 р.


We examined 94 patients with retroperitoneal bleeding and kidney damage with closed abdominal trauma, the mean age of 33.22 ± 3.44 years. In 47.9% of the injured, the cause of the damage was an accident, 27.7% - a fall from the height, 14.9% - a stomach and waist and 9.6% in a sports jump. The sufferers made ultrasound and spiral CT. Immediately upon entering the presence of free fluid were detected in 87.2 per cent, on the next day - at 9.6% and after another day - 3.2% of sufferers. In 68.1% of cases was determined by the type of impregnation, at 31.9% - type of clots. With ultrasound the fuzzy contours detected in 100% of cases, the heterogeneity of the wheat plant's structure - at 83.3%, the increase in size at 61.1%, subcapsular changes of the parenchyma - in 16.7% of cases. More accurate and extensive information obtained with spiral CT. In patients with suspected HCC and kidney injury ultrasound should be performed immediately upon admission and again within 1 -2 days. Spiral CT allows more accurate and clear picture of retroperitoneal bleeding, determine the severity of kidney injury and the condition of the structure of the parenchyma.

Key words: retroperitoneal bleeding, injury to kidney, ultrasound, spiral CT scan, free fluid, sonogram.

Рецензент Ляховський B.I.

DOI 10.26724 / 2079-8334-2017-4-62-15-17 UDC 616.34-28.61

P.A. Hasiuk, V.B. Radchuk, N.V. Hasiuk, S.O. Rosolovska, A.Ye. Demkovych, A.B. Vorobec SHEI "I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University", Ternopil



e-mail: gasiukpa@tdmu.edu.ua

In order to determine the depth of preparing hard tissues in creating bevelled classic rounded ledge in the cervical area, the system CAD - volume digital scanner «Arcad Premium» on the unit «CAD / CAM ARCADIA» was modeled an artificial crown and received data about its thickness ledge area, which is 0.845 mm in this clinical case. The second group of observations included cases in which odontopreparation for full metal-ceramic crowns conducted with maximum preservation of cervical hard tissues of the tooth crown - forming the «symbol ledge». To determine the depth of preparation of dental hard tissues when creating a «symbol ledge» in the cervical area, as in the previous case was made unmodeling artificial crown, and obtain data of its thickness in the area of the ledge, which is 0.319 mm in this clinical case. To sum everything up, we can say that the experiment with using the Digital high volume scanning to determine the depth preparation of the experimented teeth by the young dentists, enables more accurate and carefully approach to the rationality of the depth of odontopreparation for nonremovable prosthetic constructions.

Key words: Prosthetics, CAD / CAM, the cervical ledge, artificial crown.

A prosthetic dentistry developed many different methods of preparing teeth for metal-ceramic constructions, but the pulp condition during preparation was not taking into account, so there is no informed medical tactics to preserve or extract pulp of abutment teeth [2, 6, 8, 11]. With the aim of studing the functional state of the supporting teeth, a series of analisis proved that the previous preparation and depulpation of abutment teeth for the manufacture of metal prosthesis was incorrect. However, even following the generally accepted protocols of teeth preparation, there is a significant percentage of complications after preparation, because of the improper preparation of abutment teeth. Usually, dentists apply the preparation of abutment teeth without ledge. Also it might be found an excessive removal of hard tissue and creating a large obliquity of walls, which leads to the injuries of pulp [1, 5, 9, 10] and worsen the finished stage of prosthesis fixation. These complications often occur the beginners in dental prosthetic dentistry due to the lack of

ISSN 2079-8334. Ceim Meduu,UHU ma bionozii. 2017. № 4(62)

experience and inadequate position in assessing the clinical situation.

Research purpose - to determine the depth preparation of the examined teeth with high volume digital scannig.

Material and methods. To identify morphological changes of hard tissue of examined vital teeth with using a various types of odontopreparation with full metal-ceramic crowns, it was studied 6 premolars of the upper and lower jaws of patients aged between 18 to 29 years. The material was divided into two research groups. As a control group was taken the average data standards of morphology and functional characteristics of the pulp and dentine with appropriate functional group of the teeth. The experiments were conducted on the same teeth of a jaw from different sides. The first experimental group included cases where odontopreparation of premolars was done with the creation of the classic rounded beveled ledge in the cervical part, the second group - the cases in which odontopreparation of the premolar crowns conducted with maximum preservation of cervical crown (symbol of the ledge).

In order to improve the accuracy of the depth preparation of tooth stump, was used the technology of high volume digital system scanning CAD / CAM - Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing. Produced collapsible gypsum models for each clinical case and scanning system CAD - digital surround scanner «Arcad Premium» on the unit «CAD / CAM ARCADIA». With that technology for 3D models was determined the exact depth preparation of tooth stump [23, 4, 7].

Results and its discussion. Through digital high volume scanning of gypsum models with prepared teeth of the first research group confirmed that the average depth preparation with classic beveled rounded ledge from 0.6 to1.0 mm in different clinical situations (Fig. 1). In order to determine the depth of preparing hard tissues in creating bevelled classic rounded ledge in the cervical area, the system CAD - volume digital scanner «Arcad Premium» on the unit «CAD / CAM ARCADIA» was modeled an artificial crown and received data about its thickness ledge area, which is 0.845 mm in this clinical case. The second group of observations included cases in which odontopreparation for full metal-ceramic crowns conducted with maximum preservation of cervical hard tissues of the tooth crown -forming the «symbol ledge». To determine the depth of preparation of dental hard tissues when creating a «symbol ledge» in the cervical area, as in the previous case was made unmodeling artificial crown, and obtain data of its thickness in the area of the ledge, which is 0.319 mm in this clinical case (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Scanned model of teeth preparation with different types of Fig. 2. Modeling of prepared artificial tooth crowns and

cervical ledge area: 1 - preparation of stump tooth with a classic method of determine the depth of the ledge. a) - first clinical case, the creating bevelled rounded ledge in the cervical area; 2 - preparation with classic rounded angled ledge; b) - the second case, the symbol the creating of «symbol ledge» in the cervical area. of the ledge.


We can say, that the experiment with using the digital high volume scanning to determine the depth preparation of the experimented teeth by the young dentists, enables more accurate and carefully approach to the rationality of the depth of odontopreparation for non-removable prosthetic constructions.


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5. Davidovich G., Kotick PG. The use of CAD/CAM in dentistry. Dent. al clin. ofNorth Amer. 2011; 55: 559-570.

6. Dhima M., Paulusova V., Carr AB. et al. Practice-based clinical evaluation of ceramic single crowns after at least five years. J. of Prosth. Dent. 2014; 2: 124-130.

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8. Gasiuk PA., Radchuk VB., Kalashnikov DV. Features of morphological changes of dental hard tissues after odontopreparation. Clin. Dent. 2014; 3: 8-11.

7. Gasiuk PA., Radchuk VB., Brekhlichuk PP. et al. The influence of orthodontics preparation for the unfixed orthodontic constructions on the tooth pulp from the point of view of morphology. Intermed. J. 2015; 3: 39-43.

10. Hazhva SI., Pashinyan GA., Alyoshin AA. Analysis of mistakes and complications in prosthetics with the use of permanent orthopedic structures. Stomatology. 2010; 2: 7-8.

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ОБ'бМНОГО СКАНУВАННЯ Гасюк П. А., Радчук В. Б., Гасюк Н В., Росоловська С. О., Демкович А. €., Воробець А. Б. Стаття присвячена вивченню функцюнального стану опорних зубш. Ряд дослщжень довш, що глибоке препарування та депульпування опорного зуба для виготовлення металокерамiчного протезу не е рацiональною. Матерiал був роздiлений на дт дослiднi групи. В якост контрольноï групи були взятi середт данi стандартiв морфологiï та функцюнальних характеристик пульпи i дентину вщповщшл функцiональноï групи зубiв. Пiдсумки даного дослщження дозволяють стверджувати, що експеримент i3 використанням цифрового об'емного сканування для визначення глибини одонтопрепарування в дшянщ уступу, дозволяе бiльш точно та ретельно пiдiйти до визначення глибини препарування опорних зубiв для незмшних конструкцiй зубних протезiв.

Kto40bî слова: Протезування, CAD / CAM, уступ, металокерамiчна штучна корона.

Стаття надшшла 2.08.2017 р.


Гасюк П. А., Радчук В. Б., Гасюк Н В., Росоловская С. А., Демкович А. Е., Воробец А. Б.

Статья посвящена изучению функционального состояния опорных зубов. Ряд исследований доказал, что глубокое препарирование и депульпирования опорного зуба для изготовления металлокерамического протеза является не рациональной. Материал был разделен на две исследовательские группы. В качестве контрольной группы были взяты средние данные стандартов морфологии и функциональных характеристик пульпы и дентина соответствующей функциональной группы зубов. Итоги данного исследования позволяют утверждать, что эксперимент по использованию цифрового объемного сканирования для определения глубины одонтопрепарирования в области уступа, позволяет более точно и тщательно подойти к определению глубины препарирования опорных зубов для постоянных конструкций зубных протезов.

Ключевые слова: Протезирование, CAD / CAM, уступ, металлокерамическая искусственная корона.

Рецензент Аветшов Д.С.

DOI 10.26724 / 2079-8334-2017-4-62-17-24 UDC 616.284-002:612.858

I. I. Grynko, O. M. Borysenko SI "Institute of Otolaryngology named after prof. O. S. Kolomiychenko NAMS of Ukraine", Kyiv



e-mail: igrynko@yandex.ua

At a frequency of 8.0 kHz in patients with a teflon tube (T/tvt) - the magnitude of this indicator increases in the first 3 months after surgical intervention, and then gradually decreases after 6 and 12 months after the operation, and in patients with a silicone tube (T/svt) - practically does not change during all time after surgical intervention. The dynamics of thresholds for the perception of bone-carved sounds at different frequencies in patients with T/tvt after surgery is in most cases of a multi-directional nature. In patients with T/svt, the perception of bone-carved sounds at a frequency of 4.0 and 8.0 kHz increases in the first 3 months after surgical intervention, with subsequent preservation of its level until the 12th month after surgery. The dynamics of bone-air intervals at frequencies of 0.5 and 1.0 kHz in virtually all groups of patients with CTOM (except for T/tvt at a frequency of 1.0 kHz) after surgery has a similar nature - a gradual decrease with an increase in time after surgery (3 - 6 - 12 months), and the most pronounced decrease is observed in the first 3 months. At the frequency of 2.0 and 4.0 kHz, in most groups of patients with CTOM, the most pronounced reduction of bone-air intervals is noted not only after 3 months, but also in the interval from the 3rd to the 6th month. At a frequency of 8.0 kHz, the gradual decrease in the value of bone-air intervals with the increase in time after surgery is observed in the group of patients with T/svt, in patients with T/tvt its magnitude increases after 3 months after surgery, and in the interval between the 3rd and in the 6th months it decreases and then practically does not change.

Key words: chronic tubotympanic otitis media, mpanoplastic, vent tube.

Among the diseases of otolaryngology organs, treated stationary, the frequency of chronic purulent otitis media is 20-25% [10] and may cause disability in patients with deafness and the development of such intracerebral complications as meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess, sigmoid sinus thrombosis, etc. [2, 9, 15, 18]. In patients with a sufficient function of the auditory tube after eliminating the inflammatory process in the area of the middle ear, nose and nasopharynx, the predictions of surgical

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