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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Askerova Yegane Bakhish

The article notes that the will is a special form of adolescent activity. The will requires a person to regulate his behavior and to slow down a number of other desires and tendencies. It is said that a person with such willpower is ideal for a person with high willpower. At such times, the teenager tries to imitate and imitate the “adults”. Such a high appreciation of volitional qualities in the personality of a teenager is explained by the fact that the main quality of self-education in children is the education of the will.

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- при правильной мотивации и правильном убеждении происходит трансформация последователей в сторонников;

- успешность выполнения роли лидера является результатом наличия стремления быть первым и мотивировки на выполнение роли лидера, кроме того успешные лидеры чаще занимают высокое служебное положение;

- новаторство лидера и последователей приводит к неординарным решениям и творческой атмосфере в группе;

- уважение со стороны последователей возникает при комбинации всех показателей.

Харизма лидера, которая не может быть отнесена ни к факторам, ни к признакам, желательна для лидера, так как она обеспечивает наличие влияния над группой.

Список литературы:

1. Николаев, А.Н. Психологические аспекты лидерства руководителей образовательных

учреждений: учебно-методическое пособие. Псков: ПОИПКРО, 2012. - 52 с.

2. McClelland, D.C. (1985) Human Motivation. Glenview: IL. Scott, Foresman and Co.

3. Bennis, W. On Becoming A Leader. Wilmington: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995. - 226 p.

4. Лысоченко А.А., Свиридов О.Ю. Теоретические основы стратегического управления: Учебник / А.А. Лысоченко, О.Ю. Свиридов. - Ростов н/Д.: Содействие - XXI век, 2016. - 420 с.

5. Майкл Мескон, Майкл Альберт, Франклин Хедоури. Основы Менеджмента (Management) / пер. Л.И. Евенко. - М.: Дело, 1997. - 704 с.

6. Дорофеев В.Д., Шмелева А.Н., Частухина Ю.Ю. Организационное поведение: Учеб. пособие. Пенза: Изд-во ун-та, 2004. - 142 с.

7. Файоль, А. Общее и промышленное управление. М., 1991. - 388 с.


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.1.80.1088 Askerova Yegane Bakhish

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University


The article notes that the will is a special form of adolescent activity. The will requires a person to regulate his behavior and to slow down a number of other desires and tendencies. It is said that a person with such willpower is ideal for a person with high willpower. At such times, the teenager tries to imitate and imitate the "adults". Such a high appreciation of volitional qualities in the personality of a teenager is explained by the fact that the main quality of self-education in children is the education of the will.

Key words: Special form, volitional quality, ideal, personality, personality.

Man performs various actions and deeds during his life and activity. Some of these occur involuntarily and some voluntarily. Involuntary actions occur under the influence of provocations that are not thought out, not conscious, or not fully understood or not so well understood. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato characterized the will as a mental ability that motivates a person to activity and determines the direction of his activity. The attempt to explain human behavior within the will was first widely reflected in the "volunutarist" approach developed by the German sociologist F. Tennis. According to the volynutarist type, the volitional act is not defined by anything, the course of mental processes in a way reveals its formation. This approach was supported by Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach and other philosophers, who approached the will from a volunutarist point of view. However, when this approach was introduced, there were supporters as well as opponents. Opponents of the voluntarist approach have shown that free will is nothing more than a decision on knowledge. Therefore, it is not acceptable for the will to be high in all higher processes (1, p. 56).

The physiological mechanism of the will is related to the activity of the cerebral cortex. According to IP Pavlov's theory, the human will is connected with word irritants. The physiological basis of human voluntary behavior is the first signal system. The will is

the regulatory function of the psyche. This task is expressed in the ability of a person to control his behavior and activities, to overcome obstacles and difficulties encountered in achieving his goals. Approaching the will as a process, IV Sechenov was subject to all the basic laws of higher nervous activity determined by academician IP Pavlov (2, p. 75).

Proponents of the psychoanalysis approach have put forward interesting ideas about the will and its psychological mechanism. Z. Freud and E. Fromm tried to systematize the process of the will as the "inherent energy" of human actions. According to the representatives of this approach, the source of human voluntary actions is understood as the transformation of the biological energy of a living organism into some mental form. According to Freud, this "something" is the psychosexual energy of sexual desire. The views of the followers of Freud's concept in this area are more interesting. K. Lawrence sees the source of voluntary energy in the initial aggression of man, or rather in the evolutionary aggression (3, p. 39).

Certain researches on the process of will have been conducted by various psychologists in Azerbaijan as well. In connection with the research conducted in this area, we can mention A.O.Makovelsky, A.K.Zakuyev, M.C.Maharramov, M.R.Abbasov, A.K.Abdullayev, Sh.S.Agayev and others.

Eepa3uucKuu COK>3 YneHbix (ECY) # 11(80), 2020


M. Maharramov notes: "The will of man is expressed in work and activity aimed at achieving the set goal" (4, p. 32).

A.S.Bayramov, A.A.Alizade, I.A.Seyidov, R.Aliyev and other researchers studied the regularities of the process and its connection with other mental processes and situations and rendered great services in enriching this topic with wide scientific-theoretical and practical results. Will is a special form of human activity. During voluntary work, a person has to overcome two types of obstacles: internal (subjective) and external (objective). An internal barrier may consist of desires and inclinations that make it difficult for a person to achieve the goal he has set for himself. For example, a student begins to prepare to answer the teacher tomorrow. Just then, he hears that a movie he has long dreamed of watching will be shown on television. In this case, if he suppresses his desire and goes to the next room and prepares for the lesson, he will overcome the internal obstacle. An external obstacle is an objective, independent obstacle that makes it difficult for a person to achieve his goal. For example, a student sets a goal to prepare for tomorrow's lesson. At this time, the lights go out. If a student prepares a lesson by going with a nearby cousin to achieve his goal, he achieves his goal by overcoming external obstacles. People with a strong will are able to overcome all obstacles to achieve their goals. The will, as a higher mental function, is formed in the process of human life. The will, which is a special form of human activity, has an indirect character as a complex mental process and is formed primarily through speech.

The formation of imaginary motives depends on the level of development of the personality. In one case, the student imagines that he is fluently and correctly translating the speeches of foreign guests at a conference of international importance, and receives a letter of appreciation from the organizing committee. After the event, the president of a well-known company approached him and offered to work as a translator for their company. In another case, he envisions his girlfriends taking part in a concert of a famous pop singer, and then going for a walk in the city, laughing. The volitional qualities of the personality are manifested and formed in the process of voluntary work. Because a person follows voluntary actions, makes efforts, struggles with obstacles within himself (laziness, laziness, negative habits, random moods) and the environment, he has the ability to make informed decisions, perseverance, composure, restraint, and so on. develops volitional qualities such as. Nothing better shapes a person's valuable volitional qualities, such as self-control (cold-bloodedness), as a daily practice of coping with difficulties (5, p. 132).

The role of the team in the formation of children's willpower is great. If belonging to a team is dear to a child and he takes into account the opinion of that team, the role of such a team in the education of the will becomes greater. If a child feels a deep attachment to a team, he or she will see examples of behavior in that team. Each unanimous team requires its members to follow certain rules of conduct. These requirements depend on the timely fulfillment of the assigned tasks,

active attitude and care for comrades, trying not to tarnish the team, etc. consists of. These requirements create such conditions for a member of the team that he forces himself to show restraint and restraint at work so that his friends do not think badly of him. A positive assessment of the team is a reward for the effort and sometimes the unpleasant emotions. As a child performs more difficult tasks of a qualitative nature and performs actions that require a high level of independence and initiative, the child develops the necessary volitional qualities. Successful voluntary actions, performed on a regular basis, give the child confidence in his own strength and a sense of satisfaction with working with people (1, pp. 47-48).

For teenagers, having volitional qualities is a key part of their activities. People with high willpower are ideal for a teenager, and he wants these qualities in him. As a result, the adolescent tries to imitate and imitate "adults", and such a high appreciation of volitional qualities in the adolescent personality is explained by the fact that children promote willpower as the main quality of self-education. However, the same cannot be said of teenagers who are weaker than other students. These types of teenagers easily give in to difficulties and are easily influenced by strangers. Although this is mainly the case in early adolescence, it is not uncommon in middle-aged adolescents. At a time of rapid physical and mental development, the lack of volitional qualities is especially noticeable.

Of course, the development of the will does not slow down as the child grows older, and the will of the adolescent does not develop on its own. Adolescents simply face more difficult social events for which they are unprepared, and at the same time more difficult forms of self-regulation, including more complex voluntary manifestations.

Relationships and attitudes between adults and adolescents also change: they want to see in adolescents the manifestations of the voluntary qualities of the personality belonging to the "adults". Of course, such thinking is understandable, since adolescents are already physically stronger, more mature, and more intelligent. If parents give younger children only separate tasks (sweeping the floor, washing dishes), then teenagers have certain permanent tasks (going to the store for shopping, participating in cooking, looking after a small child, etc.). In the performance of these tasks, more organization, responsibility and freedom are required. True, in this case, the opposite can be observed. In this case, the parent's attitude toward the teenager does not change. Parents, as before, want to maintain control over adolescents and constantly deprive them of control, freedom and independence. This attitude often provokes strong opposition from the teenager, who rebels and even rebels. Naturally, such conflicts hinder the development of volitional qualities (6, p. 201).

Some adolescents have different interests outside of school and the learning process. They become interested in different types of art, sports and technology. They have an interest in entertainment and try to engage in these areas. All this to some extent distracts them from their main responsibilities and

creates additional difficulties in the regulation and behavior of adolescents. At the same time, adolescents (especially adults) already have the ability to analyze their abilities, behavior, regulate personal relationships, personal examples, role models and special requirements. These requirements often do not coincide with the capabilities of adolescents. As a result, teenagers find themselves weak-willed, which leads to self-dissatisfaction and, as a result, a feeling of shyness. It is clear that many children try to cultivate this quality in themselves. Thus, on the one hand, there is a contradiction between the demands of life and the interests of the child, on the other hand, between his abilities and his own demands. A sufficiently high level of volitional development is needed to eliminate this idea. In many cases, many adolescents have not yet reached this level. Adults who know all this can better understand their characteristics, arguments and conflicts, their behavior. Observations show that children often go through a stage called the classical act of the will. There is a sharp struggle between their motives (whether it is necessary to do, what is necessary or what I want), after which the intention arises and finally its implementation is carried out. However, such violent behavior is very complex and difficult (7, p. 115).

The problem is that when a teenager has to perform certain tasks, there is a conflict with his interests, and he finds arguments in his favor, which results in the need for emotional behavior. Suppose you have a choice: to prepare lessons or to continue a computer game. And the teenager begins to look for arguments in favor of the game for himself (he has to present a topic on physics, tomorrow, probably will not want). In short, strong emotions prevent teenagers from making smarter decisions than adults.

Often a teenager wants to do something under the influence of current emotions. For example, a teenager decides to exercise regularly under the influence of peers or, for a moment, strong impressions (for example, a TV show). However, gradually the emotions weaken and the teenager's newly formed interest is not fulfilled. Therefore, instead of condemning him, it is necessary to stabilize this interest in the teenager, which requires a strong enough will. At the same time, the right interests and intentions may remain unfulfilled. For example, he wants to adjust his grades in any subject, but it is not taken quickly. As a result, he loses his sense of purpose. The main task of an adult here is to properly assess his potential and help him to properly assess his strength. This explains the

weakening of the willpower of adolescents compared to younger ones.

Duty, responsibility, broad cognitive interests, and the habit of regular work are of great importance in the formation of a teenager's personality. An important factor for this period is the adolescent's thoughts on self-determination, thoughts on building the future, and a lasting interest in any profession or activity. The formation of a sense of indebtedness, responsibility, and in general, all moral feelings are formed very quickly, and in adolescence, these feelings can already reach a high enough level. Adolescents often think about shaping their willpower. They do not seem to see the manifestation of the will in everyday life and do not want to admit that it always requires effort and patience, but also the will. They mainly see the actions performed in some exceptional circumstances as a manifestation of the hero's will. They value getting out of special extreme situations as willpower. They try to show themselves by doing these actions. It should be the primary responsibility of teachers and parents to explain to adolescents that these views are wrong.

As we know, the role of will training in the formation of personality is great. The school, teachers and parents play a key role in the formation of will education in adolescents. The main work in this area is carried out in connection with ethical conversations. At the same time, personal example, physical education, sports, creativity are the responsibilities of teenagers to show themselves. perseverance, endurance, etc. forms volitional qualities such as.


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7.Bikov A.B., Shulga T.I. Formation of volitional regulation in ontogenesis. Moskow: URAO,1999,168 p. (in Russion)

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