MOTIVATING STUDENTS TOWARDS ONLINE LEARNING IN HIGH SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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e-learning / students / motivation / pandemic.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Horbatiuk Iryna Borysivna, Horbatiuk Inna Borysivna

Throughout the pandemic of 2020 students of all ages have experienced some kind of online learning. Many universities have moved to become fully online, while primary and secondary schools were forced to teach via video to students at home for several weeks. And even before the pandemic, there were plenty of online courses that happened solely through distance learning, so understanding how to motivate students in online courses has been vital, and now becomes so for physical schools forced to adapt to new ways of teach-ing. Due to the Covid health crisis, educators and students have been left with their feelings of uncertainty and the online courses in this context were implemented on a short notice. In such a climate of unpredictability surrounding online teaching, naturally many questions emerged as to its effectiveness, its impact on the teach-ers and students. This article illuminates the motivation of the students toward their online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic era. Due to sudden transformation from traditional face-to-face learning approach to re-motely digital learning, some present studies revealed that studentsmotivation in online learning was affected both intrinsically and extrinsically.

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до природи, особистш, громадсько1 та нацiональноï безпеки [6, с. 241].

Зютавлення та порiвняльний аналiз розгляну-тих дефiнiцiй «культура безпеки», «культура безпеки життeдiяльностi», «культура безпеки суспшь-ства», «культура безпеки особистосп» показуе, що об'еднуючим чинником у вищезазначених словос-полученнях е культура як деякий рiвень виховано-стi та освiченостi людини. Другим об'еднуючим чинником виступае психологiчна сторона питания, що передбачае наявшсть у пращвнишв усвщомле-ного, розумiючого та вщповщального ставлення до безпеки пращ.

Висновки. Таким чином, нами здшснено сис-тематизацiя та узагальнення наукових праць щодо поиятiйно-термiнологiчного апарату дослщження проблеми формування культури безпеки професш-но1 дiяльностi. Встановлено, що у педагопчнш ль тературi зустрiчаються поряд з дефiнiцiею «культура безпека» такi поняття як «культура ращацшно1 безпеки», «культура безпеки життедiяльностi», «культура особистюно1 безпеки». У нашому досль дженнi схиляемося до того, що стосовно до охо-рони пращ, до безпечного ведення робiт на вироб-ництвi доцiльно застосовувати поняття «культура безпеки». Вважаемо, що таке трактування мае шир-ший сенс, куди включаеться i культура охорони працi, i культура виробництва, i культура профша-ктики в охоронi працi, i естетична культура працi. У зв'язку з цим е гостра необхвдшсть формування культури безпеки на етат вузiвськоï пiдготовки фа-хiвцiв, а також в процесi здiйснения ними професш-но1 дiяльностi.

Список лггератури

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5. Гурина Р.Р., Хаирова Н.И., Фоминых Ю.Г. Педагогический потенциал современной концепции и культуры безопасности жизнедеятельности. Образование и инициативы. 2015. 4. С. 93-95.

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10. Соколова С.Н. Культура безопасности современного общества и аксиологическая матрица личности. Вестник Полесского государственного университета. 2017. № 1. С. 66-72.

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Horbatiuk Iryna Borysivna,

PhD, assistant of Department ofInternal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational Diseases Horbatiuk Inna Borysivna PhD, assistant of Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Bukovinian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-24111-43-45 MOTIVATING STUDENTS TOWARDS ONLINE LEARNING IN HIGH SCHOOL


Throughout the pandemic of2020 students of all ages have experienced some kind of online learning. Many universities have moved to become fully online, while primary and secondary schools were forced to teach via video to students at home for several weeks. And even before the pandemic, there were plenty of online courses that happened solely through distance learning, so understanding how to motivate students in online courses has been vital, and now becomes so for physical schools forced to adapt to new ways of teaching.

Due to the Covid health crisis, educators and students have been left with their feelings of uncertainty and the online courses in this context were implemented on a short notice. In such a climate of unpredictability surrounding online teaching, naturally many questions emerged as to its effectiveness, its impact on the teachers and



students. This article illuminates the motivation of the students toward their online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic era. Due to sudden transformation from traditional face-to-face learning approach to remotely digital learning, some present studies revealed that students' motivation in online learning was affected both intrinsically and extrinsically.

Keywords: e-learning, students, motivation, pandemic.

The online learning regulation is in force to all education institutions. It is undertaken the learning from traditionally face-to-face approaches to remotely digital platforms. This sudden transformation has been debatable due to the quality of education resulted. Some previous studies revealed that the online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic era has caused advantages while others has caused disadvantages. On one hand, online learning was reported beneficial for students because they had high interaction to rich learning materials regardless time and place as well as high opportunity to experience digital learning programs [1]. Moreover, the high interaction also occurred in the forms of virtual communication among teachers - students, and students - students which resulted vast capacity of sharing information and experience [5]. As the online teaching and learning processes used computer technology, it increased enthusiasm of both teachers and students to participate which, in turn, increased their computer skills too [6]. On the other hand, online learning was also described bringing disadvantages. The students claimed that online learning has caused them some health problems like fatigue, headache, or fever because they had too many assignments to do in short time. Some also declared that they had impairment eyesight due to long duration starring at computers or phones screens. Students also faced hardship in financial because they had to buy big credit for online quota [2]. However, these advantages and disadvantages which determined the students' success in learning were closely related to students' motivation in online learning during the pandemic. Interestingly, both advantages and disadvantages were influenced by students' motivation. The motivation regarding online learning during the coronavirus outbreak was reported contributing inconsistent effects in higher education, especially in Indonesian universities. The online learning has caused lack motivation for some students to learn whereas others were highly motivated. Cahyani, Listiana, & Larasati (2020), Rachmat (2020) and Simamora (2020) in their study reported that students with lack motivation were greatly affected by external factors like learning environment, learning time, and instrumental supports which in turn affected the achievement. As the online learning was conducted from home, many parents thought they still could ask help in doing households from their children in their online learning time. Improper internet connection and gadgets to access the distance learning were also caused frustration. On the contrary, Fitriyani, Fauzi, & Sari (2020) and Simamora (2020) argued that intrinsic factors highly motivated university students in online learning. The enthusiasm and ambition to understand and add new knowledge have driven them to study hard

even via online. In addition, resilience and psychological condition also favorably assisted them to have success online learning.

Motivation is defined as "a theorical construct to explain the initiation, direction, intensity, persistence, and quality of behaviour, especially goal-directed behavior" (Brophy, 2010:3). It is associated with individual cognitive and affective processes on situated and interactive interaction between learners and their learning environment in accordance to the contextual and social factors as enablers or barriers (Schuck et al., 2014). Motivation which is described as an 'engine of learning' (Paris & Turner, 1994) affects in what, how, and when of learners' learning (Schunk & Usher, 2012). In their studies, Ryan and Deci (2000a, 2000b) argued that motivated learners are able to do challenging learning activities which engage them actively in finding out appropriate strategies to facilitate their learning, enjoying them and indicating better, persistence, and creative learning. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Learning Ryan and Deci (2000a, p.56) state that "Intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence". It is associated with internal factors like interest, fun or challenge an individual develops in doing activities, for the joy or satisfaction integrated in the activities. Furthermore, they also defined extrinsic motivation as "a construct that pertains whenever an activity done in order to attain some separable outcome" (Ryan & Deci, 2000a, p.60). It is related to external factors in doing activities such as reward or recognition from others (Hartnett, 2016).

As motivation in learning reflects on Self-Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan (1985), the intrinsic motivation is related to: (1) motivation to learn and gain new knowledge such as happiness in learning new things; (2) motivation to experience the encouragement and physical joy like enjoyment in learning interesting learning materials; and (3) motivation to undertake challenging learning activity, for example accomplishing challenging assignment. The intrinsic motivation is influenced by interest, ambition, aspiration, awareness, competency, physical and psychological conditions.

Extrinsic motivation, in contrast, is associated with (1) motivation to get rewarded or prevent punished (external regulation), like to have good score in finishing a difficult project; (2) motivation to avoid bad situation or being guilty (introjected regulation), such as to prove its capability in performing tough tasks; and (3) motivation to gain benefit and necessity after completing a learning activity (identified regulation), for instance learning a specific subject would be beneficial for a certain job in the future [3]. The extrinsic motivation is influenced by studying condition, social condition, family condition, and supporting facilities. Amo-



tivation In fact, the absence of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is called amotivation. It generates when learners have unwillingness or lack motivation in learning. They have low self-efficacy and feel incapable because the learning will result no desired outcome and doing the tasks have no value as well [4].

As online learning requires students' participation on their own responsibility for their own learning, they are unable to just join along the class with other students. The requirement forces them to participate in the online class with their own awareness, to gain new knowledge and information while interacting with teacher and other students (Knowles&Kerkman, 2007). Schunk et al (2014) argued that the success of the students' learning was related to their motivation. Furthermore, Nayakama et al (2014) also argued that the students was differently affected by their extrinsic motivation like learning environment and intrinsic one such as personalities. Some studies reported that students were mostly influenced by their internal driven motivation rather than the external one. Internal factors have been identified as stable personal characteristics of successful online learners. In addition, comparative studies between online and face-to-face learners indicated that online learners were more motivated by their intrinsic motivation than their face-to-face counterpart (Artino, 2008; Keller, 2008; Wighting et al. 2008; Yukselturk and Bulut 2007). Interestingly, internal motivation: namely isolated feelings; failure in technology; and poor time management skill have been proofed as influence for unsuccessful online learners (Hara & Kling, 2003; Keller, 1999; Paulus & Scherff, 2008). Hence,

the more the unsuccessful online learners get used to technology, the lesser those barriers and fade eventually (Keller & Suzuki, 2004). Additionally, amotivation or the state of being absence for both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is the biggest factor for unsuccessful online learners (Artino, 2008; Keller, 2008). Therefore, motivation plays crucial roles for learners in online learning and become an enormous factor needs to be considered in conducting online learning.


1. Barbour, M. K. & Reeves, T. C. The reality of virtual schools: A review of the literature. Computers & Education 2009;52(2):402-416.

2. Chen, K. C. & Jang, S. J. Motivation in online learning: Testing a model of self-determination theory. Computers in Human Behavior. 2010;26(4):741-752.

3. Hartnett, M. Examining motivation in online distance learning environments: Complex, multifac-eted, and situation-dependent. International Review of Resarch in Open and Distributed Learn-ing.2011;12(6):20-38.

4. Hartnett, M. The importance of motivation in online learning. In Motivation in online education. Springer, Singapore. 2016;5-32).

5. Ucar, H., & Kumtepe, A. T. Effects of the ARCS-V-based motivational strategies on online learners' academic performance, motivation, volition, and course interest. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 2020;36(3):335-349.

6. Ushida, E.The role of students' attitudes and motivation in secondn language learning in online language courses. CALICO journal. 2005;49-78.

Drachuk Vira,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Zamorskii Igor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Department of Pharmacology Shchudrova Tetiana,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology

Kopchuk Tamara,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Goroshko Olexandra,

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy Dikal Mariana

PhD, associate professor Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-24111-45-47



Modern development of medicine, socialization and globalization requires higher education institutions to constantly improve the pedagogical process, taking into account the experience of medical fields and the simultaneous use of the latest medical technologies to improve the professional level of graduates and competitiveness. While pharmacology is a fundamental discipline studied by medical students, the acquisition of thorough

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