FEATURES OF TEACHING PHARMACOLOGY TO FOREIGN STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
pharmacology / foreign students educational process / higher medical school

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Drachuk Vira, Zamorskii Igor, Shchudrova Tetiana, Kopchuk Tamara, Goroshko Оlexandra

Modern development of medicine, socialization and globalization requires higher education institutions to constantly improve the pedagogical process, taking into account the experience of medical fields and the simultaneous use of the latest medical technologies to improve the professional level of graduates and compet-itiveness. While pharmacology is a fundamental discipline studied by medical students, the acquisition of thorough knowledge and practical skills in the discipline is a necessary condition for mastering clinical disci-plines and forming a highly qualified specialist. The article describes our own experience and methods used to improve the methodology of teaching the discipline to foreign students.

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tivation In fact, the absence of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is called amotivation. It generates when learners have unwillingness or lack motivation in learning. They have low self-efficacy and feel incapable because the learning will result no desired outcome and doing the tasks have no value as well [4].

As online learning requires students' participation on their own responsibility for their own learning, they are unable to just join along the class with other students. The requirement forces them to participate in the online class with their own awareness, to gain new knowledge and information while interacting with teacher and other students (Knowles&Kerkman, 2007). Schunk et al (2014) argued that the success of the students' learning was related to their motivation. Furthermore, Nayakama et al (2014) also argued that the students was differently affected by their extrinsic motivation like learning environment and intrinsic one such as personalities. Some studies reported that students were mostly influenced by their internal driven motivation rather than the external one. Internal factors have been identified as stable personal characteristics of successful online learners. In addition, comparative studies between online and face-to-face learners indicated that online learners were more motivated by their intrinsic motivation than their face-to-face counterpart (Artino, 2008; Keller, 2008; Wighting et al. 2008; Yukselturk and Bulut 2007). Interestingly, internal motivation: namely isolated feelings; failure in technology; and poor time management skill have been proofed as influence for unsuccessful online learners (Hara & Kling, 2003; Keller, 1999; Paulus & Scherff, 2008). Hence,

the more the unsuccessful online learners get used to technology, the lesser those barriers and fade eventually (Keller & Suzuki, 2004). Additionally, amotivation or the state of being absence for both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is the biggest factor for unsuccessful online learners (Artino, 2008; Keller, 2008). Therefore, motivation plays crucial roles for learners in online learning and become an enormous factor needs to be considered in conducting online learning.


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3. Hartnett, M. Examining motivation in online distance learning environments: Complex, multifac-eted, and situation-dependent. International Review of Resarch in Open and Distributed Learn-ing.2011;12(6):20-38.

4. Hartnett, M. The importance of motivation in online learning. In Motivation in online education. Springer, Singapore. 2016;5-32).

5. Ucar, H., & Kumtepe, A. T. Effects of the ARCS-V-based motivational strategies on online learners' academic performance, motivation, volition, and course interest. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 2020;36(3):335-349.

6. Ushida, E.The role of students' attitudes and motivation in secondn language learning in online language courses. CALICO journal. 2005;49-78.

Drachuk Vira,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Zamorskii Igor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Department of Pharmacology Shchudrova Tetiana,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Kopchuk Tamara,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Goroshko Olexandra,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy Dikal Mariana

PhD, associate professor Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-24111-45-47



Modern development of medicine, socialization and globalization requires higher education institutions to constantly improve the pedagogical process, taking into account the experience of medical fields and the simultaneous use of the latest medical technologies to improve the professional level of graduates and competitiveness. While pharmacology is a fundamental discipline studied by medical students, the acquisition of thorough



knowledge and practical skills in the discipline is a necessary condition for mastering clinical disciplines and forming a highly qualified specialist. The article describes our own experience and methods used to improve the methodology of teaching the discipline to foreign students.

Keywords: pharmacology, foreign students educational process, higher medical school

The main task of the system of higher medical education both in Ukraine and around the world is to train highly qualified, competent specialists and provide medical staff with a high level of professionalism, the main components of which will be absolute readiness to perform their duties effectively. The key link that unites the medical student and the practitioner is the knowledge, skills and ability acquired during training to convert them qualitatively into practical activities. It is worth noting that the social situation in the world has led to the fact that about 5 million people study abroad. The globalization of medical education has not passed Ukrainian medical universities, where, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, foreign students from different countries study [1]. Relevant practice in training foreign citizens has long been successfully carried out by Bukovina State Medical University, where students from India, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, etc. study. Issues of socialization in a new environment, adaptation to learning, language training and leveling the language barrier, establishing contacts with the local student community, always require a delicate approach, especially from the university administration and, of course, the teaching staff. Taking into account national characteristics in accordance with the level of development of the country, the requirements of the health care system for the training of medical personnel, as well as religion is a priority of a medical institution that trains foreign nationals. Optimization of the educational process involves a comprehensive approach to solving a number of problems in order to improve the quality of training for different countries [2]. Therefore, the search for ways to improve the educational process for the training of future foreign doctors is still relevant, and research and teaching staff of our university based on their own experience, feedback in the learning process, active reflection, continue to modernize teaching methods, taking into account the needs of future doctors [3].

The aim of the article was to analyze the methods and ways to improve the training of foreign students in the study of pharmacology.

Of course, pharmacology is a basic discipline studied by students majoring in "Medicine". The introduction into clinical practice of a large number of drugs, necessitates their unified study, systematization, correct choice of a particular drug in this clinical situation, based on the peculiarities of their pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, taking into account the possibility of adverse reactions, comorbidities and more. The task of the course of pharmacology, based on previously acquired knowledge in related disciplines, such as physiology, pathological physiology, biochemistry, human anatomy, histology, etc., to form students' ideas about the main arsenal of drugs, their pharmacological activity, indications, contraindications, possibility side effects and interactions with other drugs. In addition,

pharmacology is a science that teaches a doctor to choose from all existing the most effective and safest drug for individual therapy and prevention, taking into account its comorbidities; choose the most appropriate dosage form, route of administration and mode of administration, to avoid side effects [4].

The teaching of pharmacology is conditioned by the requirements of the working curriculum of the discipline, developed in accordance with the educational and qualification characteristics and educational and professional training programs approved by the MES of Ukraine, which clearly outlines the main tasks The ultimate goals of studying pharmacology are:

> know the main ways of pharmacological correction of pathological disorders;

> basic classifications of drugs presented on the pharmaceutical market;

> explain the pharmacological characteristics of drugs, their mechanisms of action;

> interpret the use of drugs in accordance with pharmacodynamic indicators;

> evaluate the benefit / risk ratio in the formation of the algorithm of patient care;

> explain the possibility of side effects in order to avoid them [5].

However, returning to the topic of peculiarities of teaching foreign students, I want to note several aspects. First of all, the successful education of foreign medical students requires high pedagogical skills. The teacher must not only know his subject well, but also have a good command of the language of instruction, take into account the national and religious traditions of the audience.

The next important aspect is the quality of the material. Of course, the educational material base of the university provides students with educational literature in full, usually it is textbooks on pharmacology of foreign publishers and authors, to a lesser extent it is a translation of domestic textbooks. But the mobility of students, their computer literacy, access to many information resources requires constant updating of information. Therefore, in addition to libraries and reading rooms, an important source of teaching material at our university is the distance learning server Moodle, where students can find the most necessary material. The information content of the server is diverse. Coverage of each topic must contain textual information, lecture materials in the form of power-point presentations, video resources, diagrams, drawings, animations, links to additional foreign resources, where each student can choose the material that is best and most interesting for personal perception. will help to better master the topic. And the solution of situational problems and test tasks in the test mode will allow you to independently determine the level of mastered material [6].

In addition, it is important in the teaching of pharmacology to take into account international standards



of treatment, implementation and study of international non-proprietary names of drugs, which are adopted by the World Health Organization, avoiding domestic generic names. Expanding the range of drugs is recommended due to drugs that are part of a certain pharmacological group. We should also not forget about the mandatory list of medicines included in the "Krok-1".

Among all forms of learning, an important role, oddly enough, is given to the discussion of the topic. The high degree of communication between the teacher and the audience, as well as the active involvement of students in the discussion of the problem, contributes to a better understanding and perception of the mechanisms of action and other pharmacological properties of drugs. The main purpose of the discussion is to clarify and be able to argue their position. In addition, the parallel unloading of theoretical material with vivid examples from practice, demonstrations of educational films, lectures, and other modern demonstration techniques that allow better learning of new material and motivate it to memorize[6].

Positive feedback among students is used by "brainstorming", which makes it possible to solve the problem by stimulating creative activity. It helps students to freely express their thoughts and develop the ability to find several solutions to a particular topic [7]. This method should be used in practical classes after discussing the theoretical material, usually in the form of solving specific situational problems with justification of answers.

No less effective method in the study of pharmacology is the Case method - integrated complex situational problems. The main task of this method is to teach students to solve difficult situations. It allows you to objectively assess the knowledge, practical skills, professional skills of students, which greatly facilitates the work of the teacher in assessment, develops analytical skills, clinical thinking of everyone and teaches to avoid mistakes [4].

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that pharmacology is a fundamental science that connects theoretical and clinical disciplines. Solving the problems facing the doctor, as well as the ever-increasing amount of information about drugs require deep and comprehensive knowledge in the pharmaceutical field. Drug treatment among all types of medical care is about 85%. That is why it is necessary for students to deeply master basic knowledge and form a broad pharmaco-

logical worldview in them and the constant need to update this knowledge. Obviously, the use of different methods in the study of pharmacology is a necessary component of the educational process for the formation of the personality of a foreign student and a highly qualified physician in the future.


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