Научная статья на тему 'FAMOUS PEOPLE OF UZBEKISTAN'

FAMOUS PEOPLE OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bobobekova J.A., Melibayeva M.S.

The article analyses the lifes, works, contributions of the Uzbek scholars to the development of sciences

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Текст научной работы на тему «FAMOUS PEOPLE OF UZBEKISTAN»

UDK 7.03

Bobobekova J.A.

21 school teacher of English language Jizzakh region, Sharaf Rashidov District

Melibayeva M.S. student of 21-school Sharaf Rashidovsky district of Jizzakh region, Uzbekistan


Annotation: The article analyses the lifes, works, contributions of the Uzbek scholars to the development of sciences

Keywords: Abu-Rayhon Beruniy, Al-Khorezmi Muhammed Bin - Mussa, Alisher Navoi

Abu-Rayhon Beruniy

Abu-Rayhon Beruniy- a remarkable scientist, amazing with variety of his scientific interests, boldness of idea, the author of more than 150 works devoted to actual issues of natural sciences, philosophy, history, philology, great encyclopaedist- the thinker, the humanist of the Middle Ages epoch. Outlook of Abu-Rayhon Beruniy was formed at the end of X - the beginning of XI century in Central Asia. He was born on 2 Zu-ul-hidja in 362 (on September 4, 973 A.D.) in suburb of Kyat, former feudal capital of Khorezm. On the native land he has received good education and from a youth began his scientific activity. Due to political events in Khoresm Beruniy left the native land and approximately in between 998-1004 lived in Gurgan, at southeast coast of Caspian Sea. At this time he has done a great work - «Monuments of the past generations ». In about 1005 Beruniy came back to Khorezm, where at a court yard of the Khorezm king Abu Abbas Mamun ibn Mamun (1009-1017) occupied honorable position. In 1017 Mahmud Gaznavi (998-1034) has subordinated to himself Khoresm, and in the same year Beruniy together with some other scientists had been compelled to follow the conqueror to Hansa where he stayed up to the end of his life.

Despite the unfavorable conditions for him in the capital Mahmuda, Beruniy was entirely given to scientific researches.

Together with the army of sultan, Beruniy had several times visited India. He has taken advantage of the trips for studying this country and as a result, by 4030 he had written an outstanding composition on India. Earlier, in 1025 Beruniy finished "Geodesy". To sultan Masud (1030-1041), the receiver Mahmud, Beruniy has devoted his main work on mathematics and astronomy - « Masudov kanon». At government of the subsequent sultan - Masud (1041 - 1048) - EepyHH written the big work on mineralogy, and at the end of a life - "Saydan". He died in Gazna 2 Radjab 440. (on December 11, 1048).

Al-Khorezmi Muhammed Bin - Mussa

(783 - 850)

Nickname Al - Khorezmi specifies his native land - the Central Asian state Khoresm (nowadays territory of Uzbekistan), Bin Mussa - "son of Mussa", and one of nicknames of the scientist - Al - Madjusi- speaks about his origin from a sort of magicians (on - Arabic "madjus"). It shows also, that one of sources of knowledge of Mohammed Al - Xope3MH was science prior to Islamic Central Asia the keepers of which were magicians. He managed in Baghdad the library of wisdom House of some sort of the Baghdad academy at caliphate of Al - Mamun. There were the arithmetic treatise « The Book about the Indian account », the algebraic treatise « The Brief book about calculation of algebra and almukabal», astronomical tables and a geographical path. Both mathematical treatises have been translated into Latin language of medieval Europe and served for a long time as the basic textbooks on mathematics. Nickname Al-Khorezmi in the modified form has turned to a nominal word "algorithm" and all over again meant all system of decimal item arithmetics. Subsequently this term has received a wider sense in mathematics as a rule performing operations in certain order. Thus, actions « Al - Djebr» and "Al-Mukabala" have replaced with themselves transfer of nowadays-used equation members from one part of the equation into another and reduction of similar members. These two operations have allowed Al - Khorezmi to transfer any algebraic equation of the first and second degree into initial forms which Al - Khorezmi has six.

Unlike Greeks who, certainly, also solved quadratic equations, but solved in geometrical way, Al - Khorezmi used drawings only for explanation of the rhetorical decision validity. He could solve any quadratic equation by his general rule (finding positive roots). If Greeks had geometrical solutions the method Al -Khorezmi was almost algebraic. This is an enormous step forward in comparison with geometrical algebra of Greeks. In the arithmetic treatise Al - Khorezmi basically followed the Indian samples, and from him the Europeans have got familiar with the Indian methods of recording the numbers, that is the use of zero and location of figures values. The algebraic path differed from both works, that of Indian mathematicians, and Greeks. It can be believed, that in this book Al -Khorezmi followed local traditions and own results. If the majority of Greeks did not see necessity to apply the scientific knowledge to practical needs, the main desire of Al - Khorezmi was to place a science to serve to humankind and to adapt it for the practical purposes. In Algebra Al - Khorezmi has a section about trade and commercial transactions, with problems on a threefold Rule. Thus, for the first time in a history of mathematics in the treatise of Al - Xope3MH have appeared the general rules of solving the quadratic equations.

Alisher Navoi

An ingenious poet and the thinker, the musician and the artist, the teacher and the scientist, a great statesman and one of the most cultural persons of his

time. Alisher Navoi was the conventional head of the cultural life of Herat, the patron of numerous representatives of sciences, arts and cultures. "Due to Alisher many people have received literary and art education and talent strengthening and there is no any other patron and the tutor of people as Alisher". - wrote Babur Alisher Navoi was born on February 9, 1441 in the city of Herat, the capital of Huroson State.

From the childhood Alisher was interested in reading the works of classics of Persian-Tadjik literature: Saadi, Attar and others. According to Navoiy himself, such poets as Lutfi Sheikh Kemal Turbati have directed, assessed the verses written by him. Navoiy studied at the most educated people of that time, took part in their highly intellectual and deeply instructive conversations.

Having no family, no children, no successors, the poet spent a significant part of his huge wealth for charity. He has constructed a lot of educational institutions, hospitals, a caravan-sheds, channels, bridges and roads.

In Herat Навои maintained the closest relations with the great Tadjik poet and thinker Abdurrahman Dzhami (1414 - 1492) who was his closest friend, the adherent, the teacher and the spiritual instructor. Friendship of Navoiy and Dzhami remain in a history for ever as a bright symbol of friendship between Uzbeks and Tadjiks.

By the time when Navoiy became one of the outstanding persons in Hurasan, having received a honorable post at a court yard, he already had reputation of the masterly master of a verse. The generosity of his talent was that the poet has captured all versions of lyrical works created by peoples of the Muslim East during many centuries. Gazals and kitas, tarjibans and rubai- in what genre would not act Навои, he proved everywhere with shine boundless opportunities of his talent and skill.

Many known representatives of the literature, art and science of second half 15 - the beginning of 16 century, as a token of deep respect for Alisher Navoi and in gratitude for his support, devoted to him their works.

The image of this versatile and talented person historically is not separable from the broad audience of his contemporaries, friends, admirers and direct pupils - poets and musicians, scientists and architects, calligraphers and artists, historians and the writers, who defined their activity as cultural blossoming of Herat « epoch of Nabvoiy ».

Навои has died On January 3, 1501 in Herat. All Herat saw off to last way its favorite poet and the wise figure. The mourning concerning Alisher Navoi's death lasted during the whole year - so great was the love to the person who has devoted all talent and skills to the people who had been indefinitely loved by him.

Alisher Navoi's literary heritage is very huge. In it we find the set of fine poems, epic products, scientifically - philosophical pathes, literary researches, biographies of scientists, poets, philosophers, works on a history, on linguistics.

On the top of poetic creativity of Navoi is creation of "Hamsa" - a cycle from five poems: « Confusion just », « Layli and Madjnun», « Farhad and Shirin», « About seven wanderers », « Wall of Iskandar».

The spiritual heritage of the remarkable son of Uzbeks presently gets to be known internationally, it becomes the property of everyone, to whom the interests of the world, friendship and nations unity is valuable.

Used literature:

1. https://www.marakandatravel.com/en/about-uzbekistan/uzbekistan general-info/famous-persons/index.html

2. https://study.by/poleznaya-informatsiya/sistemy-obrazovaniya/468/

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