Курбанов Анвар Кулмурадович
Заведующий кафедры «Иностранные языки» Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г.Бухара
Kurbanov Anvar Kulmurodovich
the chief of the department "Foreign languages" Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается значимость использование информационных ресурсов в процессе преподавания иностранного языка, а также анализируется важность и эффективность использования веб-технологий в изучении иностранного языка как на уроке, так и в самостоятельной работе учащихся. Автор анализирует различные точки зрения на целесообразность применения информационных технологий в обучении иностранному языку и выражает целостную позицию по данному вопросу, подкрепляя наглядными примерами положительного эффекта в ходе использования современных технологий.
Abstract. This article deals with the importance of using informational recourses in teaching process of foreign language, and also analyzes the importance and effectiveness of using web technologies in learning a foreign language both in the classroom and in the independent work of students. The author analyzes various points of view on the feasibility of using information technologies in teaching a foreign language and expresses a holistic position on this issue, backing up with illustrative examples of a positive effect in the course of using modern technologies.
Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, учебный материал, интернет - ресурсы, интерактивный подход, обучение иностранному языку, коммуникативная компетенция
Keywords: information technology, educational material, internet resources, interactive approach, teaching a foreign language, communicative competence_
In a world where globalization has affected all aspects of life, knowledge of several foreign languages is becoming an important need for every person. It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without information technology. Knowing a language means not just mechanically mastering a number of words, but understanding the world of native speakers of a given language, their culture, and understanding idioms. In the classroom, the teacher should not be limited to the transfer of ready-made linguistic facts, he should activate the student's cognitive activity. Based on this, attention should be paid to how to increase the student's motivation to study. Students' cognitive performance can be low for various reasons, one of which is the use of traditional teaching methods [1].
The effectiveness of the impact of educational material on the student audience mainly depends on the degree and level of illustrativeness of the oral material. The visual richness of the educational material makes it bright, convincing and contributes to the intensification of the process of its assimilation [2].
One of the new requirements for teaching languages using Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the classroom, which is commonly called interactivity in the methodology. This principle is not new, but there is still no single definition of this approach. According to the definition of R.P.Milrud, interactivity is "the unification, coordination and interaction of efforts of the communicative goal and the result by speech means" [3-4].
According to this definition, it can be concluded that an interactive approach in virtual space serves as one of the means of achieving a communicative goal in the classroom. By teaching a foreign language, the Internet helps in the formation of skills in speaking skills, as well as in teaching vocabulary and grammar, providing genuine interest and therefore efficiency. Moreover, the Internet develops skills that are important not only for a foreign language. This is primarily associated with mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, identification, comparison, verbal and semantic forecasting, etc [5].
Thus, the skills and abilities formed with the help of Internet technologies go beyond the limits of foreign language competence, even within the framework of the "linguistic" aspect. The Internet develops the social and psychological qualities of students, their self-confidence and their ability to work in a team, creates a favorable atmosphere for learning, acting as a means of an interactive approach. The Internet is an excellent resource for lively foreign spoken language, as participants use a "hybrid" form of speech (mixing spoken and written texts). In this regard, teaching a foreign language based on authentic texts gives students the opportunity to replenish their vocabulary and shows a written version of the spoken style of speech. To solve these problems, the most suitable form of training is an Internet forum. A forum is an independent website or a section of a site, which is a club of
interests for communication on the Internet on a specific topic and with a fairly stable composition of participants. Communication on a forum is a special electronic conversation where communication takes place in an asynchronous form. On the one hand, this communication is factual, on the other, it is pragmatic: most often a participant comes to the forum in order to obtain information on a specific issue [6-7].
Materials from the forum as an Internet resource in foreign language lessons are best used for students of an advanced level, since in order to achieve this level, a student must have a high level of communicative competence in all areas of communication.
Forum texts can be used:
a) as a source of new words, phrases and expressions;
b) as the main text upon presentation of a specific lesson topic;
c) as a supporting material in discussion lessons;
d) when teaching the spoken style of speech.
The global information network gives a lot in the process of self-education, allows each user to choose their own path of learning.
One of the techniques that are currently widely used for oral presentations are computer presentations, which allow focusing the audience's attention on significant points of the information presented and create visual images in the form of diagrams, diagrams, graphic compositions, etc.
The use of computer technology in foreign language classes has the following goals:
1) the formation of skills to work with electronic resources to find the necessary information;
2) development of communication skills;
3) practice of individual and group work;
4) creation of electronic documents, presentations, tables, etc .;
5) providing the student with that amount of information that is optimal for him (implementation of a personality-oriented approach);
6) improving the culture of speech and writing;
7) development of students' creative thinking (project method).
The task of the teacher is to teach students to study independently, to acquire knowledge from various sources of information on their own, to master the greatest possible variety of types and methods of independent work.
The difficulty in the activities of teachers in organizing independent work in the educational process is that many teaching aids still do not fully contribute to the successful development of the cognitive activity of students, their independence. In them, the rules, laws, conclusions are often given ready-made; they only require memorization. The solution to this problem is to use information and communication technologies in the classroom. The advantages are undeniable: it is both an operational control of knowledge, and an element of entertainment that increases students' interest in learning, and the creation of conditions for individual independent research and reflection [8].
The use of electronic resources gives a new status to the independent work of students, when training in the form becomes individual, independent, and in fact controlled and managed. Only a computer is able to carry out such a diverse in form and content connection with the learner (informative, reference, consulting, effective, verbal, non-verbal - graphics, color, sound signaling).
The computer significantly changes teaching methods due to the wide dialogization of the educational process, the active role of the student in the assimilation of the material.
The following forms of using information technology in language classes are possible:
1) computer presentations created by teacher and student;
2) electronic textbooks;
3) electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias;
4) fragments of virtual lectures (it should be noted that virtual lectures can be used either partially, at a certain stage of work, or completely).
The use of computerized forms of control implies the ability to test students' knowledge (at different stages of the lesson, with different purposes) in the form of testing, using a computer program, which allows you to quickly and effectively record the level of knowledge on a topic, objectively assessing their depth.
The following forms of students' homework with the use of computer technology can be distinguished.
1. Working with electronic encyclopedias, multimedia courses, textbooks, dictionaries, Internet capabilities.
2. Working with testing programs.
3. Creative work:
a) creation by students of presentations on the topic of the lesson, diagrams, diagrams, etc .;
b) work with the Microsoft Publisher program, which allows you to get a real product of your activity in the form of a newspaper, magazine, booklet, etc.
This technical tool is used to present the results of group work on a project, to prepare a newspaper issue or newsletter, to publish a study dictionary or a collection of linguistic fairy tales composed by students, to decorate a book cover, etc.
Thus, the methodology of independent work in the Russian language based on computer technologies includes the creation of positive motivation, a system of guidelines for educational activities; taking into account the level of training, the potential of the student, the complexity of the educational material; differentiation of the
volume of educational activity; a combination of management by the teacher and self-management by the student; regularity and consistency of homework: frequency of control, intensity of feedback in training, a system of corrective actions.
The use of information technology opens up new perspectives for teaching the Russian language, because provides fundamentally new opportunities for the formation of educational independence of students. Thus, the main purpose of the use of information technologies is to create optimal conditions for the individualization of students' learning actions, the orientation of students towards self-education, an increase in the proportion of independence and measures of participation of each student in the educational process, the development of cognitive interest.
1.Milrud R.P. Collaboration in a foreign language lesson // Foreign languages at school. 1991. No. 6.
2.Podgaetskaya I.M. Education of students' interest in the study of a foreign language. M., 1985.
3.Halpern D. Psychology of critical thinking. SPb., 2000.
4.Komakhidze R. Interactive methods of teaching languages // Comparison as a method of research and teaching languages. Tbilisi, 2005.
5.Lvov V. V. Computers at foreign language lessons // Russian language at school. 1996. No. 3. 6.Shoyimkulova Mahzuna Shavkatovna. USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN
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7.Salomova Malika Zohirovna, MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Journal Impact Factor 2020 for JournalNX. India. 2020.
8.Sharipova Feruza Negmatulloyevna, THE BASIC FEATURES OF TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUA. Journal Impact Factor 2020 for JournalNX. India. 2020.