FEATURES OF THE SPLEEN DIAGNOSTIC PUNCTURE IN YOUNG CATTLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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spleen / punctate / bulls / heifers

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Romanenko Ye., Kravchenko S., Kanivets N., Burda T.

It has been established that the topography of the spleen in cattle changes depending on the rumen filling and is corrected by a starvation diet, because the spleen is located in the left hypochondrium on the rumen. The animal should be fixed in a lateral position in the stall. Available puncture sites are the 10th, 11th, and 12th intercostal spaces. Ultrasound scanning is best to be performed paracostally, parallel to the caudal surface of the appropriate rib, slightly below the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae at the level of the horizontal line of the hook bone. The biopsy needle should be directed towards the opposite ulnar process (standard G 18 guillotine needle for biopsy of parenchymal organs, diameter 1.2 mm, with the length no less than 75 mm). The needle trajectory is visualized in the focus area of the scanner's ultrasonic sensor. ultasonography,

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Veterinary science

UDC 636.2.09-053.2:616.411-076

Romanenko Ye.,

Master of Veterinary Medicine Kravchenko S., Kanivets N.,

PhD in veterinary sciences, Associate Professors Burda T.

Master of Veterinary Medicine Poltava National Agrarian University Poltava, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-693-8-9 FEATURES OF THE SPLEEN DIAGNOSTIC PUNCTURE IN YOUNG CATTLE


It has been established that the topography of the spleen in cattle changes depending on the rumen filling and is corrected by a starvation diet, because the spleen is located in the left hypochondrium on the rumen. The animal should be fixed in a lateral position in the stall. Available puncture sites are the 10th, 11th, and 12th intercostal spaces. Ultrasound scanning is best to be performed paracostally, parallel to the caudal surface of the appropriate rib, slightly below the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae at the level of the horizontal line of the hook bone. The biopsy needle should be directed towards the opposite ulnar process (standard G 18 guillotine needle for biopsy of parenchymal organs, diameter 1.2 mm, with the length no less than 75 mm). The needle trajectory is visualized in the focus area of the scanner's ultrasonic sensor.

Keywords: ultasonography, spleen, punctate, bulls, heifers

It is known that indications for splenic biopsy in humans are the need to understand the nature of the spleen lesion (cyst, tumor), or to determine the cause of splenomegaly [1,2]. This is due to the fact that any single imaging can not fully cover and characterize a significant number of spleen pathologies [3]. For animals, biopsy is a guarantee of obtaining accurate data on the structure of the studied organ [4]. Researchers note a significant difference in the cellular composition of the spleen, even if the punctates were selected from different parts of the same organ. However, in the special veterinary literature, the spleen puncture in large animals, in particular cattle, is covered insufficiently, although the study of this organ's macroscopic features is performed by scientists [5]. Thus, the use of targeted puncture and biopsy in animals is relevant.

The purpose of the work was to obtain a punctate of the spleen in cattle under ultasonographic control.

In the conditions of educational and scientific Laboratory of Therapy at the Professor P.I. Lokes Department of Therapy of the Poltava National Agrarian University, a study was performed (from 2015 to 2019). The object of the study were bulls and heifers of blackspotted breed aged 6-8 months (five animals), which were kept in the hospital of the Department. As a result, the method of spleen puncture biopsy for cattle was improved, which consisted in the use of ultrasonographic control throughout the manipulation [6]. The obtained data can be used mainly in research studies.

Results of the study. At the first stage, we determined the localization of the spleen in the abdominal cavity using an ultrasound scanner (Sonoscape A 6, 36 MHz, the focus of the sensor - 10.0-30.0 mm). It was

found that the spleen is located in the left hypochon-drium, directly on the rumen, and its topography varies depending on the filling of the rumen, which can be adjusted by the starvation diet. In the course of studies, we concluded that a 12-hour fasting diet is optimal, combined with moderate animal exercise and unlimited access to water.

The spleen of all animals involved in the experiment had a similar topography relating to the costal wall. To perform a puncture of of the animals were fixed in the lateral position using a machine. Sedation was not used. Under such conditions, the spleen reaches the tenth intercostal space with the dorsal edge, and the ventral reaches the last rib and has a length of up to 30 cm. In this state, the 10th, 11th and 12th intercostal spaces are available for puncture. It is optimal to perform ultrasound scanning paracostally, parallel to the caudal surface of the corresponding rib, slightly below the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae at the level of the horizontal line of the macula. Thus the puncture site was determined.

Infiltration of a 0.5 % novocaine or lidocaine solution was used to ensure an appropriate level of anesthesia. After that, the biopsy needle was directed with the right hand towards the opposite ulnar process (standard G 18 guillotine needle for biopsy of paren-chymal organs, diameter of 1.2 mm, with the length no less than 75 mm). The needle movement trajectory was constantly kept in the center of the scanner sensor's ultrasonic focus field. In this way, constant visualization of the needle tip was provided, observing layered penetration (skin, subcutaneous tissue, the broadest muscle of the back, intercostal muscles and peritoneum). When the needle reaches the spleen capsule, the recess at the



site of contact was visually fixed. This was the site, the required depth of punctate was measured from.

After receiving the punctate, the needle was removed, and the puncture site was tamponed for 5-10 minutes to ensure hemostasis. Throughout this period, an ultrasound scan of the splenic puncture site was repeated every minute to monitor the development of hemorrhage. In no case, with a previous 12-hour fasting diet, no hemorrhage was detected. Puncture of the spleen in young cattle after feeding was accompanied by minor internal hemorrhage in two out of five cases, which may be associated with the increased rumen pressure on the spleen and the increased blood circulation.

Thus, according to the results of the study, the following can be concluded: in young cattle, the spleen puncture should be performed with ultrasonographic control, after a 12-hour fasting diet, in a lateral position with infiltration anesthesia. The prospect of further research is to publish the results of the spleen punctate study in clinically healthy bulls and heifers to clarify the issue of sexual dimorphism.


1. Tam, A., Krishnamurthy, S., Pillsbury, E. P., Ensor, J. E., Gupta, S., Murthy, R., Ahrar, K., Wallace, M. J., Hicks, M. E., & Madoff, D. C. (2008). Percutaneous image-guided splenic biopsy in the oncology patient: an audit of 156 consecutive cases. Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR, 19(1), 80-87.

doi: 10.1016/j.jvir.2007.08.025

2. Lucey, B. C., Boland, G. W., Maher, M. M., Hahn, P. F., Gervais, D. A., & Mueller, P. R. (2002). Percutaneous nonvascular splenic intervention: a 10-year review. AJR. American journal of roentgenology, 179(6), 1591-1596. doi: 10.2214/ajr.179.6.1791591

3. Sammon, J., Twomey, M., Crush, L., Maher, M. M., & O'Connor, O. J. (2012). Image-guided percutaneous splenic biopsy and drainage. Seminars in interventional radiology, 29(4), 301-310. doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1330064

4. Fry, M. M., Yao, B., Ríos, C., Wong, C., Mann, S., McArt, J., Nydam, D. V., Leal Yepes, F. A., Vies-selmann, L., Geick, A., Goldin, K., Jordan, A., & Behling-Kelly, E. (2018). Diagnostic performance of cytology for assessment of hepatic lipid content in dairy cattle. Journal of dairy science, 101(2), 1379-1387. doi: 10.3168/jds.2017-12897

5. Dunayevs'ka O. F., Vasyl'chenko V. S. (2016). Makroskopichni osoblyvosti selezinky khrebetnykh tvaryn (ohlyad literatury). Ukrayins'kyy zhurnal medytsyny, biolohiyi ta sportu, 1 (1), 135-138. [In Ukrainian]

6. Sposib punktsiynoyi biopsiyi selezinky u velykoyi rohatoyi khudoby iz sonohrafichnym kontro-lem 116179 vid 10.05.2017, Byul. № 9. / Kravchenko S. O., Ks'ondz I. M., Romanenko YE. V., Lokes-Krupka T. P., Kanivets' N. S., Burda T. L. [In Ukrainian]

y^K 636.7.09:616.441-008.64:616.15

2National University of Life

Lokes-Krupka Tereziia,

candidate of veterinary sciences, 'Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Tsvilichovsky Mykola, doctor of veterinary sciences and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kanivets Nataliia, candidate of veterinary sciences 'Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Karysheva Liudmyla senior teacher

'Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-693-9-11



The analysis of general clinical indicators of blood of dogs at a hypothyroidism with a clinical sign of weight loss (the first experimental group) and with obesity (the second experimental group) is carried out. To compare the results, some hematological parameters of domestic dogs with alimentary obesity are given.

In dogs with hypothyroidism, anemia was found, which manifested itself in a decrease in the number of erythrocytes compared to the control group by 33.8 and 26.5% and hemoglobin content - by 32.1 and 24.7%, respectively. Meanwhile, in the course of the study there was no significant difference in the average values of these hematological parameters of dogs with hypothyroidism, with different fatness.

In dogs of the first group the content of leukocytes was 1.8 times higher than the indicated indicator of clinically healthy animals, and in dogs of the second group 1.5 times, respectively.

Keywords: thyroid gland, decreased organ function, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes.

It is known that hypothyroidism is a disease that is caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) in the thyroid gland [1,2]. These hormones have a significant effect on metabolism. After all, target cells

for thyroid hormones are present in most organs and tissues, so the lack of thyroid function affects the organism as a whole [3].

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