FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY OF EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Asatullayev R.I.

This article discusses the impact on improving the quality and effectiveness of education.

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УДК 37.09

Asatullayev R.I. master's student Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan



Abstract: This article discusses the impact on improving the quality and effectiveness of education.

Key words: material, capital, labor resources, technology, consumers, pedagogical technology

Factors of direct influence directly affect the work of an educational institution and are also directly influenced by the activities of the institution. These factors include labor, suppliers, capital, laws, regulatory agencies, consumers and competitors. Indirect factors are understood as factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the work of an educational institution, but, nevertheless, affect it. We are talking about such factors as the state of the economy, the information and communication process, socio-cultural and political changes, the influence of group interests and events that are significant for an educational institution in other countries. At the same time, environmental factors have a number of features: 1. The interconnectedness of environmental factors is the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. Just as a change in any internal variable can affect others, a change in one environmental factor can cause a change in others. 2. The complexity of the external environment. The complexity of the external environment is understood as the number of factors to which the educational institution is obliged to respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor. The parameters of the complexity of environmental factors include: The mobility of the external environment is the speed with which changes occur in the environment of an educational institution. The environment of modern institutions is changing at an accelerating rate. Given the complexity of functioning in a highly mobile environment, an educational institution or its subdivisions must rely on more diverse information in order to make effective decisions about its internal variables. This makes decision making more difficult. Uncertainty of the external environment is a function of the amount of information that an educational institution has about a specific factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If there is little information or there are doubts about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than in a situation where there is adequate information and there are reasons to consider it highly reliable.

Traditionally, in the management of an organization, the factors of direct influence include: suppliers, material, capital, labor resources, government agencies, consumers and competitors.

Let us consider the specified list of factors in relation to an educational institution: Suppliers From the point of view of a systematic approach, an educational institution is a mechanism for transforming incoming elements into outgoing ones. The incoming element is a child, a student. An educational institution receives this element either as a result of home, family education, or as a result of training and development at a preschool educational institution. In each specific case, we are dealing with the result of work, and the quality of the input element can be completely different, which is due to both the genetic inheritance of the parents and the technology of development and education in the preschool period. In addition, suppliers include all organizations that provide an educational institution with everything necessary for its full functioning (literature, technology, training equipment, etc.).

Material is a concept that is used in production management. In our manual, under the material, we mean the number of children and students, on which the work of an educational institution directly depends.

For the successful functioning and development of an educational institution, financial capital is needed.

For the effective operation of an educational institution, for the implementation of tasks related to the achievement of the set goals and mission, it is necessary to provide it with highly qualified teaching staff.

Consumers of educational services, on the one hand, are internal consumers - students and their parents, on the other hand, external consumers - educational organizations and institutions, which enter school graduates to continue their education or work. The consumer is the ultimate arbiter when assessing the quality of educational services.

Focusing on the consumer, on meeting established and anticipated needs, ensures that the school maintains a leading position in the educational market and allows for consumer loyalty. In educational activities, the established needs are the requirements of educational standards that establish the minimum level and volume of educational content, and the requirements for the preparation of graduates that the school must provide to students. A number of regulatory documents establish requirements for ensuring the safety and health of students in the course of educational activities. Presumptive needs are opinions, requests and expectations, the social order of different class-professional groups to an educational institution, the need of students for the attention and realization of personal intellectual and creative potential. A school that focuses on perceived needs and periodically analyzes the quality requirements of internal and external consumers, in principle, should have in its arsenal a list of normatively fixed and correctly substantiated characteristics (graduate model, educational model, requirements for teacher training and activities, educational and curricula, etc.), as well as appropriate tools for assessing their implementation (criteria, indicators, scales, qualimetric methods, procedures and technologies). Competitors Competitors are the most important factor in the market economy, the influence of which cannot be disputed. Schools today are interested in completing classes to the maximum, and given the current

demographic situation, this will cause competition among schools for children. The per capita funding policy will force schools to be competitive in the educational market.

Environmental factors of indirect impact usually do not affect the operation of educational institutions as noticeably as environmental factors of direct impact. Nevertheless, the head of the educational institution needs to take them into account. The indirect environment is usually more complex than the direct environment. Management is often forced to rely on assumptions about such an environment, based on incomplete information, in an attempt to predict the possible consequences for the institution. The main environmental factors of indirect impact include: technology, the state of the economy, socio-cultural and political factors, the development of information and communication technologies.

Technology is both an intrinsic variable and an extrinsic factor of great importance. All countries of the world are looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of training.

Pedagogical technology is such a construction of the teacher's activity, when all the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and integrity, and the implementation presupposes the achievement of the required result and has a predictable nature. Teaching technology, or educational technology, is the use of teaching methods in specific conditions, the system of using the developed rules, taking into account the time, place, specific subjects of education, the conditions of organization and the length of the pedagogical process.

With all the variety of modern pedagogical technologies, the increased role of information technologies in education should be noted. At present, a new education system is being formed in Russia, focused on entering the world information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with making adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which should be adequate to modern technical capabilities, and contribute to the child's harmonious entry into the information society. Computer technologies are designed to become not an additional component in teaching, but an integral part of a holistic educational process that significantly increases its effectiveness.


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