Научная статья на тему 'Factors, which influence the effectiveness of 400 meters running among qualified 17-20-year-old female athletes'

Factors, which influence the effectiveness of 400 meters running among qualified 17-20-year-old female athletes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
400 meters running / sports training / factors / pedagogical experiment / methodology

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Elena A. Anisimova, Andrei N. Katenkov, Ludmila D. Nazarenko

400 meters running is one of the most difficult in technique distances, as it is a boundary distance between short distances (100 and 200 meters) and the average (800 meters) distances and in order to keep high speed of running speed endurance is necessary. The peculiarity of this distance is its relatively short duration in terms of high demands concerning speed regimen preservation of neural-muscular activity. It doesn’t provide consistency into the activity of motor and vegetative functions and is connected with difficult mechanisms of central nervous system work. Material. Studying different approaches to the technique of 400 meters running improvement, presented in special literature and also their analysis, which helped to pay attention to the leading structural components of the running technique at this distance. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, filming, statistical data manipulation. Results. Individual technical training improvement among female runners is possible in case of the factors revelation, which condition their speed qualities demonstration, the knowledge of which helped to create the methodology of technical training among qualified 17-20 year-old female athletes in 400 meters running. The methodology included different approaches to the training process organization; the leading factors, which influence quickness of movements, the realization of which helped to choose effective means of special running training, directed at speed-power qualities development; quickness of motor actions increase, mastering the skills of motional activity control during competitive distance overcoming and an individual rational rhythm of running steps formation. Conclusion. Experimental check of created methodology showed its effectiveness, as it provided competitive activity effectiveness increase. During the methodology creation of individual running technique improvement among qualified female athletes the necessity of their many-sided development was taken into consideration, as the specificity of 400 meters running demands not only high level of motorcoordinating qualities, but also moral-volitional efforts. It proves the necessity to set special goals, directed at a systematic work on these qualities development and improvement, taking into consideration the specificity of their demonstration in 400 meters running

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Текст научной работы на тему «Factors, which influence the effectiveness of 400 meters running among qualified 17-20-year-old female athletes»

Play: A Test of the Divergence in Activity-Deficit With Age Hypothesis. ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUARTERLY 23, 261-276.

24. Vasilica Grigore, Georgeta Mitrache, Radu Predoiu, Remus Rouca (2012) Characteristic of instrumental movements - eye hand coordination in sports. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 33 , 193 - 197.

25. ZERF MOHAMMED, KAMEL KOHL (2016) Which Orthoptic Visual Approach Evaluates Shooting Skill Accuracy in Soccer Players? The Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES) 16(2), 471 - 475.


27. Herbert Wagner, Thomas Finkenzeller, Sabine Würth, Serge P. von Duvillard (2014) Individual and Team Performance in TeamHandball: A Review. J Sports Sci Med 13(4), 808-816.

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29. Zerf Mohammed (2016) Which Visual Optimal Approach Evaluate the Accuracy Kicking Success in Soccer. Academic Publishing House Researcher 12(2), 63-68.

30. Zerf Mohammed (2016) Which visual sight skill tested and developed the interaction

Submitted: 05.08.2017 Received: 09.08.2017

between central and peripheral vision case duels dribbling soccer skills. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology 5(3), 1-7.

31. Kuznetsova Z.M., Razumov D.V. Optimization of tactics of implementation of the serve in tennis athletes 11-14 years of age. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogico-pshycological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports]. 2007, No. 1(2), pp. 21-28. Available at: http://jou rnal-science.o rg/ru/article/513.html.

32 Kuznetsova Z. M., Y.P. Simakov. The Olympic tradition renewal. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport]. 2009, No. 1(10), pp. 15-42. Available at: http://www/kamgifk.chelny.net/journal.

33. Aaron Maitland, Amy Lin, David Cantor, Mike Jones, Richard P. Moser, Bradford W. Hesse, Terisa Davis, Kelly D. Blake. A Nonresponse Bias Analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). Zhurnal zdorovyh kommunikacij [Journal of Health Communication]. 2017, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 545-553,

http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2017.132 4539 (Scopus)

34. Iizuka, Toshiaki, Uchida, Gyo. Promoting innovation in small markets: Evidence from the market for rare and intractable diseases. Zhurnal ekonomiki o zdorov'e [Journal of Health Economics]. 2017, Vol. 54 (Scopus)

Authors information

Zerf Mohammed — PhD, Physical Education Institute Laboratory OPAPS, University of Mostaganem, Mostaganem 27000, Algeria, E-mail: biomeca.zerf@,outlook.com

For citations: Zerf Mohammed Significance of Post-Game-Specificity Skills Coaching on Rhythmic Coupling Coordination Case Players Handball Positions, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 17-24. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_230

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_231


Elena A. Anisimova - Candidate of Pedagogics

Andrei N. Katenkov - Postgraduate Ludmila D. Nazarenko - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

E-mail: ld [email protected]

Annotation. 400 meters running is one of the most difficult in technique distances, as it is a boundary distance between short distances (100 and 200 meters) and the average (800 meters) distances and in order to keep high speed of running speed endurance is necessary. The peculiarity of this distance is its relatively short duration in terms of high demands concerning speed regimen preservation of neural-muscular activity. It doesn't provide consistency into the activity of motor and vegetative functions and is connected with difficult mechanisms of central nervous system work. Material. Studying different approaches to the technique of 400 meters running improvement, presented in special literature and also their analysis, which helped to pay attention to the leading structural components of the running technique at this distance. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, filming, statistical data manipulation. Results. Individual technical training improvement among female runners is possible in case of the factors revelation, which condition their speed qualities demonstration, the knowledge of which helped to create the methodology of technical training among qualified 17-20 year-old female athletes in 400 meters running. The methodology included different approaches to the training process organization; the leading factors, which influence quickness of movements, the realization of which helped to choose effective means of special running training, directed at speed-power qualities development; quickness of motor actions increase, mastering the skills of motional activity control during competitive distance overcoming and an individual rational rhythm of running steps formation. Conclusion. Experimental check of created methodology showed its effectiveness, as it provided competitive activity effectiveness increase. During the methodology creation of individual running technique improvement among qualified female athletes the necessity of their many-sided development was taken into consideration, as the specificity of 400 meters running demands not only high level of motor-coordinating qualities, but also moral-volitional efforts. It proves the necessity to set special goals, directed at a systematic work on these qualities development and improvement, taking into consideration the specificity of their demonstration in 400 meters running. Keywords: 400 meters running, sports training, factors, pedagogical experiment, methodology.

Introduction. High results in 400 meters running are achieved under the influence of a purposeful muscular load by means of a new level of an organism functioning realization. According to the results received by V.U. Avanesov, 2007, the problem of functional abilities improvement was mainly solved by means of the volume or intensity of the training loads increase. Moreover, first prevailed the tendency of yearly increase of used means number in terms of 6-8% by means of different training simulators, then, realizing lack of sports training prospects direction, specialists came to the conclusion that it is necessary to decrease the volume of yearly loads to12-

15%, increasing their intensity to 3-5% [8]. Nowadays prevails the idea of training loads intensity increase in terms of increasing the indices of physical and technical-tactical readiness of sprinters 1,5-2,5% every year by means of decreasing the volume of muscular loads at the separate stages of a yearly cycle from 3,1 to 3,8%. However, in case of changing the approach to the main parameters of sports training use among sprinters: the volume and intensity of the training loads, the problem of competitive activity effectiveness increase till now stays unsolved.

The aim of this research work is theoretical substantiation of the necessity to search for the new approaches to the system

of sports training improvement among female runners at 400 meters distance.

Objectives: 1. To reveal the factors, which influence the speed of running at 400 meters distance.

2. To create the methodology of technical training improvement among 400 meters runners and check its effectiveness during the pedagogical experiment.

Materials. The greatest International competitions in running kinds of athletics are characterized by new sports achievements, however, it becomes more and more apparent, that the improvement of results, records renewal can't be endless. According to R.A. Abzalov, O.I. Pavlova, A.B. Mastrov, 2000, some outstanding results in sport are conditioned by pharmacological preparations use. However, this way is a dead-end situation, which decreases the importance of a constant search for additional reserves of the training process effectiveness improvement [4].

Sports training is a difficult and a long-term process, the effectiveness of which is determined by a great number of different factors, pedagogical conditions and other structural components, knowing which helps to reveal additional reserves for sportsmanship improvement. According to the opinion of PRC team trainer, outstanding results in running were achieved owing to a new approach to the system of sports training organization. Female runners from China a lot of time train in the mountains at the altitude of 2000-2500 m, use intensive and great in volume running loads, which create necessary reserve of endurance. Everyday medical control over the functional state and organism rehabilitation by means of alternative medicine help to keep an optimal working capacity.

Speed of running, as it is known, is determined by the ratio of the running steps length and frequency. In the mountains, in terms of oxygen lack, necessary speed is achieved by the frequency of the steps. In sprint and in long distances world records were set by means of the running steps frequency optimization. It proves the

necessity to reveal new approaches to the system of sports training on the basis of personality-oriented approach realization. As consider L.D. Nazarenko, E.A. Anisimova, 2011, 2013, 2015, individual technique of running is conditioned not only by the ratio of height-weight indices, the peculiarities of phenotypic status, quickness of reaction, the degree of motional and vegetative functions coordination, but also by the specificity of the running steps parameters. According to V.F. Popov and other scientists, 2003; E.A. Anisimova , 2015 competitive activity effectiveness at 400 meters distance is conditioned not by maximum high tempo or great length of the running steps, but by their optimal ratio for each sportsman. Moreover, according to the authors' opinion, it is necessary to preserve this ratio from the start till the finish at comparatively constant level, and it proves great importance of endurance development and the factors, which provide the ability of a runner to fulfill special exercises in the zone of submaximal power. In case of tiredness speed decreases, as the length of the running steps decreases and it proves the leading role of power factor, as power of the push determines their length. The character of the running steps frequency and length ratio is conditioned by individual peculiarities of sprinters [6, 9].

During the factors study, which form the speed of running at 400 meters distance, the results were received, which showed, that the best results are achieved by the athletes with relatively high frequency of the steps and shorter length of the step [10]. However, sportsmen can't change the ratio of these parameters at one's own choosing. It proves great difficulty of the structural content of speed, which is almost the function of the whole organism. The speed of running analysis at 400 meters distance helped to reveal the main factors, which determine the effectiveness of competitive activity: relative indices of the lower extremities and body power extensor muscles, which influence the length of the running steps and relative power of flexor muscles, and condition the tempo of movements. Hence, the leading factors of the

running technique improvement at 400 meters distance are the following:

- an optimal ratio of the volume and intensity of the training load provision;

- taking into account the ratio of the running steps length and frequency for the speed of running increase;

- the formation of an individual motional rhythm;

- pedagogical conditions creation, which influence the effectiveness of competitive activity and others.

During the training process for the technique of the running steps improvement it is necessary to fulfill preparatory and supplying physical exercises many times. It provides not only the main parameters of the running technique improvement: the speed of pushing off from the support improvement, linearity of the running steps increase; the amplitude of oscillating body movements decrease in front-back and side direction and etc., but also the indices increase of motional actions quickness. Owing to purposeful running tasks use the increase of speed-power qualities indices is realized. During one and the same training load fulfillment conditions are created for the organism adaptation to the used exercises, which leads to the search for the new variants and conditions of fulfillment. All these things condition natural volume increase of the training load [7, 8].

Quickness indices increase is conditioned by the change of muscular activity speed regimens. Constant change of muscular tension and relaxation during speeding-ups fulfillment, which demand maximum demonstration of speed qualities, should alternate with relaxation of the working muscles. The volume of the training load increase conditions quick tiredness, which prevents speed qualities development, in this connection, the search for an optimal ratio of the volume and intensity of the training load is one of the most difficult problems of technical readiness improvement among 400 meters runners.

Sportsmanship is mainly conditioned by the ability to control motional actions during the process of competitive activity.

The running steps control while overcoming 400 meters distance has its specificity. Maximum demonstration of neural-muscular efforts considerably restricts the ability to control own actions; information perception, estimate and transformation, which comes from outer and inner stimuli.

In this situation it is important to determine objective evaluation criteria of the fulfilled motional actions effectiveness, which condition the speed of competitive distances overcoming. V.F. Popov and others, 2003, offer to use information about the number of the running steps; determining the number of steps, it is possible to calculate the length of the running step and during training lessons experimentally reveal individually-optimal ratio of the running steps length and frequency, taking into account the level of physical and special running readiness of a sportsman.

It is more rational to count running steps by one stronger leg. The skill formation of the running steps calculating provides their determination in all special running exercises and speeding-ups at the following distances: 30, 60, 100, 150 and 200 meters. It provides self-control improvement in different conditions of the training and competitive activity and provides an optimal length and frequency ratio of the running steps. During the first weeks of the training process considerable neural-muscular tension is developed, woodiness of movements appears, however, while the level of training increases, improves perceptional sensitivity and favorable conditions for a rational motional rhythm are created. An optimal rhythm demonstration as an important factor of sports results increase proves efficiency of motional activity; ease of movements.

Central nervous system activity in physiological processes regulation under the influence of a purposeful load is based on the mechanism of the rhythm formation as an important factor of a dominant center and a dynamic stereotype formation. The peculiarity of 400 meters running is the necessity to keep maximum high speed during a long-time period in comparison with short distances,

when motional and vegetative functions have no time to achieve consistency [5]. High speed regimen is provided owing to a powerful stream of impulses from working with a maximum tempo muscles and tendons. Afferent and efferent sections of the central nervous system work with maximum tension and it conditions quick tiredness. As a result working capacity of nervous system sharply decreases because of the changed chemical composition of blood. In order to overcome developing tiredness a sportsman needs considerable volitional efforts. Great role in keeping speed plays rational motional rhythm, which provides efficiency of the running steps. Hence, the leading factors, which influence the speed of running, are the following: an optimal ratio provision of the training load volume and intensity; taking into account the ratio of the running steps length and frequency in order to increase the speed of running; formation level of an individual motional rhythm.

Results and their discussion. In order to check the importance of these factors in effectiveness of competitive activity increase among 400 meters runners a pedagogical experiment was held. 22 female runners (1720 year-old) took part in the experiment. The control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG) were organized, each group included 15 people. Before the pedagogical experiment a test was held in order to reveal the initial level of physical and special running readiness. In order to estimate the indices of physical readiness the following control exercises were used: 30 meters running (seconds) from a high start; 60 meters running (seconds) from a high start; 1000 meters running (minutes); standing long-jump (centimeters); putting the shot (3 kg) (meters). The research materials analysis didn't reveal considerable differences according to the level of physical readiness among the female runners from the CG and the EG, (p>0,05).

The initial indices of special running readiness were revealed according to the results of running from a high start at 100, 150, 300 and 600 meters distances (s). The received results analysis also didn't reveal

considerable differences according to the level of special running readiness among the female athletes from the CG and the EG, (p>0,05).

In the CG the training lessons were held according to generally adopted methodology in accordance with the program of sports training, recommended by track and field federation. In the EG created by us methodology of technical readiness improvement among female runners was used, taking into account the revealed approaches to effectiveness increase of sports training system among 400 meters female runners and the factors, which influence the efficiency of competitive activity. In the EG a complex of special means was used, which are mainly directed at frequency and speed increase of the running steps. During the training lessons great attention was paid to speed-power qualities development, with maximum realization of personality-oriented approach, taking into account the ratio of height-weight indices of lower extremities length, the level of readiness. The content of the methodology included the following running exercises: speeding-ups, running from a high start at the following segments: 30, 60, 100, 150, 200 and 300 m in different conditions of the training activity (to the mountain with 10 till 30°incline; from the mountain, sand running, grass running, ground running, using weighted belt and weighted running shoes); series of jumps -alternately on the right and the left leg as quick as possible; triple jump, quintuple, tenfold jump in different variants of combinations with special running exercises; running after the leader; running with wavelike change of the speed (30 meters of speeding-up, 30 meters with maximum speed, 30 meters running with the speed 75% from maximum speed).

Competitive and playing moments were widely used for the running tasks fulfillment. Great attention was paid to the skills formation of the running steps calculation at the running distances. Among the methods of sports training great attention was paid to the following: method of circuit

training, repetitive, interval, steady, combined, variative and others.

After the pedagogical experiment one more test was held in order to reveal the dynamics of physical and special running readiness indices among the female athletes using the same tests. The received tests analysis showed, that the improvement was in both groups: the CG and the EG. However, the results of the athletes from the EG turned out to be higher. In 30 meters running from a high start in the CG with the initial results 4,41±0,31 seconds, the results increased to 3,44%, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 4,39±0,11 seconds the increase was 4,69%, (p>0,05). In 60 meters running (seconds) from a high start in the CG with the initial indices 7,83±0.55 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved to 1,83%, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 7,86±0,52 seconds the increase was 3,89%, (p>0,05). In 1000 meters running (minutes) with the initial results in the CG 3,21,2±0,22 minutes, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved to 1,33%, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 3,21,7±0,20 minutes the increase was 4,14%, (p>0,05). The same tendency of the indices improvement in the EG was revealed according to other control exercises.

Special running readiness results analysis among the female runners from the CG and the EG prove the fact, that indices changes during the pedagogical experiment were uneven. In 100 meters running (seconds) from a high start in the CG with the initial indices 12,31±0,11 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the improvement was to 3,11%, (p>0,05); In the EG with the initial results 12,29±0,45 seconds the increase was 5,19%, (p>0,05). In 150 meters running from a high start with the initial indices in the CG18,53±0,55 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased to 1,79% (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 18,59±0,68 seconds the increase was 3,59% (p>0,05). The same tendency of more considerable results improvement in the experimental group was revealed according to other control exercises.

Conclusion. Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment helped to reveal the importance of different approaches study to the technique of 400 meters running development, among which the leading approaches are the following: an optimal ratio of the volume and intensity of training load study; the role of running steps length and frequency revelation; speed of running increase; the factors determination, which influence competitive activity effectiveness. The leading factors, which influence the speed of running, are the following: an optimal ratio of the volume and intensity of training load provision; taking into account the ratio of the length and frequency if running steps for speed of running increase; individual running rhythm formation. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of 400 meters running technique methodology improvement, created on the basis of the revealed approaches to the process of technical training development and the factors, which influence the speed of movements.


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Authors information

Elena A. Anisimova - Candidate of Pedagogics Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia Andrei N. Katenkov - Postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia Ludmila D. Nazarenko - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: ld [email protected]

For citations: Anisimova E.A., Katenkov A.N., Nazarenko L.D. Factors, which influence the effectiveness of 400 meters running among qualified 17-20 years - old female athletes, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 24-30. DOI 10.14526/03 2017 231

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