FACTORS AFFECTING THE IDENTITY OF THE YOUNGER PUPIL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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students / self-consciousness / personality / method

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Berdiyeva I.

This article discusses the factors affecting the identity of the younger student.

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УДК 374

Berdiyeva I.

Elementary class teacher of 38 schools in Shopirkon district

Uzbekistan, Bukhara FACTORS AFFECTING THE IDENTITY OF THE YOUNGER PUPIL Abstract: This article discusses the factors affecting the identity of the younger student.

Keywords: students, self-consciousness, personality, method The essential content of adolescent self-consciousness is the image of his physical "I" - the idea of his own bodily form. Thanks to the rapid rise and restructuring of the body, the enthusiasm to its own appearance is rapidly increasing. A fresh image of the physical "I" is taking shape. The idea of their own appearance does not inadvertently occupy an important place in the self-consciousness of a teenager. The process of becoming leads to a focus on the physical qualities of your own "I". adolescents begin to negatively relate to the idea of the norm in relation to lifting the body, its volume, weight, ratios, haircut, face, etc. Owing to the perverted significance of the appearance of a child, all the defects of the appearance, real and imaginary, are acutely experienced, as a result of which there is a weighty decrease in self-importance and a sense of personal significance. This is unusually significantly related to the fact that during physical configurations the self-esteem of a teenager is rather influenced by the reaction of those around him.

Consequently, physical change plays a great role in the formation of adolescent self-awareness. Almost all the nuances of self-consciousness will depend on the self-conceit of physical changes in the future. Also important is the role of thinking in the formation of self-awareness. To understand the role of thinking in the development of self-awareness, it is necessary to trace the changes in the psyche of children of primary school age. Academic work in younger adolescence is considered to be leading, that is, in which the main psychological neoplasms of this period are formed: theoretical forms of thinking, cognitive interests, the ability to steer by one's own behavior, a sense of responsibility and other properties of the mind and temper of a teenager that distinguish him from children of preschool age . With all this, the main role is played by the formation of thinking that occurs in the process of mastering scientific knowledge. The neoplasms formed here are considered essential for understanding the changes that are occurring in the minds of the children of primary school age.

Mastering knowledge, a teenager learns the process of education of concepts, that is, he masters the skill of making generalizations not by similar indicators, but on the basis of highlighting significant interrelations and relationships, that is, he masters the skill of reasoning in a directly theoretical project.

The development of concepts strongly requests from the teenager the activity aimed at solving the learning task set before him; in other words, this process is considered creative in a distinguished sense. The assimilation of knowledge in school therefore contributes to the formation of concepts and the development of

theoretical thinking, it actually asks the adolescent to analyze the circumstances of suitable phenomena, to understand the patterns that bind them, and to become aware of the methods of thinking that lead him to the correct conclusions. In this movement, the teenager first begins to think about the system of thinking offered to him, and then his own personal thinking process. Consequently, the physical configurations and configurations that occur in the nervous system, activate the adolescent's enthusiasm for himself, urge the appearance of the latest questions about himself and the fresh contexts and points of view from which he examines himself.

The family is considered the main social environment in which the baby's self-consciousness originates. The first ideas about the baby begin to take shape in the course of a relationship with a pious child, as it does not follow from his knowledge of himself, it is considered to be transferred inward knowledge and relationships of adults, plus the child's personal activity. Family conditions, including social status, family of occupations, material level and level of education of guardians, have a great influence on the child's personality. In addition to responsible, purposeful education, which ancestors allocate to him, the whole family atmosphere will affect the child, the nature of relations between its members, and the result of this action accumulates over the years, refracting in the person's texture. Psychological specialists assume a sensual tone of the relationship between guardians and children with a repetitive scale, with the closest, warmth, benevolent things at one extreme, and the distant, cool and malicious ones at the other. In the first case, attention and approval are considered the main means of education, and in the second, rigor and sanction. A large number of studies confirm the superiority of the first layout. The kid, deprived of parental love, has less chance of the highest self-esteem and lasting useful image of "I". Because the younger adolescent's enthusiasm for himself is intensified, the kid is extremely little to an adult's assessment of the individual merits of his person, intelligence, and capabilities. He is distinguished by a rather large vulnerability and an often painful response to all sorts of dangerous remarks about him. Sometimes dangerous remarks fall on the ground of being notoriously self-sufficient, in personal abilities and capabilities.

Similar situations cause powerful affective disturbances, which only carry within oneself, repeating the kind of resentment and longing to the loss of self-confidence. These disturbances are a repetitive type of the aforementioned affects, formed in an episode of heightened emotionality, have all the chances to remain in children and subsequently to be one of the persistent states of their nervous system.Most psychologists believe that the creation of stable standards actually comes in the form of an exact standard. This standard is characterized by the fact that it actually reflects not so much the properties of a person, how many stereotypical generalized actions, in which these properties appear ("almost always can help"). Consequently, the adolescent selects mainly the external properties of the standard, and the internal does not separate from his actions and actions.In the early school years, the standard begins to appear in the form of a rather stable rule

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of conduct. He embodies within himself a specific system of claims of the child to himself, works as a specific catalyst for self-education. It happens that the claims made to the child from the outside, crawl away with the claims of others.


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