Научная статья на тему 'Information technologies in modern language education'

Information technologies in modern language education Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Gutareva Nadehzda Yurevna

This article develops the sources of occurrence and the purposes of application of information technologies in teaching of foreign languages from the point of view of linguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages and psychology. The main features of them have been determined in works of native and foreign scientists from the point of view of the basic didactic principles and new standards of selection for working with computer programs are pointed out. In work the author focuses the main attention to modern technologies that in language education in teaching are especially important and demanded as answer the purpose and problems of teaching in foreign languages are equitable to interests of students but they should be safe. Purpose: to determine advantages of using interactive means in teaching foreign languages. Methodology: studying and analysis of psychological, pe-dagogical and methodological literature on the theme of in-vestigation. Results: the analysis of the purpose and kinds of interacti-ve means has shown importance of its application in practice. Practical implications: it is possible for us to use the results of this work in courses of theory of methodology of teaching foreign languages.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Information technologies in modern language education»

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-5-9 UDC 378.1

information technologies in modern language education

Gutareva N.Y.

This article develops the sources of occurrence and the purposes of application of information technologies in teaching of foreign languages from the point of view of linguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages and psychology. The main features of them have been determined in works of native and foreign scientists from the point of view of the basic didactic principles and new standards of selection for working with computer programs are pointed out. In work the author focuses the main attention to modern technologies that in language education in teaching are especially important and demanded as answer the purpose and problems of teaching in foreign languages are equitable to interests of students but they should be safe.

Purpose: to determine advantages of using interactive means in teaching foreign languages.

Methodology: studying and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the theme of investigation.

Results: the analysis of the purpose and kinds of interactive means has shown importance of its application in practice.

Practical implications: it is possible for us to use the results of this work in courses of theory of methodology of teaching foreign languages.

Keywords: computer software; learning environment; didactic principles; project; teaching methods; interviews; interactive game; speech interaction.

At the end of the 20th century in the UK information technologies have been actively implemented in teaching foreign languages, followed by an introduction to the core curriculum and programs. The article is a continuation of the author's work on modern technologies in teaching foreign languages [5]. We share the view of John. Highema that the application of information technologies in the teaching of foreign languages provides a multi-level controlled and exciting process of learning a foreign language [1, p. 47]. Creating special educational computer programs is necessary for different learning objectives: the introduction of new lexical units, the study of phraseology or grammatical constructions, the control level of formation of listening skills, etc. and therefore it contributes to increasing quality of learning and motivation, self-reliance on the part of students. Distance education based entirely on information technology, allows to combine work with study, or to receive an education to people with disabilities.

The current dynamics of the development of information technology in the world testifies to the appropriateness of their application. Currently there is no surprise presence of high-tech multimedia classes, which are widely used in the process of learning in secondary schools and universities around the world. Special educational

computer programs are important for the improvement of all types of speech activity in the study of foreign languages. Existing global experience in implementing multi and Internet technologies in the learning process can be regarded as indispensable to the present days. Internet technologies expand opportunities in the choice of teaching material for the student and require certain skills on the part of the teacher related to search, copy and store the desired information.

Many researchers emphasize that distance education and some professions of modern humans entirely based on information technologies.

So, modern education and process of learning foreign languages without the use of information technology and special educational computer programs cannot exist for many researchers. Many of today's teachers say that the Internet is a unique means of increasing student motivation.

Sometimes, the Internet serves as a link between a teacher and students (for instance: in electronic books, magazines, exercise equipment, dictionaries and programs). In most cases, the Internet serves as an assistant and a window to the world for the students, where intercultural communication and cooperation are possible. In this sense, the Internet serves as a new communication space, where there are many cultural practices [2, р. 61-62]. The Internet offers the possibility of feedback from communicants information (e-mail), dialogue, interviews and real communication program skype, polylogue (online conferences, chats, web seminars), etc. Consequently, it is about expanding the communication space and relations. Internet space occupies a strong position in our lives, as it affects many aspects of our

existence, providing a huge impact on our perception of the world and reality. The Internet and information technologies include colorful illustrative teaching material, novelty and relevance of the proposed material, so it cannot fail to attract the modern student and teacher.

In connection with the application of information technology there is a concept of «information security», by which is meant that a teacher is responsible for the quality of the proposed training material, where ethical standards and much more should be taken into account. Despite the many positive aspects of the application of information technologies in the educational process, there are several negative aspects. In particular, the process of learning speech of students is only possible in the presence of a teacher performing corrective, supervisory functions. For example, the program skype provides an artificially created situation and natural communication medium, but, nevertheless, involves a number of challenges in working in it for all the participants of communication:

1. interference in connection Internet;

2. discrepancy between the rhythm of life and the work schedule of the students and teacher;

3. time zone difference;

4. lack of necessary equipment for communication;

5. routine and boredom of the educational process;

6. lack of teamwork;

7. material costs;

8. loss of time;

9. decreased interest and motivation to learn a foreign language;

10. increase in the level of anxiety and stress in the student;

11. absence of a familiar learning environment.

An electronic journal has also become a common tool and a means of feedback between teacher and students. It is certainly convenient, but it also has disadvantages such as:

1. increase in the probability of errors on the part of the teacher;

2. interference in connection Internet;

3. unauthorized access to the results of the student;

4. lack of necessary equipment for communication;

5. loss results;

6. the possibility of forgery count students;

7. lack of opportunity to discuss the results between the teacher and students;

8. loss of time;

9. decreased interest and motivation to learn a foreign language;

10. increase in the level of anxiety and stress in the student;

11. absence of a familiar learning environment.

Thus, the adoption and the positive effects of the use of information technologies requires that the teacher and students are confident users of computer programs, and therefore, the question arises of information competence, the participants of the educational process. Information technology does not always correspond to the basic didactic principles.

Therefore, active participation and use of information technology requires certain skills and abilities to work with a computer. M.S. Bershad offers a definition of information competence: «Information competence - it is the body's ability to perceive and recognize the signals of internal and external environment, as well as transform

and store in some form or other traces of their influence to control their own behavior to meet the needs of the body» [3, 141]. So, the natural speech interaction, design, interactive games are relevant for the educational process and to this day, and information technologies allow to diversify the learning activities of students and change our understanding of the traditional foreign language lessons, but require special attention, responsibility and independence on the part of students [4].

In summary, it should be noted that sometimes, before proposing the use of a particular computer program, it is important to find out whether it is clear to participants the basic rules for its use, to identify the main prospect of working with it.


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2. Azimov E.G., Shchukin A.N. Slovar' metodicheskikh terminov (teoriya i praktika prepodavaniya yazykov) [Dictionary of methodical terms (theory and practice of teaching languages)]. -Saint-Petersburg: «Zlatoust», 1999. 472 p.

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5. Gutareva N.Yu. Rol' sovremennykh tekhnologiy v yazykovom obrazovanii [The role of modern technology in language education]. Vmire nauchnykh otkrytiy [In the World of Scientific Discoveries]. №9(45), 2014. (Humanities and Social Sciences). pp. 326-336.

6. Kitaygorodskaya G.A. Intensivnoe obuchenie inostrannym yazykam. Teoriya i praktika [Intensive language training. Theory and practice]. - M.: Vysshaya shkola; Nauchno-obrazovatel'nyy tsentr «Shkola Kitaygorodskoy», 2009. 277 p.

7. Kolesnika I.L., Dolgina O.A. Anglo-russkiy terminologicheskiy spravochnik po metodike prepodavaniya inostrannykh yazykov [English-Russian terminological reference book on methods of teaching foreign languages]. - Saint Petersburg: Russian-Baltic informational center BLIC, 2001. 223 p.

8. Koryakovtseva N.F. Sovremennaya metodika organizatsii samo-stoyatel'noy raboty izuchayushchikh inostrannyy yazyk [Modern methods of organization of independent work foreign language learners]: A guide for teachers. - M.: ARKTI 2002. 176 p.

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Gutareva Nadehzda Yurevna, associate professor of the department of foreign languages in the sphere of natural resources, PhD in Pedagogical Science

National research Tomsk polytechnic university 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia e-mail: gutarevanadehzda@mail.ru

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