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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kurakov Dmitry

The author presents the theoretical analysis of the concept “entrepreneurial sphere” and its use in various fields of economics. The author identifies similarities and differences in the definition of the essential characteristics of the structure and content of the concept, based on its sphere of usage; identifies the approaches to the definition and understanding of the entrepreneurial sphere and gives the integrated definition of the concept.

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2. Working with the module "Main knowledge", the student asks himself "What do I want to know and to do?" The student reads the text and develops his understanding on the steps of coding sublayer. The author of the book brings the student to the conclusion:

- I learned that solid body is a physical model, the physical quantities, characterizing the rotational motion of a rigid body, are pseudo vectors.

- I know how to determine the direction and module of pseudo vectors, characterizing the rotational motion of a rigid body.

- I understood the kinematics of the rotational motion of a rigid body. I am able to answer the questions and solve problems for the self-control of new knowledge and skills.

- I am ready for mastering the professional knowledge: ratio and rotational motion of transmissions (gear, friction and belt drive) [7, 17 - 21]. The result of independent cognitive activity of the student with the physics textbook: resume of nonverbal educational text is personally oriented module of textbook, the content of which student broadens and deepens in the learning process at university and postgraduate level of continuing education system.

We can conclude that the structural and functional model of personality oriented successive high school physics textbook allows a student to design a physics textbook of the new generation.


1. Zuev D. D. Shkol'nyj uchebnik. - M.: Pedagogika, 1983. - 240 p.

2. Grechihin A. A. Vuzovskaja uchebnaja kniga: Tipologija, standartizacija, komp'juterizacija: uch-metod. posob. / A. A. Grechihin, Ju. G. Drevs. - M.: Logos, 2000. - 255 p.

3. Okolelov O. P. Didakticheskaja specifika sovremennogo vuzovskogo uchebnika // Pedagogika. 2003. № 10. - S. 20 -25.

4. Ivanov A. Uchebnik budushhego // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2001. № 6. - Pp. 56 - 58.

5. Dubik M. A. Lichnostno orientirovannyj preemstvennyj uchebnik (uchebnik fiziki novogo pokolenija dlja studentov tehnicheskogo vuza). - Tjumen': TGNGU, 2012. - 116 p.

6. Dubik M. A. Lichnostno orientirovannyj preemstvennyj uchebnik fiziki // Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoj registracii bazy dannyh № 2013621547. - Gos. reg. 17 DEKABRJa 2013 G.

7. Dubik M.A. Mehanika: uch. posobie. - Tjumen': TGNGU, 2010. - 124 p.


Abstract. The author presents the theoretical analysis of the concept "entrepreneurial sphere" and its use in various fields of economics. The author identifies similarities and differences in the definition of the essential characteristics of the structure and content of the concept, based on its sphere of usage; identifies the approaches to the definition and understanding of the entrepreneurial sphere and gives the integrated definition of the concept.

Keywords: business, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial sphere, external environment, internal environment, microenvironment, macroenvironment, favorable entrepreneurial sphere



Lecturer, chair of economics and management, Kuban State University (branch in Armavir)

Modernization of the Russian modern economic system aims to create innovative industries markets, optimization of market relations, increase freedom of market participants and create conditions for the development of modern business. In fact, the modern Russian business is functioning in very limited circumstances, especially small and medium businesses. Limited access to raw material stocks, rigid administrative regulation of business activity, low level of strategic software create artificial barriers to the development of business structures that constrains entrepreneurial initiative in natural way and economic growth in a whole. The solution lies in creating a favorable sphere, advantaging the development of entrepreneurship, building the understanding of the process of business, which is appropriate to market conditions.

To determine the compliance of strategies for business development in Russia and the requirements of today's market is necessary to define the conceptual tools. Many sources use the related definition of "business" and "entrepreneurship."

Business is historically existing view of human activity, the purpose of which is to generate profit through the implementation of resources for the creation of products and services, demanded by the market [1, p.6].

This definition characterizes business as historically formed human activity, capable for transforming the reality in its own interests and for certain purposes. Profitability of such transformation is measured by received profits by means of mobilizing internal and external resources in creating the final goods and services. The entire process of business formation is ultimately focused on the needs of the market actors, who create the sustainable market linkages.

Understanding of the term "business" reveals its main objectives:

• Formation and development of markets. In this process, there are new products that meet the growing human needs that promotes scientific and technological progress.

• Tendency to capture the bigger part of the market. As the result of competition, consumers get more quality products in a more convenient form of sales and service that contributes the personal development.

• The effectiveness increase. As the result of this process, organizational activities and individual staff skills are optimized, which saves the society resources [1, p. 7].

In turn, the entrepreneurship is be seen as "a special kind of agricultural activity, the essence of which is to stimulate the creation and satisfying the demands of society to the specific needs of its members through the market exchange and to aim at winning the competitive advantage through the violation of the market equilibrium" [2 , p. 18].

Despite the similarity of semantic characteristics, feature of entrepreneurship is to focus on an organized agricultural activity, which means achieving the economic results under certain conditions. The conditions may be the factors, shaping the optimal environment and promoting the development of entrepreneurial relations. The special characteristics of entrepreneurial relations is innovation, as the basis of demand stimulation of final goods and services. Innovation can be represented as the main feature of business interaction with the environment of operation. Enterprise can be described as a set of system market participants, engaged in innovative activities in the most favorable conditions.

Many authors define conditions for the existence and development of entrepreneurial activity of market relations as the entrepreneurial environment. Entrepreneurial environment is the presence of conditions and factors, affecting business entities and requiring managerial decisions for their elimination or adaptation [2, p.28].

The above definition characterizes the entrepreneurial environment as a set of subjective and objective conditions, conducing the activation of balanced and proactive actions, aimed at implementing management decisions. The impact of integrated factors on entrepreneurial entities forms a set of targets, which have the adaptive character beyond the terms of management decisions, or which create a range of methods and strategies for transforming internal management system in order to minimize the negative effects. This circumstance determines the set of subjects as an open market system, exposed to external and internal influences.

The external influences include conditions that shape the environment of entrepreneurial activity, where the notion "external environment" has an integrative value in connection with the used and considered characteristics.

Analyzing the business organization, the external factor of influence is the set of market relations, their typology and activity strategy at more attractive markets. Marketis the external environment of business organizations, for which the volume, competition and profitability of market are important [1, 21].

Referring to the field of research marketing strategies, F. Kotler gives the definition of marketing environment as "The totality of active subjects and forces, acting outside the company and influencing the ability of marketing department to establish and maintain commonwealth relationships with target customers". Marketing environment is divided into two levels by the degree of the company capabilities to influence it: the macro-and micro-environment.

Microenvironment is active subjects, with which the company contacts and, therefore, can somehow influence them. It includes consumers, suppliers, competitors, intermediaries, financial institutions, mass media, government agencies, local contact audience (neighborhood residents, local community-based organizations), groups, united by common interests (trade unions, consumer organizations, etc.), neighboring companies [3, p.55].

The represented group of subjects includes participants of marketing activities, directly depending on strategies, methods and organization of company marketing. In fact, the company can influence on the participants, using advertising, pricing, contractual relations, administrative and financial instruments, as well as legal and illegal methods of competition. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the impact of two-way process of participants influence on microenvironment on company, since the action of the company may lead to sustainable market relations or to a deep crisis and further bankruptcy.

Macroenvironment is factors, under which the company exists and which it cannot influence directly. Macroenvironment is conventionally divided as follows: demographic, cultural, economic, natural, scientific, technological and political-legal [3, p.62].

It is obvious that macroenvironment includes a plurality of different spheres, depending on the state in which the company is able to prioritize the activities and shape their strategic orientation to achieve the set objectives. It is also necessary to take into account the indirect effects of company influence on the set of integrative microenvironment conditions. In the absence of the direct impact on it, the company is able to transform the environment indirectly by the validity of management decisions that creates the stable interconnection between the macroenvironment and control system.

Analyzing the definition of the entrepreneurial sphere from the management point of view, I.N. Gerchikova gave the most thorough definition of entrepreneurial sphere, which also delineates the concepts of "external environment" and "internal environment". The external environment is the set of conditions and factors that occur in surroundings, regardless to the activity of a particular company, but affecting or likely to affect the functioning of a company and, therefore, requiring the adoption of management decisions [4, p. 11 ].

Despite the validity of this definition, it does not reflect the level of openness of the company to external influence, thus hampering the analysis of the degree of openness of the market element, as well as the activity of its interaction with the external factors, created by surroundings. The change of one external factor may change the number of other factors and thus transform the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the system. The set of these changes can be considered as an indicator of the dynamic external environment, which can be calibrated from stable to highly dynamic. Mobility of the environment depends on the activity of market elements, forming the entrepreneurial system.

In the field of professional entrepreneurship, the concept of "environment" is considered in different ways. The professional entrepreneurial sphere can be broadly defined as:

• Geographical location of entrepreneurial functions execution, including national and state identity of the place;

• Set of climatic, material-goods and technological conditions of entrepreneurial labor;

• Socio-economic external and internal environment of the subjects of entrepreneurial business, consisting of the other entrepreneurs of society;

• Legislative and regulatory space of entrepreneurial business - the set of laws, regulations and other legal rules and regulations;

• Ideological space of entrepreneurial business - collection of socially accepted ethical, humanistic and cultural values, traditions, national ideas and other ideological principles, civil mentality.

In the narrow sense, entrepreneurial business environment means the set of society representatives, constituting the environment of business entities.

The sphere of entrepreneurial business consists of the inner circle of entrepreneurs (intra-entrepreneurial business environment) and the external environment of entrepreneurs (intercompany entrepreneurial business environment).

Inner circle of entrepreneurship entities constitute business partners and workers, employed for the organization and implementation of business.

The external environment of businesses constitute its joint venture partners, partners in transactions (suppliers and consumers), direct and indirect competitors and society as a whole through its various representatives [5, p. 81-82].

The interpretation of internal and external environment limits the understanding of the entrepreneurial environment, reducing its basic characteristics to a set of specific direct or indirect elements, affecting the activities of business structure. The analysis the set of elements in the

business environment restricts its interpretation as complex heterogeneous space of functioning of entrepreneurship subjects.

According to another interpretation of the external environment is the complex heterogeneous organization, covering a wide range of elements, interconnected with both the subject of entrepreneurial activity and with each other, forming a kind of a system-organized "space", in which the processes, limiting or activating entrepreneurial activity, function and develop, [4, p. 28].

Taking into account the nature of subjects interaction, which form the structure of the external environment, environmental elements should be grouped according to the degree of exposure to the organization. The first groups can include items, not subjected to direct control impact and having indirect interactions, which implies the absence of an adequate response to the company behavior.

Economic elements of the second group of the external environment, amenable to indirect influence from the side of entrepreneurial system, may be grouped to a stable and sufficiently homogeneous set using the criterion that expresses the nature of the indirect effects. This set can be characterized as a group of elements of the external environment - microenvironment, which reflects the most significant market fluctuations.

Combination of microenvironmental and macroenvironmental factors has the ability to provide both limiting and stimulating effects on entrepreneurial initiative, where the constraints can be the basis of development of innovative entrepreneurship. Therefore, analyzing the external environment of entrepreneurial operation system along with stimulating factors negative elements, stifling the entrepreneurial activity as a condition for the transformation of foreign economic relations, should be considered.

The internal environment of entrepreneurship is a combination of the internal conditions of functioning of the subject entrepreneurial activities, based on the priorities and strategies of doing business. The internal conditions of process include the organizational structure of the subject, the mechanism of management, scientific-technical and production-marketing activities, based on improving the implementation of technological processes and assisted in the transformation of entrepreneurial activity, and internal information resources in the final market product. The internal environment is exposed to the direct influence of an undertaking and, therefore, can be formed according to the targets.

When forming the internal environment of entrepreneurial subjects two components can be singled out: situational factors and elements of the internal environment. Elements of the internal environment are the components of organization, necessary for achieving the objectives. The main elements include production, marketing, research and development, finance, personnel, supply and sales. Radiative factors of the internal environment of the entrepreneurial entity are internal variables that are created by entrepreneurs based on the analysis of the external environment and used to determine the boundary conditions of the functioning of the enterprise organization. The main functional factors are:

• Corporate culture is the system of cultural, ethical, moral and other postulates in relation to the purposes, intercompany relationships and interactions with the environment (customers, partners, competitors and government and society in general), which are commonly accepted in the company and cherished by its members (not always consciously)

• Intra-enterprise entrepreneurship. Implementation of business purposes within the existing commercial organization, manufacturing the determined products (works, services), in which the leader creates the conditions for the advancement and implementation of innovative business ideas to the commercialization of new technical, technological and other achievements, resources are allocated for their implementation and is comprehensive assistance for the practical implementation of ideas.

• Business objectives is the perfect mental anticipation of the results of business, the subject of aspirations, the resulting final plan, the expected result of the entrepreneur's activity [4, p. 31-36].

Having studied the different opinions, we can argue that closer examination of the structural components of the concept "entrepreneurship sphere" showed signs of similarity of the used definitions. However, there are different consents in determining the essential characteristics of the structure and content of the concept, based on its use, which allows to identify specific approaches to the formulation and understanding of the business environment.

The marketing approach considers the entrepreneurship sphere from the position of the efficiency of promotion of final goods and services on the market and of an optimal interaction of businesses with customers and counterparties.

The basis of the management approach makes the definition of entrepreneurship sphere as the set of management decisions, aimed at the optimization of the company's activity.

The entrepreneurial approach considers the sphere from the position of forming a complex of optimal conditions of internal and external factors interaction, ensuring the effective functioning of the organization and the subjects of entrepreneurship.

As the result of the analysis, we can affirm, that approaches for understanding and defining the essence of "entrepreneurship sphere" are tightly focused, that allows us to formulate an integrated its definition:

Entrepreneurship sphere is a set of objective and subjective factors, affecting the promotion of initiative, organization, management and operation of businesses, with the aim of obtaining profit from sales of final goods and services.

The definition makes it possible to formulate the definition of the concept "favorable entrepreneurship sphere":

Favorable business environment is a combination of objective and subjective factors for optimizing the process of organization and functioning of business structure, based on the management of the process of creating the final product, calling the requirements of the modern market.

Combination of factors can have both deterrent and stimulating effect on the existence and development of entrepreneurship in the country.

Thus, based on the above analysis, we can suggest that the incorporation of external influence factors and clear understanding of the essence of entrepreneurial sphere may contribute to the development of business relations and reduce the impact of adverse conditions on entrepreneurial activity. Creating a favorable entrepreneurial sphere allows optimizing the interaction of businesses and streamlining management system to lyse the creation of competitive products and services. The expansion of the functioning of business structures, increase of entrepreneurial freedom, the development of domestic initiatives of entrepreneurs, reducing administrative barriers and optimizing the impact factors of the entrepreneurial sphere are important conditions in the current conditions of modern Russian business development. These conditions allow us to strengthen the entrepreneurial and market linkages and orient the national economy to a sustainable economic growth.


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