FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Khalikova Lola Nazarovna

This article shows that an innovative and digital economy is one of the important factors in increasing the country's competitiveness and prosperity in the international arena. The economic development of Uzbekistan in the context of the globalization of the world economy and technological development is difficult to imagine without the rapid growth of the digital economy.

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However, the issue of trust is immensely crucial in this advertising technique to engage and keep them in the community to stabilize the demand forecast as well. It increases the effectiveness of the ad. If the trust is successfully organized between three parties, brand, influencer and the target audience, it gives overall effective results of the method. Another point for the brand to consider deeply is assuring the content aligns of the influencer with the brand image.

The utilization of the negative content or information by the influencer can easily damage the brand reputation and affect negatively to the overall brand image. This is especially important when having an experienced or relatively less knowledgeable influencer who may probably have less professionalism and responsibility. Apart from that the company should have to be more careful with the influencer's followers as well. Because of the fact that there is always possibility to fake the followers showing them to be increased in number several times to earn more money. In fact, the influencers earn money by the number of the followers they have. For such purposes, there is a number of digital tools have been created to detect the fake accounts by analyzing them in detail.

In today's market based on the digital technology, it is not an easy job to keep up with the time. However, Artificial Intelligence can be one and the most effective innovation to shape the future of advertising. This is already in the process of existence now. But how the AI can bring more positive results than the current advertising campaigns that are on the market. I will list several of its benefits and unique features that the advertisers are really into in the next few paragraphs. First of all, Artificial Intelligence offers a wider opportunity to focus on more like a decision making processes rather than analyze or making comparisons between choices. It stores the data, processes, keeps, and analyzes it. And this will in fact opens a wide way to make consequential decisions that can be either beneficial for the advertisement's quality.


It is expensive, but the result definitely worth it when the normal situation is dominant. At the same time, however, we have to remind that AI is only efficient when it is mature enough to be used for such purposes which is not an easy job to do overnight.

In other words, AI requires a lot of investments in hardware, software and other important areas. And also as the human intelligence artificial intelligence also needs time to improve and get developed, which is about long time. The prospects for the development of advertising technologies include: advertising media and channels are becoming predominantly electronic, trends, the trend towards greater mobility based on gadget models; the search and delivery of advertising information will be simplified and accelerated while enhancing the severity of content and the creativity of its performance in relation to a specific consumer; interactive technologies will be decisive in the development of advertising media; Media technologies will begin to develop intensively; the choice of technology for delivering an advertising message will increasingly be determined by the consumer


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4. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. Technical training tools and methods of their use. - M.: Academy, 2003 .-- 256 p.

5. Komkov I.F. Methods of teaching foreign languages. - Minsk, 1979.

6. Баракаева Д.Х. Проблемы обучения иностранным языкам в эпоху глобализации. «Наука в современном мире» выпуск 2 (47) (20 февраля 2020 г.) Киев 2020. Мульти дисциплинарный научный журнал «Архивариус».

7. D.H.Barakaeva. The effective role of technology in advertising of marketing. "Сервис" илмий-амалий журнал. 2020 йил, 2-сон.


Khalikova Lola Nazarovna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

Annotation. This article shows that an innovative and digital economy is one of the important factors in increasing the country's competitiveness and prosperity in the international arena. The economic development of Uzbekistan in the context of the globalization of the world economy and technological development is difficult to imagine without the rapid growth of the digital economy.

Key words: innovation, innovative economy, digital economy, digital technologies, information technologies, communications.


Prominent Swedish economist and Nobel laureate Gunnar Myrdal provided an in-depth analysis of the developing country's economy in his 1968 book, The Asian Tragedy. He points out that the difficulties of economic

growth in the least developed countries are not the lack of capital, as many Western experts say, but the lack of highly qualified specialists.

The development of economic relations, the growing role of modern information technology in the production of goods and services has led to the development of competition between countries and manufacturers around the world. The formation of an innovative and digital economy is becoming a priority in economically developed countries.

Many developed countries have adopted national strategic programs for the digital economy and society, such as the Digital Strategy 2025 in Germany and the Digital Agenda for Europe.

Innovation is an idea that has been put into practice and has commercial value, it can create new requirements, meet existing requirements more efficiently, and be economically, informationally, environmentally, socially, or otherwise effective in the optimal ratio of costs and results. For the development of the innovative economy, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev dated November 29, 2017 "On the establishment of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted, and on December 13, 2018, on "Additional Measures for the Introduction of e-Government and Information Systems".

The main part.

Innovative and digital economy is becoming a key factor in the country's development, competitiveness and well-being. Of course, natural resources, geographical location, natural climatic conditions and other factors also prevail in the competitiveness of the world market. In an innovative and digital economy, the first country to implement scientific knowledge-based innovation and information telecommunications innovations will improve its position in the global market in terms of competitiveness. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, a number of measures are being taken by the state to develop an innovative and digital economy.

The problems of forming an innovative and digital economy in Uzbekistan are as follows.

The formation of a digital economy and e-government is one of the main indicators of the country's development. But to manage any highly advanced technology, you need professionals who can take full advantage of it.

In order to solve the problem of personnel in our country, the training of specialists in the field of innovation and digital economy is being organized. Innovative and digital economy sciences are being introduced as textbooks in universities, textbooks are being published. At the same time, we need to establish cooperation with leading experts and scientific and technical organizations abroad. We need to teach employees in all areas to use foreign languages and information and communication technologies effectively.

However, this is not enough to build the knowledge and skills of all segments of the population in the innovative and digital economy, for which it is important to organize short-term courses in the form of business trainings and online classes. Especially the employed population, inseparable from manufacturing would have access to knowledge.

Another important issue is that in order to take full advantage of the services of the digital economy and e-government, all segments of the population, tourists, legal entities, individuals and all members of society in general should use quality and affordable Internet, mobile Internet services. The use of mobile internet, especially in mountainous, desert and remote areas of the country, opens the door to many opportunities. The speed of Internet communication is important in the search, transmission and reception of information. . This is especially important during online trading or stock trading, video conferencing and online communication. Because in modern society, whoever implements the first innovations, modernizes information and communication technologies and production techniques, has the advantage.


Innovative and digital economy, modern information technologies open many opportunities to increase the competitiveness of our country in the world market and ensure the well-being of the population, especially the effective use of communication services can solve many problems. First of all, there will be a need for highly qualified specialists who will be able to fully manage the highly developed technologies. Increasing the share of innovation and the digital economy in national income will increase the competitiveness of our country in international rankings, and most importantly, increase the living standards and welfare of our population.

In our opinion, in order to achieve positive results in the development of the digital economy in our country, it is expedient to carry out the following work:

- Creation of legal and regulatory framework for the formation of the infrastructure of the digital economy;

- Conducting conferences at the local level (higher education institutions, government agencies and private organizations) in order to raise awareness of the population about innovation and digital technologies;

- Use of experience of advanced foreign countries in the formation of the digital economy;

- Introduction of digital technologies in all industries and sectors and control over their activities;

- It is necessary to expand the types of online sales and their scale (such as Alibaba, Ebay, Amazon, which are convenient not only in Uzbekistan, but all over the world) We have already considered some aspects of this.

List of used literature.

1. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev "On measures to develop the digital economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan" PP - 3832 No 03.07.2018.

2. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev "On measures to further modernize the digital infrastructure for the development of the digital economy" No. PP-4022 of 21.11.2018.

3. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev dated November 29, 2017 No PF-5264 "On the establishment of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev "On additional measures for the introduction of digital economy, e-government and information systems in public administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

5. Higher School of Economics - National Research University

Report, with the participation of the World Bank - Moscow - April 9-12, 2019.

Internet sites

8.https: //Kun.uz

9.https: //lex.uz


Хамракулова О.Д.

к.э.н., доц. кафедры «Банковское дело», Самаркандского института экономики и сервиса

Рашидов Б. студ.гр. БХ-217

Самаркандского института экономики и сервиса.

Аннотация. В работе рассмотрены проблемы инвестиций в инновационном развитии экономики Узбекистана, а также предложены рекомендации.

Abstract. The paper deals with the problems of investment in the innovative development of the economy of Uzbekistan, and offers recommendations.

Ключевые слова : инвестиции, инновационный путь развития.

Key words: innovation, investment.

Важное место в развитии экономики Узбекистана занимает вопрос инновационного развития рыночной экономики. Были приняты ряд документов, таких как Стратегия инновационного развития Республики Узбекистан на 2019-2021 годы, Государственная программа по реализации Стратегии действий по пяти приоритетным направлениям развития Республики Узбекистан в 2017-2021 годы в «Год развития науки, просвещения и цифровой экономики»(2020 год) в которых определены необходимость, условия и перспективы развития нашей страны. [1]

В настоящее время инновационное развитие становится наиболее важным элементом социально-экономического развития странам и регионов мирового хозяйства. Рост экономик США, ЕС, Японии, Южной Кореи, Китая, Индии во многом обусловлен развитием наукоемких отраслей, разработкой и внедрением инноваций. Без инноваций экономическая система не достигла бы устойчивого равновесия, которое будет препятствовать дальнейшему развитию национальной экономики.

В Узбекистане, как и в других государствах мирового сообщества, проводится работа по модернизации, техническому и технологическому перевооружению промышленного производства, вовлечению в этот процесс академической и отраслевой науки.

В этой связи, важную роль в становлении инновационного развития экономики Узбекистана принадлежит инвестициям, их активной роли в ускорении социально-экономического развития страны, повышению жизненного уровня населения.

В рамках реализуемых и перспективных новых инвестиционных проектов в 2019 -2025 г. предполагается освоение нецентрализованных инвестиций в объеме свыше 80 млрд. долл., из которых около 30% будет профинансировано за счет собственных средств предприятий.

В результате проведения вышеуказанных мер, в период 2019 -2025 гг. ожидается увеличение доли инвестиций в основной капитал в ВВП с 26% до 28-30%, соответственно. При этом ожидается, что в 2025 г. объем привлеченных прямых иностранных инвестиций составит 6,7 млрд.долл. по сравнению с 1,8 млрд. долл в 2018 г [2].

В экономической литературе проблемы инвестирования привлекают особое внимание ученых. Так, английский экономист Дж.М.Кейнс в своей знаменитой работе «Общая теория занятости, процента и денег»( 1936 год) впервые анализировал потребление, сбережение и инвестиции, раскрыл сущность мультипликатора.

Анализ использованной литературы. Современные экономисты продолжают исследовать инвестиционные процессы. Так, американские экономисты Стэнли Л. Брю и Кэмпбелл Р. Макконнелл выделяют «инвестиционные расходы как вторую основную детерминанту совокупного спроса»; причем выделяют 2 параметра « процентные ставки и ожидаемые прибыли [3].

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