FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENTS’ MORAL VALUES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Abdulbagiyeva Aydan Rasim

The article emphasizes the importance of moral values in the process of developing adolescents. At present, as youths' cognitive, emotional, social development continue to mature, their understanding of morality expands and their behavior becomes more closely aligned with their values and beliefs. Therefore, moral development describes the evolution of these guiding principles and is demonstrated by the ability to apply these guidelines in daily life. Adolescents are receptive to their culture, to the models they see at home, in school and in the mass media. Adolescents' evaluations of others' emotional states and anticipations of the effects of social interactions or moral violations are key to moral development, as these emotional judgments pertain to issues of fairness, justice, harm, and rights. Fortunately, most children share the values of their parents about the most important things. The priorities and principles of parents and the example of good behavior can teach young teens to take the high road when other roads look tempting.

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Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology.

2021. T. 10. № 1(34)p-ISSN: 2309-1754; e-ISSN: 2712-8474

УДК 159.923.5

DOI: 10.26140/anip-2021-1001-0077



© The Author(s) 2021

ABDULBAGIYEVA Aydan Rasim, doctoral candidate at the Department of Psychology Baku State University (1148, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Z.Khalilov St.23, e-mail: ayaapril@yandex.ru)

Abstract. The article emphasizes the importance of moral values in the process of developing adolescents. At present, as youths' cognitive, emotional, social development continue to mature, their understanding of morality expands and their behavior becomes more closely aligned with their values and beliefs. Therefore, moral development describes the evolution of these guiding principles and is demonstrated by the ability to apply these guidelines in daily life. Adolescents are receptive to their culture, to the models they see at home, in school and in the mass media. Adolescents' evaluations of others' emotional states and anticipations of the effects of social interactions or moral violations are key to moral development, as these emotional judgments pertain to issues of fairness, justice, harm, and rights. Fortunately, most children share the values of their parents about the most important things. The priorities and principles of parents and the example of good behavior can teach young teens to take the high road when other roads look tempting.

Keywords: adolescent, morality, development, emotions, moral decision-making, globalization.


© Автор(ы) 2021

АБДУЛБАГИЕВА Айдан Расим, диссертант кафедры психологии Бакинский государственный университет (1148, Азербайджанская Республика, Баку, ул. З.Халилова 23, e-mail: ayaapril@yandex.ru)

Аннотация. В статье подчеркивается важность нравственных ценностей в процессе развития подростков. В настоящее время, по мере взросления подростков, их познавательного, эмоционального, социального развития, расширяется их понимание нравственности, их поведение все больше увязывается с их ценностями и убеждениями. Поэтому нравственное развитие описывает эволюцию этих руководящих принципов и проявляется в умении применять их в повседневной жизни. Подростки восприимчивы к своей культуре, к тем моделям, которые они видят дома, в школе и в средствах массовой информации. Оценка подростками чужого эмоционального состояния и предвидение последствий социальных взаимодействий или моральных нарушений являются ключом к нравственному развитию, поскольку эти эмоциональные суждения относятся к вопросам справедливости, справедливости, вреда и прав. Чтобы понять связь между эмоциями и суждениями в подростковом возрасте, важно понять предвестники или строительные блоки, то есть основы нравственности до подросткового возраста. К счастью, большинство детей разделяют ценности своих родителей в отношении самых важных вещей. Приоритеты и принципы, пример хорошего поведения могут научить юных подростков идти дорогой, когда другие дороги выглядят заманчиво.

Ключевые слова: подросток, нравственность, развитие, эмоции, моральные решения, глобализация.


Moral values refers to the way people choose to live their lives according to a set of guidelines or principles that govern their decisions about right or wrong and good or evil [16].

Developed value orientations are a sign of the maturity of a person, an indicator of the measure of his sociality. A stable and consistent structure of value orientations determines the development of personal qualities such as integrity, reliability, loyalty certain principles and ideals, the activity of the life position. Contradictory generates inconsistency in behavior. Underdevelopment of value orientations is a sign of infantilism, which is especially noticeable in the younger generation.

Moral values largely determine a person's worldview. As an element of the personality structure value orientations are a unity of thoughts, feelings and practical behavior. The formation of value orientations involves all past life experience of an individual. The psychological basis of his value orientations is diverse structure of needs, motives, interests, ideals and beliefs. Moral values are impermanent, changing in the process of activities.


In classical psychology this transitional age has several variants of names - puberty, transition or adolescence and etc.

In principle, each name reflects the peculiarities of this period, during which often Thorns with parents, adolescents are looking for themselves, set goals in life and other things.

It should be noted that this age is difficult not because, as they say, "hormones kick in", but because there is a complex philosophical and existential reason. The adolescent has left the age when everything is stable and clear. When he was a child, he had his favorite toys and games and status - "I'm little!". But as soon as he moves into puberty, he becomes

lost, a teenager feels that something changed but what isn't clear, interests change. The adolescent is no longer a child, but he's not yet fully formed as a person. And this is where the task of parents is to support him, to understand their 1217 year old, to talk to him about how he should behave with teenager, about computer-related problems, etc.

Adolescents' evaluations of others' emotional states and anticipations of the effects of social interactions or moral violations are key to moral development, as these emotional judgments pertain to issues of fairness, justice and rights. To understand the relationship between emotions and judgments in adolescence, it is valuable to understand the precursors or building blocks, that is, the foundations of morality prior to adolescence. From a young age, sympathy and empathy emerge as components of early morality that involve both emotions and judgments [3]. Infants and young children have been shown to demonstrate empathy and to cooperate with peers and adults who share a common goal from as young as fourteen months [14]. Toddlers' emotional responses (facial, vocal and gestural expressions of concern) towards an individual feigning pain increase with age [10], suggesting that experiences of empathic arousal (especially within the context of adult guidance) promote moral development [13]. Research suggests that young children understand moral behavioral through experience with negative emotions such as guilt, fear, and anxiety [4]. However, research also indicates that a wider range of emotions (not only negative feelings) are important for children's social-emotional and moral growth [2].

Adolescence period is often characterized as a time of emotional turbulence, hormonal changes. However, this perspective fails to account for the reflection and development of ideologies that occurs during this period [12].

Adolescence period is also a time when youth establish

Азимут научных исследований: педагогика и психология. АБДУЛБАГИЕВА Айдан Расим

2021. Т. 10. № 1(34)p-ISSN: 2309-1754; в-Ш8Ы: 2712-8474 ФАКТОРЫ, ВЛИЯЮЩИЕ НА ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ...

a strong sense of group affiliation that has significant implications for their developing principles of fairness, justice, and equality [9]. However, not enough research has examined the reciprocal nature of moral judgments and emotions during adolescence and even less work has examined these variables in a social exclusion context [3].

Throughout development, emotions are central to making morally relevant evaluations and attributions in social contexts [11]. Emotions provide important information when reading social cues, recalling past experiences, and deciding how to respond in social interactions [1]. As peer contexts become increasingly meaningful in adolescence, youth begin to weigh moral and emotional judgments in complex ways, as issues of group identity and group loyalty are brought to bear on morally salient decisions [8].

Some youth who have reached the highest levels of moral development may feel passionate about their moral code; as such, they may choose to participate in activities that demonstrate their moral convictions. For example, some college students may organize and participate in demonstrations and protests while other students may volunteer their time for projects that advance the ethical principles they hold important [16].


Although adolescence is often characterized as a period of group conformity, research indicates that, with age, youth become increasingly aware of the moral and emotional consequences of social exclusion on the basis of group membership, strengthening their evaluation of such exclusion as wrong [5; 6; 7].

Today, ethical or moral issues are as important as scientific and technological activities and progress. Science and technology provide us with the capacity to possess systematic knowledge of natural and human realities and to improve the conditions of our material life. Certainly the moral values in today's generation are lacking and generations will be confused about their ethics. The youngsters or adolescents are the future of tomorrow so the lack of moral values especially among this important section of the society is a serious issue.

How the changes in our economic system and social system after the advent of globalization which is for the betterment, negatively influences the adolescents moral development?

Globalization is responsible for the transitional period, which includes longer schooling due to career consciousness, earlier puberty, late marriages, separation from adults and parents. There is a societal change that creates opportunities for adolescents to live in ways that are significantly different from their parents. It is well known how important the family is for the full-fledged mental and personal development of the child. It is in the family that patterns of reaction to various situations, to attitudes to various objects and phenomena of life are learned and copied. More often than not, copying occurs at an unconscious level, close to the process which the well-known ethnologist K. Lorenz called imprinting. This approach does not require parents to do special work with children, but it makes their behavior meaningful. In addition, parents not only spontaneously introduce children to moral values, but also comprehend various methods and techniques by reading books, watching cartoons and discussing the moral or immoral qualities of the characters, talking about moral topics. Not excluded and suggestion, explanation, establishment of cause-effect relations between the child's act and the result. Yes, parents try to educate their children by their own example. However, in most cases, children spend quite a long time in educational institutions. That is why teachers come to the aid of parents in shaping their children's values [16]. The formation of value orientations involves the obligatory involvement of the teenager's immediate environment - parents and close relatives.

At the stage of adolescence they believe that they can try anything for the sake of their pleasure or do anything what they want to do, hardly matter what parents suggest. At that ГРНТИ: 150000. Психология; ВАК: 190001, 190005

stage the role of parents and teachers should come. There is cooperation and partnership between elders and adolescents instead of obedience and hierarchy. In that senses, it is important to emphasize that the higher the closeness between the children and their parents, the bigger the acceptance of values in them. Sometime it is expected from schools and teachers to address the various issues of moral degradation which sometime includes obesity, smoking, cheating, lying, sexual indulgent and underage drinking. All these clearly indicate a big failure of parents to share the responsibility of positive grooming of the children. They are just shifting their responsibility in the heads of teachers which is a joint responsibility of both. In order to eliminate the problem, several measures can be suggested:

Parental Interactions. Parents have the greatest influence in a child's life. Children learn the basic values of behavior and living from their parents. Interestingly enough, punishment for disobeying rules creates only part of moral judgments in children. Children learn by sample and whatever home they are actually living in will shape how they make moral decisions [15].

When children experience interactions inside and outside the home in which they feel safe and cared for and where anger and hostility are not present, they develop a strong sense of self which develops into a strong moral base. When they see or experience something such as violence that is contrary to their normal way of living, they instinctively know that way of life is wrong. Parents who spend time on discussing the basis of their moral principles and the expectations and rewards of following those moral principles usually do a much better job at teaching their children to hold to the same level of morals as they have.

Role Models' Interactions. Outside of parents, teachers, and other role models, schools play a pivotal part in shaping the morals of the next generation. They place a high value on character traits such as honesty, integrity, and compassion, and teachers who exhibit these attributes will naturally pass them along. Inconsistency and hypocrisy on the part of teachers and parents alike can cause real harm to a child's moral development. Other role models can influence a child's life without even knowing they are doing so. The media provides a direct yet sometimes inaccurate link between children and their role models. Many times a role model speaks or acts inappropriately yet a child thinks those actions or words are acceptable simply because someone they look up to has endorsed them. Children need guidance in choosing proper role models that will best shape their moral development.

Social interactions. Children need various forms of social interaction to develop into well-rounded adults. These include interacting with other adults, family members, and other children, older and younger than they. Each interaction will reinforce or challenge a child's preconceived ideas about what is morally acceptable. Most children want to have a feeling of belonging and quickly learn the social conventions to that will help them fit in. In learning how to get along with others, children learn by trial and error how to adjust their actions to fit the moment.

In order to inculcate moral values among adolescents it should be an ongoing process and should start as soon a child takes birth. Children watch and hear whatever will happen in their surroundings may be in the family of in social set up and say so we have to be careful that we are doing is correct and parents don't mind the same thing from their child.

Generally, the kindness, patience, empathy, sympathy, sharing, respect to elders, sense of responsibility and not going overboard with the authority they are given are few things that should be deeply put in their minds from their early years in order to keep them on the track of life.

Regrettably, some youth have life experiences that may interfere with their moral development. Perhaps they survived some traumatic experience such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; the death of a family member or close friend or were witness to senseless violence. These



Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology.

2021. T. 10. № 1(34)p-ISSN: 2309-1754; e-ISSN: 2712-8474

types of experiences can cause them to view the world as unjust and unfair. Perhaps they observed the adults in their life making immoral decisions that disregarded the rights and welfare of others, leading these youth to develop beliefs and values that are contrary to the rest of society. Lacking a moral compass, these youth may never reach their full potential and may find it difficult to form meaningful and rewarding relationships with others [17].

Developmental origins of moral judgments and emotions. Adolescents' evaluations of others' emotional states and anticipations of the effects of social interactions or moral violations are key to moral development, as these emotional judgments pertain to issues of fairness, justice, harm, and rights. To understand the relationship between emotions and judgments in adolescence, it is valuable to understand the precursors or building blocks, that is, the foundations of morality prior to adolescence. From a young age, sympathy and empathy emerge as components of early morality that involve both emotions and judgments [3].

Thus, significant shifts in society are reflected in the formation of value orientations of modern teenagers, which is manifested in the predominance of values associated with individual, personal life of a particular person, as well as in significant variability of individual systems of value orientations. The spiritual world of the individual can be judged by the goals on which it directs its efforts, what objects are the most significant for her, ie.

Value orientations act as a generalized indicator of the orientation of interests,

needs, personal requests, social position and the level of spiritual development. On what values will be formed in adolescents today, on how much, they to a new type of social relationships, will determine the path and prospects for the development of our society.

In terms of the upbringing of the younger generation a great spiritual and moral work on education and socialization of the younger generation, consolidation and unification of the whole society on the basis of patriotism and citizenship, assertion of the principles of social justice and morality.


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