FEATURES OF MODERN MULTILINGUAL MEMETICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Potapova R. K., Potapov V. V.

In the course of the study, three databases were formed based on the Russian-language, German-language and American-English-language segments of the Internet, common among young users, and the term “memetics” was introduced, which includes various thematic structural-systemic and semantic features of the phenomenon of “meme” and “meme-communication”. National memetics has its own features regarding the process of thematic selection, means of code and/or polycode methods of information transmission. The main research method is the hermeneutic approach. The concept of “toxicity” makes it possible to identify various ways, in which Internet users can be negatively affected.

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Научная статья УДК 81.112

Р01 10.52070/2542-2197_2022_11_866_83

особенности современной многоязыковой меметики

Р. К. Потапова1, В. В. Потапов2

1Московский государственный лингвистический университет, Москва, Россия, 2Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Москва, Россия 1RKpotapova@yandex.ru 2 Volikpotapov@gmail.com


Ключевые слова:

В процессе исследования были сформированы три базы данных с опорой на русскоязычный, немецкоязычный и англо-американоязычный сегменты Интернета, распространенные среди молодежного контингента пользователей, а также введен термин «меметика», включающий различные тематические структурно-системные и смысловые особенности феномена «мем» и «мем-коммуникация». Национальная меметика обладает своими особенностями в процессе тематического отбора, средств кодового и / или поликодового способа передачи информации. Основным методом исследования предстает герменевтический подход. Концепт «токсичность» позволяет определить различные способы негативного воздействия на интернет-пользователей.

меметика, креолизованные и некреолизованные мемы, герменевтика, молодые пользователи Интернета, токсичность, русскоязычный, немецкоязычный и англо-американоязычный сегменты Интернета

Благодарности: Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского научного фонда (РНФ), проект N0 22-28-01050.

Для цитирования: Потапова Р. К., Потапов В. В. Особенности современной многоязыковой меметики // Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2022. Вып. 11 (866). С. 83-91. DOI 10.52070/2542-2197_2022_11_866_83

Original article

Features of Modern Multilingual Memetics

Rodmonga K. Potapova1, Vsevolod V. Potapov2

1 Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

1 RKpotapova@yandex.ru

2 Volikpotapov@gmail.com




In the course of the study, three databases were formed based on the Russian-language, German-language and American-English-language segments of the Internet, common among young users, and the term "memetics" was introduced, which includes various thematic structural-systemic and semantic features of the phenomenon of "meme" and "meme-communication". National memetics has its own features regarding the process of thematic selection, means of code and/or polycode methods of information transmission. The main research method is the hermeneutic approach. The concept of "toxicity" makes it possible to identify various ways, in which Internet users can be negatively affected.

memetics, polycode and monocode memes, hermeneutics, young Internet users, toxicity, Russian-language, German-language and American-English-language segments of the Internet

The research was carried out with the support of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project No. 22-28-01050.

For citation: Potapova, R. K., Potapov, V. V. (2022). Features of modern multilingual memetics. Vestnik of Moscow

State University. Humanities, 11(866), 83-91. 10.52070/2542-2197_2022_11_866_83


A comprehensive analysis of Internet content using digital artificial intelligence technology is one of the most relevant areas in relation to interdisciplinary-convergent research. Digital communication studied within Digital Humanities makes it possible to address humanitarian problems from different points of view and with promising analytical tools, which is directly relating to linguistics. One of the subjects of the focus on the features of the semantic content of network communication is a multidimensional analysis of the means of transmitting semantic information correlated with polysemiotic means of its expression. It should be emphasized that the volume of polycode content generated by Internet users is such that only highly automated intellectual analysis methods involving supercomputer and cloud technologies can be able to classify and describe all incoming information and determine those objects that require special expert analysis. A particular difficulty lies in the interdisciplinary-convergent approach, since in such a situation data involved are not only from linguistics, but also from sociology, ethics, aesthetics, psychology, psychiatry, legal studies, etc. The study of Internet communication in Russia and beyond is additionally is complicated by the variety of languages used in Internet communication. All the while, in the postSoviet space, this variety is often of polylingual nature, which causes not only linguistic interference and the formation of pidgins, but also polycode digital structures, that is, memes.

A meme is understood as «короткий фрагмент информации (слово или фраза, изображение и т. п.), мгновенно и неожиданно ставший модным и активно воспроизводящийся в Интернете, в том числе в новых контекстах или ситуациях - a short snippet of information (word or phrase, image, etc.) that instantly and unexpectedly became fashionable and is actively reproduced in the Internet, particularly in new contexts or situations» [Словарь языка интернета, 2016, с. 200]. Some researchers (for example, [Выналек, 2014, с. 53-59]) correlate the interpretation of a meme as a kind of modern folklore with some reservations in terms of their features: variability, anonymity, collectivity, spoken form of existence, text meme, image-meme, video-memes, polycode meme, text meme combined with changing image, comic books, image combined with unfinished text meme, mixed type. All the studies discussed above were based solely on the material of the Russian language. As for the integrative features of memes in relation to the linguistic typology of Internet-memes, no such research has been conducted.

In this context, we define "memetics as an interdisciplinary knowledge domain including, as a study object, methods for transmitting network information with the use of concise monocode or polycode ministructures characterized by maximum network virality1 and popularity" [Потапова, Потапов, 2022, p. 80].

The use of paraverbal and non-verbal means along with verbal means in the polycode process makes it possible to ensure Internet communication through integrating into the structure of a communicative act and influencing its semantic content. At the same time, polycode process of semantic information (text, image, video, music, singing, photo) can multiply the impact on recipients, since in this case several perception channels are engaged simultaneously or sequentially.

Thus, in order to achieve completeness and adequacy of the discursive, plot-compositional and syntactic-semantic representations in relation to memetics, it is necessary to consider a complex interdisciplinary-convergent model that includes all the components of the meme-discourse. The methodology for analyzing the phenomenon of multilevel polycode transformation process of the digital components of a meme-unit involves referring to various methods and approaches in terms of, in particular, the emotiogenic nature of the units considered and their influence as an emotional trigger on Internet communication in general.

conceptual background of the study of network meme-communication

Before coming down to the essentials of our research, it is necessary to turn to the origins of the emergence of the very phenomenon of "meme". This aspect has been given much attention in general in a number of modern articles and reports, but it seems to us that this problem is analyzed and described most capaciously and deeply in the work of M. A. Kro-ngauz "Meme in the Russian-language Internet: the experience of deconstruction". So, according to the relevant sources [Blackmore, 2000; Dawkins, 1976; Rushkoff, 1994], the term "meme" was introduced by English biologist and popularizer of science Richard Dawkins in his book "The Selfish Gene" [Dawkins,

1 Virality is the ability of content to spread in an electronic network by the method of "viral infection", or "word of mouth advertising", that is, by network members sharing a link in order to share interesting information with "friends". In a broad sense, the virality of a message can be seen as its popularity. In a narrow sense, virality is a measurable measure of the spread of information in the network used in network marketing, as well as in political and other organized campaigns [Терещенко, 2017, p. 48].

1976]. According to M. A. Krongauz, meme entered the Russian language most likely through network jargon [KpoHray3, 2014, p. 87].

In our view, a comprehensive methodology for the analysis of polycode digital meme-units should include elements of hermeneutic analysis involving data not only from linguistics, but also from a number of other humanities. Of even greater interest is a comparative analysis of Internet-memes that are encountered in different-language segments of the Internet. In relation to our study, these are Russian-language, German-language and English-language Internet segments. The databases (DBs) formed on the basis of the above languages provide an opportunity to compare the features of the means of information transfer in relation to meme-communication and determine how monocode and polycode means of transferring semantic information are used to form memes of these language areas. At the same time, it is rather interesting to study polycode meme-units in these three language areas as an emotiogenic trigger characterized by the presence of a toxicity feature [Toxic comment classification service in social network, 2021; Gordeev, Potapov, 2020; Detection of toxic language in short text messages, 2020; Risch, Krestel, 2020].

The complex method of hermeneutic analysis of polycode digital meme-units that we use, taking into account the specifics of the discursive and plot-compositional levels, allows for determination of specific features of meme-structures that function in network communication as an emotional trigger and a source of toxicity in three linguocultures. The appeal to hermeneutics in this case seems reasonable, since a versatile interpretation of meme-stimuli requires versatile knowledge in the field of not only linguistics, but also sociology, psychology, psychiatry, neurophysiology, etc., which is caused by the need for a multi-parameter interpretation of meme-information. It is known that "hermeneutics is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, and philosophical texts. Hermeneutics is more than interpretative principles or methods used when immediate comprehension fails and includes the art of understanding and communication" [Zimmermann, 2010, p. 2].

Consequently, our study of the features of the functioning of this emotiogenic trigger with elements of toxicity on the material of meme-communication in relation to the Russian-language, German-language and American-English-language Internet segments showed a direct interdependence

between different polycode types of meme-structures and the degree of their toxicity that affects emotional perception of these structures by communicants belonging to different language areas.

The general range of problems related to the study of Internet information on a global scale includes: a) various Internet sources for the dissemination of fake information regarding news and advertising messages [Appel, 2020]; b) multi-format Big Data [Potapova, Potapov, Gorbunov, 2022], including the analysis of personal data, cognitive impairment as a result of irrational thinking, conspiracy theories and their reflection in network communication, reactions of Internet users to conflictogenic information, psychological aspects of Internet users' reactions to the functioning of "network rumors" (fakes), network virality as propaganda in the service and trade sectors, bot information as a means of forming opinions, meme-information as an emotiogenic trigger among young people, etc. Thus, memetics, from our point of view, it is one of the components of a powerful information flow that affects the young users of the global network.

The basic structures of memetics are various means of transmitting information: texts, images (pictures, photos, videos), etc., which are samples of polysemiotic information.

Modern digital technologies have significantly expanded the boundaries of the polysemiotic representation of transmitted and received information. In the process of our study, this aspect was given special attention. The appeal to polysemiotic information, in particular, in relation to meme-communication, has significantly expanded the possibilities for the influence of certain life factors on the formation of a collective profiling (portrait) [Потапова, Потапов, 2006] of young people from different countries. Some researchers of the features of network communication emphasize that the manipulation of semiotic means of information transmission has become a powerful source of influence on the formation of individual emotional and intellectual characteristics of a modern young person [Stein, Se-hic, Appel, 2020].

studying the components of memetics on the material of the three language segments of the internet

Particular attention was paid to the study of the influence of polysemiotic Internet information on a person in a number of our works related to the

reaction of the neurophysioLogicaL system and the functioning of the human brain to poLycode and monocode Internet stimuli.1

In the course of this study, three databases (DBs) of Internet meme-communication were formed and annotated: Russian-Language DB (n=3684), German-Language DB (n=4722) and American-EngLish-Language DB (n=5018). ALL these three databases were differentiated taking into account three means of transmitting information: a) poLycode (texts, utterances, as weLL as images / pictures / videos), b) monocode (texts / utterances onLy), c) monocode (images / pictures / videos onLy).

A comparative anaLysis of the data obtained showed that: a) the Russian-Language segment of the Internet is characterized by the predominance of poLycode memes (91.0 %) and a smaLL number of functioning monocode memes (texts/utterances) (9.0 %); for the German-Language segment of the Internet, the number of poLycode memes was (99.6 %), whiLe monocode memes (texts / utterances) were (0.4 %); for the American-EngLish-Language segment of the Internet, respectiveLy, there were (97.6 %) of poLycode memes and (2.4 %) of monocode memes (texts / utterances). Therefore, a comparison of the above data aLLows for the concLusion that German-Language memetics (99.6 %) is in the first pLace in terms of the use of poLycode texts to convey meme-information, and American-EngLish memetics is in second pLace (97.6 %), whiLe Russian-Language memetics hoLds the third pLace is (91.0 %). The above data suggests that an increase in the number of poLycode memes corresponds to a decrease in the number of monocode memes, that is, means of conveying information using texts or utterances. AccordingLy, if one focuses on the maximum number of poLycode meme-information with a smaLL number of monocode information, then in this case the center of gravity is formed by poLycode means of transmitting meme-information. And in this regard, the first pLace is taken by German-Language meme-information that is "based" on poLycode types of memes. From this point of view, American-EngLish meme-information is an intermediate option between German-Language and Russian-Language meme-information. InterestingLy, Russian-Language memetics uses monocode meme-information based on texts or utterances to a greater extent than

1 For more information, see: Potapova R., Potapov V., 2020. URL: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=45211119 ; Potapova R., Potapov V., Lebedeva N., Karimova E., Bobrov N., 2019. URL: https://istina.msu.ru/ publications/article/202491144/ ; Potapova R., Potapov V., Lebedeva N., Karimova E., Bobrov N., 2020. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item. asp?id=46238847, etc.

German-Language and American-EngLish memetics. A significant part of Russian-Language memetics in its monocode version incLudes obscene words. The appeaL to such topics as "animaLs", "sports", "personaL Life" is common for aLL these types of meme-communication. The most typicaL for the American-EngLish-Language segment of the Internet is the discussion of various fiLms, cartoons, anime, series, gambLing and non-gambLing games and other types of shows, i.e. something that was practicaLLy absent in reLation to the Russian-Language and German-Language segments of the Internet.

Of interest is the description of specific memes, incLuding the fixation of the perception of the anaLyzed materiaL from the users' standpoint, that is, young peopLe of 18 to 25 years of age. In this regard, an experiment to determine the topic of memes was conducted with the invoLvement of students of Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) proficient in foreign Languages, whose sampLes of memes are presented in this study. The names of the memes given in our articLe are a percept of Internet users and therefore are given in quotation marks.


of meme-information

on the material

of the russian language

The informationaL content of Russian-Language memetics incLudes the foLLowing topics: "a La ceLebrity names", "army", "pregnancy", "vaccination and anti-vaxxers", "aduLt Life", "Harry Potter and everyone", "sad memes", "chiLdhood", "distancing", "friendship", "food", "femaLe friendship", "femaLe", "heaLth", "games", "intimacy", "historicaL facts", "quarantine and coronavirus (covid)", "Linguistics", "mathematics", "obscene Language", "anime", "ELon Musk", "in case of important negotiations", "woLves", "animaLs", "frogs", "beer", "poLitics", "SpongeBob", "Shrek", "art of the MiddLe Ages", "music", "ShitsviLLe", "drugs", "Natasha and cats", "science", "garden", "reLationships", "Percy Jackson", "weight Loss", "2020", "aLcohoL", "gays and homosexuaLity", "money","medicine", "MeLadze", "sLeep", "transvestites", "success and achievements", "dick", "schizophrenia", "programming and computer", "just memes", "work", "misceLLaneous", "reLigion", "SunLight and its cLosure", "famiLy", "series", "compLex memes", "schoLarship", "study", "feminism", "phiLosophicaL", "FSS", "Spotify".

The anaLysis of Russian-Language memes showed that the entire materiaL is divided into severaL topic subgroups, the components of which are presented as their frequency of occurrence decreases: the first topic subgroup is "animaLs",

"important negotiations", "beer", "art of the Middle Ages", "obscene words" ; the second topic subgroup includes "interpersonal relations", "historical facts", "study", "quarantine and coronavirus (covid)", "science", etc.

Thus, events, interests, everyday life, tastes, and pandemic are represented in Russian-language memetics mainly with the help of polycode means of transmitting information. Nevertheless, in the rarest cases, there are meme-texts also.

analysis of meme-information on the material of the German language

As for German-language memetics, the data obtained are striking in their contrasting reaction of young people in Germany to the surrounding reality in comparison with Russian-language memetics. The subject-percipients identified the following topic meme-units, the components of which are also presented as their frequency of occurrence decreases: "das Studium" ("study"), "Alcohol und Partys" ("alcohol and parties"), "Tiere" ("animals"), "Fitness" ("fitness"), "CDU" ("CDU" - Christian Democratic Union), "Politik" ("politics"), "Corona" ("coronavirus"). Thus, there is a topic contrast of meme-units between Russian-language and German-language memetics. This contrast is observed primarily in the polytopic worldview of Russian-speaking young people in comparison with native German speakers. In German-language memetics, such meme-units as, for example, "childhood", "friendship", "intimacy", "remote work", "food", "historical facts", "in case of important negotiations", "politics", "music", etc. are entirely absent.

However, German-language memetics is characterized by the presence of several topic groups, which radically differ in the frequency of their functioning on the Internet. The first subgroup includes everything related to studies ("das Studium") (30.0 %). The second subgroup is formed by the memes "Alcohol und Partys" (25.0 %) and "Tiere" (23.0 %). The third subgroup is represented by memes, the common topic for which is "Fitness" (9.0 %). The fourth subgroup of memes reflects the controversy on the issues of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) (7.0 %) and politics in general (4.0 %). And the fifth subgroup is related to the coronavirus situation in Germany (3.0 %).

It can be assumed that the Russian-language and German-language worldviews of young people differ primarily in the contrast between the multi-parameter perception of the worldview

by representatives of Russian young people and the topic-limited perception of the worldview by representatives of modern young population in Germany. Also characteristic is the use of a method of transmitting information with appeal to polycode forms of memes and to monocode ones (texts) in memes. For Russian-language memes and their total number, along with the majority of polycode units of information transmission, textual forms are also observed, that is, monocode means of transmitting information, which is absolutely unusual for German-language memes. A significant difference for German-language memetics as compared to Russian-language memetics is the complete absence of the unit "obscene words".

analysis of meme-information on the material of the English language, including network meme-americanisms

At the next stage of our comparative study, we analyzed the corpus of data obtained during the formation of experimental material based on the American-English segment of the Internet. The subjects recorded the following topic subgroups of memes: "Animals", "Gym fitness health", "Harry Potter", "Madagascar", "Naruto", "Rick and Morty", "Russia", "Shrek", "Spongebob", "Stonks", "The Incredibles", "Trump", "Zoom".

The data obtained were distributed according to the frequency of their occurrence in the following subgroups: the first subgroup was the most numerous and included memes on a variety of topics: "animals", "gymnastics and fitness", "movies and Internet games" (including those with elements of "cash prize"), various "anime" (97.6 %). The second subgroup is so large and includes topics related to such concepts as "Russia" (0.8 %), "Trump" (0.5 %) and "Zoom" (1.5 %).

A significant proportion of all meme material in the American-English segment of the Internet is made up of numerous animated films (sci-fi, comedy, feature-length), for example, "Madagascar" is an American computer-animated comedy film; "Naruto" is a popular animated film; "Rick and Morty" is an American comedy science fiction animated series, "Shrek" is a feature-length animated film; "Spongebob" is an animated series featuring a sponge (video game series); "Stonks" is a surreal picture with a businessman standing in front of a table with stock prices; and "The Incredibles" is an American computer-animated film starring a superhero.

comparative analysis

of the results of the study

on the material of three language


The study of multilingual memetics gives an opportunity to penetrate deeper into the nature of the specifics of the cognitive worldview of the younger generation of Internet users. An overabundance of digital information and the scale of virtual communication contribute, in our opinion, to the development of the "accentuated personality" phenomenon, especially in relation to adolescence, contributing to the emergence of a number of psychological disorders, which include, first of all, unusual acceleration, proclivity for emancipation, formation of various kinds of interest associations and groups, aggression towards "strangers" and not "friends" in network communication, increased interest in everything "forbidden", a desire for imitation of various kinds of heroes, etc. All these aspirations form a common collective psychological portrait (profiling) of the young generation, a kind of "accentuated personality" - a term widely used in psychology regarding various forms of manifestation of human behavior disorders (for example, [Леонгард, 1997]).

A short form and terse language in expressing thoughts in memes make it possible to precisely and specifically express one's attitude to the addressee or to a group of addressees and thereby confirm or reject one's commitment to a particular phenomenon, object, event, personality, etc. At the same time, memetics provides the ability to respond emotionally and "concisely", as well as positively or negatively, to any phenomenon, any person and any event, being a kind of emotional trigger in network communication.

In this regard, the multilingual corpus of meme-data analyzed by us demonstrates the different dominant concepts of the emotiogenic assessment of events, objects, processes and phenomena of the world around us. A variety of emotional assessments, impressions, interpersonal relationships and external events serve as the evaluative dominant of Russian-language meme-communication. For German-language memetics, a narrower topic and event scale is more commonly found that reflects a certain concentration of interests and hobbies. As for American-English memetics, the dominant in this case is the passion for films, cartoons, various series, games aimed at winning something, which indicates the functioning of two types of psychological dependence in English-American memetics: gaming (non-monetary reward) and gambling (with a monetary reward) that have higher emotionality and toxicity.1

1 For more information, see: Агибалова Т. В., Тучина О. Д., Бузик О. Ж., Потапова Р К., Потапов В. В., 2020. URL: https://elibrary. ru/item.asp?id=44409125; Потапова Р К., Потапов В. В., 2022.


Thus, network memetics is extremeLy attractive for young Internet users due to its imagery, conciseness, expressiveness, toxicity (in situations of aggression, insuLt, humiLiation of a person, damage to the honor and dignity of a communication partner). At the same time, memetics makes it possibLe to concentrate various types of semantic content, for exampLe, cognitive and informationaL, creative, fiLm and photo art, theatricaL and advertising, visuaL and textuaL content. NaturaLLy, such cognitive stimuLation Leads to the rapid uptake of information, enjoyment, on the one hand, and the assimiLation, as a ruLe, of negative forms of sociaLization, on the other. According to the observation and experience of a number of speciaLists in the fieLd of psychoLogy and psychiatry, such a dependence, in particuLar, on meme-communication (the habit of daiLy exchanging information, receiving approvaL (Likes), conciseLy expressing one's thoughts, whiLe accompanying the information with various semiotic means), is a physicaL need that causes the emergence of the phenomenon of psycho-emotional intoxication, incLuding, as a ruLe, negative emotionaL-modaL states: irritabiLity, anger, rage, compLete escape from reaLity, hatred, aggressiveness, suicidaL tendencies, etc. In reLation to the data of socioLogy, psychoLogy and pedagogy, the number of emotionaL reactions in Internet-dependent users significantLy exceeds the number of manifestations of cognitive processes, that is, a Layer of Ignoratus-consumers is formed that bLindLy foLLow Internet sampLes of virtuaL toxicity.

If one considers memetics retrospectiveLy, one can be convinced that this type of communication has accompanied humankind (Homo sapiens) at aLL stages of its evoLution: from communication using petrogLyphs, poster forms of information transfer, various kinds of comics, advertising means of infLuence to deveLopment of various forms of communication based on new information digitaL technoLogies. In recent decades, humankind has turned to memetics, that is, to Laconic poLycode and monocode means of transmitting information.

In connection with the intensive deveLopment of new information digitaL technoLogies, methods associated with the process of transmitting semantic content that have a direct negative impact on the recipients of this information are of

URL: https://ras.jes.su/sliya/s160578800019458-9-1; Potapova R., Agibalova T., Potapov V., Tuchina O., 2021. URL: https://istina.msu.ru/ publications/article/383914798/; Thacker S., Griffiths M. D., 2012. URL: https://www.igi-global.com/article/exploratory-study-trolling-online-video/75169; Thompson W. N., Gazel R., Rickman D., 1996. URL: https:// digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/grrj/vol5/iss1/1/, etc.

particular importance; and this is a peculiar kind of "mental infection". This process of perception and semantic interpretation of the information received is currently characterized as a process that has a toxic (harmful) effect on users of network communication. Information digital flows form a worldview of users and, first of all, users of the younger generation. The key problems of modern digital communication include, first of all, the problem of personality formation, with all its ethical, social, aesthetic, intellectual, ideological and valeological aspects. The problem of valeology correlates with the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the neurophysiological and cognitive status of an individual, which is of fundamental importance for the development of the society as a whole. Research in this field of knowledge, taking into account the technological specifics of information transfer, is in its infancy. As a rule, linguistic research devoted to Internet communication is li mited to the analysis of the textual and discursive component. As for the analysis and interpretation of deep semantic features that influence the formation of the worldview of network communication users, there are significant gaps in this respect that do not allow establishing patterns of functioning and interdependence between semantic content and means of its implementation, as well as features of its perception, understanding, etc. Based on the foregoing, the use of the hermeneutic approach seems more promising, as it is based on the interpretation of the semantic features of network information with due allowance for various research methods on the scale of the world Humanities (Digital Humanities).

In this regard, it seems appropriate to consider hermeneutics in the study of works of spoken and written speech in the process of communication as a forerunner of the modern interdisciplinary-convergent approach, which includes, first of all, an appeal to a number of scientific domains related to the problems of generating oral and written texts, their dependence on intellectual, psycho-emotional, cognitive, neurophysiological and

psychopathological features of the personality of the author of an analyzed oral or written statement. The interdisciplinary-convergent approach makes it possible to conduct a large-scale study of the problem of functional dependence between the latent semantic content of small forms of Internet postings (memes) and the degree of influence and impact of this content on changing various aspects of the recipient's worldview. Among the factors of negative impact on Internet users are the dehumanization of interpersonal social relations, the "intoxication" of network meme-communication participants, the growth of communicative acts characterized by aggression, hostility, violence, an increase in the number of attempted suicides, etc., which is a threat to society as a whole. Thus, in memetics, as in a mirror, all the features of the life and existence of the young generation are reflected: social, cognitive, ethical, psychological, sociopolitical, etc.

The toxicity of the components of memetics contributes to the formation of a modern "digital Internet communicator" characterized by the presence of a reformatted worldview, a tendency to desocialization, dehumanization, the desire for frustration, deprivation and various kinds of addictions. Thus, memetics in the World Wide Web can be considered as a modern subculture characterized by brevity, creativity, popularity, visibility, content expansion and a wide range of functioning. A peculiar difference between memetics and other forms of information transmission in the network is the message coding using verbal, paraverbal, nonverbal and extraverbal means. The special multifunctional features of memetics include the wide scale of network functioning, the relative easiness of determining the tone of meme-information, its temporality and intertextuality. All of the above contributes to the global spread of this type of information transmission, regardless of the language, ethnic and cultural components of network communication among young people.

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информация об авторах

Потапова Родмонга Кондратьевна

доктор филологических наук, профессор,

действительный член Международной академии информатизации, директор Института прикладной и математической лингвистики Московского государственного лингвистического университета

Потапов Всеволод Викторович

доктор филологических наук, старший научный сотрудник Учебно-научного компьютерного центра Филологического факультета Московского государственного университета им. М. В. Ломоносова


Potapova Rodmonga Kondratyevna

Doctor of PhiLolody (Dr. habiL.), Professor,

Full Member of the International Informatization Academy,

Head of Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics,

Director of Institute of Applied and Mathematical Linguistics of Moscow State Linguistic University

Potapov Vsevolod Viktorovich

Doctor of Philolody (Dr. habil.),

Senior Researcher of the Centre of New Technologies for Humanities, Philological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Статья поступила в редакцию 12.05.2022 одобрена после рецензирования 22.05.2022 принята к публикации 14.09.2022

The article was submitted 12.05.2022 approved after reviewing 22.05.2022 accepted for publication 14.09.2022

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