FEATURES OF TEACHING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AS A FOREIGN AT THE INITIAL STAGE OF TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
situational dialogue / communication skills / game teaching methods / Russian as a foreign language / educational process / grammar. / ситуативный диалог / коммуникативные навыки / игровые методы обучения / русский язык как иностранный / учебный процесс / грамматика.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kholmatova, Shohista Sobirovna

The article discusses the urgent problem of organizing the modern process of teaching Russian as a foreign language, providing educational language training for students. The importance of using modern teaching technologies is noted, which helps to learn the language more effectively. The characteristic of the methodology of teaching the Russian language at the initial stage of training is given. The characteristics and advantages of the game form of training, the use of situational dialogues, as well as the importance and role of the grammar of the Russian language for the implementation of more effective communication practices are described.

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В статье рассматривается актуальная проблема организации современного процесса обучения русскому языку как иностранному, обеспечения учебной языковой подготовки студентов. Отмечается важность использования современных технологий обучения, что помогает более эффективно изучать язык. Дана характеристика методике преподавания русского языка на начальном этапе обучения. Описаны особенности и преимущества игровой формы обучения, использования ситуативных диалогов, а также значение и роль грамматики русского языка для реализации более эффективных коммуникативных практик.


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"


d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-484-488

Kholmatova Shohista Sobirovna

Teacher of UzSWLU e-mail: umumiytilshunoslik@mail.ru


The article discusses the urgent problem of organizing the modern process of teaching Russian as a foreign language, providing educational language training for students. The importance of using modern teaching technologies is noted, which helps to learn the language more effectively. The characteristic of the methodology of teaching the Russian language at the initial stage of training is given. The characteristics and advantages of the game form of training, the use of situational dialogues, as well as the importance and role of the grammar of the Russian language for the implementation of more effective communication practices are described.

Keywords: situational dialogue, communication skills, game teaching methods, Russian as a foreign language, educational process, grammar.


A huge amount of information about the modern world has been accumulated in Russian. In this language, the most advanced information is created, recorded, stored and disseminated today. Therefore, without knowledge of the Russian language it is very difficult to navigate in the modern world.

Teaching Russian in Uzbekistan is undergoing, like all other spheres of social life, a period of radical restructuring. This is a review of goals, objectives, methods, materials. New time, new conditions required a review of both the general methodology and specific methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages, including Russian. All this speaks in favor of the idea of the need for a special, more thoughtful approach to the problems of teaching Russian.

The goals of teaching Russian should be defined more broadly, including in the list of tasks to be solved, the education of future native speakers in the spirit of modern requirements. Language proficiency predetermines a special, attentive

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

attitude to many factors - to the people whose language is being studied, to its culture, traditions, literature.

The main task of teaching Russian in Uzbekistan at present is teaching the language as a real and full-fledged means of communication, preparing a harmoniously developed generation with relevant personal qualities. Studying Russian contributes to the formation of a harmonious modern linguistic personality, expanding the possibilities of realizing one's abilities both in our republic and in the world as a whole. Currently, the relevance of it Russian as a foreign language is due to the need to establish international cooperation. In addition, Russian is a means of popularizing humanistic, spiritual values through works of Russian classics [Selevko, 1998: 122].


The teaching methodology of any discipline involves a set of methods of methods, forms and means of training, the choice of which is determined by the goals, objectives and content of the educational process [Starodumov, 2017: 97]. The main purpose of teaching Russian as a foreign language is to create conditions that ensure quick mastery of the language, its phonetic, lexical and grammatical components. Teaching Russian as a foreign language has a number of features and takes place in several stages with the choice of different approaches and teaching methods.

The first classes are for guidance only and require familiarity with the phonetic structure of the language and the development of articulation inherent in the sounds of the Russian language. Mastering the phonetic component is necessary for the speedy development of reading skills by students, which greatly facilitates the process of learning the language subsequently [Turik, 2009: 123].

The reproductive teaching method is also realized in the study of vocabulary. Learning vocabulary begins with the pronunciation of words by the teacher, followed by their repetition by students. In this case, visual aids should be used and, most importantly, work with the dictionary should be organized.

In the first classes in the study of Russian as a foreign language, students learn the traditional speech formulas of greeting, farewell, acquaintance. Moreover, the formulas of dating involve the communication of information about the name and surname, about age, family and homeland.

At the stage of studying vocabulary, the reproductive teaching method is combined with the communicative one. Mastering the speech formulas is carried out first by repeating after the teacher, then using the dialogue in pairs: one takes on the

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

function of asking, the other - answering, the students change roles. This is the development of linguistic units in the process of communication [Selevko, 1998: 124].

A communicative approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language is also implemented when working with text. Work with the dictionary at this stage is the main one. The teacher asks to translate a small text into his native language, and then to retell it in Russian in his own words. Naturally, for such work, students need some vocabulary of Russian words.

One of the most affordable means in this case is the use of computer technology and the Internet. Means of information and computer technologies allow automating, and thereby simplifying the complex procedure that teachers of additional education and methodologists use when creating teaching aids. Thus, the presentation of various kinds of electronic textbooks, teaching aids on a computer has a number of important advantages. Firstly, it is the automation of both the process of creating such and storing data in any necessary form. Secondly, it is working with an almost unlimited amount of data. Thirdly, pupils of creative associations participate in the creation of these, acquiring many new skills for themselves and thereby benefiting not only themselves, but also the institution of additional education for students.

The possibility of using ICT in the educational process was considered in the articles by L.A. Malinova, K.E. Afanasyev, N.V. Novozhilova.

The use of the Internet gives access to various libraries, allows both students and teachers of additional education and methodologists to participate in videoconferences and discussions. The Internet allows all participants in the educational process to easily and quickly exchange information. Networked communities of teachers have gained great popularity in recent years. Already, there are a large number of resources on the Internet, created and supported by students of institutions of additional education for students, as well as by teachers. Such projects develop independence, collectivism, dedication.

Modern society requires not only an information literate person, but also a creatively independent person. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the independence and creativity of students. This task can be realized by means of information technology, involving students in the creation of electronic textbooks for an educational institution.

The importance and necessity of introducing ICT into the learning process are noted by international experts in the "World Report on Communication and Information 1999-2000" prepared by UNESCO and published at the end of the last

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

millennium by the "Business Press" agency. In the introduction to the report, UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor writes that new technologies should contribute to "creating a better world in which everyone will benefit from the achievements of education, science and communication". ICTs affect all these areas, but, perhaps, the strongest positive impact they have on education, as "open up the possibility of completely new methods of teaching" [Vsemirnyj doklad YUNESKO po kommunikacii i informacii, 1999-2000].


An example of the successful implementation of ICT was the emergence of the Internet - a global computer network with its practically unlimited possibilities for collecting and storing information, transmitting it individually to each user [https://www.prodenka.ru].

The technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing has a number of techniques that a Russian language teacher can use in his teaching practice. Such exercises are not associated with reproductive activity, but with analytical. Their application in the classes for studying the Russian language gives positive results, since students memorize linguistic material not by repeating it, but through critical reflection, in essence of which there is a need to accept, process and apply the proposed knowledge [Turik, 2009: 50].

Thus, teaching Russian as a foreign language involves the implementation of a number of pedagogical approaches that determine the choice of specific methods, techniques and forms of learning. It is also worth noting the important function of Russian teacher which becomes for students a guide to the world of centuries-old Russian culture, which is reflected in the exact and vibrant Russian word.


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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

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