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Ключевые слова
English language / educational computer technologies / blog / Skype / website. / Английский язык / образовательные компьютерные технологии / блог / скайп / сайт.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sharipova, Dilnoza Shavkatovna

We investigate current problems related to the use of computer technologies in the teaching of foreign languages. These problems are due to the modification of foreign language curriculum teaching content and an increase in the volume of the material to be studied. Particular attention is given to innovative teaching methods, including those based on the use of Skype and blogs.

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Исследуются актуальные проблемы, связанные с использованием компьютерных технологий в обучении иностранным языкам. Эти проблемы связаны с изменением содержания учебных программ по иностранному языку и увеличением объема изучаемого материала. Особое внимание уделяется инновационным методам обучения, в том числе основанным на использовании Skype и блогов.


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"


d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-479-483

Sharipova Dilnoza Shavkatovna

Senior Lecturer Bukhara State University e-mail: dilnoza-shavkatovnal 976@mail.ru (mob: 91 4155001)


We investigate current problems related to the use of computer technologies in the teaching of foreign languages. These problems are due to the modification of foreign language curriculum teaching content and an increase in the volume of the material to be studied. Particular attention is given to innovative teaching methods, including those based on the use of Skype and blogs.

Keywords: English language, educational computer technologies, blog, Skype, website.


With the development of society, the content of teaching foreign languages changes. The amount of information that students need to assimilate has increased dramatically and continues to grow. According to the new standards in education, more than 50% of the total number of hours is devoted to independent work of students. At the same time, the role of a personality-oriented approach, individualization of education is increasing. In new conditions, teachers seek and apply in practice new methods of solving problems, including using computer technologies in teaching English. Let us dwell on the following possibilities of computer technologies:

1) the use of a number of Internet sites in teaching English;

2) the use of Skype in teaching English;

3) students search for additional (to textbook) information on the Internet as instructed by the teacher;

4) search for additional (in relation to given in the textbook) information by the teacher on the Internet for use in English classes;

5 ) the role of blogs in self-study of the English language.

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

For effective teaching English, the most attractive, in our opinion, is the use of a number of sites. They help to solve a number of didactic problems: to form skills and reading skills using the materials of the global network; replenish vocabulary; to form a stable motivation for learning English ; expand the horizons of the student, thereby forming his socio-cultural competence. These are the factors that are required for the successful organization of the sociocultural work of students. At the same time, by independent work, we mean work organized by the student himself due to his internal cognitive motives and carried out at the most convenient, rational, from his point of view, time, activity controlled by him in the process and as a result, carried out on the basis of mediated systemic flexible management. by the teacher [Зимняя И.А.1991:


For independent work of students, we can first of all recommend the unique website bbclearningenglish.net, which is successfully used in teaching English. So, when working with this site for students of the journalism department of the Faculty of Philology, the teacher now has no problem finding modern authentic material on the required topic. The site offers all kinds of educational and methodological materials and allows the student to test their knowledge. Distance and time are no longer obstacles: the student has access to information around the clock, can choose what and when to study. In teaching English in modern conditions, the importance of using Skype is great. Online communication undoubtedly contributes to enrichment of the vocabulary of students and awakening a keen interest in the phraseology of the language being studied. An interest in linguistic facts is formed, the ability to see and hear vigilantly develops, to penetrate inquisitively into the meaning of the expressions encountered, as well as the desire to use them independently. Students have the opportunity to follow the gestures, facial expressions, intonation of the interlocutor, as well as observe the articulatory movements and catch the correct intonation, pay attention to the phrasal stress in the interlocutor's speech. This is a big plus of Skype in the event that communication is carried out by a native speaker for whom English is their first, first language. In the process of communication via Skype, students develop listening comprehension and speaking skills, increase vocabulary, learn grammar, learn to read and write (chat).

The more we talk to other people, the more they respond to us. Talking to peer students is one way to practice listening comprehension. Understanding most of the information heard allows you not only to learn new things about the world around


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

you, but also to overcome existing language barriers. There are "language exchange" clubs on the Internet, where you can register and communicate with people who speak the target language, and in return help in learning Russian. Also, a good way to find communication with the same interests is foreign social networks. It should be agreed that information technologies have required teachers to master a new philosophy of education and pedagogy. This applies especially to teaching and learning languages. The very nature of the language, the communicative phenomenology of mastering foreign languages make the use of information and communication technologies extremely fruitful

[2, EantixHHa T.M. 2006: 32].

Skype, like Internet sites, helps to organize students' independent work and increase their motivation. At the same time, by independent work, we mean such a form of learning, which:

- forms the student at each stage of his movement from ignorance to knowledge the necessary

volume and level of knowledge, skills and abilities ;

- develops the student's psychological mindset for independent systematic replenishment of their knowledge [Цaтуровa H.A. 2004: 94].

As scientific and pedagogical research in the fields of creating and using information resources for educational purposes and media education show, the use of new information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process allows:

- to present teaching materials in a foreign language not only in print , but also in a graphic, sound, animated form,

which gives many students a real opportunity to master the subject at a higher level;

- to automate the system of control, assessment and correction of students' knowledge;

- to automate the process of assimilation, consolidation and application of educational material, taking into account the interactivity of many electronic manuals;

- to differentiate and individualize learning;

- to significantly increase interest in learning a foreign language, which also determines the quality of education;

- to access and operate with a large amount of information;

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

- to form an information culture, including teaching art students to find and use various types of information, which is one of the most important skills in the modern world;

- to organize independent educational work;

- to provide distance learning opportunities for those who need it .

The use of e-mail in the educational process is gaining popularity. The advantages of such work are as follows:

- the exchange of letters by e-mail is familiar to students, thereby creating a natural environment for using a foreign language in a real life situation;

- creating an additional opportunity to apply the acquired language knowledge in a real communication situation in written speech, followed by a discussion of the work done in class;

- this type of work especially contributes to the development of written speech, as a result of which the statements gradually become more voluminous and meaningful;

- this work contributes to mastering intercultural competence. [Н.В. Корнилина.2010: 237].

Of course, the use of the Internet in teaching is not an alternative to traditional textbooks. The computer has become a technical means of teaching and can complement the traditional occupation.

The use of the most advanced computer technologies can never replace an English teacher for a number of reasons, the main of which are the following:

- none of the existing computer

technologies will not be able to imitate all the multifaceted educational activities of the teacher;

- it is impossible to replace the multidimensional emotional interaction (conducting a classroom lesson) with computer teaching aids.

One of the goals of teaching with a modern communicative approach to teaching languages is the development of the ability of foreign language communication as a form of intercultural interaction, the reproduction of which in in full within the framework of human-computer interaction is impossible [Сарана Т.П. 2005:174].

Thus, computer technologies, becoming an integral part of the educational process, remain technologies that imply the key role of the teacher in the teaching students a foreign language.

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"


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