Научная статья на тему 'Features innovative changes in educational process in secondary schools of Ukraine'

Features innovative changes in educational process in secondary schools of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yahodnikova Viкtoria Viкtorovna

In the article the analysis of innovations in educational process in secondary schools in Ukraine, by their characteristics, defined forms of innovation by which made innovative changes and periods of application of innovations in education in the national school practice.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features innovative changes in educational process in secondary schools of Ukraine»

Features innovative changes in educational process in secondary schools of Ukraine

Section 8. School Education

Yahodnikova ViKtoria ViKtorovna, Odessa institute, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, director Ph. D.in Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Odessa, Ukraine E-mail: yagodnikova@mail.ru

Features innovative changes in educational process in secondary schools of Ukraine

Abstract: In the article the analysis of innovations in educational process in secondary schools in Ukraine, by their characteristics, defined forms of innovation by which made innovative changes and periods of application of innovations in education in the national school practice.

Keywords: innovation, innovative changes, educational process.

Change priorities and values taking place in recent years in our society requires innovative changes in education and training that is a logical and natural in its development.

At the turn of the new millennium with the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of the postSoviet independent states and Ukraine as an independent state in particular, Ukrainian society was the task of creating a new, separate, independent states, which dominate modern universal, European and national values. The young state was declared the highest value man, humanistic and democratic ideals that led to a rethinking of national education on philosophical and methodological level, the search for practical ways to radical changes in education and upbringing. “The democratization of education, giving it a national public-directional, — stressed I. Bech — require psycho-pedagogy finding new ways to improve quality education of rising person” [1].

Definite problem devoted to the works of famous scientists, researchers, educators, V. Andrushenko, G. Balla, J. Beha, О. Vishnevsky, M. Evtukh, I. Zya-zyuna, I. Kremena, M. Stelmahovycha, O. Sukhom-linskoy and others. Defining a new philosophy of national education and training, exploring innovative processes in pedagogy is not sufficiently studied the problem of innovation in the educational process of

secondary school. Therefore the aim of the article is to analyze the innovative changes in the educational process of secondary school Ukraine and identify their characteristics.

Analysis of scientific literature and recent studies suggest that the organization of modern education in Ukraine is carried out by means of innovations that appeared in the implementation in practice of progressive thought about modern education, manifested his philosophical and methodological basis. For example, О. Vishnevsky, Ukrainian scholar and teacher, says that during the development of the Ukrainian state and formation of civil society in it a priority in education is a national revival. By this, the researcher understands not only the desire to restore national identity of the child, but that «all aspects of education and training are national in nature, that correspond to the strategic goals and Ukrainian nation and state, our educational traditions and our mentality; This should be a system that meets the needs of the nation, the state and the individual» [2]. Because O. Vishnevsky sees strategy of modern Ukrainian education in the return to traditional Christian principles of education and training that involves belief in God, the Absolute Love and Goodness. It recognizes the weakness of human sin and seeks help her get better. The main subject of attention in traditional Christian education is the


Section 8. School Education

development of human conscience that keeps her from evil creation, points to the committed offense against morality, warns against sin. An example of breeding in this strategy is the person who serves God and country, and therefore, in their daily activities committed to the good of the land and determine their actions accordingly.

The second dominant trend Ukrainian education, training and development, O. Vishnevsky, democratization is individual and adjusted to life in freedom [2]. Thus determining national democratic nature of Ukrainian education and Ukrainian education researcher outlines priorities: revival of spirituality, moral principles and patriotism, civil rights consciousness — its creative and volitional qualities, initiative and ability to provide a competitive environment for success, take care ofyour health and the environment.

So, despite the fact that the idea of modern Ukrainian education to O. Vishnevsky now had wide acceptance and is being implemented only in some schools, however, she made a contribution to the development of national pedagogy. Directive alternative approach to education that prevailed in Soviet times, emphasizes I. Bech has come personally oriented education philosophy that embodies democratic, humanistic position on the formation and development of the younger person, for whom freedom and social responsibility are the dominant life benchmarks “providing child the right to freedom of choice of value positions, the value of the human spirit and the value of life in general, the possibility of an effective exercise in the presence of her installation at overcoming disharmony in the experience, behavior, communication, activities” [1, p. 5]. For this strategy of building educational process should be defined scientific understanding of the internal laws of personality development in ontogenesis and realization of the essential nature of the child [1, p. 31].

Characteristic of personality oriented educational process is pedagogical action calling for personal interaction, emotionally rich and full social life meaningful joint creative teacher and student that meets their basic needs. This cooperation teacher and student in a single emotional and sensory range prevents invasion teacher in the children’s world, giv-

ing the student to function better as a person. Personality oriented education embodies the idea of creating educational situations, providing moral and spiritual development of socially significant and arbitrary behavior of the individual. Such education is an effective means of formation of free, responsible personality characteristic sense of human dignity, emotional sincerity, honesty, fairness, respect for others and the desire to be helpful. The education of the moral and spiritual qualities, according to J. Beha is the training of the young generation to strengthen the Ukrainian state [1]. So, personally oriented education based on humanistic ideas, take into account the personal needs of the teacher and the student meets the needs of modern society and is most common among ideas in general practice education establishments.

The second form of modern education in Ukraine is carried out by means of innovations that appeared in specific technology education future challenges that are innovative in educational systems, prog In the early formation of our country in search of a new philosophy of pedagogy scientists actively studied national educational heritage B. Grin-chenko, G. Vashchenko, I. Ogienko, L. Ukrainka, S. Rusova, V. Zenkovsky, I. Franko and others developed the concept national education, carried out searches Ukrainian educational ideal ways of creating a national identity. It is that time is the beginning of active recovery in Ukraine Cossack educational traditions. Thus, the creative team of Ukraine consisting of scientists Y. Rudenko, M. Stelmahovycha and other developed concept of “Ukrainian Cossack pedagogy” [3], which was determined by the leading idea of the Cossack movement — the freedom and independence of Ukraine, the inviolability of human rights and people, individual sovereignty, democracy. The authors come from the fact that the Cossack pedagogy — a popular educational wisdom that its main goal put the formation of the family, school and social life Cossack knight, brave citizen with a distinct Ukrainian national consciousness and identity.

At present ideas Cossack pedagogy are realized through the creation of children’s and youth organizations deploy their activities on the multifaceted Cossack traditions, and are used in the educational


Features innovative changes in educational process in secondary schools of Ukraine

process with the elements as Cossack competition Cossack jousting tournaments, theatricality scenes Cossack life, intellectual games theme of Ukrainian Cossacks, Cossack competitions dishes.

During this work, the authors of the concept, adolescents and young Ukrainian master concepts, ethnology, human nature, Cossack science and art, nature, psychology Cossack, they formed a national consciousness and identity, ardent patriotism, outlook citizen of independent Ukraine [3]. So creative introduction to modern conditions Cossack traditions and customs, promotes physical health of the students to form the moral standards of spirituality, devotion to national interests and human values.

At the beginning of this century based on research methodological foundations of modern education as defined in the basic guideline education students 1-11 grade schools approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine [4], the preferred approach to education is a national design-technological approach. The authors of this document employees Institute of Problems of Education in Ukraine, determined that the implementation of modern technologies of educational work in practice possible based on the design of individual pupil. Application design and technological approach to the process of education in school allows: a) practically implement individual approach; b) plan and predict results educational influences; c) choose the most effective for the student or students group forms and methods of educational work; d) objectively evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of educational work. In this way, the authors reference education, “the transition from” pedagogy of measures “to pedagogy focused and deliberate the personality traits and qualities of a young man” [4].

Production engineering approach, according to the researchers, allows to realize variability in the content of education, strict regulation to avoid filling various contents of the students during their creative projects, gaining features of a real productive work. Design technology provides a systematic and consistent modeling problem solving, requiring participants to the educational process of search efforts in research and development of the best ways to create projects, protection and analysis of results. The value of the project technology is that it directs

the student to create a certain product, not just participate in any school activities.

Actions that are directly related to the implementation of the educational project need a certain amount of expertise and skills, possession of a set of behaviors that ensure the success of individual selfrealization. These are: mastering certain social roles, management facts in life, good use of time, gaining flexibility in relationships and the experience of cooperation, positive attitude to innovation, responsibility for their performance, teamwork, defend their own point of view. The result of an educational project to be vital competence of students that formed the ability to act in specific situations according to their own values, attitudes and beliefs [4].

Note that the design and technological approach as innovation in the educational process, is now being promoted and distributed in practice and contributes to solving the problems of modern education.

At the turn of the XXI century, special attention as researchers, educators and practitioners devote interactive forms, methods and technology education. Scientists explore their educational potential, especially in the use of educational process and practicing teachers actively acquire, apply, extend the known interactive forms and methods of education and create new ones. Today the most famous interactive forms and methods used in the practice of the educational process is training, brainstorming, roleplaying and simulation games, projects, case

It should be noted that interactive forms and methods in the educational process are not new, used them in practice before. In the last century as a means to an end at that time, were distributed in educational practice collective creative affairs, debates, festivals, gaming technology etc.. studies, group discussions, quests, flash mob and others. Therefore, we believe it is important not so much the elections and the use of interactive methods and forms of technology as its application, that should not ask questions that interactive method used in the educational process, as well as how it is used. The key is that the basis is interactive cooperation of its members and that the style of this interaction depends on the outcome of education.

Thus, innovative culture change process in secondary schools in Ukraine carried out by means


Section 8. School Education

of innovations that appeared in the following forms: innovation as philosophical and methodological basis of modern education, acting embodiment of progressive thought about modern education; innovation, Technology Policy as specific problems of education, manifested in innovative educational systems, programs, methods and practical means.

Summarizing the above, we can identify three periods of application of innovations in education in the national school practice other than the dominant type of innovation:

First period — 1991-2000 years — Radical and global innovation — based on a fundamentally new ideas, strategies, approaches to education.

Second period — 2001-2013 years. — Combinatorial and system innovations — a new com-

bination of known elements, combining traditional and innovative, creating new educational systems, programs, education, mastery of interactive forms and methods of education.

Third period — 2014 — present — upgraded system and partial innovation — improving and adding appropriate forms and methods of education, improvement of existing educational systems, models, technology education.

In view of the above, it can be argued that innovative changes in the educational process in secondary schools in Ukraine have certain features, characterized in variability, openness, diversity and aimed at the revival of national education based on universal human and national values.


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2. Бех I. Д. Особиспсно зорieнтоване виховання - нова освггня ф1лософ!я//Педагопка толерантности - 2001. - № 1. - С. 16-19.

3. Украшська козацька педагопка (концепц1я)/Ю. Руденко, О. Губко, Д. Федоренко та ш//Освгга, 1992. - 1 вересня.

4. Основш орieнтири виховання учшв 1-11 клаав загальноосвггшх навчальних закладiв/[Режим доступу]: http://www.mon.gov.ua/ua/about-ministry/normative/548-%20.


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